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1Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Empty Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:30 pm



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The sky had long since darken as roaring thunder clouds swallowed the sun, blanketing the village in dim light as a light mist rolled in just faintly. Iwagakure's residents quietly retreated indoors for shelter and soon the streets became vacant of even the strays. All except one. In the low middle class district a lone figured strolled or rather walked with a slight limp in their left leg in an alley way. It was odd that they had not ran from the rain, not even as the first droplet or mother nature's tear fell, running down their cheek did they react as if they were numb to the world. Soon a couple drops became dozens, hundreds, then thousands until the rain beat on the rooftops of the apartments and ran down the hillside creating a thin but rapid flowing river. If you looked closely enough you could see that the wandering soul was improperly dressed for a stroll through the rain wearing nothing but a dress shirt which was 3 sizes too larger, buttoned only to their chest that was tightly wrapped in bandages that had the faintest dropplings of crimson. Long slender legs clung to their black spandex shorts while dainty little feet were left abandoned, and in full exposure to the elements. The figure seemed not care that their clothes were soaked through or if the bandages on their legs were coming loose, exposing various scars they obtained throughout the ages amd recently aquired bruises in a rainbow of black, purple, and blue. Only for a moment did they lift their head to the sky, golden eyes peaking through the bangs of their hair. Evidently anyone watching would become aware that this was a young woman. And some might care enough to wonder, why was this supposedly injured woman wandering outside in this storm but no one cared enough to offer up their home for shelter but went about their merry way.

If only that man saw us now, what would he think

An eerily dry chuckled rippled from her pale pink lips, vibrating in the stagnant air, echoing off the walls. Just the faintest hint of fog puffed from her and her empty smile scratched into a grin that threaten to tear her cheek in half. She could only image how he must've felt if that monster could feel a thing. Anyone could see how far she has fallen. She didn't deserve the title Bloody Jester. No, she was truly a clown now. Nothing more than a joke...still a child. Here she was wandering in vacant streets alone completely off her rocker bruises littering her already scarred body that somehow still managed to retain some form of beauty. It was ironic. Only a few days ago she naively believed that she was doing well, that she was free from her past where she was no longer a slave.

Was it a lie? Are we any different from back then? Have we grown any stronger? Or...has nothing changed at all

Her hand combed some of her dripping green locks back a bit as she leaned against a wall besides a small fountain overgrown with moss and pink water lilies in the courtyard of a apartment complex among a myriad of alleys. She clutched her head tightly as her eyelids pressed together and held her stomach loosely as she laughed some more. Her laughter crazed, tinging with insanity and violence. She opened her golden orbs that seemed to lost their soul. It was so hilarious. She had changed one fucking bit. She was still weak. So weak weak weak. Oh it was pathetic. She was never going to be free. She would always be tied to him. Forever. There was no escape. These chains that blinded them were eternal; they couldn't be broken. death our only escape? Our freedom?

The silence was deafening, so annoyingly quiet; even the pitter patter of the droplets of rain. It was like she became numb to the world, not caring if her clothes soaked through or if she was going to get ill and probably have to drop by the hospital. Just then a child's laughter broke the silence. Wordless her joints moved like a marionette as she slowly stumbled to where the noise was until she found its source in a strangely large garden. Aside a rose bush stood two children. Two...innocent...children. They were sisters, probably twins who looked about 4 years old each. They were smiling as they hopped from puddle to puddle. She barely suppressed a snarl. She was envious; envious of their happiness, of their innocence. Here they were playing with each other in the safety of the village without a care in the world. If Jet didn't have more tact she would've retched at the sight.

How dare they be so carefree? Why can they be happy? Why? Why? It's not fair!


W-when we were 4 we had to run from mobs who tried to lynch us for stealing a loaf of bread


"Miss Lady are you okay?"

Jet blinked as she was pulled for her thoughts. She almost gasped as she realized she used her burst and reappeared in a blur infront of the children. Her hand had reached out to the child with the yellow rubber hood, the opposite of her sister's pink one. Her...hand was so close. Too close to the child's small, frail frame. She pulled her hand away quickly as if she signed it from a flame. If she had not been stopped...she would've lost control. But what would she had done? What could she had done? What should she do now? She blinked some more as she was handed a white piece of clothed with the inital M.L stitched in red in the corner. A think brow rose in confusion at the offer. The young child's cheeks turned rosey like the ones in the garden.

"H-here. You l-looked like" The child to a moment to pause to steady herself "You're crying lady. Are your boo boos hurting?"

The clouds had appeared to part just the slight and the sky lighten, a sharp contrast to how it was just an hour ago. She hardly noticed it at all. And look at that, as she touched her cheek she noticed the tear had truly been they or rather are as they apparently hadn't stopped. She furiously wiped them away as her eyes lost their shimmer and turned a tad puffy and red from crying but she paused abruptly and narrowed her eyes at the child. How did she know she was a shinobi? Sure she carried a sword on her back but she could've easily been mistaken for a shinobi. "Shit!" Jet cursed as she hopped away from the smoke bomb, kicking it away as she put about 10meter between her and the child. No actually she couldn't exactly call her that now could she. The pair of children dispelled their henge and replaced themselves with two young adults just what appeared to have short ragged brown hair and tanned skin who were dressed entirely in black. Damnit she didn't think about assassins being sent after her however but in very the back of her chaotic mind she remembered that her former master wanted her alive or she wouldn't be now so who would be behind this? Where did they come from? Who sent them here, to Iwagakure of all places, the village that sent criminals to their doom? Surely they were rather dim witted or confident in their skills?

Hopefully back up will come
2 Unknown Assassins :

Trained: REA C1-C3 [1300/1300]
OCC: Max three people including myself

Last edited by Yuurei Jet on Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total

2Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Empty Re: Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:54 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Cold. That was all he could feel. A deep, consuming cold that seemed to wash over him, and fully devour him whole. A cold emptiness, that felt like being lost in space. Nowhere to run. nowhere to hide. There he was, in the middle of nowhere, with nowhere to go, fear crippling his will to move on; his will to live. Despite being such  young, innocent child of an age beyond tender, all he had for memories were screams, and the sensation of a burning flame deep within the inner workings of his damaged body. He did not know who he was. He did not know where he was. So how would he go on? How could he go on?

Splayed on the ground left to rot, the young boy looked painfully at his chaotic surroundings. There about 100 meters away from him ,stood a tall, menacing tree with branches so sharp and jagged, that one could impale themselves on. He looked more closely to the ground, and realised the sequential pitter patter of droplets of rain from to the ground. It was only then that he registered the pouring rain he was unsheltered from, but it did not matter. The deep coldness he felt within was much deeper than what his body was experiencing. Not even close.

There on the ground was a puddle of water, and the young boy could just faintly make out his own self, petit and unblemished. There in the water stood a child, bruised and battered, lying in the unforgiving rain. Who am I? he thought to himself, without the strength to speak out, or cry. Would this be the ultimate fate of his otherwise stolen life?

Raishi woke up with a fright, as he heard the loud rolling of thunder in the sky from his sleep. But of course, the thunder had not been the true reason why he woke up, but it was actually due to the dream he had just had. His mind had taking him back in time, to his younger days. To his very first memories, and before he had even discovered himself. Rash sighed as hesat on the bed, wiping off the tiny droplets of sweat form his cooling forehead. He looked up at the dim skies from his bed, look straight through his open windows and was disappointed at the grim weather Village Hidden in the Stone had to offer today. For the very first time ever, Raishi wished he had woken up to sunlight. He really needed the warmth and feeling of happiness right now.

He sat there on his bed for sometime, reflecting about what he had seen in his dreams, what he knew all too well. A single tear began to form in his left eye as he recalled what exactly had happened that night, or atlas recalled what he had remembered and just the pure agony of loneliness it had left him with.No child should have to go through what I did.. he said to himself thoughtfully, his being on the brink of breaking down to tears as more droplets of water formed in his eyes. /but he couldn't let himself cry. Not now. Not ever. The time for sobbing over that incident had passed, and now Raishi's life had progressed. He was a jounin now, despite all the odds and he was generally happy. But the thing is, there are some things one just can not shake off - some things just too cold to completely warm up. Till today, there still remains a shred of that could, devouring loneliness. And it would always remain, never to be taken away, as a reminder of his past.

Sniffing a bit and standing up, Riashi wiped his tearing eyes, avoiding the downpour he would have had. Not today, he told himself, a new courage burning inside him. He needed to go for a cool walk outside to clear his habitually cluttered mind. He wore his usual ninja attire, but with a waterproof trench coat over it to keep himself warm from the rain. Usually, he would have gone out without the need for such a thing, soaking himself in the coolness of a rainy day, but today was not the day. He needed to feel warm again.

And so, Raishi headed out of his home, walking aimlessly around the village as he cleared his thoughts. Clearing his thoughts seemed to make no difference as the current weather reminded him of the devouring cold he had been in in his dreams, so instead he decided to pursue a new approach. He was going to flush out his mind with thoughts of only happiness and joy that had happened throughout his life. But this proved unsuccessful too as he didn't have any especially happy experiences. Of course, he had a few fun times with friends of old, but nothing particularly moving positively. With a sigh, Raishi just walked on without a destination, until he suddenly stopped after seeing something. Or rather, someone.

He was on top of a building, and right below him was an open field or garden of some sort that had three figures in it. Two of the people were beside a rose bush about 400m away from Raishi and they were dressed oddly, if not thrillingly. They were in all black attire and looked quite monotonous, both with short ragged hair and tanned skin. But that wasn't what caught Raishi attention. Standing there, bruised and alert was Yuurei Jet, one of Raishi's former students before he chose to isolate himself from the world. It took him no time at all to analyse the situation at hand; the two figures in black were alert, and so was Jet and this could be seen by the residue of smoke in the air which suggests that one of either party had used a smoke bomb. By the looks of things, this is going  to be a battle Raishi thought to himself critically.By the looks of Jet, she will not be able to las seconds with these guys... he thought urgently. With a weave of a hand sign, Raishi body flickered about 2 meters in front of Yuurei, putting himself in between her and her possible opponents with one kunai ready in hand and the trench coat off. He could feel the wet coldness of the rain, but adrenaline rushed through his veins, and that warmed him up slightly.

"Yuurei. Is there a problem here? Are you okay?"

He spoke to her with a  tender voice, but without looking back, so he could not tell just how bad her scars actually were. He was too focused on the current opponents at hand. What sort of trouble have you gotten into now Jet...


Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

In a flash the two men ahead of him dashed on towards Yuurei and Raishi and his instincts kicked off instantly. As they dashed towards Raishi, he couldn't help but notice the swords that they both held, and he quickly brought out two kunai in each hand. They both made for a swing, mirroring each other's movements and Raishi parried each sword with a kunai, before jumping high in the air and showering them with senbon. He was obviously faster than the men, as they barely managed to dodge the senbon by quickly jumping out of the way and parrying it with their strange looking swords. Raishi had never really fought Bukijutsu users, so he was only accustomed to seeing the more traditional weapons such as the tonfa, katana and whatnot. He had never seen this type of sword before. Anyhow, Yuurei was still slightly dazed by the fight evidently so she wasn't moving. Raishi would not have expected her to anyway, being as she was so obviously injured. It was no problem though, Raishi could easily take these guys. As he landed he then quickly threw lava shuriken at the men who were still a bit off balance from dodging the senbon. His lava shuriken successfully struck each man's neck before exploding, leaving them for dead. After this, Raishi turned round at his former student, making sure she was alright before guiding her towards the village hospital with a smile, questioning her about the men that had attacked her.

Total Words: 1179
Reaction Time C to C1 575
Perception C1 to C2 600

Leftover: 4

4Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Empty Re: Deaf to Windchimes [NK/Training/Open] Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:58 pm




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