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1Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sat May 23, 2015 10:03 am



~ A couple of hours ago ~

The tall silver haired genin jogged to the administration building. He had gotten up before dawn to sneak in some early training before his daily missions. He was in a good mood, endorphins circulating around his body from the light morning workout. A sheen of sweat covered his body and slickened his hair, cooling him down in the morning breeze. He had started to settle himself into an industrious training - mission - training routine sandwich. Fukai's stomach growled at his breaddy thought. I'll get something after I check in. No one likes someone who doesn't show up on time, and Fukai was doing all he could to set a good impression with his superiors. Hard work, diligence and talent. That is what he had been told was required of a good ninja since an early age.

Good morning, I am here to receive my daily tasks. The young man smiled at the receptionist in the lower floor of the admin building. Fantomusodo Fukai. The older woman had learnt his name after giving him his missions for the past few weeks. Today she had the opposite mood to the young man and seemed to take offence that he could be so cheerful. You have nothing today 'cept showing the new guy around. He is waiting to see Tsuchikage-sama and after that he will be with you for the day while we sort out his living arrangements. The brows above his purple eyes furrowed. Showing someone around? I guess it's a slow day for the village if they really don't need me for anything else. He acquired the rest of the details and then left the building. Fukai shrugged his shoulders. At least he could go get some breakfast now.

~ Present time ~

The young man waited at the tea parlour for the newcomer as it was the designated meeting place. This was his first time in the place, and was much to fancy for him. The building was lavishly decorated and adourned with only the riches families of Iwa. Fukai really didn't see the point in this sort of extravagance, a warm meal at the end of a hard day, that was all he ever needed. Elbow on tabletop and face in palm, the man hunched over the tiny table almost comedically. A flash of blue appeared. A boy stood in the middle of the room and was searching the place and looked a little distressed. He stuck out amongst the silk furnishings and upturned noses. Fukai called out a greeting to him and gestured for the boy to join him. You must be Aiden Hunter. My name is Fukai and I am to show you around the village. He offered a smile and tried to make the exchange as comfortable as possible. The blue haired boy had a slightly strange appearance including long canines and pointy ears. Fukai had assumed that this was going to be just some kid from the provinces that was moving into the village, but he doubted the boy in front of him was from anywhere local. Well, we may as well make a start, we have the whole day but we will probably need it. The purple eyed male stood up and left with the small boy at his heels.

Lets go check out the markets first. Maybe the kid would enjoy seeing the hustle and/or bustle of the villagers and their daily lives. Fukai was very curious about the where the boy had come from but was aware of being too confronting. Yeah, I've lived in Iwa now for most of my life. It is a great place, not without its' faults of course... Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking, that is.


2Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sat May 23, 2015 9:45 pm

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden walked through the streets, heading towards the destination which he was directed to go to; a tea parlour. What was a tea parlour, exactly? Aiden didn’t know exactly himself, as he never went to one before, though from common sense it was most likely a shop or some sort where one can buy tea and enjoy it. Tea in itself had an odd taste, one which the blue haired boy wasn’t into at all, so if he even had any money he wouldn’t have gotten anything from this particular parlour due to his own personal dislike of the liquid itself. It was strange that one would actually come to these specific places made for a specific drink. Wouldn’t it just be easier to go to a regular food place or make it yourself?

Arriving at the lavishly decorated building, which was infested with what appeared to be some very well off families that live within Iwagakure, Aiden would wonder what the appeal of this place would be, exactly. Do people really wish to go out to places like this and be around rather wealthy people? The blue haired male himself didn’t have much if any experience with well off characters, but from the few he had met he would much rather stay away from them, wary of how they could basically act like monsters and one wouldn’t even be able to defend themselves against them.

It was then that while Aiden looked around the parlour, not even hiding the fact that he had no idea what the heck to do, that he would hear a greeting come from a nearby male voice. Turning his head, he would see an older appearing male positioned at a nearby table, elbow on tabletop and face in palm, body kept in a hunched position. As Aiden approached the male, he would listen as the man, a possible Shinobi, acknowledged that he knew Aiden’s name and introduced himself as Fukai, telling him that he is to show him around the village. Aiden upon reaching the table would pull back a chair with his left hand, pulling it be in with his left foot while he sat in it in a slouching manner, rocking the chair back and forth on its back legs.

He would look around once more before looking back at the silver haired Fukai, offering a smile back in response to the smile offered to him in a successful attempt at making the exchange more comfortable. It wouldn’t be long though after Aiden sat down that Fukai would have spoke once more, telling him that they may as well make a start as they have the whole day and will probably need it. Aiden nodded in agreement and stopped rocking his seat, instead setting it back down on all fours and getting up from it, following behind the purple eyed Shinobi.

Just like Fukai had said as they moved out of the parlour and onto the streets, they went ahead and moved in the direction of the markets. Upon their walk there, Aiden heard his guide speak once more, telling him that he had lived in Iwa now for most of his life. He went on to talk about how it is a great place, though not without faults, of course. Aiden thought as much. Although apparently Iwagakure looked incredibly prosperous it would have faults just like all of the other villages. A perfect village is a nonexistent one, of course, and Iwagakure shouldn’t be an exception to this in the slightest.

Aiden would think about of the question Fukai asked him next, though. He didn’t know how exactly to respond to it in all reality. Asking another where they came from when they truthfully don’t know it themselves is like asking one for their name when they were giving none. Sure, Aiden could reply with where he had resided until recently, but that’s not where he came from. Looking back on it he guessed the origins depends upon the place one remembers first and foremost in their history, so the absent-minded boy knew exactly how to reply and with a shrugging of his shoulders he did just that. “A cage~” He said in a nonchalant manner to Fukai as he continued looking around the village, not paying much attention to what he had just said. “So what are some of the faults Iwagakure has? On my way in it didn’t seem to have many open faults as some other places had.” He spoke out of curiousity, wishing to learn more about the village itself and perhaps even something about Fukai on this little trip of theirs.

Wc: 789

3Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sun May 24, 2015 4:51 am



The pair strolled casually in the direction of the bazaar. Fukai occasionally pointed out something, like a pair of young boys playing ninja tag in the streets. He asked the boy on his origins.

A cage~
The boy shrugged out the answer. Cage? What does that mean? The tour guide pondered the word. Had he been physically trapped within his country, unable to escape an undesirable environment or metaphorically, bound by a difficult situation. Really, the short statement itself didn't tell much, only that he had a problem in his past. Whatever it was, Fukai was not going to push him into revealing it.

So what are some of the faults Iwagakure has?
The larger genin was surprised at his question. He had meant the comment as a throw away. Most people averted their gaze from an ugly face but he could respect the boy for his forward approach. It would probably be best if he knew about Iwa's recent history so that he could fit in. All the same, the white haired young man felt weird talking about a truth that he lived on a daily basis.

Fukai took a large sigh and replied while walking, lowering his voice so that any who passed them wouldn't be alarmed. You've seen some of the extravagance that some people live already. He was talking about the tea house that he had just come from. I find it a little disgusting, personally. There are many, especially out in the provinces of the land of stone who struggle to scrape together a crust of bread to get themselves through each day. The man flicked the tailing end of his scarf back around his neck, eyes flickering from one side of the street to the other. He preferred that what he said next not be heard by anyone else. Iwakagure used to be occupied by a notorious criminal organisation. The village was, by all accounts, lawless and very dangerous. Since then, the recent Tsuchikages have been working to reform this place. The pair stepped into the bazaar. It was a particularly busy day today, shopkeepers shouting to the passing crowd and haggling with any who showed interest.

The large man pressed forward after making sure that his new company was at his heels. He continued with his line of conversation, knowing that anonymity was best found where you would least expect it. This may be more than the boy was asking for but Fukai couldn't seem to stop now that he had started to verbalise his thoughts. The poisonous tree had been cut down, but it's roots remain, tainting the soil so that any honesty that sprouts soon grows gnarly and bent. I lived in Iwa as a boy during that time, the gangs used to go house to house recruiting young people. Accept and you would live out your life committing atrocities of all kinds. Refuse and your family would be killed and you would be taken anyway. I was shielded from this due to the protection offered from my clan, although I had a fantastic view of these practices that happened all around me. The two males walked through the bazaar, too wrapped in their conversation to explore the place to any length. Before long they had come out the other side of the bazaar. Fukai took a moment to stop and organise his thoughts, then set off again in the direction of the living quarters.

The changes since those times have been dramatic, although they have been mostly to the surface, like a coat of paint over a patch of growing mould. From the outside the village looks completely different to what it was but the citizens who live here know that a single change in leadership could catapult the village back into chaos. Fukai's face darkened. He hoped his home would never see those days again.

[652] /1287

4Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:01 pm

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden ignored the young boys playing a game that he was told was called “Ninja Tag” in the streets, along with the surrounding shops within the Bazaar itself. He ignored the many other things Fukai pointed out as well, deciding that their conversation held more overall importance than some minor details. He was awaiting an answer to his question and nothing else. He was focused on this thought that itched his mind as to why there are some faults in a village that seemingly had none. Surely if a village had a bad past of sorts it wouldn’t be restored to such a state as this in a short amount of time.

He would hear the larger Genin take a large sigh before he began the story with a lowered voice, as though not to alert anyone around them. Aiden took from this that this is quite the sensitive topic for those residing in Iwagakure. Most likely the past is more than dark enough for them to not be willing to overhear conversation about it. Seemingly this implies that the residents also wish to escape the past and focus on something else instead, which is exactly what Aiden is also hoping to do. Similarities shared is similarities shared, he guessed. That and it’s probably very common for people to wish to escape non-positive ordeals.

He listened to Fukai speak about how Aiden already saw some of the extravagance that some people live in, already. It would be quite obvious that the older Genin was referencing the tea parlour they had already left. The parlour was indeed one of many extravagant things Aiden bore witness to during his stay. The lavish decor and high class citizens marked it quite easily. He continued to listen as the older Genin mentioned how he found it a little disgusting, obviously not caring for what he said in regards for the higher class, though Aiden himself would have to agree with that statement. He too found it disgusting that Humans allowed other Humans to be superior to them through means of wealth and power. Such a mentality helps only those successful while those left to suffer gain no aid or support. It was, indeed, disgusting.

The elder Genin would explain to Aiden that Iwagakure used to be occupied by a notorious criminal organization. The village was through every account lawless and highly dangerous and since the organization’s fall, the Tsuchikages have been working to reform the village. As the two had entered the bizarre, the young, blue haired male would follow Fukai, staying on the Genin’s heels. As he did so the elder Genin continued speaking, telling Aiden that the poisonous tree had been cut down, but the roots remain, tainting the soil so any honesty that sprouts grows gnarly and bent. Aiden was surprised to hear that Fukai himself lived in Iwa during that time. The gangs would move from house to house, recruiting young people. If they accepted the offer, they would live their lives committing atrocities of many and all kinds while if they refused their families would be murdered and they themselves kidnapped.

Fukai himself though was shielded due to the protection offered from his clan, thus saving him a firsthand feel at the suffering others most likely had to go through, though he did have a “fantastic” view of the mentioned practices all around him, making him exposed to the corruption nonetheless. It wouldn’t be long before Aiden and Fukai would exit the shopping area, where Fukai would cease movement for a small moment before setting off once more with Aiden at his heels. The elder Genin’s answer continued, and the explanation hadn’t ended. Fukai would have told Aiden about how the changes have been dramatic since then. Although they have been mostly to the surface. From the outside the village itself looks completely different in comparison to its past self but the citizens themselves know for a fact that a single change in leadership could launch the village back into the dreaded chaos once more.

Aiden had silently absorbed this large amount of information. Processing it through his mind, he thought about how terrifying it must have been to live during those times, even while under the protection of a clan. The overwhelming pain those within the village felt must have been great, far too great. Aiden himself wouldn’t wish such a life of fear and pain upon anyone. From his experience and from what his guide had just told him, it didn’t seem right that such vile things could occur. Corruption is the true enemy of everyone, and those that don’t even know it just act as foolish puppets for the despicable creature to use and abuse until their use is no more. “I can’t imagine the pain the people in Iwagakure must have gone through. I apologize for bringing what must have been such a rough topic up.” He told Fukai, feeling guilty for having someone that must be rather sensitive to the topic bring it up again just to satisfy his curiosity.

wc: 858
twc: 1647

ooc: sorry for late post. I'll work harder next time to deliver you it more quickly.

5Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:19 pm



As Fukai finished his spiel, he turned his head while continuing to walk. The boy was listening intently, absorbing the information. He wondered if this was too much for the young teen, many preferred to turn their face away from ugliness and pretend it wasn't there. The pair continued on and started walking through the suburban housing. The stone buildings flattened out along the main street. The streets were kept clean but the alleyways remained full of all sorts of waste. A little metaphoric, Fukai thought.

I can’t imagine the pain the people in Iwagakure must have gone through.
The elder genin was slightly surprised at the eventual answer of the boy. His first sentence sounded like the normal run of the mill automatic answer when a difficult story is shared. But as Fukai looked into Otter's face he could see that the boy was showing something like true empathy. Fukai appreciated his genuinely ardent statement. It showed a different kind of strength.

I apologize for bringing what must have been such a rough topic up.
Fukai smiled, looking at the boy and acknowledging his kind effort. His smile turned into a grin and then a little chuckle. Don't worry. These things must be talked about. A mess cannot be cleaned if ignored and a truly courageous person is honest when being honest is difficult. They continued on, the weight of the conversation did not match their casual strolling. Fukai turned to him and siphoned a little chakra into his eyes. Otter would see the purple iris waver and the dark black line that showed the first release of the 'Eyes of the Netherworld'. With this he had the power to influence emotion and would convey his assured state to the boy. For the first time in my life, I believe that change is possible. And the man who gave me hope is.. Fukai turned his head, they were standing in front of the Fantomusodo clan compound. Karumo Sekuro. Our new generation has the power to reform this place as finally we can stretch our heads to breathe clean air. He thought also of the young man Harichimo who he had met at the same time. This is my clan compound, if you ever need something then come to one of us. Fukai hesitated then thought he may give the boy a little advice. This town is still a dangerous one, a good kid like you may have some problems. You should find yourself some worthwhile and dependable allies.

Otter and Fukai continued on through the living quarters, the older genin pointed out the halls of residence and commented that Otter would probably live somewhere in there. He decided that they had done enough walking for the day and that his new companion probably wouldn't mind chilling out to watch the sun set. He led the way to Sightseeing cliff. It would only take another 20 minutes to get there and then they could rest all four of the feet. They sky slowly transitioned from blue to orange.

[534] /1821

6Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:17 am

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden took notice of the smile Fukai gave him, which transitioned into a grin and then from there into an entertained chuckle of sorts. He told the shorter Genin to not worry as things such as what they discussed are necessary to talk about. A mess cannot be cleaned if ignored and a truly courageous person is honest no matter what, even if being honest is difficult. As the two continued on, their pace not matching the weight of the conversation, Aiden would notice that Fukai would turn to face him, the purple iris within his eye wavering as a dark black line appeared. 'Is this a trick to catch me off guard...?!' Aiden thought to himself as he prepared his claws and began to bare his fangs, not knowing what his fellow Genin was trying to pull with him.

He would cease his responding, threatening movement just as quickly as he began showing it though, as Fukai began telling him that he believes that change is possible, and the man who gave him that hope is Karumo Sekuro. Their new generation has the power to reform this place as they finally can stretch their heads and breathe clean air. As Fukai spoke his head turned away, appearing to face the front of some sort of compound. He would tell Aiden that if he ever needed something then he could come to one of them, as this is his clan compound. After a short moment of quiet between the two the Iwagakure native continued on, telling Aiden that the town is still a dangerous one and that a good kid like him may have some problems. He would advise Aiden to find himself some dependable allies.

Aiden would close his eyes and snicker a little bit before responding to Fukai. "I can handle myself. I'm done hiding behind others when i get into trouble anyways. Besides, aren't you an ally, Fukai?" He asked as they continued on into the compound and though the living quarters, which the elder Genin would then point out the halls of residence, telling him that he would probably live somewhere in there. Nodding his head, Aiden would just simply follow along, absorbing the information as he continued tailing his guide all the way to a place called Sightseeing Cliff, which they would reach twenty minutes later, just in time to watch the setting sun. Sitting down as he was next to Fukai, Aiden would continued watching the setting sun. "One day, i'm going to change the village i was in before this one for the better and become strong. I'll make sure that no one that wants to hurt innocent people will ever harm it. I swear it." He said to himself, reflecting upon his conversation with the fellow Genin.

wc: 469
twc: 2116

7Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Empty Re: Blue and Purple [Aiden/private] Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:18 am



Fukai and Aiden kept their casual pace towards Sightseeing cliff.

I can handle myself. I'm done hiding behind others when i get into trouble anyways.
Fukai smiled again at this statement. It seemed a little stubborn but he could understand. The boy had a strong sense of independence and self responsibility. He was joining a ninja village and yet would say something like this. It sounded like he wasn't one to accept help but that was usually the reason for outsiders to join a village. It made Fukai question his intentions.
Besides, aren't you an ally, Fukai?
An interesting interjection to the end of that sentence. The blue haired boy had made a serious announcement that he didn't need anyone and then turned around to ask him if he was an ally. Almost like the new genin wanted to make new ties and take his advice despite himself. Well, I can be. We haven't known eachother for very long. Fukai decided to just leave his statement as it was, the boy could reach out to him to build a connection if he liked or just leave it.

The pair walked up the gradual hill, the golden light of the setting sun fell upon the scenery around them. They continued on the track as the housing thinned out and was replaced with the usual rocky landscape of Tsuchi no Kuni. The hill steepened but they eventually would make it to the top. Ahh now here we are. This place is called the Sightseeing cliff. Look- you can see most of Iwagakure from up here. There's the bazaar that we have just come from... Fukai would point out the various districts of the village that could be seen from the point. The brown slate and stone architecture truly looked stunning with the orange sky, the light added it's golden glow to the surroundings to create a scene of warm blended hues. There were a few others on the cliff that were enjoying the view but they would not be close enough to be in earshot. The pair sat down next to eachother, facing out to the view. So what are you here for, if you don't mind me asking. Fukai was still curious about the boy.

One day, I'm going to change the village I was in before this one for the better and become strong. I'll make sure that no one that wants to hurt innocent people will ever harm it. I swear it.
Few people had such a stalwart ambition, fewer would speak about it. The confident and straight up utterance of someones deepest ambitions took someone who was personally both focused and honest with themselves. His aim seemed like a noble one, and a true goal worth fighting for. This statement spoke volumes about the smaller male, Fukai could see that he had meant every word. After a while to think about what the boy had said, allowing the time to pass that was necessary to honour his words, the older genin spoke. It seems like you have quite the journey ahead of you. I agree, you'll need to be strong, as do I. For I also seek change. My clan and my home. He wouldn't go into details for it was something that he did not feel like he could share with someone he had just met.

The sun sank below the horizon in the distance, the light turning from gold to red. I also want to see the world. I want to meet people and explore. The purple eyed male tugged at his scarf as he thought back to the encounters that he had made with people from far away lands. He talked of Zennyo Ryuo, the enigma of a man that had turned on him in the dead of night to attack him, only to stop and walk away without another word. He talked of Kimura Suutei, the young man and his strange raccoon reindeer that he had found at the top of a mountain in the middle of a viscous storm. I hope to meet all sorts of people in my lifetime. And I am glad to have met you, Aiden.

The day had disappeared as the two genin were in each other's company. Well, I had better show you to your new living quarters, they would have set everything up for you by now. I hope you enjoyed the tour, come find me if you need anything.

[755] /2576
~Exit thread~ Thanks for the thread bud.


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