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Yoichi Uchiha

Yoichi Uchiha

Mission Deets.:

Yoichi was out simply enjoying some rest. To be honest, it wasn't all that important a mission, he'd taken it to allow himself some relaxation. Plotting and scheming and fighting was fun and all, but it didn't do to over strain the mind and body of any individual. So he took on a few simple missions. Besides, he couldn't pretend to be a loyal shinobi if he had no official missions under his belt, now could he? As Yoichi walked along, he drew out some very detailed pathways and other such natural terrain that he saw. It was strange, really. Konoha was a relatively old place. Why they didn't have detailed maps yet was beyond him.

Yoichi sat down, enjoying the feeling of the grass beneath him, and looked up to the sky. The clear blue expanse was vast, much more so than the area of land he'd travelled, or could ever travel. He watched as a bird flew overhead. Yoichi envied the creature, in that it had a view that he could not see. He'd only ever view the world from down on the ground. This spot, he could not have a bird's eye view of. Of course, he could climb a tree, and get a better look, but that wasn't all that important, to be brutally honest. He sighed, closing his eyes. Even though he was all alone, the eye patch remained on as always. It wouldn't do to have some random person stumble upon him without the eye patch on and learning his secret.

Only one person alive knew of it now, other than himself. Lady Risu, head of the Ouroboros clan, both the Hebi and the Orochi branches. Enaka no longer claimed that position. In a way, it was strangely poetic. Enaka had planned for so much, after all, taken so many liberties, and even claimed Yoichi out of sheer fascination. Now Lady Risu was in control, and all of his resources would become hers. Including Yoichi's own talents. To have been so great, and lost everything. Enaka was a true disappointment. Yoichi had gone with him for power, and in return, had only been consulted. It disgusted him, how he had to do everything himself, but that just meant that there were no excuses for failure. However, now that she was in charge, things were different. He was actually given assignments, and they were of an interesting quality. He could definitely learn to enjoy this.

After a while, Yoichi's eyes flickered back open. Sitting up, Yoichi stretched out and yawned. He'd actually fallen asleep out in the meadows. He looked down at his pouch and pulled out the map. He'd done plenty of work on it as he'd walked around earlier. It was very detailed, more focused on landscape and such than anything else. He stared at it for a few moments, and made some slight adjustments, finishing up some last few details on it. That seemed to be about as correct as he needed to have it. Besides, he wasn't really invested in the mission, he just wanted to relax and maintain appearances. It was a stressful life, so no reason to not do so, right? Anyhow, it was about time that he started to head back. The sun would be setting soon, and he didn't feel like navigating back to the village in the dark. It wouldn't be difficult, just not something he really wanted to do. Yoichi rolled up the map, and placed it in its pouch, heading back to Konoha's main city. Tomorrow was another day, another mission, although this time, he'd get to knock some heads together. Yoichi couldn't wait.

Mission: [600/600]
WC: 610
10 left over

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