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1Clean Sweep[Mission/Private] Empty Clean Sweep[Mission/Private] Sun May 31, 2015 12:37 am

Uiharu Jun

Uiharu Jun

Mission Info:

Dusk was steadily approaching as the lonely sun sank towards the horizon on this calm day. It was early summer in Konoha, and the academy classes had ended just a few hours prior. The lingering students using the training ground were finally filtering out when Uiharu Jun arrived. It was his mission here to perform maintenance. Though it seemed a mundane task for a shinobi, the inexperienced Genin did not mind taking on this small responsibility for today. It wasn't long ago that Jun himself was an academy student using this small and simple training ground. All in all, it didn't seem to Jun as if there was a terrible amount of work that the area needed. There were two notable ruts in the soft dirt of the training grounds that needed to be filled and covered over with sod. The taijutsu striking logs were notably worn and there seemed to be a small amount of trash laying about.

The owner of the land that had placed the request had specified that any needed tools or supplies would be located in a utility shed at the edge of the training grounds. Jun got to work right away, walking over to the training grounds' utility shed to retrieve a small trash bag. With what there was for him to do, he felt it best to start by getting any trash out of the way. The pale Genin walked slowly around the area, picking up the scattered refuse as he went about. He picked up a few pieces of paper, most likely used for taking notes and then discarded by uncaring or unlucky students. The vast majority or the trash that Jun had to collect, however, was comprised of small food wrappers and half-empty water bottles. The fair-skinned young man thought about how careless the young students were to not clean up after themselves, but he wasn't upset. He knew that if he had been an academy student at as young an age as many of them are, that he may have been just as careless. After he finished clearing the training grounds of any and all various trash, Jun walked calmly back towards the utility shed. Upon his return to the utility shed, he made his way around the back to a compact dumpster. Jun opened the dumpster reluctantly, throwing the bag inside quickly and shutting the accursed thing even more quickly. The smell of garbage had always really bothered Jun, it was probably his least favorite smell. Now, at least, he had finished with one of the tasks left for him to complete and the worst part was behind him.

Moving on to the next point on his agenda, Jun entered the utility shed. Locating a shovel and the sack of dirt within the shed, Jun grabbed and lifted the shovel onto his left shoulder. Resting the shovel on his shoulder and holding it with his left hand, he clutched the top of the burlap sack containing the dirt with his right hand. The quiet and focused Genin made his way out of the shed with the proper tools in hand, heading over to the first of the two notable divots left in the ground from the academy students' training. Jun filled the first rut with dirt from the sack before doing the same with the second rut. Patting the dirt flat with the back of his shovel, he worked up a slight sweat under the very close to setting sun. The Genin then put the sack and shovel back in the shed where he found them, emerging from the small shack yet again with two pieces of sod to cover the recently-filled holes. Affixing the pieces of sod on the filled areas so as to blend them in with the rest of the grass, Jun accomplished yet another task. Now all that was left for the young Genin was to swap out the worn taijutsu training logs for new ones.

Jun moved on to what he hoped and assumed to be his last major undertaking, collecting the first of three replacement logs from the utility shed that he had already grown accustomed to seeing. He sat the somewhat heavy log down by the worn down training log that he needed to replace. With a loud sigh, he lifted the worn log up from off of the small metal pole that held it in place. Tossing the old log to the side, he lifted the new one and placed it where it belonged, the pole firmly rooted in the ground now sliding snugly into a hole drilled into the bottom of the log. The new taijutsu training log in its proper spot, Jun carried the old log around to the back of the utility shed and placed it by the dumpster. He would then move on to do the same with the second log, again replacing the old one and placing it by the dumpster. Jun stood for a moment to see that the sun had nearly set and that he only had less than thirty minutes of sunlight remaining.

As he prepared to swap out the third and final taijutsu training log, Jun noticed something different. There was a kunai knife still lodged deeply in the wood of the training log. With a small bit of effort on his part, Uiharu Jun dislodged the kunai from the log. Something was off about the kunai, it seemed oddly new to be something that someone would just discard after training. Even if it weren't newer looking, Jun could only assume that it was mistakenly forgotten, as kunai were a bit special for an academy student. The most notable thing about this kunai though was a conspicuous paper tag that hung from the end of it. Upon closer inspection, Jun saw that the tag said "Kako-tan <3". Assuming that to be the name of the weapon's owner, Jun decided that he would need to find them and return it. First things first, he replaced the final taijutsu training log and disposed of the old one as he had done with the first two logs.

After locking up the training grounds' utility shed, Uiharu Jun set out to find the owner of the kunai he had found. Not really knowing exactly which way to go or how to even begin a search, Jun began to walk briskly in the direction that he thought he saw the most academy students leave towards. By now, the sun had nearly finished setting and the sky grew a dark shade. After just a short while of running, he came across a young boy with curly brown hair. Yelling out to capture the boys attention, Jun asked him about the one called "Kako-tan <3". "Well if you're looking for Kako-san," the boy responded, "you should go in that direction for a while, towards the Uchiha Clan compound. She usually stays out a little late from what I know, but look for a girl with scarlet hair."

Jun made his way quickly in the direction mentioned by the young boy, looking desperately for a girl with scarlet hair. Going down the streets of Konoha, he finally saw a girl with deep red hair walking slowly in his direction. The sun finished its job for the day, as the first few stars became visible in the dying daylight. He walked slowly towards her, making eye contact that would hopefully let her know that he was looking for her specifically and not just creep her out. She was short and petite in stature and wore her hair in twin pigtails; the girl looked only about eight or nine years old.

"Kako-tan?", Jun said reluctantly.

"Yes," the girl said somewhat sheepishly, "but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, even if they know my name."

"Don't worry," Jun assured her while holding out the kunai, "I looked everywhere to bring this back to you."

"My present," the girl exclaimed, "I didn't know I forgot it. Thank you so much."

The girl known as Kako-tan hugged Uiharu Jun tightly around the waist before running off into the distance...

...Jun was left standing with a nosebleed.

Exit Thread

WC: 1379/600

Extra WC: 779

Perception Trained: E-0 ~> D-0 (779-750)

Unused WC: 29

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