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1Yuryo (Update) Empty Yuryo (Update) Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:37 am



Yuryo (Update) Nishura_clan_symbol

Clan: Yūryō

Kekkei Genkai: Jinton - Dust Release    Yuryo (Update) Nature_Icon_Dust

Elements: Futon, Doton, Katon, Jinton

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Iwagakure

Clan History: This clan was recently formed, and doesn't have a lot of history behind it. The art of the Jinton techniques was supposedly lost in history, with the death of the Third Tsuchikage. However, this clan survived. Without anyone knowing, not even the ANBU, DNA and scrolls containing the knowledge of the Dust Release techniques were stolen from the tomb of the Third Tsuchikage. It turned out that the Third Tsuchikage had ordered the knowledge to be written down, to preserve his legacy, and that of the Second Tsuchikage. Around the time of the theft, several pregnant mothers were kidnapped from their homes in Iwagakure, by a mysterious force of shinobi. In an unknown location, far from any form of civilization, experimentation was done on the unborn children, usually resulting in the death of the mothers and the child. Only ten children survived out of the twenty three, however each one of these children had the acquired gene and capability to use the Dust Release. Each of these children were raised in a laboratory setting. Yet each of them showed little progress over the span of several months. One of the researchers concluded that their chakra had been thrown off balance by the horrors of their birth and cruel upbringing. Labelled a failed experiment, they were abandoned to die in the facility.

These children survived however, using the abandoned scrolls and the facility to grow and prosper. Under their own rule and tutelage, they managed to successfully use the ancient Jinton techniques. The ten children, five of each gender, ended up starting families together, resulting in the birth of the clan. The name of their clan meant Prime, obviously referring to their signature jutsu and the primal way in which they had been brought up. The families, now much older, made their way back to the city of the collective, pseudo ancestor. There the roots of the clan grew into the moderately sized clan we see today.

Kekkei Tōta Description: Members of the Yūryō clan are able to utilize jinton (dust release), an advanced element created through simultaneous use of doton, futon and katon. Most techniques of this nature initially form as a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) composed of jinton nature chakra that forms between the user's hands. When the technique is released, the form is launched and proceeds to expand and engulf its target. Finally, the core detonates, attempting to dismantle anything inside the shape's boundaries on a molecular level, turning it to into dust. Hence the name: Dust Release.

The shape and the boundaries of the technique are formed from the combination of doton and futon natured chakra, while the disintegrating ability is achieved by precisely, on an atomic level, directing katon's destructive and explosive properties by using futon. It should be noted, however, that techniques below S rank cannot yet fully disintegrate other people, but may dismantle some of the molecules on the outside in the form of lacerations, causing the appropriate level of tissue damage.

Jinton techniques, being comprised of futon, doton and katon, struggle with colliding against raiton techniques, since the dismantling at a molecular level doesn't do much  against electricity, but excell at dealing with suiton techniques as they can turn them into thin air. Because of this, raiton techiques get +1 rank in effectiveness against jinton, while suiton ones get -1 rank in effectiveness.

One's Jinton rank depends on the ranks of its parent elements: futon, doton and katon. It automatically assumes the lowest rank of those three, so ranking up jinton requires ranking up all other elements, all of which start at D rank, and are all treated as secondary elements in terms of required wordcounts for training.

Drawbacks: Because of their ancestors' isolation and their horrific childhoods, the clan members' minds have become more easy to bend, resulting in all genjutsu techniques used against them getting a +1 rank in effectiveness, and they are incapable of using genjutsu as well. This has also affected their constitution, so all Yūryō receive -1 tier in the endurance stat, and -10 to their chakra pool.

They are very well-versed with elements, but due to this they aren't as proficient in specializations, and tend to mostly stick to using Ninjutsu in combat. Because of this, all members of the clan must take the negative Hesitant (Specialization) special characteristic, which can't be balanced by a positive one.

Apart from this, the clan mostly focuses on and practicing Jinton techniques, which means that they actually individually neglect Futon, Doton, and Katon when not used in conjunction. Members' elemental jutsu which don't incorporate Jinton therefore receive -1 rank in effectiveness.

Hesitant (Specialization) :

Members: Yūryō, Ashi

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Minor Detachment Technique:
Heaven's Feel Technique:
Detachment of the Primitive World:

Last edited by Ashi on Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:18 am; edited 6 times in total

2Yuryo (Update) Empty Re: Yuryo (Update) Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:14 pm




Very well written, i would like you to add more drawbacks though, as it is an advanced element kekkei tota clan, you get 4 SS elements.

I would like you to add the hesitant specialization, to your drawbacks without the ability to balance it, as per all advanced element clans, and i would also like you to attempt to add a few more. I'd like to see about 3-4 practical weaknesses. (being weak to gen is a good one, but, not being able to use it, i don't really count, as it doesn't apply in combat. )


1/ looks fine, but how wide are the lacerations, you say how deep and how many, but how wide?

2/ If it's maintainable you have to maintain it per post after the first, not getting 3 turns for free with max defense. Can the user move freely in it? I would also like you to bring the range down a tad. 40m radius is a bit big, assuming its a radius, please define radius or diameter. also, list speed of expansion, it can be fast, but remember, ninja here can be fast too~

3/ Same here, list speed of expansion. reduce the need to break out please, people should be able to break out from the inside, and with hopefully a lower rank technique. Unless you want to increase the chakra and decrease the projectile speed

3Yuryo (Update) Empty Re: Yuryo (Update) Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:30 am



Updated. Hope this is enough drawbacks. Also lowered the rank of the Heaven's Feeel Jutsu, because of the "new" rules that restrict Clan Jutsu.

4Yuryo (Update) Empty Re: Yuryo (Update) Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:47 pm



"Not only this, but " ... but what?

Which hesitant do they have to take? There are 2? Both? (yes, i know they can't take hesitant element, but, you don't say they can't.)

Please use minimal speeds for these jutsu of their rank for travel speed (if not middle for the rank lower), not the middle-ground. But feel free to go to middle speed of their rank for the expansion of the shapes. Also, as they trap you in, you need to specify in the KKG section that the walls are able to pass through matter as they expand before solidifying before the technique in the middle explodes. (otherwise, they just push you away as they expand.)

jutsu are seeming fine.

5Yuryo (Update) Empty Re: Yuryo (Update) Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:19 am



Okay, think I covered all your points.

6Yuryo (Update) Empty Re: Yuryo (Update) Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:07 pm



-needs an at least 1k word history which brings the canon elements of this clan into the modern era.

Rest Seems okay, please contact Bokuden for the Final Say on this clan.

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