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26Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:17 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake laughed. Gin always undermined his flowers, however impressive they were. Even if the comment slightly hurt his feelings, he knew she was just having a laugh with him. The thing that made Sake laugh the most was her asking if he could fight with his. He laughed hard out loud before turning to Gin and smiling.
"Check this out"
Sake flicked his fingers slightly, and as he did so all of the thorns on the rose fired out, bombarding a nearby tree, causing it to fall. Sake knew that wasnt enough to impress Gin, he then lifted up the tree with all four of the roses vines, swinging it around.
"And if that's not enough for you..."
Sake flung the tree straight towards him and Gin, flicking hhis fingerss again as he did so. The tear gas spores shot out of the petals of the rose, clearly missing him and Gin. Sake pulled Gin into the saftey ofthe reinforced petal bunker. The log made nothing but a tap on the hardend petal. Sake allowed the petals to reopen, and him and Gin sat on the edge of the flower again. A normal sized rose came up from the centre of the plant and Sake handed it to Gin. He laughed out loud.
"You were saying?"

27Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:27 pm



Gin watched the display with an amused smile of her face. "Alright, so I suppose it's decent," She said, after witnessing the array of things that Sake's summon was able to do. She let Sake hug her closer to himself, though she didn't put her arm around him. She wasn't very open with her emotions or her affection when it came to these types of situations and she was still getting used to the idea of them having any sort of relationship beyond that of friends. Nevertheless, she took the rose that he offered and slipped it into her item's pouch, shamelessly pulling out her set of perverted novels while she did so. After all, she didn't want the rose to get destroyed by just throwing it in there along with her books and small weapons. "Do you want to see what I've learned over the years?" She asked him.

28Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:49 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Suddenly a smile grew across Sake's face. For the first time in years he was going to see what Gin was capable of. It must be alot, seeing as she is Kazekage now, the thought of her power frightened him a little bit. But more than the fear, he was amused. He wanted to see what Gin could do nowadays. SHe used swords back in the day, but people change. Sake turned to Gin with a smile on himself.
"Go ahead, but it will be hard to top my flower!"
Sake stuck his tongue out at Gin...

29Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:09 pm



Gin laughed at his comment. "Will it, now?" She asked. She jumped from the flower, spinning once in the air before landing gracefully. "Watch and learn, flower boy!" She yelled. She took several steps away from Sake and his summon, creating a bit of a distance between the two. "Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu!" She yelled. A Wooden sword hilt appeared in her hand. There was no blade to go with it, however, only a gust of wind. She fixed her gaze on the small forest in front of her and swung her sword. That was all it took a large trench to appear in the middle of the trees. Wind spread in a medium-sized radius, decimating and cutting everything within it's reach. In under a few seconds, half of the forest was gone. Gin smirked and turned towards Sake. With a wave of her hand, the hilt disappeared. "How's that for ya'?" She asked, a confident smile on her face.

30Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:02 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake smiled, pretending to not be in awe; but he was. Gin had truly grown over the years, much more than him. Her power was amazing, and the amount of chakra she had even more so. Sake still pretended to be unamused, jumping down from the flower and watched it sink into the grown. He then walked straight up to Gin and spoke
"I still have no place to stay you know, and I'm getting tired of that bench. Plus I have nothing but the clothes on my back, are there any vacant hotels right now?"
Sake made a head gesture to Gin, as if to say follow, then he began to walk...

31Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:17 pm



Gin pursed her lips for a brief moment. Sake basically had nothing, only a very old set of clothes that looked quite battered. There were enough hotels in Suna that would take them on her request, but that would mean spending more money than was actually necessary. As Sake motioned for her to follow him, she did so, walking by his side. "We need to get you clothes and food. You must be starving," she began. "And as for the hotels... You can't afford living there, trust me." She hesitated for a moment. "I suppose you could stay with me while you get your own place. Keep in mind that you'll have to earn your keep. I'm not gonna let you mooch off of me, Uisuki," She said.

32Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:25 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake didnt much like the idea of handouts, he had a lot of pride; but there was no choice but to accept this one. Sake had almost nothing, and he needed something; Gin was offering. In normal circumstances Sake would refuse, but his hands were tied in this position. He walked with Gin out of the cemetery,-that place still gave him the creeps- and found the bench where he was staying at most nights. He patted the bench to let Gin know to sit down and then spoke.
"Seriously, we need to find some sort of system as to how we're gonna live together, otherwise we could both end up in a sticky predicament."

---Sake Exits the Cemetery---

33Debts [Sake] - Page 2 Empty Re: Debts [Sake] Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:35 pm



Gin followed Sake out of the cemetery. Just by looking at his face, she could tell that something was off. "You don't like it that I'm giving you stuff, do you?" She asked. But she didn't need an answer, she already knew that she was right. "Don't worry, I'll let you pay me back. And like I said, If you stay with me, you'll have to earn your keep," She said. The young Kazekage couldn't cook or clean to save her life. Maybe having Sake around to do that for her wouldn't be so bad after all. She smiled deviously. Gin took a seat as Sake motioned for her to sit down. She nodded at what he said. They would obviously have to set rules and the like. Gin was quite confident that she could make Sake take care of the basic chores, but that was as far as she had thought through. "Well, we'll figure that out later. For now, let's just relax," She said, leaning back on the bench and throwing her arms behind her head.

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