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Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

A gentle and calming breeze blew on this fair and calm day, and there was no sight of clouds upon the horizon which looked nothing less than a majestic blue ocean. The raven-haired man was outside near Konohagakure’s Police Department with a bunch of new recruits that were in the needing of a instruction, more or less the Uchiha had to teach them what was the minimal information that was needed in order to fully function as a police officer. Therefore, the group was now standing in a line and Tenzō was standing in front of them, since the man just arrived and the training session was just about to start.

“Greetings, my name is Uchiha Tenzō. Most likely you’ve all been informed about this training session, and now we’re going to start with the basics before we’ll take a small stroll throughout the village, and by stroll I do mean patrol.” the man said on a mild tone while switching those ebony eyes from a person to another. The whole bunch was rather organized and everyone had quite a good militaristic pose in that straight line; these were the signs which indicated that this may not be your ordinary group of shinobi, all of them had potential.

~ 213/213 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“Therefore, we shall begin with the basics.” the man spoke on the same gentle tone while crossing both arms behind his back; walking from the first end of the line towards the other. “I believe that... the duties of the Konogakure’s Military Police Force are similar to those that are known from something called, The Will of Fire. Basically, our job is to protect the village at all cost, especially when it comes towards the villages. We’re obliged to listen to their demands and fulfill them if they are in need of our help.” the Uchiha spoke on a serious tone, trying to put weight beneath those words which erected between those two pale lips.

The speech had continued on for a couple of minutes, and once it that mouth of his was finally put to a rest, the man beckoned the group while heading further down inside the village. “Please, assist me. Now we’re going to perform a small patrol, and check if any villages need our assistance.” the raven-haired man uttered while heading towards a nearby place which shared a dispute between two patrons, one that was resolved a few days ago. Checking on to see if there were any more disputes, was nothing more than a routine that was needed to be fulfilled.

~ 220/433 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The group walked a total of five minutes before reaching the place in which the earlier dispute had taken place, and nearby was a merchant stand at which the Uchiha decided to stop and investigate. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I do have a question regarding a certain incident which happened here. I believe that you were one of the witnesses in the dispute between the two patrons, the ones which were released just a few days ago. Were there any more issues?” were the words which spewed out from the raven-haired man, word which formed a question at the end.

“No, those two good for nothing people... did not had the courage to show their face here again.“ the man said while shaking that head of his from a side to another. “I understand, and thank you. If you see anything or suspect that they might continue on with the dispute, please do inform us about it. And we’ll make sure to solve the problem.” the Uchiha said on a confident tone before letting out a broad smile to further ensure the man that everything was going to work out well, if more issues were to arise.

~ 202/635 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Once the discussion was finally over, the young Uchiha began to explain what was there a needed to check upon the villages, even if the previous acts which caused the ruckus were dwelt with. People were always unpredictable due to their complex ways of thinking and most certainly due to emotions, as such, there was the probability of those two patrons to face themselves once more within a verbal fight, or even worse; one that included their use of fists.

“Alright, let’s move on back towards the headquarters, where I’m going to demonstrate how we’re supposed to fill a daily report which contains our progress for the day.” he spoke on a gentle tone while gesturing towards the alley from which they came from. On the way back, the man tried to explain that even though they were members of the police force, they were not at all above the law and their actions needed to be justified by completing a detailed report of what occurred in that specific day. The higher you were on the ranking system, the more reports and paperwork you needed to complete and review; life wasn’t as easy as they probably thought.

~ 201/836 of Total Words ~

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Without wasting any more time sitting here, the Uchiha and the group had started making their back towards the headquarters, and upon their arrival they’ve entered a free room inside the building that could be used to continue the training further. Upon entry, the raven-haired man has taken out a few types of reports sheets and showed the whole group what was needed in order to complete one when their time came to do so, also the man further gave tips on what to write and where to find the laws if they needed to relate the events to them.

With that part of the training now finished, the group pretty much learned anything that was considered basic at the Police Force, and with that in mind, the Uchiha bowed politely against the group before excusing himself and dismissing the group as well. There was nothing else for him to do in that day, as such, the young lad began heading back towards the Uchiha district in order to spend a few hours with his family before heading back to the Ouroborus compound. There was a lot of training that needed to be fulfilled tomorrow and the night was almost here.

~ 203/1039 of Total Words ~

~ Mission Completed ~

~ Thread Closed ~

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