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That morning Satoshi's legs swung over the side of his bed. His fists clenched and his eyes still closed tightly as he gained his bearings. He had gotten used to opening up with his eyes still closed, he thought that it gave him a better understanding of the world around him when he had to utilize the non-visual senses of maneuvering in the world.

Slowly raising his fists to his face, he rubbed the drowsiness away from his eyes and then finally began to open them. Finally with his eyes open, he could see that he had gotten to the washroom and began his normal routine throughout the day. Today, was the day that he was going to meet his new mentor. It couldn't be better timed he was sure, and he knew that his goal was much more closer, all he needed were the Chunnin Exams to be held off for a few more weeks and he'd be ready.

That is, if my instructor isn't annoying. He thought from the recesses of his drowsy mind. He looked around him as he exited the washing room in his father's establishment, and stood just outside the door for a moment, focusing on his surroundings. Yeah, he's still gone. Shrugging as if he hadn't a care in the world, he hefted his equipment and began his slow trek through the streets of the City to the Training Grounds.

He remembered it perfectly. It had only been a few nights ago when he had personally written a letter and sent it to the Misukage to send him an Instructor. Had there really been a reply so soon? He couldn't believe it, he was certainly excited, but he had already promised himself that he was going to change himself for some experienced ninja. The writing had only taken a few minutes, he had been in the process of sealing multiple techniques in his ninja scrolls.

Avoiding one of the many sink holes with a well placed jump, there was a clear (for the most part) plain ahead of him. The message that he had received from last night had directed him to come to this location. Shoving his hands down into his pocket, he started to walk through the field while he waited for his first new mentor.

And I thought I'd be late.

TWC: 401

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