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1Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:13 am



Name: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki
Type Of Weapon: Nodachi
Rank: SS
Elemental Alignment: -
Ability/Function: Chokuto Reiki is by far the most deadly and dangerous of Gin's Kekkei Genkai weapons. When summoned, Gin is able to negate her opponent's Kekkei Genkai. To do so, she has to injure her opponent with the edge of her blade. Once she does so, the blade's chakra seeps into the blood, through the wound. Inside the body, the chakra begins to purify the victim's blood, thus temporarily eliminating his or her Kekkei Genkai. For every cut, the victim looses his or her Kekkei Genkai for 2 posts. This accumulates for every cut. However, the use of this sword brings a series of secondary effects:

  • 4-8 posts: The user becomes mentally unstable. Gin lapses between a state of control and a state of unconciousness, during which she becomes unable to control her basic instincts, making them a danger to nearby allies.
  • 9-11 posts: Gin's organs begin to fail. She begins to bleed internally and therefore cough up blood. By the ninth post, she looses her sight and hearing. Even if she dissolves the jutsu during this stage, there are high probabilities that she will die unless her injuries are tended to.
  • 12 posts: Instant death.

This sword can only be summoned once per thread and can be cancelled at any time. Gin is unable to use any jutsu while this sword is in use. The effects of all jutsu previously in use are canceled.

Close/Long Range: Mid-ranged
Appearance: A thin, long katana that is around 2m long. It was a very simple appearance. It has a golden, circular guard and a hilt covered in black cloth.
History: This particular katana belongs to the leader of the Kuroka Clan. The ability to use it has been passed down from one leader to the next, via the scabbard that symbolizes leadership of the Clan. When this particular sword is summoned, it is drawn from said scabbard. It was a tool developed by the first of the Kuroka and was meant to be used as a last resort.

Last edited by Gin on Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:18 pm; edited 4 times in total

2Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:29 pm



Seems alright to me but anyone can jump on in and correct me here.


3Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:24 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Er... No. Negating Specialties or KKG like this... not for a sword. Not even with death as a drawback. Not at S-rank. That would be a legendary SS-rank, minimum.

However... I may allow it if you can explain exactly how and why you are able to negate; and pick only one.

4Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:13 pm




5Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:44 am



Fixed again.

6Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:44 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Okay... i can take that explanation. I still don't like this; it feels like it's taking too long for the major drawbacks to kick in.

Let's add this in. While the sword is active; you cannot use any other jutsu. It cancels all active jutsu the user has going as well (IE; multiple post/passive effect jutsu). Cut the drawback times to that you hit death at 10 posts. Even that's pushing it; really. Knock the ranking up; this should be a plot device only sword, really. Making it SS rank keeps it mostly in plot mover threads; but you may still use it in other threads IF it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. Given that's the point of this sword; you're set.

7Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Chokuto Reiki Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:22 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka


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