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The mission that he was on now required a lot of speed. Like, a lot of it. There was only a little bit of time left until the man he was after was going to leave the village. A newly made Chunnin he believed. It had been rumoured, and the rumours sparked the interest of the Mizukage who decided to send multiple teams out to track and locate the shinobi.

Yasutake didn't work well with others, so he had resolved to leave his genin counterpart in an alley-way somewhere, waiting for some non-existent gang member to give him information on Kiya Satoha.

Idiot. He remembered thinking in his head as he told his partner to await for the gang member to come, before restraining him and then questioning them. The thing was, he was certain his partner would never come around again because it was a corner that was frequented by these apparent 'thugs.' He knew this because of previous missions in the area. Sucks to suck. He thought to himself as he pushed off of another tree.

The Hattori didn't really enjoy doing missions like these, what was he supposed to do? Convince someone to return to the village? Ugh, usually when people did stuff like that they were completely ready to betray their village and Kage, and simply left. Had this guy made his intentions known from the beginning? What a moron. He thought to himself as he came to a halt on one of the higher branches in a tree.

Standing out in the distance was what he thought to be his target. Leaping through two more trees for a better view, he pulled one of the scrolls off of his back and read the description of the shinobi.

...Dark hair. Kirigakure flak jacket... He growled underneath his breath. He had found the man who had turned his afternoon into one irritation and annoyance. In his mind, he entertained the idea of beating his target. A beating is sure to keep him in the village. Plus, he wouldn't really be going anywhere without medical ninjutsu, right? "Hmph." He thought to himself, but he was certain things like assault in the village was considered... Illegal. "I guess he'll get a stern talking to." And his head snapped around to focus his frozen gaze upon Kiya as his target's head looked around the misty lake.

Had he heard me? Yasu frowned, and waited for the Satoha to turn around just before dropping down to the ground and then closing the distance between them in moments. He wasn't silent about it, there was no grace about his movement at all, and before he had even got to him Kiya turned around to face him with a look of sheer panic in his expression.

"Kiya Satoha." The name rasped from his lips silently. He spoke as if he were death itself, dark strands of hair cascading down over his forehead and into his eyes, only amplifying his ragged and hostile seeming features. Staring at his forehead, he noted the Kirigakure village headband there, and he chuckled softly. "I hear you're undeserving of that headband, Kiya?" He spoke with him as if they were old friends, leaning on the rail of the bridge casually facing him as if they were the best of friends. Like a friend that was about to assassinate his companion. There was only death in his eyes.

"Y-you can't scare me. I'm a Chunin." His eyes wavered in their brief eye contact before flickering over the landscape behind Yasutake.

"Not for long if you keep up those hostile thoughts my, friend." The way he said it made it obvious that they weren't in fact, even acquainted.  "If you continue on your path, I won't chase you, no, that won't be my job. You ever hear of the ANBU? I heard every village has one." He said casually. He spoke with an obviously false tone of interest and amazement. "I... I heard they hunt people like you down, and then kill them." There was a gigantic grin on his face. "Definitely more scary than I'm trying to be." There was a shrug from him.

"They're so skilled, no one will even realize you're gone." In that moment, Yasutake moved forwards and lifted his hand up slowly as Kiya faced him completely. They pushed against the forehead protector before dragging down along his face. "I know you don't want to let anyone get hurt, which is why I want you to end this little game. You're a respectable ninja, prove it to the entire village!" He backed off from the Chunin, shoving his hands back into his pockets. "It's all about respect my friend, and you won't have any... Or a life if you leave." From there, the white blanket that was the mist surrounded Yasutake as he performed the Body Flicker Technique to leave.

He had only really gone into a nearby tree and waited to see how his persuasion techniques had worked, and for what seemed to be like forever, Kiya Satoha didn't move but when he did his head snapped from left to right, it almost looked like he was trying to turn his head full circle on his neck. It was funny. But then he took of running.

Right back to the Village.

Probably to put right to whatever worry he had done to his sister.

--Exit Thread--
TWC: 940

using for d-rank jutsu

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