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1Helping out..[mission/A rank] Empty Helping out..[mission/A rank] Sat May 23, 2015 10:49 am



The early morning sun slowly peeked in through the open windows of the teenage senju telling him that it was time to rise and shine. It would have been a pleasant morning if it was back in konoha but this new dray had no memories of konohagakure no sato. All the same, he scrubbed his eyes as he raised the bed sheets off himself. He got down and stretched his body to give off crunching sounds at various joints. He headed for the bathroom and in no less than seven minutes, he was out with a fresh and natural minty smell. He put on a clean set of his regular attire of green and black that looked beautiful on him. The dressing gave him a sense of eminence in public even though he was just a regular shinobi. He walked down the stairs to the living room and towards the kitchen. He washed his hands and picked out a frying pan. He rinsed the pan and brought out some eggs from the fridge. He began to fry the eggs as he brought out a fresh loaf of bread from the oven and placed it on the dining table. He transferred the fried eggs unto a white ceramic plate as he poured himself a glass of cold milk from the fridge. He sat down to eat and without wasting much time, he was done with his morning meal. He cleared his table and washed everything he had used before returning them to their appropraite places. He went to the living room and sat on the chair while resting his back. He waited some minutes for the food to digest as he enjoyed the calm breeze that flowed in through the well built ventilations. He would forever wonder who built this house. It was abandoned when he found it until he started living there and repaired most of the stuffs but the houses' structure, it's position, ventilation, it was wonderful. The morning was ripening as dray began to hear the tweets of birds going about their daily chores. His house was a bit far from civilization so many people could not be seen and neither could their chatter be heard. Dray stood up and went up the stairs once again to his room. He picked up chi from where it was hung and inserted a few kunais in it's launcher. To wrath, he inserted a few senbons and shurikens before sealing wrath and temp in a scroll and then chi in another scroll. He kept the scrolls around his waist where they were easy to withdraw. You never know what danger lies in wait as a shinobi. Dray went down the stairs to the living room and towards the door. He exited the house without bothering to lock the doors or windows. The house was very unattractive and anyone was welcome as long as they could find their way in and get out safely, he had no problems with that.

2Helping out..[mission/A rank] Empty Re: Helping out..[mission/A rank] Sun May 24, 2015 12:04 pm



Dray was heading out of the stone village for some reasons that were not really known to even himself. He was merely following his pure instincts. Something he always believed in. He walked through the streets of iwagakare no sato like a regular citizen but was he? He had no origins linked to iwagakure neither did he know anyone there. He often wondered if he had a first life and maybe this was his second. He felt like he had a past but he had no solid evidence neither did he have the slightest connection to it. He had nothing to place his fingers on and for a while, he tried to forget all about it. Who knows, maybe they were just thoughts, false illusions. Things that were not real. He had to move on. He had to create a future for himself. A name, an identity and he was positive that through his unique arts, he was sure he would surface.

He saw everybody go about their daily business. Iwagakure was a large village and it had to of course be a busy one. He was a lone wolf. He had nobody to relate to. Nobody to greet and talk about the beautiful morning. The awesome weather and the calmness of the stones. He was all alone, in this big village. He had a life, one that was worth living. Dray neared the Bastion adamantine. The great walls that were said to protect iwagakure day and night. It had been recorded that nobody or nation had ever penetrated these walls meaning that iwagakure had never succumbed to any attack. Dray kept walking as he wondered what would have become of the village if not for these walls. Would there even be anywhere called the land of stone? Would he be here today, right now, this very minute. It all sounded astonishing. For once, Dray doubted the shinobis of iwagakure. Were they competent at all. Was the wall all that they had?

Just a few metres away from the godly wall, the atmosphere changed as dray smelled panic in the air. The surroundings changed as he saw soldiers descending from the wall and heading towards the exit. He stood for a while and watched what was happening as he heard loud cry coupled with explosions coming from the outer part of the village. Was his imagination coming true. Was the great walls of iwagakure truly under an attack? He ascended up the walls through a stair case to see for himself what was happening outside of the walls. From where he stood, he could see a few shinobis battling an old man below as the man seemed to attack with explosives. Just then, a shinobi probably having a higher rank in the iwagakure army ran over to dray as he rushed his words.. "Help out, fellow shinobi!".
"Fellow shinobi?" Dray wondered as he looked downwards.

From above, dray jumped down towards the other side of the wall where the battle was going on with the old man having the edge over the iwagakure shinobis. With some hand seals, water gushed out of the earth to form a dreadful dragon with yellow bright eyes as the dragon charged towards the man and crashed into him sending him several metres beackwards and bruising most of his skin and probably breaking some bones too as dray summoned wrath and temp from the scrolls with him as he safely landed unto the ground about seven metres away from the man that had crashed into a small mound and was now covered in rubbles.

3Helping out..[mission/A rank] Empty Re: Helping out..[mission/A rank] Mon May 25, 2015 8:51 am



Dray held his ground as he saw the opponent rise up from the rubbles. He was a fairly old man and his skill at fighting the iwagakure shinobis was suprising. Perhaps, he was a retired shinobi himself. The man got up and looked at dray with contempt in his eyes. His only goal at the moment seemed to be eliminating dray or whatever was standing in his way.. The man swiftly withdrew two kunais as he aimed them at dray simultaneously. Not underestimating two unknown kunais, dray jumped really high unto a rock as he saw the kunais explode. So the kunais had explosives attached to them he thought to himself. The man looked more dangerous than he looked. Without wasting another minute, the man headed towards the rock dray was on as he threw a kunai at it causing the rock to explode after which dray had descended and moved away from it.

It was time to get serious, dray concluded. Having temp on the offensive and wrath on the defensive, dray had temp reveal it's eternal hammer and chain yanker. With swift speed, the puppet flung into action as it launched the five claw mechanism towards the man's upper torso. With some kunais, the man parred off the attack but he was too late to see the heavy hammer that was incoming. With a great bash into the right tigh, the man was sent crashing into a nearby rock but he would not relent. He mustered his strength once more as he launched about a dozen explosive kunais at dray. Dray quickly pulled tempest towards him as he activated the puppet gat mechanism. The gate withstood all the explosions like as if nothing had hit it. The old man probably surprised at such defense would still be preparing for an attack not realising that dray had used the hiding like a mole technique to go underground after which dray would pull him into the ground with his head above the surface.

With this done, dray would assumed success as he would reconnect his chakra strings to his puppet but the battle was not done yet. The old man would poof into a log of wood that had several explosives attached to it that would go off to cause a large explosion that would slightly burn dray's right foot. Both parties, now having a gap of about ten inches between them would watch each other closely. Waiting for someone to make a move. The old man would sprint towards dray as dray too would dash forward towards him with wrath and temp up front. Throwing his usual explosive kunais, temp's hammer would parr them off causing them to explode in a different area as wrath would unleash a large cone of flames on the man burning most of his clothing after which temp would shoot it's harpoon at the man's left shoulder pushing him with great force backwards. With another tug, dray would have temp retract it's harpoon therby causing more pain to the injured arm.

4Helping out..[mission/A rank] Empty Re: Helping out..[mission/A rank] Mon May 25, 2015 9:39 am



Dray looked at the man with remorse though the expression was not visible on his face. He wondered what event could have let the man to this act. The only reason that dray could think of was maybe the man was intent on taking revenge for something that iwagakure had done to him or why else was he bent on destroying this godly war. Dray watched the man stagger to his feet. Blood ran down from his pierced shoulder as his right tigh shook with pain. What was it that kept this certain keep fighting.. Dray wondered. Looking at the man more closely, he was either close to his sixties or a bit above it. From the very beginning, hatred was all that dray could read from him but now, the man felt like he had something that he needed to accomplish. For the first time that dray had gotten to iwagakure no sato, he felt pity. Not pity for the old man's injuries but pity for why he kept on fighting. Dray pitied the old man's fate but he still held his calm look.

He was giving the elderly man a chance to surrender but the man was still struggling to hold his ground. How would it be if he were to take the life of such an old man. Even if he let him live, he was still a threat to the hidden stone village. Dray was at cross roads. Kill him or let him go. If he killed him, would his mind truly be at rest and even if he let him go, what would the shinobis of iwagakure think of him.. Would they still regard him as a fellow shinobi? For the very first time since dray had been in the land of stone, he was called a fellow shinobi and he was asked to help out. What would he do to this man who definetly had his own reasons for attacking iwagakure. Dray brought his puppets to rest as the hovered a bit above the ground. He expelled some doton chakra into the earth as three mud wolves emerged from the earth and charged towards the man. The man was still strong enough to hold his ground against the mud wolves as he fought endlessly with the wolves that only reformed after being struck. With a single explosion, the mud wolves were gone and the old man seemed fired up. He charged towards dray with hatred and killing intent in his eye.

Now, your fate has been decided, Dray concluded. He had given the old man enough time to escape but he did not take it, the path of life. He had chosen to die and dray would of cause grant him his dear wish without any regrets. The war between dray and the man continued in earnest with both parties sending attacks, parring them off, defending and sustaining minor injuries. This war of throw and block continued for a while until both dray and the older man were almost exhausted. With a gap of only seven meters between them, dray thrusted the claw forward once again this time, perfectly grabbing the man by the man and raising him above ground level. As the man struggled to remove the mechanical claw and get himself back unto the ground, temp released it's harpoon as the sharp object accurately pierced the man's unguarded heart as the man spat out blood unto the ground. His eyes changed from accomplishing his goal to regrets that he was dieing. Regrets that he could not do whatever he had planned. Even seeing the man in this state, dray felt no pity for him. He had his chance to escape and he stupidly ignored him. Nothing was left for him now because he would die a miserable death. The death of one who failed to accomplish his goals and even in death, those regrets would hunt him down making him unable to rest, ever.

Dray tugged on a chakra string as temp retracted it's harpoon safely and swiftly too. The claw dropped the man as his lifeless body hit the ground hard with a thud. The claw also retracted due to a tug on it's chain as dray sealed both of his puppets back into their scrolls. He walked a few metres towards the dead body that lay on the floor. He looked at it and thought of making a human puppet out of it but he would not want to attract suspicions from the soldiers that witnessed the whole event. He kicked the body just to be sure. He turned backwards and headed towards the bastion adamantine. He saw the soldiers open up their mouths in awe. It was an awesome battle and dray was impressively powerful. The helpful act saved him from being questioned by the soldiers as to who he was, where he was from and why he did not have an iwagakure headband.
Dray got into the busy stone village once again as he headed for his home. Now, he was more bent on trusting his instincts more than any other thing.
Mission completed: 2500/200.

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