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Why did Nana-chan bring us here?

Questions circulated around her unassumingly placid mind as its gears worked overtime trying to understand the situation. It was odd for someone to seek her out unless its to be arrested or scolded for her actions which are infamous among the country's populaces though not much mischief had steamed from her lately aside from the occasional stalking or two but she supposed she could only have that person to blame for that. Ever since that fall out with that ANBU Rhino, she hasn't really had much time alone to herself. It was pretty hard to when he practically followed her every move. She didn't understand why he did though as he suspected her of something, he had no reason to nor evidence to back up his action. If anything in the eyes of the populace she was a punk with a mental disorder and an unnerving lust for blades who enjoyed pranks. Of course the police force knew better but they could really careless about the lives of some thugs. As long as they didn't try to start an uprising they wouldn't do a thing, even if it means letting a murderous loose cannon roam the streets, stalking their prey.

Maybe he is just miffed about the graveyard incident?

Sure she lied though there wasn't any evidence that supported the notion and by his reaction it was certain that he didn't search for any, dismissing her actions as being perfectly normal for the wayward shinobi. He was however upset that a mere child, she scoffed at the thought of it, got away with him. He kept dismissing as a fluke, that it was just her being her, a delinquent. From his mannerisms and how he acted towards her she could honestly say that she wasn't impressed. Figures she get the snobbish ones. It really grated her nerves whenever someone acted so arrogantly. People tend to forget that life, especially the path of the shinobi, is the art of deception in and of itself. A ninja is more trained than a bandit with a sword but its the bandit's inguenity to survive what keeps the ninja on there toes.

A genin could kill a kage with enough skill

Jester shut up and stop with the scary stuff

Oh please kid grow up the rest of us already did

Grow up! Oh please you'r-

Both of you zip it and stop getting our thoughts jumbled I'm in control!


One of the voices mumbled 'Though she started it'

Oh that's it screw it brat you're dead!


Unaware of the conflict brewing within the inner depths of her mind Jet breathed a heavy sigh of boredom and exasperation as she buttoned the first three buttons of her top down and loosened her tie to let her breath a little better but not revealing much more cleavage though she could care less. Her armor was in the wash along with most of her clothes so she was forced into letting Maki dress her. She shivered violently as she didn't want to remember the traumatizing. The stoic blacksmith was usually so composed and matured but when it came to clothes she was a demon. Damn she will never let Jet live the experience down; especially with all the pictures she took. However she can't complain, after much negotiation and strenuous closet exposure she luckily ended up with an outfit not too exposing. It wasn't that she didn't like to show off her body it's just after an incident when she spoke to the ANBU she didn't enjoy the feeling of unprotected, almost to the point she felt nude without any armor or complete and total converge of her body. Today she wore a cropped grey vertically stripped dress shirt with rolled up black cuffs that match her open vest with silver button engraved with the iwa insignia with a long tie that reached her abdomen. Her bottom was left protected by a pair of cargo short and her legs with clad in sheer black thigh high tights along with a pair of knee high combat boots. The only aspects that remained the same were her gloves, goggles, and lip rings.

When is Nana-chan going to get here we're starting to get bored...

"Maybe he is preoccupied with a surgery" Kira commented as she awoke with a resounding yawn from her nap in the genin's lap.

Jet shrugged and petted the two-tailed nekomata's fur, her actions courteously received with a blissful purr. "He is the head of all the hospitals. Any doctor can deal with that bore. If anything should keep him away it should be the paperwork but those things are nothing a kage bushin and a young peppery secretary can't fix"

Kira's tails swished along her thigh like satin and she opened one red eye glancing at her nonchalantly "A meeting then? I see no reason for him to keep you waiting Jetsu-"

For a moment the air froze as her latent killer intent spiked aimed at the nekomata and crimson eyes bore down at her in silent rage. Not a moment too soon she closed them as they shifted back to amber and breathed out deeply reopening them, the sudden thirst for blood disappeared as soon as it came. "Don't call us that, ever; our friendship be damned" She spoke this all too monotone, a definite contrast to her usual vibrant nature yet her lips formed a soft smile on face "The view from here is nice"

Kira remained silent throughout the endeavor but respected her friend's wishes, deciding to end the topic for now and closed eyes as she returned to sleep, purring contently every now and then whenever she was petted.



Being reinstated felt good - real good. Though he would never admit it to the general populace, Nanashi did miss being on active duty. It bother him that he had to watch from afar as comrades, mentors, and fellow subordinates were sent out on mission with a few of them being reaped by harvester known as Death, others being left with permanent damage due to the inexperience of medics or the lack thereof, on their squads, and the rest scarred with the image of their brothers and sisters-in-arms death or injury. While he didn’t outwardly show it, anger and sorrow, dare he says, was a common emotion for him during the time on inactive reverse list. Heading Iwa’s hospitals did little to quell the emotions for he dealt with picking up the workload left behind by the sudden disappearance of the former Hospital’s head along with trying to find out her whereabouts the latter being easier said than done.

Having been reinstated he could now continue his search for the wayward woman and her significant other, however, before doing that he had other things to take care. His strive didn’t break, id card flashing at the attendant who nodded and went back to during whatever they were doing beforehand, has he entered the noisy lobby. No sooner had he enter did silence become prevalent as all eyes became glued to their former Anbu Captain- Nanashi.

Nanashi swept across the members in the lobby, picking out old and new faces that made up his squad, of course, he also took note of the missing faces, the dead, and again a silent prayer was said for their honor “ It’s good to see you all in good health.”, a chorus of "Hai!” was shouted as they all snapped to attention; even after his departure the members still had respect for him. “At ease everyone. Seems like Captain Rhino has been doing a decent job during my absence Speaking of which, where is he? In the office?”, his question was answered by one of the newer cadets that indeed the captain was in the offices. With a quick thank you, Nanashi swiftly made his way down the corridors, acknowledging those he passes by as he navigated his way through the halls before arriving at the designated office and knocking twice. . .

By the time Nanashi would left the building, news about him returning to active duty and his position as Anbu Captain would have spreaded throughout the lobby. Anything else regarding their conversation would be unknown to all but the two men within the office. However, within two hours former Captain Rhino would’ve moved all his stuff out of the office - it being replaced by Nanashi own. Anything else dealing with Anbu would have to wait for he has prior engagements that he’s running late too.

Suteki Yaku, Yuki, and Yuurei Jet - three girls, no women, who made up his genin squad, and due to previous mention circumstance he had only been able to see them in passing with no interaction between the three for the past two months. After being reinstated by the Tsuchikage, he had hope that he would have time to check on the well-being of his former student, but alas, other things took precedent leaving him with little time to do what he want - until today.

Letters were sent out to all three of them, each one expressing his want in having a casual meeting between them at Sightseeing Cliff. However, this idea was dashed when Yaku and Yuki decline the invite stating that they had prior plans, at least Jet agreed to meet him so it wasn’t a totally lost.

Dressed in a dark green kimono with a skin tight black shirt underneath, black hakama pants reached to his ankles and barely touching the matching black geta with steel reinforced bottoms that levitated an additional two inches off the ground, making him appear 6’5” instead of his correct height of 6’3”, and keeping everything together was a dark green obi tied tightly around the waist. A black eyepatch cover his left eye with the straps being seen due to the lack of headband that would normally be worn loosely across his forehead.

Taking the trail that leads to the top of Sightseeing cliff, Nanashi’s thought drifted towards what he had learned about his student, Yuurei Jet, during his talk with Anbu Rhino. Apparently the pair frequently butted heads with one another about this thing or that, and with it escalating to the point where Rhino had wanted to jail the punk(his words), but was denied by the Jounin Commander who is in-charge of all the regular shinobi. The only thing the Anbu member could do was have her under watch by fellow Anbu, but Nanashi just recently removed that ordered after taking back over his squad. Needless to say, Rhino wasn’t happen with the decision but couldn’t do anything about it. There were also circumstantial evidence her being involved in the disappearance of a few Iwa’s lower problematic gangs, and other criminals.that wouldn’t be missed.

Nanashi didn’t have a problem with his student during the latter - he himself does so as well but not within the walls of Iwa - so he won’t bother mentioning it unless she brings it up.

He made his way towards Jet, standing beside her as he took a moment to take in the sight of the village provided by the cliff which they both stood on. Seconds ticked by, silence, only being disturbed by soft purring, fell before being broken by Nanashi “It has been awhile, hasn’t it? Assume you haven’t heard of the reason for my absence?”




"No we haven't but would you care to enlighten us?" She chirped curious as her eyes kept keen on the village below, her eyes were a glowing amber though they had specks of green and red but they were hardly noticeable and for a fleeting moment Jet wondered if anyone would understand the significance of her changing eye colors. She wasn't dumb, despite not having personally met her alter egos, she knew of their presence for the longest time. They were the voices that spoke when she couldn't. They were the armor she wore without discontinuation. They were the soiled bandages that kept her sane, well mostly. But most importantly they were her memories, her heart and without them she would cease to exist. They would cease to exist. She couldn't bring herself to accept a reality like that. It wasn't, wouldn't be fair not to herself or her mother. To just go through the days as an empty shell would mean defeat. It would mean all her efforts were for nothing. Besides...if she didn't live for herself no one else would. She wouldn't be history but simply faded into the void of man.

"Ahem" Kira opened one eye giving her partner the evil eye as she felt disrespected for not being introduced. Kira was a very traditional kitsune, respect and etiquette was demanded by all. However there are some cases like young Jet who tend to make the countless hours of etiquette worthless whenever she wants to.

Taken out of her momentary stupor Jet next words will set the stage for her lovely little friend"Oh yes this is Kira, an old partner of mine" Jet rolled her eyes not understanding why the kitsune couldn't introduce her and began waking up a bit as she sat up moving from the edge a bit as she sat on a small boulder holding the nekomata in her arms who swished her tails along the girl's stomach elitcitng a soft giggle to part from her lips.

'I don't think partner was the best choice of words to describe our relationship. It may arouse questions'

'Hardly, if anything we have nothing to worry about ANBU or not. Though considering how the presence of those pesky on-lookers vanished either Rhino repealed the order to have me watch or someone took over and ceased their operations....perhaps...'

'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'

'Indeed and to think this works so well for my plans, lady luck indeed have a blessed hand laid out for me'

'Don't get too ahead of yourself Jet, no need to rush things'

'Aww you are such a killjoy'

"I wouldn't call myself a partner; I'm more like a babysitter if anything" Kira said cheekily as she snickered under her chesire grin.

"Hey!" Jet glared half hearitdly from the insult but returned her attention back towards her sensei pouting as she mumbled about rude nekos.

"Anyway it's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Guanyin" Kira bowed her head and smiled softly at the human male but her eyes remained sharp and alert, clear in her intentions that she did not trust the man in the slightest.

"Mind explaining what we will be doing today Nana-chan? Training of some sorts? Or casual verbal warfare?" Jet hopped a bit in her seat as she put up a 5-star facade that she was excited about this. Her aura radiated happiness and energy like a little sun not letting on her true feelings.

I don't like him

For once I agree with the tweerp

Yea! Wha- wait hey! Jerk...

What do you think about it

Think about what

I don't really trust him, neither of us should

Exactly which is why I propose-

But...we should keep him around

What for?! If he really became the ANBU Commander or at least is allies with him his presence will bring nothing but trouble

Oh no I don't want more scary people. What if he is like them?

Calm down you two we don't want to get her distracted


"Does your absence have anything do with the hospitals..." and while she stopped speaking her eyes did it for her 'does it have to do with the lack of ANBU around me?' While she couldn't pin point their position, they were the village elite for a reason, she knew when she was being watched. She wouldn't be alive if she wasn't.

"Way to be subtle baka" Kira scolded her with a loud swat to her head which Jet pouted and glared her muttering an insincere apology.


"Damnit it all to hell!" A familar ANBU Rhino screamed venehtly. He stood alone in the middle of an office, smaller and a definite downgrade from his former office. It was cramped, dingy, and certainlty denming for someone of his stature. Books were tossed out of there shelves, paper work torched in a corner by a cracked photograph taken the day of his acceptance as ANBU Commander, and various furiniture were upturned and crushed during his escapde of frustration.

He was furious today. For the last couple weeks ever since he argued with that blasted girl 'More like criminal master mind' he thought, things have gone south for him. First one of his officers went rogue and tried to leave the village with various documents containing extremely sensitive information; key word tried. Former ANBU Seahorse didn't make it far before he was captured by Units 4 & 7 however due to his resistance to the arrest he was forced to take extreme measures and unfortunately terminated him with a lava jutsu his clan was known for. It only got worse from there. Not only he got a strict tongue lashing by the Tsuchikage, he had to defend himself from various assassinations attempts from a vengeful wife/colleague who witnessed what she claimed unjustified 'murder' but she was dealt with after the 5th attempt yet she got what she wanted. While everyone followed his order to the t they all looked at him with some sort of hesitancy and distrust, some at his irrationally for handling the situation like so or with fear for his raw power, the monster that festered under his cool composure that was brimming with resolve for justice while fighting the urge to become totalitarian, almost like an antihero. Now today Nanashi, that freaking pestilence of Iwagakure, returned from his abstinence and took away his job like it was nothing; like he was nothing...

'This isn't the end of this'



“Someone convinced the Daimyo to place me on inactive reserves, permanently. Less than a day after, I was made Head of Iwa’s Hospital, taking over after the sudden disappearance of the former Head, Yasui Namiyo, my former sensei. And for the past two months I have been busy overseeing everything at the hospital. It wasn’t till recently that Akira got word of my inactivity and placed me back on the active roster.”, there wasn’t any use in lying to Jet, the information about his inactivity, excluding the part of the Daimyo, would be known in a few days, that is, if he had anything to do with it. Family, not by blood but through friendship, had been told the same thing Jet just heard and was given a simple order - spread it.

From the most simpleton bandit to the kingpins of the underworld,  to the upper echelons of royalty, let everyone know that Nanashi had been placed back on active reserves for good. Whisper to anyone who willing to listen that the Pestilence of Iwa is returning, and he is out for blood. For the blood who placed him on inactive reserves. For the pest who managed to wiggle their way into the heart of the one who signed those papers. For the moron who accidently dropped the petri dish containing the virus, the disease, known as Guanyin Nanashi. And to give them some incentive, a reason to listen, let them know that there is a hefty sum for anyone can give him information on who had a hand in placing him on inactive reserves.

Like dandelion seeds being carried across a nation on a gust of wind, so too, the information regarding his inactivity and reinstatement. His family, connections in many facets of the world, will make sure this happens. They will do this not because they were asked, but rather, because they care and loved their grandchild, step-son, uncle, cousin. Their love for Nanashi is absolute, and because of this they would do anything for him.

Words of him being reinstated, and actively looking for those who placed him on reserves, will surely cause some problems for the perpetrators. Knowing that they are actively being hunted by Nanashi, along with any other bastard looking for a quick payday, would be unnerving, stressful. Mistake most likely will be made, in an attempt to cover up their tracks, trust issues would run rampage, never knowing if the person they are talking to will turn them in for a quick buck, chaos would ensure. And while all of this is taking place, Nanashi would be patiently waiting for the opponent to striking, waiting for the moment that a crucial mistake is made, waiting. . . just waiting.

“Maybe this will also help in finding Namiyo-sensei.”, he silently mused. It is in his belief that Namiyo did not simply go on vacation, like some of the papers claim but rather been taking out or kidnapped by the same people who had a hand in placing him on inactivity and making him the new Hospital Head. True, the fact she went on vacation the same time he got his inactive reserve notion could be coincident. However, if she was just on a vacation then why did they make him the new Head of Iwa’s Hospital? Surely, she wouldn’t have resigned before telling and appointing him, right? He would be the first to admit that he didn’t know everything about Namiyo, but he would like to think,  he knew good enough to know that she wouldn’t have done something like this without notifying him in advance.

Due to this belief, Nanashi came to the conclusion that something did happen to Namiyo, and any clues regarding her whereabouts might just give hints to perpetrators behind his small problem or vice-versa.

At the sound of another human voice, Nanashi tore his vision away from the beautiful scenery of the village below, the picturesque view of Iwagakure no Sato, a place he can call home now. A place that overtime managed to worm it’s way into his heart. It has been a long time coming. Alone, a yellow eye looks down at the Kitsune with mild curiosity. Never had Nanashi seen a Fox as the partner of a shinobi, he read books over dogs, cats and bears as possible pet-nins, but never foxes. “Hello, Kira,”, Nanashi spoke, chuckling at Kira being the babysitter of Jet “That sounds about right. You have been keeping her out of trouble, hmm?”, he joked lightly, ignoring Jet’s cry.

“It’s nice to meet you too,”, he said returning Kira’s bow with one of his own, abrupt a small but nevertheless elegant one - a result of his past. Caution, Nanashi had noted it within Kira’s eyes almost immediately, and a smile found a way onto his face.

Turning his attention back to the view, and ignoring Jet’s question, Nanashi spoke “Did you know this was the first place I visited when I moved to Iwa? I never had the luxury of visiting this place till I became a shinobi. This is also the place I met my first lover.”, the last statement being a half-truth, him and Akio met at the waterfalls not far from here “ But more importantly this is the place I trained my first student. Back then, never thought I would actually teach someone else but yet I did. I taught them everything I could and then some. A pacifist who was afraid to kill was taught how to by someone advance in the art. After teaching them, watching them grow, I thought I was done teaching, alas the Tsuchikage gave me another team. A team of three girls, one who was young and pure, another who had yet to be tempered by the forge, and finally a jovial one who is more than she seems.” the smile never leaving his face nor did he turn away from the beautiful scene before him. He didn’t need to see the look of realization on her face at him having an irking for what she did when no one else was around or looking.

“Before we get into why I called you out here, you should know that a certain Anbu Squad who had been shadowing you is no more. They, along with Anbu Rhino, have been reassigned elsewhere as I took back control of the commander position. I won’t be assigning another Anbu to you unless order to by the Tsuchikage.” He admitted, walking a couple of feet away from Jet, heading west(from her left side) before stopping “Seeing how I haven’t seen you in awhile. How about a light spar?” He suggested.




Jet paused as she processed her sensei’s explanation. She didn’t think there was much to a village like this but then again she isn’t a fair judge to be saying that. But back to the matter at hand...Jet’s curiosity was peaked as many questions arose. For one why wasn’t there an in depth investigation into the disappearance of his sensei, much less to one who was the head of Iwa’s hospital? She would’ve undoubtedly had been a valuable resource and respected member of the community. And why did it take two months, two months for pete’s sake, for the Tschikage to find out. He was the kage and was supposed to be on top of everything. 'Though there are plenty of exceptions' she admitted to herself. Still it was very concerning. She didn’t like conspiracies, never had never will. Besides while this was none of her business since they didn’t have much of a relationship, you would never know what information was valuable. Regardless she decided to voice her concerns…

“If that is so Nana-chan, then are you going to go on an adventure to find the answers you so desire? Because as far as we are concerned you’re about to get caught into a very elaborate spider web but we’re sure you’ll be fine however it seems like your sensei was important to you and while we can’t offer much you have our sentiment and perhaps if we hear anything we’ll tell you”
Now don’t be mistaken, Jet wasn’t going to go out of her way to help him out but it can never hurt to stay on his good side sensei or not.

Jet tilted her head to the side curiously as her question went ignored but kept silent allowing Nanashi to continue. She wasn’t sure why he decided to spill out his life story but she raised an eyebrow in mild curiosity as he mentioned his first lover. ‘First lover amongst how many? We weren’t aware he was in a relationship with anyone be it girlfriend or wife, though it doesn’t hold much significance towards our endeavors’. Then her face turned neutral as he continued but she couldn’t help to take in the beautiful scenery around her. Taking in the sunlight as she sniffed the pleasant warm as a soft breeze fluttered through the trees, she paused but caught herself before she could glare daggers at this man’s back, a  bit heated but nonetheless it passed.

Instead she giggled loudly as her cheeks flushed a bright pink and rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Oh hehe you heard about that Nanachan?” She wasn’t really concerned, if you met her or heard the rumors it would’ve been quite obvious who was involved. Yet no one had proof so she wasn’t worried however it did remind of a certain loose end or two that would need to be tied up. ‘I guess it’s time to give that foolish little boy a visit’. Not a moment too soon she hopped off the boulder placing her arms behind her back as she swung on the balls on her feet “But you aren’t mad with us are you? We have a tendency to wind up in undesirable places teehee”

Kira who had moved to sitting upon the genin’s right shoulder sighed as she facepawed herself while her tails prodded the obnoxious lime green bob of hers.”Don’t get sassy missy. When we get back to Maki’s I’m going to give you a stern scolding. Honestly learn how to either to keep your hands to yourself or stay at home doing something productive with your life"

Jet’s cheeks puffed as she pouted and dodged the nekomata’s attempts to knock her head. Who never a mix breed of cat and fox could create such a nagging combination. “Hai hai we understand Kira now stop being a meanie!”

The pair would’ve continued to bicker had not Nanashi’s voice spoke up with some rather interesting pieces of information. ‘So we were right about his involvement. Heh if he did that much for us we guess we are a bit grateful. If only he could help us out with another pest’ Though Jet knew those were boundless false hopes because before she could even consider getting help she would have to divulge into her past and she isn’t ready for that because not even she can lie forever. Might as well get some steam off and do some training then. “A light spar sounds fine Nanachan. Are we doing specific training within certain boundaries or may we just dance around?”

She waited for a moment and decided not to let him answer as she hopped off the boulder into the trees, landing on the branch of a great oak with one hand holding herself up whilst the other sent two of her shuriken at his feet grinning as she did so. While she may not look like it she was fully stocked up on weapon concealed within her clothing. The only accessory she didn’t have were her butcher knives and swords. As soon as the shuriken were sent she flipped off to a higher branch into another tree with precision so the tree leaves don’t give away her position and silently stalked into another three trees before resting at the last with was 270 degrees in his field of vision but was still obscured by the canopy. Her eyes shifted to amber as Kira headed down below into the bushes that were only -45 degrees in his area where she would await him. Jet then took a breath wanting to test the waters as she never sparred with her sensei before and didn’t want to take any chances. Her hands goes through the following hand signs: Bird → Boar → Ox → Tiger and creating a swarm of roughly 500 fireflies made of katon that immediately began to spread out into five groups. Thankfully due their size, they would be hardly noticeable in the sunlight and carefully they surrounded him at all four corner with the fifth group dispersed hovering over him awaiting his next move. Jet’s heart fluttered as she put five metsubishi into her mouth careful not to bite them with two in each cheek and one under her tongue ready to launch.

It’s playtime Nanashi...

1092~ with the previous been used for jutsu training


Last edited by Yuurei Jet on Sat May 09, 2015 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


xXxBefore the SparXxX

Corruption. No matter the village or place, corruption always plays a role. It's the lifeblood of every major village, town, and port, playing an intriguing, and oftentimes, crucial role in their founding and success. Villages of today wouldn’t be plausible without the first kages being corrupted - even a little. Ancestors inhabitants of the land before the villages’ founding would’ve never given of their land willingly - only doing so after being bribed by the first kages, or double-crossed by disappointed family and friends. In an unbiased opinion, corruption is neither good or bad. It has a neutral alignment due to the possible good that could come out in the end. Some of the most feared tyrants have met their end because someone in their inner circle double-crossed him/her after been bribed by another. Yet, people don't associate such an act with corruption, seeing it as a good deed, but yet a bad if the roles were reversed.

As long as it didn’t get out of hand, Nanashi didn’t have a problem with corruption, seeing it as a needed necessity for humans. His views on the topic have some sway in his decision to not go digging for information on those responsible “The Tsuchikage instructed me not to make a move unless I inform him beforehand. So, for now I won’t do anything. Whoever these people are, I having a feeling they are from my past before becoming a shinobi, they will surely make another move when the word gets out I’m no longer on the inactive roster. Only when they physically threaten me will I act and make them realize that aggravating me isn’t good for anyone’s health. “ while he did say he wouldn’t move on them. It didn’t mean that his connections won’t. At his student offer, a smile spread across his face “I don’t want you to get involved. I believe I know who these people are, and if my hunch is correct then this is personally.”, he said, unknowing rubbing the silver wedding band on his right index finger - one of the few things he had of his deceased wife. Recently, Nanashi had gone back home to collect some things,  place an order in for a new weapon, and while he was there, his mother gave him the wedding band back along other trinkets belonging to his deceased wife. Any other time, the items wouldn’t be given back to him, but his mother believed that she was ready for them again.

Inwardly chuckling at his words giving Jet paused, he could only imagine what she truly was feeling after he hinted at maybe knowing about her activities. There wasn’t any concrete evidence on her doing dealing in Iwagakure’s underground - only speculation and questionable sighting. Having been disposed of for a short period of time, Nanashi didn’t have the ability or right to look into the dealings of Yuurei Jet. Even before being placed on inactivity, Nanashi didn’t bother in acquiring in his student’s personal lives, seeing them as their own personal busy, didn’t mean he wasn’t observing afar. “I have heard and read things. “, he said with a casual shrug of his shoulders “ Why would I be mad at you? I can somewhat related with you, having found myself in some undesirable places during my genin and chuunin years - not like the Tsuchikage or anyone for that matter knows about it. “, no one till this day had found the three bodies of the Iwa men he killed, dissolving their bodies in a thing of acid, who tried to hurt his sister. Only an incredibly small amount of people with Iwagakure no Sato knew Nanashi’s nature has a killer - though not in the echelons of his mother, a true master of the art. The handsome, silver-haired male had killed before even becoming a shinobi, doing so to protect not only himself but fellow geishas whose client wanted to be a little bit too aggressive. His body count was high, but not crazily so, with the majority of the kills coming for in the name of Iwagakure.

It had been some time since he last killed outside of Iwagakure’s  Jurisdiction, and he only did so after witness a geisha getting assaulted by her client.

‘Their close. . ., he mused silently, observing the interaction between Jet and Kira. He would have made a comment, but the time had passed, and it seemed like Jet was eager to start this spar.


Ripping the black eye-patch off his left eye, those expecting to see a ghastly wound be in shock for staring back at them is a perfect, functioning eye. During his time off duty, Nanashi made the decision to regrow the eye back, using a certain technique the Guanyin clan was known for. Even though he had grown it back, he continued wearing the eye patch to fool others in believing he was injured. It was only during the meeting with the Tsuchikage did he allow another to see his eye - until now.

Body tensed, ready to spring in any direction at the immediate signs of danger, sharp, eagle eyes tracked Jet’s jump into a tree, before focusing for a split second on the threat of the thrown shuriken - his body jumping back three feet to dodge them. Momentarily losing sight of Jet, Nanashi’s head swiveled from side to side, looking for any moment but found none. Not being detoured by the setback, Nanashi focused on two of his senses, sight and hearing, allowing them to be the dominant ones. Still swiveling his head from side to side, body turn along with it, the difference was noticeable, everything within fifteen meters in his sight was sharper. . . clearer. Things that he wouldn’t have noticed beforehand, he did now. He took note of Kira’s location, committing it to memory, Daylight, while it did obscure them well, didn’t prevent Nanashi from noticing the oddly shaped fireflies fluttering around him.

Not knowing what they would do, Nanashi began channeling raiton chakra through his body, expelling it in the form of one hundred 1inch senbons floating aimlessly around him. Breaking the senbon ups in groups of twenty-five, four groups, Nanashi fired them in a scattershot manner - piercing attempting to pierce the ¼ inch into the flesh or anything in the surrounding area. This was only a diversion to flush out Jet - eyes scanning the trees, looking for any signs of his student.

**Didn't know if Nanashi could sense you with A-3 perception, hence me not bothering in finding you. 





‘Ok so about 100 of my fireflies were dispelled, but I still got 400 left. Hehe, why don’t we turn up the heat’ Jet grinned evilly as she flipped onto her back which faced the trunk of the tree, away from the raiton sebon. Unfortunately Kira’s position was given away as she yipped as a few sebon almost caught her but she remained uninjured. The nekomata realized that aside from espionage, she didn’t have much of a purpose and therefore made her retreat to atop a boulder to safety, signalling her place as a spector. Jet nodded and understood her reasons and progressed with her spar. With the 400 fireflies remaining she had they raise up in 4 groups of a hundred into the air, about 15 meters off the ground. Not a moment too soon they warped together, each swarm forming a soccer sized fireball. The fireflies usually alone deal only first degree burns however when they are condensed in groups of 100, they become soccer ball sized fireballs 22cms in diameter with the capability of dealing second degree burns. So with four of these being launched towards her sensei, he won't have an easy time despite their lack of speed.

As the fireballs of sporty death are launched at Nanashi with a second between each, Jet hops onto the top of her tree which was 15 meters from him. At that height she crouched down so her position won’t be given away and observed her surroundings. Deciding she didn’t want the entire place to catch on fire, with all the tinder wood around, she refrained from her temple of fire combo. So carefully she formed a handsign and two fire clones came into existence. The clones gave each other a look as one leapt 5 meters north west and the other 5 meters to the north east. Once in their triangle formation, all three of them including Jet, summoned a large amount of chakra but for different reasons. The clones channeled raiton chakra to their hands at leapt at Nanashi, aiming for his side ribs. If their attacks connected they would back off 3 meters in and take out their wire as they aim to wrap around each of his legs and keep him there as Jet during this escapade left her tree of safety and covers 5 meters leaving 10 meters between them shooting off her shock bullets with one hand. About 4 rounds would be fired aiming for his waist, mid-back, neck, and carimum.

However if she was disrupted with an attack after her clones formed each clone would toss themselves hoping to tackle the ANBU Commander before dispersing into a ball of fire then nothingness. Jet would’ve seen her attack fail and formed a handsign as she took a breath in then out launching a great fireball that would quickly hurdle towards him but she would make sure to spit out the metsubushi first towards him to confuse him so she didn’t hurt herself and followed up with hopping into the ground, hiding in the brushes making her way 130 degree in his range and lie in wait.

But her main contingency plan would be in case he defended himself from the fireballs and sent an attack towards her if her location was found which in that case she would reciprocate by tossing all her makibishi into the ground, scattered around as she armed both of her hands with three kunai each similar to that of claws and back flipped between trees launching the kunai. With a leap to the right she sent one for his groin and two to his knee caps. With her second leap to the left she would send one kunai for his chest. Her last and final would involve the metsubishi being launched at his face as she stuffs the remaining two in each hand as she hid in the trees.

Training for Kyujutsu (-1500)

If fireclones weren't formed:

If fireclones were formed but disrupted:

If fireclone+atkcombo worked:


Tsk. The raiton senbon manage not to taste the sweetness of human’s flesh - only managing to destroy a small amount of the katon fireflies around his location. The knowledge of not being able to hit, or flush out his student didn’t bother Nanashi at all. He, as much as he don’t want to admit, is rusty when it came to combat, not having the luxury of training, honing his skills, because of the Hospital’s workload and because he was on the inactive reserves. It’s a little-known fact that training grounds are off-limits for any non-active shinobi - something Nanashi was only a few moments ago. The fact ignored him greatly, and even now amongst this spar, he was making plans to get back into shape. He has to now having been named Sannin of Iwa, although, it wasn’t official yet - having not been announced to the general civilian and shinobi populace. He was still named so by the Tsuchikage, and, therefore, much have the power that’s associated with the time. A power that he’ll be gaining back very soon. . .

Time to go home. . .

Having noted the ineffectiveness of the strategy to flush out his student with the raiton senbons, Nanashi focused his attention back on finding her through sight. Even though they haven’t exchanged physical blows, it became apparent that the Yuurei clan focus entirely on stealth. Nanashi’s normal senses, being above average, couldn’t pick up the slightness amount of noise, smell, or taste that would normally give away someone’s position. Therefore, the Guanyin had to rely on sight to spot his student. However, instead of spotting Jet, Nanashi spotted Kira moving to the sidelines - reassigning herself as a spectator of the spar. With one less entity to worry about, Nanashi did a complete turn, noticing the condensation of fireflies - they forming into four large balls of fire that surrounded him. The heat of the floating spheres was hotter than the fireflies, the air around the balls was starting to sizzle. A testament to the power of spheres held.

Muscles in his legs tightening before exploding, Nanashi sprinting three meters SouthEast, dodging the first fireball aiming for the right side his chest. The new location allowed him to get a read on the location of the other three fireballs. Waiting till they were close, Nanashi jumped straight up, landing in a tree, having dodged the rest of them. However, wasn’t allowed a moment think clearing, for no sooner after he landed, three clones(assumingly) was dashing towards his location. “Tsk,”, warm but quickly turning hot, Katon chakra whirled around Nanashi’s body before expelling out, forming into three cats standing on the branches closest to Nanashi. Made completely up of fire, each cat is equipped one-inch teeth and claws that are used to latch onto a target. And once they latch onto a suitable target, they do the what they are programmed to do - explode.

No sooner after being formed, the three felines sprang from the branches - each one latching on a clone, and before the clones could pull them off, explode in a massive fireball causing 2nd degree burns to anything or anyone caught at the epicenter. Having jumped to an adjacent tree two meters away - avoiding the explosion completely. Seeing the fireball heading for him, Nanashi dropped from the tree, using surface walking to stand vertical along the tree trunk, dodging the fireball that set fire to the branches he once stood on..Him dodging the fireball would also cause him to dodge the metal tacts flung in his direction.

Walking down the base of the tree, the canopy having caught on fire, feet touching the ground. Nanashi clasps his hands together, releasing a small pulse of chakra, it blanketing everything within 100 meters radius, allowing him to pick up the chakra signatures of everyone within the defined area. He noted the signatures of fellow Jounins, Chuunins, and other Genins as they went about their day. However, he didn’t pay much attention to them, focusing only on a specific signature - Jets. Eyes flickering in the general location of his student 15 meters away, a smile graced his face, five-inch long senbons, blue in color, formed in his hands - each hand holding five of them. The five senbons in his right hands were released, thrown at Jet’s location in a spray-like fashion. The senbons would forced his student to jump upward, they being spaced out far enough to cover the left, right, front, exits. Either way, if she indeed move from her location, the rest of the senbons, five in total, would be thrown, aiming for her center chest, left and right thigh(or any part of the leg), and left and right shoulders.

And because Nanashi didn’t deactivate his sensory Jutsu - Jet wouldn’t be able to hide any longer.

*Note:: When Nanashi was dodging, he was moving at A-0 sprint speed. . .not burst.





Jet sighed as her attack was not fully completed and felt a bead of sweat drip down her head, quickly combing her bob of lime back to cool herself down. She cursed to herself for her lack of stamina that made her tire easily but there wasn't much she could do to control it. Regardless her eyes narrowed with interest as she saw the clones be disrupted by the baton attack which peek her interest in creating a just similar to his or learning it herself period. However she must focus on the task on hand since none of her attacks against nanashi connected. The situation only worsened as she felt a chilling shiver down her spine, a rather familiar shiver she might add. She could only compare it to one thing which was her people's greatest weakness...sensory justu. This was absolutely the last thing she needed as she didn't have a chakra suppress justu in her abilities ....yet she thought hastily. Not wanting to delay any longer as she knew her location was found, she made a last minute decision and used a jutsu she calls chakra scramble which would have her chakra signature replaced with someone else. Unfortunately a major drawback of it was it couldn't replace her signature with that of anything with less or more chakra than those in her ranking posses. Therefore her only option was to copy a genin like herself. Focusing on past chakra's she felt she settled on the academy student known around the village as a thief and prankster who was just fresh out of the academy. Jet herself transformed into the academy graduate boy with her clones becoming a standard white shirt and black sweats and her hair turning into choppy earthy brown that matched her eyes which did the same. However before she could do anything else her eyes widen as some sebon made their way towards her. Quickly she used the rocks around the tree into shuriken or at least some akin to it, 10 in total. 5 would make a shield that blocked the sebum while another five would launch themselves towards Nanashi's head. Simutanesouly she fell back and did a back flip with a yelp as her voice turned to a young man in the midst of puberty "Gah!" she grunted as she landed somewhat safely on the ground and mumbled that 'he' should've not interfered in this but the girl looked like she needed help low but loud enough for Nanashi's ears to pick up and moved into the clearing with only 10 meters in front of them.

Jet then had armed herself with kunai attached to wires, 3 in each hand like claws and aimed 3 from her left hand to his right and 3 from her right hand to his left before manipulating them mid air after he dodged them and wrapped them around him, binding him in place as while she closed the distance putting 6 meters between them and used the lighting conduction jutsu on the wires letting him have the next move.




A part of him expected some of senbons to hit their mark, however, the rational side of him knew such a scenario was highly unlikely due to him being unable to work on his combat skills for two months, having been cooped up in an office and extremely business with making sure everything ran smoothly. Nanashi didn't have any time to keep his skills sharpen, and even if he did, he wasn't allowed to train, having been removed from the active reserves. The inability to spar with other caused his skills to deteriorate over time, leaving him out of shape. Any athlete can testify in being out of shape when they are inactive for an extended period of time. Only after they get back into the swings of things do they start back returning to their former selves; this is exactly what Nanashi is going through. Movements and actions that seem perfect in the eyes of genins and chuunin were seen as terrible in the eyes of this Anbu member. They were jerky, lacked strength, and poorly executed if the spar was against a Special Jounin or higher, Nanashi knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would lose. However, this fair isn't with someone close to his ranking, therefore, even if he was out of shape, he felt confident that he would will this little bout.

Nice trick, Nanashi thought to himself, picking up the moment where Jet's chakra signature was replaced with the signature of a fairly known troublemaker. The Yuurei might think that she had fooled him, but she is sadly mistaken. Even though she changed the signature, her execution was poor. Instead of using such a technique now, she should have deployed it before Nanashi could activate his sensory jutsus. That way he wouldn't have known that the troublemaker on his radius was Jet. Poor execution aside, he did give her an A for effort.

Nanashi's hands blurred, snatching the five rocks throw had been thrown at him and throwing them back at Jet, timely them to hit her right when she comes out of the backflip. The damage done by them would be minimal at best only causing 3/4inch cuts. Invisible to the eyes of a civilian, Nanashi could clearly see the wire attached to the shuriken that were thrown at him. The knives would fall short, Nanashi having not moved from his standing point early, therefore, the distance between them still being within the 15 - 17meter range. Instead of making another counterattack, Nanashi spoke loud enough for his student to hear "That is enough. I have seen everything I needed to see. You have improved greatly since the last time I saw you, but you can be better. " motioning for Jet to follow him. Nanashi moved back towards the cliff that they were standing on before the spar, and once Jet was beside him he would ask her a question that could potentially change her future "If you had the opportunity to train underneath a Sannin would you?"

He awaited her answer.


Chakra: 240/300:



Today just keeps getting better and better doesn't it

While it wasn't planned, today's random spar had not disappointed her as it was a rather humbling experience. Nanashi may have had an excuse for his rusted moves but she didn't. Perhaps it had been too long since she had taken her training seriously having enjoyed the peace that the village's sky high walls provided. No longer did she have her fellow carnies barking out orders for her or an audience watching every aspect of her performance nor was she assassinating threats to the organization. When was the last time she played concubine to a yazuka head's son for his birthday before she poisoned him with their first kiss or where were those days she spent days in makeshift warehouse labs riddled with disease conducting experiments of new drugs on her fellow slaves. Yes it appeared this village had made her soft. Soft hearten and weak. It made her forget what she truly was.

When was the last time we updated our files or checked in on our contacts

Jet pulled the wire on her kunais back and tucked them safely away in her clothes seamlessly then wiped some invisible dirt that gathered on her clothes as it seem the spar was being pulled to a close. The henge and chakra scramble were disengaged so Jet's appearance returned to what it had been before their fight had ensued. Kira followed up shortly and scampered a few feet to hop onto Jet's shoulder, purring softly at Jet's revelation. No longer she decided would she be lax. No longer will she be soft. No longer will she be weak. She put a meager effort but if you had to compare this Yuurei Jet to the infamous Bloody Jester, she could hardly compare.

First things first we need to shed this facade that we built for the past two years. It seems to prove only a nuisance. Besides it wouldn't hurt to let a little bit of our true selves show. Jet smiled softly, for real, for the first time in years. Pretending to be overly jovial was far more taxing than she liked to admit. No longer were her crimson eyes cheerfully bloodthirsty but instead a matured pools of gold silk no longer as innocent as what they first appeared to be. She chuckled deep monotonous vibrations that rang like small bells from a deadman's fortune but it was soothing and pleasant to the ear rather than her annoyingly high pitch tone she adopted to that was comparable to pink haired banshees. She faced Nanashi confident, humble, and totally honest with not only him but more importantly herself. "Evolution is not only the fate of man but all life if we wish to live. We learned quite a bit from our dance and as you said, we could always improve" Looking towards the sunset she realize how much time passed. And it will only continue to slip through our fingers if we don't grab onto it. "Do you even need to ask Sensei?" She smirked softly and bowed her head just enough to get the point across and looked at him with calculating but determined eyes. "I would take that chance in an instance" Memories flashed past her, ingratiating a new fire inside the dying, no, renewed young woman. "We want to grow. We want to succeed. We know what it takes to do just that, so any help at all no mater what it is we will take it"

No one would notice her little slip up. Or perhaps it wasn't a fluke. Was her heart opening up or was it just being strung along to another performance. Maybe this would be the first wave of change among many...

Or was she wrong in trusting Guanyin Nanashi?

Ghost Style: Sleight of Hand (1000/1000)
END D1 - D2 (400/400)

Last edited by Jet on Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:32 pm; edited 3 times in total


Tapering off like a drug, the adrenaline from the fight ease itself out of his system only to be replaced by something else - disgust. It came in unrelentingly and unfeelingly. Flooding his veins like the strongest of toxins, spreading and poisoning everything in its path. It had been a long time since he felt such a strong emotion before. Sure there have been times where he had felt anger, at the harm clients did to his family members, and sadness at the loss of his wife and unborn child, but never had he felt disgusted intensity. He couldn't recall a single time where he ever felt this way about anything. Even the spars against his mother never triggered such a strong emotion from him. What about this spar was different? What about this spar cause him not to see it as a win but a loss? One look at the student answered the question for him.

Even though he had won, Nanashi felt disgusted that it took a decent amount of time to accomplish. The fact he had been out of commission for some time and that he didn't bring out his more destructive techniques did nothing to ease the feeling going through him.

There are no excuses in combat.

Words spoken by his mother during an annual training session surfaced to the forefront of his mind. And they only worsen the feeling of disgust - especially after he remembered making an excuse earlier in the match for his less than stellar performance. When had started making excuses for his shortcomings? When had he started actually allowing other people control his actions? Telling him what he can or can not do.  Where did the manipulative bastard that was loved by his allies and enemies, disappeared to? Could his mask of normalcy had finally merged with him making  more human then monster? Possibly, his urges to kill had dwindled over the months, and he even more friendly. Most of his words lacked any hidden meaning behind them. And no longer did he try to manipulate people to his whims. No longer did he see his comrades as mere pieces on a board, but now as comrades that he wanted to protect.  

How, unfortunate. Maybe after everything was done her, he would pay his mother a visit and finally ask for training. The woman did say to come to her when he finally loses himself. He would definitely pay her a visit very soon. Maybe she can find what he had lost.

Calm on the outside, Nanashi only spared a glance at his student before looking back at the sunset.  Nodding at her statement regarding evolution, he spoke "Yes, if we wish to continue living, continue getting stronger, we all must evolve at some point in our lives. Using the experience gain and applying it to our beings.  If not we only become weak and stagnant."

Calculating and determined eyes greeted the Sannin, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips " No, I didn't need to ask. Let's just say me asking is my way of giving you a chance to back out. Ain't I nice?", the last part came out almost jokingly, but with a hint of something darker."

"I will train you. But, it will be up to you to grow and succeed. I don't know when our first training session will be, I need to take care of some things, so until then get stronger. I won't be taking it easy on you in our next sparr. " He said, disappearing via a body flicker.

Yuurei Jet, the world is Kingdom without a King or Queen. Will you be the one to acclaim the throne or will you allow someone else to claim it?  Will you be the servant or will you be the Lord who owns the servants?

Only time will tell. . .



Using 50% Word Count Reduction for Guanyin Medical Reversal Technique: Offensive Nature

Guanyin Medical Conversion Technique:

3600/3600 for Guanyin Medical Reversal Technique: Offensive Nature

675/675 for Temporary Healing

Total WC Used: 4275
Leftover WC: 935

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