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A man stood in a field, his long white hair and flowing scarf wavering in the gentle breeze. His chest was pushed out and his head held straight and high. A breath, in and out, his chest rose and fell. His weight was easily balanced on the balls of his feet. Standing straight and tall, the large figure created a striking silhouette against the yellow and blue morning sky. He had to prepare for what was coming. What it was exactly, Fukai would not be able to tell you. It was something called the Chuunin Exams...

The wooden staff that forever accompanied him would slide into his left palm from the holder on his back. The purple eyed man blinked away his glazed look and took a long deep breath of the bitingly chilled air. It woke his brain up when the air stung his nose and throat. His fingers ran along the tired oak, remembering the familiar notches, scars and groves. It was about to have one last big adventure it seemed. Holding the staff in his hands, out in front of him, Fukai began to rotate it in circles while practicing the monotonous steps of a drill. He would be required to have had warmed up for his meeting today. Step step, swing, pivot. While he danced the genin settled down into his thoughts. He often let his mind trail like this, letting his subconscious take control over his actions.

It had been after one of his latest missions. His usual supervisor had taken him aside and told him that he had been chosen to represent the village of Iwakagure in the upcoming exams. She had told him about how the 'higher ups' had taken notice of his diligence and excellence and decided to bestow him with such a large honour. Fukai didn't quite know how to feel. To participate would mean travelling across the land to Kumogakure no Sato, the village hidden in the clouds. It was true that he had gained a craving for exploring what was outside of his own village and yet.. He wasn't sure about it. He was also not sure on why he wasn't sure. Could I be scared? Not much phased the large male, but the thought of the unknown did give him a little bit of the shivers. He had felt his own strength fill out his body, a completely changed man from where he was a season ago. Regardless of any lingering doubts, he had locked in his resolve to this challenge.

The man he was to meet this morning was his clan head Karumo Sekuro. He had not seen his friend for quite a while and would not again until he was back. Two nights ago he had stopped in at his house to see how he was going but his dark haired friend was out. So he had left a note telling the young man to meet him out in the grassy fields of the western park morning after next. He was the lone figure this early in the morning, his panting and light sweat rose off his body into a steam cloak. This get together was not to be all casual, Fukai had some new skills to show his friend. And after that last mission, he had something to prove.




Sekuro got up that morning and prepared fairly early, he had an early meeting with Fukai, who left him a note a few nights ago for some training and testing out of their techniques. He knew that Fukai was heading into the chuunin exams, something Sekuro didn't have to do so there was really no advice that he could give him other than to be ready for anything and everything to happen. He tied up his sandals after having gotten ready and began to head out, this little practice would be good, after all he was going to be sent to Suna soon with Harichimo and the more practice the better. Plus he could see how far Fukai had grown since he hadn't seen him in some time, or at least not since him and Fukai had botched that last mission that they were on. He wondered how Fukai felt right now, after the mission and about the exams, he knew he wouldn't be traveling to Kumogakure alone, but he would be the only Iwagakurian shinobi to attend, at least that Sekuro knew of, it had to be kinda rattling to be representing the village at such a level. And then there was the matter of the exams themselves, being a breeding grounds for troubling and tricky scenarios, and then the fights with other unknown genin could lead to trouble on it's own, them having any range of abilities and the desire to beat anyone to get to victory or possibly even kill them.

Arriving near the training grounds where Fukai was at, he was sweating and practicing his movements, that kinda summed up how he was feeling about the exams. He was either determined or worried about being prepared, and probably also the reasoning behind their meeting. As he approached the grass field he sat his bag down and approached him while he was turned away, calling out and waving as he did so, Hey Fukai, don't get too worked up before we even begin! he said smiling as he walked up to him. So, I got your note and here I am. I also heard about you entering the chuunin exams, that'll be fun and tough. I wish you the best of luck in that, I know you'll represent Iwagakure well. his tone was up-beat as if he had a great night and was ready to take on the world. I'm actually kinda jealous, since me and Harichimo are going to be heading out soon I'll probably end up missing the first part of the exams altogether. But I'll try to head over there and cheer you on as soon as I can. taking a short break before continuing on, he let his purple eyes fall on Fukai, he had unlocked a new level to their Dojutsu since they had last met and in some ways he was showing off a bit.

Now, I suspect you didn't call me out here to chat this whole time, so how about we get down to business. he said while stretching some. He had a good idea of what he was doing there, and he knew that they both had to have gotten better since their last adventure.

[549 words]



Hey Fukai, don't get too worked up before we even begin!
He heard his friend's voice from behind. A smile breached his mouth. He hadn't heard his friends voice for a while. He stopped mid action and lowered his staff. As the congregation of black spikes approached him, Fukai closed his eyes and listened to Karumo immediately start talking about the exams. He continued on, diverging into his mission with Harichimo to Suna. Cheer me on.. The young man thought of images of a large stadium, filled to the brim with cheering crowds. He was in the center, facing some large beast, expected to fight for the entertainment of the onlookers. Fukai's focus snapped back to the present as his clan head finished one of his signature spiels. The soon to be combatant looked at his friend sideways, a wry glint in his eye. He was a man of few words most of the time which complemented Karumo's busy mouth.

It's good to see you too, buddy.

The words were halfway between lighthearted jab and brotherly affection. I'm not getting worked up, it's this thing called training. He joked, but he had noticed his friend's new eyes. They had the black cross over the purple iris, signalling the second release of the Meifu no Mei dojutsu. One did not get those eyes without putting in a few hard yards.

Fukai hadn't expected Karumo to come to spectate the exams but he now realised that his performance could have major implications to not only the village but for the clan as well. He didn't think that anyone from their clan had ever participated in the event so this showing would give the first showing and impression of what their clan could do. Personally, he did not like the idea of their abilities being showcased and revealed to the world. Then again, the potential reputation they may gain could have positive consequence. Karumo would be leaving for Suna with Harichimo, the boy that had also been there at the clan compound where the purple eyed duo had met. They had some sort of business in Suna and were leaving for the sand village soon. Fukai trusted Hari and was sure that the pair would have no trouble on their ventures. The younger taijutsu expert should be able to keep his clan head from getting them into too much trouble.

Yeah, well I guess if you aren't going to see me in action at the exams then I will just have to show you my stuff here. Fukai turned and started pacing away while speaking. I have been putting in a lot of training, Completing a lot of missions. I made a promise to you that I would get stronger to become someone you could depend on. The large figure turned to face Karumo who was 7 metres away. I intend to keep my word. Fukai deeply valued his integrity and when he had made that emotion filled promise, he committed himself completely. Relentless training and self improvement had followed and now he intended to show his clan head his progress. Be ready, I will show you how far I've come. Fukai raised his staff towards his friend.

He would wait for Karumo to ready himself. One moment he stood there, muscles completely relaxed. A calmess descended on him, the mood that he shifted into when he let his preparation and instincts take over. Over a decade of bukijutsu training was a powerful thing, the amount of skill and finesse that Fukai had amassed was certainly great. He was still for one moment, the next he was gone. He had exploded, accelerating instantly forwards towards Karumo. His pores sizzled with raiton as his sped to his target like a lightning strike. When there was one metre between them, he would change direction instantly. He would strafe to the side at a right angle without slowing down. Fukai would then change direction again, going forwards, past Karumo. When he was past him, Fukai would change direction one last time, heading at Karumo's back. With his forward momentum, the young man would lightly go to strike the back of Karumo without the strength required to leave a bruise.

[741] /1298

Chakra 135/150:



Sekuro greeted him, they boy relaxed a little and turned to acknowledge him, It's good to see you too, buddy. I'm not getting worked up, it's this thing called training. Sekuro smiled at his words, he was happy that he wasn't stressed out too much, at least not enough to prevent him from making a joke with a friend. As the pair continued on with their greeting wasting some time and chatting as Sekuro usually would, he preferred the social interactions to just training in silence and fatigue, it seemed Fukai might be leaning the other way though, considering how quickly he would transition from being social to being ready to spar so quickly. Sekuro knew he would have to tone it down some, his new attacks would be quite a pain to deal with, especially for a genin, but Fukai was no ordinary genin, so maybe if he shows some exceptional development then he could push him a bit further. He continued on after Sekuro queried him on the Chuunin Exams he would be participating in, kinda of a side-ways question without asking directly how he felt, Yeah, well I guess if you aren't going to see me in action at the exams then I will just have to show you my stuff here. I have been putting in a lot of training, Completing a lot of missions. I made a promise to you that I would get stronger to become someone you could depend on. I intend to keep my word. his words had become strong and his will seemed even stronger. Sekuro wondered if it had anything to do with their mission they botched, it wasn't a huge deal but was certainly embarrassing for the both of them to be involved in.

As Fukai raised his staff towards Sekuro, he prepared himself, drawing forth his new katana. It would be interesting to see how these two weapons match up and in the hands of two Fantomusodo, a clan known for it's abilities with Bukijutsu and their Dojutsu. Be ready, I will show you how far I've come. he said as he readied himself, Sekuro followed suit sliding his right foot behind him and placing both hands on the hilt of the sword and leaning it towards Fukai. Right then, show me you are worthy of representing our clan and nation! as his grip on the sword tightened as he awaited Fukai to make a move. He looked calm, as if the storm in his mind was being slowed down and focus would be increased. The next thing Sekuro knew is that he had burst forward, He's fast, when did he get this quick?! Sekuro wondered as he began to change direction in front of him, instead of heading right at him he moved to the side, Good, I knew he wouldn't be dumb enough to attack another weapon user head on. It looks like he intends to attack me where I can't see him, Sekuro's overly analytical mind rushed forward wondering what Fukai would do next.

He knew that turning around would only hinder his ability to react quickly, instead he needed to create distance between the two of them so that he has the space to react properly to something of that speed. As Fukai flew by him, the muscles in Sekuro's leg would tighten as he began to crouch and lean forward. He knew that Fukai would be closing the gap again soon so he leaped outward and rolled forward on his shoulders from where Fukai would stop to strike him, pushing off to get back on his feet and turn towards Fukai. He wondered what type of attack he would use on him, turning and rotating as he got back to his feet he would try to expand the distance between them and get out of range from that staff at the very least. He watched as Fukai swung his swords to him, still moving and looking to avoid it at all costs, he didn't want to give him any free strikes regardless of how light they may be or not.

After his motion Sekuro would bring his sword flat against his staff, You've gotten incredibly fast, with that speed you can easily clear the distance around someone. But you've got ninjutsu don't you? If you used that you could have easily gotten me, forward roll or not, I would have taken a direct hit with you moving that quickly. Using his sword to push off and slide back even further away from the battle and re-ready himself. Watching his opponent and waiting, he wanted to see if Fukai could make a better first move this time, or if he needed to make the first move this time. He hoped he could at least help Fukai out by giving him a little bit of experience in combat, watching each step and each flicker of the eye he would make.

[844 words, 1393 words total]

[OOC: If you make a move to cut off my roll or counter it or something else then cut out the last paragraph, the parts after I finish the roll, and go from there]



The staff strike hit nothing but air as Karumo jumped away from it. Fukai was surprised that his friend had been able to detect the attack despite what he had thought to be a surprising movement. He was travelling quite fast and to be able to work out which way to move required a sharp mind. Fukai had an eye for picking out great close range fighters from the way they held themselves, the way they moved. The way that a skilled shinobi would do even the simplest of tasks such as walking down the street was something to admire. With complete body control, they are able to achieve their objective without any wasted movement, energy or time. The small subtle refinements that gave away a talented ninja were what Karumo had displayed right then. He swiftly and easily rolled away and then got u to face him again. Fukai could have followed him but was a little surprised at how easy the evasion had been, also wasn't going too seriously. But that would have to change, it seemed.'ve got ninjutsu don't you? If you used that...
His friend was making a comment about how he could have used a projectile based attack to take further advantage of his own speed. Not my style. I have been dedicating myself to develloping my own fighting style and incorporating all the years of disciplined training I went under in the clan dojo. This is the product, 'Phantom Style'. It seemed that he would have to up the standings on his attack this time, using one of his new weapon techniques for the first time. Fukai breathed out a puff of white vapour into the morning atmosphere.

And then he was gone again. He used the second activation of his bolt stride jutsu, instantly accelerating to 20m/s on top of his normal speed. His pores leeched raiton chakra, his skin crackled with electricity. As he was only 5 metres away from Karumo, a dead on charge took less than a quarter of a second. The advancing figure bore down on the target, purple eyes still and unwavering and staff raised out in front in his two hands. It was only a few steps in total but when his weapon was half a metre from Karumo, he would send charge chakra through it and emit it from the end of the staff with explosive force. The old oak weapon would twitch violently towards Karumos jaw at 20m/s itself. After that attempted blow, he would continue forward to mow his opponent down. He would change the direction of the staff by exploding another burst, sending it away from Karumo. Then another almost instantaneously to send the weapon to the left side of his torso. A thrid strike to complete the jutsu would be aimed at the same left side. Fukai would attempt to follow Karumo if he tried to dodge with the rest of his bolt stride burst.

They say and actions speak louder than words and for Fukai this rang true. He was not a man that could prove anything by opening his mouth, he had to let his fights speak for him. After all, the most effective way to get a message across is a smack in the face.

Chakra 120/150:

[552] /1850



He stood there, staring towards Fukai who listened in on his words while he regathered himself, moving his sword pointed back towards Fukai and waiting for a moment. Not my style. I have been dedicating myself to develloping my own fighting style and incorporating all the years of disciplined training I went under in the clan dojo. This is the product, 'Phantom Style'. Fukai rang out with such confidence. A smile protruded onto Sekuro's face, Well, if it's everything it cracks up to be me, you might have to teach me it too. he chuckled as he said readying for Fukai's next combination. He knew he was fast but he also wondered how agile he was. He knew that he could accelerate exceedingly quick, and that he could turn on a dime, but did he have to pre-meditate where to turn or was he naturally that quick. He watched him breathe outwards, long and exacerbated, and then in a flash he was gone, Sekuro had already begun to shift his weight to avoid his attack.

He knew he couldn't make the same movement so Sekuro decided to prepare his own jutsu before he moved. Using his wind release stream, he would push himself back and seperate Fukai a few meters as well, giving him a good coverage for a counter, but Fukai was too fast, as he loaded chakra into his mouth, a crackle of electricty went off and he could feel the force of Fukai's staff bang against the bottom of his jaw, just slightly off center. His head flung up but he clenched his jaw, he wasn't going to let the chakra escape just yet, as his head came back down he heard another crackle and the staff land effectively into his left side. His body being forced downward, his head tilted up towards Fukai as he cocked back for another blow, but Sekuro would dodge that strike by sending a blast of Fuuton into Fukai's face, blasting him a few meters back and Sekuro another 5 meters behind as well. I guess he's just lucky I'm a long range fighter, he's gotten good with that staff though. Sekuro thought to himself as he slide back, he wasted no time though, inhaling deeply and forming the tiger seal, he was going to put Fukai to the test and show him a new jutsu he cooked up. Good, but now, be ready Fukai, no more games, it's time to show me how much you've actually grown! he shouted as he began to slide backwards away from Fukai.

Once he was done sliding all the way back and Fukai had stopped too, he would prepare to launch his attack, he knew it was overkill at their level to use a technique like this, but if Fukai could find a way to block or dodge something moving this quickly and this fast then he would be fine for the chuunin exams. Jumping back before launching his attack, fully filled with Katon chakra, he released it all at once, aimed at the ground just in front of Fukai. Fire Style: Great Dragon Flame! would be called out as flames would roar forth, red and orange would burst to life in the shape of a Dragon's head. As long as Fukai attempted to dodge the flames he would be fine, having been launched at his feet, but the flames that would crash to the ground and splash outward are the real ones he would need to worry about.

[599 words, 1992 words total]

Chakra 175/200:



Fukai could feel the impact made from his strike on Karumo's jaw. His head was smacked upwards and neck stretched up. In the split second moment, Fukai could see the bulge of chakra in his friend's throat but did not have enough time to change his actions. His staff flew from it's place and smashed back into Karumo's side. Again, he felt the reverberance of the shock of impact. One more to complete the set piece, he sent a small burst of chakra out of the end of his weapon to send it into his friend's left side again. Suddenly, a blast of wind hit him straight on. The sudden force had caught him off guard, realising that it must have come from Karumo's mouth. The jutsu would catch his body and push him two metres back through the air. The genin regained contact and traction with the ground through his feet. The missed strike had thrown him off a little but thanks to his superb balance and quick reflexes he had remained in control of his body and managed to land well.

Good, but now, be ready Fukai, no more games, it's time to show me how much you've actually grown!
Looking up, he could see that the clan leader had been blown back to a total distance of 7 metres from himself. It seemed that his successful strikes hadn't impressed him enough. The black haired male seemed to want to test him some more. Not sure about what was what was going to come but being fairly certain that it was going to be another step up. This little showdown was starting to get pretty serious.

Karumo then proceeded to back away further, attempting to create more distance between them. Fukai wasn't about to let him get away with setting his own conditions mid fight and started off after him, accelerating forwards. He once again bore down on his friend, closing the seven metre gap. He looked into the purple eyes, watching for any tell of action. There. As Karumo started to speak, Fukai already had an inkling of what he was going to do. He opened his pores immediately and flooded them with fuuton chakra, accelerating another 10 m/s. At this point he was already 3 metres away but a quick vector judgement told him that he would not be able to reach Karumo before he was able to complete whatever jutsu he was about to use.

Fire Style: Great Dragon Flame!
What Fukai did next was a little strange for him, or maybe it was strange for the old him. Usually he was one that wanted a straight forward and fair fight despite what his opponent's would do. It probably had a lot to do with how the people he had met had rubbed off on him. He was starting to change his view on fighting, new windows of possibilities had opened up to him. It had all started that day when he had met Harichimo and Karumo and watching them have a practice fight. Karumo had gone straight ahead and used his sharp mind to deceive his friend. Previously, Fukai had the notion that only the weak and honourless would fight in such a way but when he had the chance to get to know him and the others that fought this way, he realised that maybe it was ok. He certainly couldn't deny it's effectiveness and after all, if you are fighting for the survival of yourself or someone else, shouldn't you do everything you could to win?

But then again, maybe he was just trying to justify his actions to himself. As the words came from Karumo's mouth, a sphere of fuuton chakra appeared between them. The next instant, Fukai leapt as hard as he could upwards. He controlled the chakra so that the light that went through the orb was diffracted. What Karumo would see is an image of Fukai leaping not upwards but forwards. So when the fire jutsu was released at the ground below the image, Fukai would be high in the air and away from the flame radius. The young man would fly forwards towards landing on Karumo's shoulder. The momentum if hit would probably tumble him to the ground. Regardless of if this hit is made, Fukai would roll to land.

Panting heavily, the large figure would climb to his feet and go over to his friend, helping him up if he was knocked down. I see we've both gotten a lot stronger since last time we've met. The amount of raw power that was behind that massive fire dragon was incredible. Fukai had felt the heat as he passed over it, the flames licking his toes. He sheathed his staff and flicked his scarf over his shoulder. I can't promise you that I will do well in these exams coming up but I'll give it my best shot. Take care on yourself on that mission of yours, we'll have to get together again sometime afterwards. Goodbye, my friend. Fukai turned and left, still heavily breathing from the exertion of today's meeting.

He would be leaving for Kumo tomorrow. Fukai was a capable and confident young man but who knew what kind of monsters awaited him in distant lands.

[904] /2754

Chakra 95/150:


Last edited by Fukai on Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:15 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : training)



Fukai came running towards Sekuro while he was sliding back and preparing his attack, What a fool, he should know what kind of attacks I use. as he headed forth. He continued on, a sphere of air formed before him, only to fan the flames themselves as the red and orange dragon burst forth into life. As he began to spew forth the fire, Fukai leaped towards him, but soon he would be covered by flames, being increased in potency by the extra air, he would be devoured and Sekuro would have no mercy for his mistakes, although with a Katon attack with that much power behind it, he risked being burned severely, to even fourth degree burns. He was a little disappointed as the fire began to waver, the last bit of flame leaving his mouth as he looked around looking for Fukai or maybe what was left of him, the last he saw was him dashing forward and then flames being spewed forth at him.

The ground covered in fire, it probably wasn't a great idea to use such a powerful jutsu against him but it would surely test him. As the panic of having possibly erased his friend began to take over him he felt feet land on his shoulders, being pushed down against his eyes widened and pupils dilated as he thought back to what had happened. Had he been able to pass through the flames unharmed? Or did he jump above them, but the last thing I remembered was him dashing forward? What in the world did he do? he played through the moment in his mind as he was pushed to the ground. Falling to one knee he kept looking forward for a moment while he tried to put it together, thinking through the possibility of a genjutsu or maybe a clone jutsu. The feet left him as he heard him tumble around behind him, standing quickly and turning towards Fukai, as he began to speak I can't promise you that I will do well in these exams coming up but I'll give it my best shot. Take care on yourself on that mission of yours, we'll have to get together again sometime afterwards. Goodbye, my friend.

Sekuro smiled as he waved him off, Very well Fukai, I'm sure you'll do great no matter what. Just don't let the pressure and anxiety build up so much. Just do your best. he said before he walked away, he smiled and waved as Fukai left, waiting until he was a good distance away, he gathered his things and headed home. As Fukai would be heading to Kumo, he would be heading to Suna for a diplomatic mission, a task just as important for the village as Fukai representing them. It seems that his clan was indeed becoming a very important part of the village and quite quickly at that as well. As he got home he packed up his stuff and lied down, he would be leaving for Sunagakure very soon, within the next few days, spending the rest of his time relaxing and de-stressing himself before setting off.

[531 words, 2523 words total]

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