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“Well, this is the place,” Kyohei muttered to himself as he looked up at the neon red sign that hung over the doorway in front of him. The call that had him sent out here was supposedly a disturbance call from this bar to come and solve a conflict between two of the men who were drinking there. The bar seemed a decent enough place. He had certainly been to far more seedy establishments both on and off duty. Considering the call had been made more than 10 minutes ago at this point he was surprised that a drunken bar fight was not causing a ruckus or already spilled outside. Hopefully that meant he would be in for a relatively issue-free call.

As Kyohei walked in he was greeted by what he could only assume to be a hostess at the front who greeted him as if he were a customer. It was a simple mistake to make, given the relative novelty of the revived Konoha Military Police force and the fact that they wore the standard issue Konoha flak jacket. With the index finger of his right hand he would point to his left shoulder while turning it forward to show the Police Force symbol, tapping it with his finger three times to let her know. Her tone and facial expression would immediately change to one of relief as she implored him to follow her, to which he complied and listened to her story along the way.

Apparently this was a hostess bar and they had two very angry, very drunk customers fighting in the middle of the establishment and getting grabby with the girls. They couldn’t say what started their argument and believed it was likely just a result of them being drunk and sloppy. When asked to leave they refused and were temporarily put in a VIP suite to pacify them until the authorities arrived. They had continued to run up a tab and the employees there doubted they could pay for all the debt they racked up, but they were even more concerned about the girls who had to go in there to keep them company. They were sleazy, but didn’t seem to be getting too crazy. Even still though, the men needed to be removed from the premises and would be banned from returning.

Waiting outside the door to the room was the manager of the establishment who looked none too pleased about the whole ordeal, but Kyohei had no interest in hearing the same story retold. He would go and check it out for himself. As he stepped in the room he would find the two hostesses keeping them company looking extremely uncomfortable, their eyes almost begging for the Uchiha to get them out of there. Kyohei would order the girls to leave the room, much to the chagrin of the drunken men, but Kyohei had no sympathy for them. Drunks like them reminded him of his father and that irked him to no end.

Drunk and upset, the two men would angrily approach Kyohei, spewing threats and expletives. He could smell the alcohol wafting from their breath. Deciding to take their drunken rant as aggressive and threatening posture for convenience Kyohei “defended himself” by striking them both hard enough to finish the job the alcohol had halfway started and put them out cold. Rather than drag them all the way through the establishment and cause a scene, Kyohei would bring them out back and wait for the transport unit he requested to come pick up the unconscious men. If they wanted to get handsy he was sure there would be plenty of pretty men who would be willing to oblige in the city’s jail.

625/600 Complete

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