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1Back to the Academy [Mission, Yoichi] Empty Back to the Academy [Mission, Yoichi] Sat May 30, 2015 2:54 pm

Yoichi Uchiha

Yoichi Uchiha

Mission deets:

Yoichi sighed. This mission was going to be rather a change than his previous one. He'd come back from making a map the previous day, and it had been rather peaceful, but now he was going to have to deal with Academy Students, and they were incredibly annoying. His mind brought him back to some of those days when he would sit an read theory books at the orphanage, and students would come back from the Academy, and use the things they'd learned to mess with him. Yoichi had a great dislike of Academy Cadets. But oh well, a mission was a mission, and he got paid to do these things. Soon enough, hopefully, Yoichi would be a Chuunin, and move on to better missions, but as of now, he was pretty much stuck into doing these things. His end goal, was to join into the Konoha Military Police of the ANBU one day, if Lamya hadn't taken full control by then. Knowing the police movements would be nice. And as an ANBU, he could get close to the Hokage, so there was that benefit. But for now, he was a genin, doing genin missions.

Rubbing his eye, Yoichi yawned, still a little bit tired, and quite a bit bored, as he waited for the class of students to arrive in the classroom. He'd gotten there early, as the Academy Instructor had asked him to, so that he wasn't showing up in the middle of the class. But now here he was, stuck waiting for them to arrive. It was a tad bit annoying, but it didn't matter. For now, Yoichi was content playing Shogi with himself, doing speed runs and sharpening his mind and thoughts, to keep him awake. The goal was to not even have to think about his moves, and make the best one every time, as quickly as possible. In real world battles, time to think wasn't always afforded to the shinobi in question, and they'd have to make snap judgements and decisions, so Yoichi was simply practicing that quality with himself.

WC: 346
Mission: [346/1000]
TUWC: 0/346

Yoichi Uchiha

Yoichi Uchiha

After a few games of Shogi, the students started to file into the classroom, most of which decided to stare at Yoichi's eye patch and scars. Yoichi blinked, not amused as many were pointing at him and whispering rather... decidedly not quiet. "Now now class, it isn't polite to point and stare at people." the teacher said, as he walked into the class. "This man is Yoichi Uchiha, and he'll be helping out in a martial arts demonstration today. You guys have been looking forward to learning ninja combat skills, haven't you?" There was an audible cheer from most of the students, that answered his question. "Well, it's obvious that you need work on this. After all, you're all here for the same reason. You're falling behind in your own work, and need the tutoring. That's why you were put in this course."

While the instructor was talking, Yoichi's attention was wandering over the kids, sizing them up. Most seemed to be rather average in quality. That's why they were here anyhow. None of them were prodigal in talent, or anything like that. It was disappointing. He'd much rather be fighting someone like that, than these academy failures who needed extra courses. But whatever. Eventually, these would be the new rank and file shinobi, and they'd have to do well. If Lady Risu took over, that meant that they needed to be trained well, so that she could have a full functioning standing army, aside from the hundreds she'd recovered from Enaka, and aside from the Hebi guards and the Ouroboros clan. Anyhow, it was time to start his lesson, he supposed.

Yoichi stood up and left the Shogi board as it was. "Alright, everyone. Team fighting. There are 9 of you here, so there are 3 teams of 3. Group up. You'll be paired in teams of 3 genin and 1 Jounin upon graduation anyhow, so might as well get used to a 3 man squad." he said, watching as they stumbled into their little cliques. This was going to be annoying.

WC: 347
Mission: [693/1000]
TUWC: 0/693

Yoichi Uchiha

Yoichi Uchiha

As they were doing that, Yoichi formed a quick hand sign, conjuring up 6 fire clones. "There you go. These 6 will be your opponents. They have my skill in combat, and my reflexes, so that should be a decent fight for you guys, I suppose." he said, turning around and moving back to his Shogi board. The groups of Academy students ran forward, and attempted to gang up on one of the clones, but were swiftly swept away by the 6 clones. "I didn't say go, nor did I explain the rules." Yoichi sighed. They were trying to cheat. This was going to be a long day "There are 3 groups of you. 3 to a group. I grouped you together on purpose. You each have separate targets. If all it took to being a ninja was mob tactics, then you wouldn't need to be here in the first place. Each group will have to deal with 2 clones. That's 3 on 2. Think of it as if you are on a giant battle field. You won't always be able to assist other squads, nor will you be able to do so until your own fight is dealt with. You're academy students, so right now you're just learning. You'll learn more after graduation. For now, just hone your skills. Deal with your clones, or fight until the instructor calls it quits."

After that, they sectioned off, and Yoichi went back to his speed Shogi. The fighting lasted for quite some time. The students were rather bad at their technique, but the instructor and the clones worked on explaining technique for basic taijutsu, and on the whole, the training was rather successful in the end. They weren't going to be top notch shinobi with their level of skill, but with practice and dedication, they'd make it through the academy. Dissipating his clones at the end, Yoichi's chakra was restored to him, and he packed away his shogi board. This was pretty good. He'd gotten his workout via his clones, and his mental workout from himself.

WC: 348
Mission: [1000/1000]
TUWC: 41/1041

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