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1A day off? Great! [Open] Empty A day off? Great! [Open] Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:16 pm



Ahh! What a beautiful Sunday morning! The sun was out and as blistering hot as ever, leaving all residents of the desert village wishing for one of those rare rainy days. Even a bit of overcast would be nice, but the only thing for miles in the vast blue sky was a single fluffy white cloud heading off in the opposite direction. Even the desert birds were out and about, particularly the large vultures looking for some roadkill to chow down on. Sunagakure was such a pleasant place..
Kichiro didn't pay much mind to any of it, however. He had just woken up from his slumber and ventured out into the streets of the village to get on with his day. It wasn't until just then, as he was walking down the street, that he realized he didn't have any missions to worry about. Not for today anyways. He hadn't scheduled any training either, so he had a day off from his life as a ninja.

So, what was there to do? Maybe he'd go out for a bite to eat. Some breakfast sounded good. Well, any kind of food sounded good when he wasn't the one who had to cook it. He had his father's appetite, and unfortunately, also his skills in the kitchen. He wouldn't go as far to say that he was the worst cook in the village, but he was definitely down there on the list. Oh well!

I wonder if any of the good restaurants are open this early... I could really go for some bacon." he said as he gave his rumbling stomach a pat. With that, he went off in search for an open eatery to quell his bacon desiring hunger.

2A day off? Great! [Open] Empty Re: A day off? Great! [Open] Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:44 am


Shibirin had been walking towards the weaponry shop in Suna. He had word that the sword his father had given him years ago before his death, had been stolen and retreived. His mother had made him go out and collect it himself, so he got up, took the empty sheat case the blade belonged to and headed off towards the village.

On the way, he walked past a somewhat farmiliar nin. They had never met, but the face of the nin reminded him of someone else. He couldn't picture who, but something in the back of his head was hinting him to go say hi. Shibirin knew the guy might not even recognize him, so he'd simply keep on walking like nothing had ever happened.

----------------- Shibi Exits Thread -----------------

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