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1Drilling Instructions [Mission/C-Rank] Empty Drilling Instructions [Mission/C-Rank] Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:20 am



He was a fairly experienced shinobi when it came to jutsu and formations. He had been on various missions that took him outside of the village. Why he was going to be teaching soldiers about the basics of a ninja's equipment and techniques, he didn't know but he was going to do it. He had expenses, and those expenses were going to help him win the Chunnin Exams. Yeeeeaaahhhh! He thought to himself while he crossed the village. He had an entire afternoon by himself and numerous squads of soldiers.

How was this going to work? He couldn't even guess as to how, but he'd simply treat them like every other class that he had taught at the Academy. The thing is though, these were actually soldiers, so they'd be around his age or older. Would they really listen to someone younger than them? He groaned at his own sudden negativity. No way was he going to let some random soldiers disrespect him.

He entered the compound. Glancing around, he didn't really know where he was meant to be going. But in a moment one of the soldiers that were standing in front of him suddenly started to make for him, a straight line for him and he watched him out of the corner of her eyes. He could just be walking past me. But it didn't look that way, he kept walking towards him, and when he had come within two metres of him Jo stopped.

His fists clenched and unclenched. What does this guy want? He set his practically frozen gaze upon the face of the soldier as he came closer. He was blank faced, he didn't care for the shinobi's odd glare. He had his own job to do, they both did. "You're here for the training right?"

Jo sensed an undertone to the voice of the man, but he let it slide. Oh, that's what he wanted.

"Where?" It was the only word that came out of Joruri's mouth, and when he got a direction the man's only thanks was a "hmph" and he doubted he was going to see him again in his life. Or at least remember where he had met him.

So... Annoying. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and walked towards the small building that had been set aside for this supposed shinobi training.

On the other side of the Army Compound he could see the soldiers training in their own formations and he slowed his pace down to a stop. He still had a bit of time, right? So he wondered over to them.

The fleeting thought that he was already late to his class left his mind and he strode over to see the multiple lines of soldiers practicing their formations. Some sergeant at the front gave the orders, what Jo had deduced to be the name of the formations or maneuvers, and in what was the largest synchronization he had ever seen, he saw every single one of those soldiers drop their spears and thrust forwards in one hand. They looked elegant, the movements were smooth.

They did it a lot, he could tell.

I wonder if my class will be like that. But then his eyes widened, and he turned around and ran back to the building that he had been heading towards before. Great. He thought to himself as he burst through the door.

WC: 600

2Drilling Instructions [Mission/C-Rank] Empty Re: Drilling Instructions [Mission/C-Rank] Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:45 am



When he erupted through the doorway he expected to hear lots of chatter, from the entire room, but when he got inside and rubbed the bright light of outside out of his eyes, he realized there was relatively no chatter and it quieted down a lot faster than he would've imagined.

Looks like they're mature. Hmph. Truth be told, he didn't even see them, he only saw forms and they were slowly coming into detail a few moments after rubbing his eyes thoroughly. Jo rubbed them so violently it must've looked as if he was trying to rip his eyes out of his own head.

He walked slowly across the front of the room as dozens of pairs of his eyes were settled on him, watching his every movement intently and he was painfully aware of that.

Finally, his hands dropped from his face as he folded them across his chest with an almost bored look on his face. For his lesson, he had come prepared. He had multiple scrolls that would hopefully help with his lesson, unfortunately he wasn't entirely sure as to how to incorporate them into this lesson.

"Alright. The first thing I'm going to teach you is one of the formations we shinobi learn early on." He rolled his shoulders back, as he prepared. Cold gray eyes flickering over the classroom, he raised a single hand with three fingers, pointing at three different people and when they rose up he moved the desk that was behind him out of the way. It produced more room, maybe they'd need it.

"You. In front of me, facing your comrades." He beckoned him over. The same impatient undertone in his voice as the soldier had had with him at the gates only minutes ago. "You two, either side of him facing off at an angle." And finally, after pushing and pulling them into their proper positions they had finally formed the Manji Formation.

"Usually a squad of ninja is four. And that's where the Manji comes into play. The four ninja will face outwards from whatever they are defending, a person, a group of people, equipment, whatever." His hands moved in a way to show that it wasn't really important what they were defending in this situation. "Every ninja looks straight ahead of them and to the left."

Now, here was the important question.

Glancing over the class he said, "now, where is the weak spot in this formation?" Glancing over the class, he stared at who appeared to be the youngest person in the class, most likely an age akin to his own, and based off the look on his face, Jo knew he didn't know.

"Um, nowhere?"

Other people raised their hands after that answer, but he took the opportunity away from them. "It's the centre," he said with a steely tone of voice. "Why you may ask? Well, there are shinobi in the world who posses techniques that allow them to teleport, and or travel underground to maneuver themselves in between the Manji. If done correctly, at least two of the shinobi caught unawares will be killed."

At that, he dismissed the three in front of him. "Sit." And he wondered as to what else he should teach them. It occurred to him that he probably should've done that thinking on the way there, but he was lazy.

"As I'm sure the same is for the military, the shinobi have a list of rules. One of these rules is, 'A shinobi must always put the mission first.' I'm sure some of you understand that there will be missions that tend to give you a choice. The success of a mission, or the death of your team.

His fists clenched, but he smirked. "When the time comes, I hope none of you will be indecisive in your decision, because there's always the chance of doing both." And with that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

Shoving his shoulders back into his pockets he left the training compound without any pauses or interruptions.

WC: 709
TWC: 1309


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