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1Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:23 pm




~Let's play~

The Golden Horn Casino was a rather magical place. Dozens of slot machines and pachinko places singing out in an orchstra of colourful tones and disappointed sighs. Poker tables filling with more chips than cards, roulette tables clicking away the ryo with every turn. Everywhere you looked in this luminescent room there were people gathering by every table just to get a chance to try their luck... to test their fate and beat the odds.
There was however, one table that wasn't as crowded as such. In fact, it was completely devoid of people.... but not for long.
Out from the crowd, a slight female with bright fuchsia hair and peridot eyes stepped up to the table, a deck of cards being skillfully shuffled between her dexterous hands. Carefully, she set them down in front of her, and fanned them out in an arch on the table, drawing the attention of the few eyes that had noticed her entrance. With an almost daring smile and a confident voice, she called out over the ground, to all those that could hear.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I invite you to please take a seat at my table.
The odds are waiting to be challenged. Chance is wanting to be tested. I implore anyone who thinks they beat fate. Come and take a seat"

"Let's play"

2Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:32 pm



Maigo approached the blackjack table and sat down, a very attractive dealer standing behind the table set cards down and called out, "Let's play" she said with Charisma. As Maigo sat down and pulled out his ryo, he debated how much to play to start, turning towards the woman he spoke over the sound of the casino, Hey, I'm Maigo, you can send love letters later but for now let me put 100 ryo down. he said as he slide the ryo forward and chuckled as he did so.

3Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:38 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The silver-haired man was drawn by the musicality of that voice, and in little to no time at all, the young man slithered one of the chairs across the floor. A seat was taken and also 100 ryo were dropped on the table simultaneously; indeed it was time to play. "Hit me, baby." the man uttered on a cocky tone.

Last edited by Uchiha Tenzō on Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:39 pm



Well, he was here once again, already knowing what was to come. He approached a table wear the dealer had a unique hair colour, pink. Before he even reached an empty seat, he had already withdrawn the ryo from his wallet, anticipating the game to come. "Well, lets try my luck here." He said quietly to himself as he put down 100 ryo on the table. His eyes briefly acknowledging the familiar face at the table before going over to the dealer. Perhaps, she would be lucky for him.

5Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:59 pm



"Good afternoon gentleman. Shall we begin?"

With a friendly smile, and in one graceful motion, she collected the small pile of ryo from each male and placed it in a neat stack in front of her, before then collecting up the cards and delicately shuffling... juggling them between her finger tips. Showing them that this game would be fair. There would be no tricks up her sleeve this time against these small time betters.

So she drew her's first. One card up. One down.

This dice is not existing.

And then Maigo's hand was next.

This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.

Thirdly was the slightly cocky male with the silver hair

This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.

And finally there was the suna gentleman who arrived last.

This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.

6Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:13 pm



Stay Maigo said as he waved his hand over the table.

7Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:16 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

"Stay." the Uchiha mumbled as well.

8Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:19 pm



Feeling as if his cards wouldn't hold up, "Hit."

9Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:52 pm




With a flicker of her playful green eyes the female dealer glanced over the hands in front of her. It seemed that the odds in favour with the one who called himself Maigo at this stage. Drawing a 20 on the first hand was not so bad. Definitely putting on the pressure for this round.
The silver haired male had also decided to stay on his hand. Settling on a total which was less than the amount of confidence he seemed to be projecting. And finally the Suna nin, who had the least total so far and was determined to test his chances with another hit.

She was holding a four so far. So really.... anything could happen

How exciting

"Of course sir" She replied to Seiryu and draw him another card

This dice is not existing.

10Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:00 pm




It was a bust

"My apologies sir. Perhaps luck will favour your chances the next round... if  you chose to play again. I hope you will consider it.
Let's see if I can top Master Maigo's hand"

With a playful wink at the first gentleman, she turned over her other card to reveal what they were betting against

This dice is not existing.

11Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:02 pm



Good start. She draws again

This dice is not existing.

12Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:06 pm



And then one final card

This dice is not existing.

13Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:21 pm



The last card turned over as a six.... which put her two over the edge.
Four, then the ace as an 11 made fifteen. Another 2 drew her to seventeen. And then she took a chance with one more but the six made it as 23.  Shame, but this was the game after all. And chance was an unbiased force... well... most of the time anyway. 
So, with a nod to the participants, she slid over 150 ryo to both Maigo and the silvery haired men still sitting at her table.

"Congratulations gentlemen on your winnings. Could I possibly interest you in another round, now that you have got a feel for the game and the way the cards will turn. Though this time I will ask to draw you attention to the rules displayed on the board here as it states the minimum bet for a game is 200ryo.

I will be here all afternoon when you make up your mind"

Her manner open and polite. Her tactics, flawless. Mikomi was looking forward to when things were really getting started

14Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:55 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The silver-haired man chose to continue on with the game, placing 200 ryo for the next bet. "I'm in, once more." the man uttered on the same cocky tone.

15Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:50 pm



While the others chose to walk away with their winnings and their losses, one decided to stay. The elder male who had arrived second and played it safe, despite his confident attitude that seemed to suggest he would do otherwise. It didn't matter to the female though. She was good at reading people. She could do it almost as good as reading the cards. This was going to be interesting.

"Of Course sir"

So, with a sweep of her arm across the table, she collected the cards and started to once again nimbly shuffle them between her hands. Splitting the deck, fanning them together, at least twice just to be sure before dealing out another face up face down combo for herself and another two for him.

Her hand looked like this

This dice is not existing.

And his hand with the two

This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.

It was game on.

16Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:53 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

"Hit me." the Uchiha requested kindly.

17Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:01 pm



"May the odds be ever in your favour sir"

She replied in kind and dealt him another card

This dice is not existing.

18Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:02 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

"Hit me." the Uchiha requested once more on the same tone as before.

19Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:02 pm



Again another card

This dice is not existing.

20Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:05 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

"Stay." the Uchiha made his final statement, and it was time to see if he got lucky.

21Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:38 pm

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono had been in a drunken stupor since the casino opened, over-sampling many foreign drinks and pleasures over the past couple days. Today he had decided to get shit-faced at the casino, maybe lose some ryo in the process. Kusono made his way to a table. A bottle of whatever liquor he had been sipping on was firmly in his fist, he couldn't and didn't care to read the blurry label on the bottle. A white haired man was in the middle of a game with the dealer. He sat down anyway, swaying slightly as he looked at the dealer. "Go head n' deal me in sweet cheeks when your, ya know, done with..." He trailed off, waiving his empty hand in the air. "All this." He finished.

22Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:50 pm



So he stayed
Just like she knew he would. This man was obviously playing it safe, but that wasn't a bad thing. In Black Jack, you didn't play against other people like I poker, or against the odds like in Roulette. You played against the dealer. And he knew that she was in to taking risks.

Though, just as she was about to deal her own hand, some one else came in, another male stumbling over to take a seat. The smell alone almost made the young female cringe, but she kept her composure and faced them with a polite smile and some stern words.

"Of course sir. But there is no drinking at my table. The minimum bet is 200. If you wish to be in the next round I ask you please finish with your drink or at least put the bottle else where

Now then. My hand"

And so her attention turned to the first male and she flipped over her card, revealing....

This dice is not existing.

23Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:58 pm



No risks this time

It was a push. A straight eighteen for both hands. Sure she could have gone for that one more. Attempted for that 3, or 2... or even an ace wouldn't go astray but no. She stayed there. No wins. No losses.

"Congratulations again sir. You can keep your 200 unless....  you could always leave it at this end of the table and test your chances with a round three? And you sir?" She continued, turning her attention now to the drinking gentleman.
"Do wish to place your bets... and your drink down and test your luck against the odds?"

Mikomi was only just warming up

24Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:04 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

"Well, that's enough for tonight. Farewell." the Uchiha spoke whilst slithering the chair backwards before standing up. A formal bow was given just before a ceaseless amount of footsteps took the Uchiha away from the table.

25Black Jack Table (1)  Empty Re: Black Jack Table (1) Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:17 pm

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

"Yeah, whatever. Hit me..." Kusono grumbled as he placed the bottle down by the foot of his chair.

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