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1Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Depressing Serpent (Open) Mon May 11, 2015 9:38 pm



Ken was the child, the adopted child, of a former Kunoichi who retired to assist her family, and a shinobi that specialized in medical ninjutsu . . . Alongside them, Ken had an adopted elder sister. Those three adoptive family members found their ends twelve years ago because of the bloodline that Ken had. The Ouroboros, or more specifically, the Orochi clan. It was because of him, they died . . . It had started off all those years ago on as a seemingly normal day as the young boy in Konaha, getting a birthday present for his older sister by either performing enough good deeds to earn Ryo from his father.

He eventually gets the present and gives it to his sister. As much as she wanted to celebrate the day, there was a problem . . . as they headed back outside Konaha, they left to see the sky blacken as their home burnt away. Ken's mother ran towards them screaming about a group of Ronin attacking the once-peaceful home, genjutsu having plagued her mind into fear as the blades plunged through her back, the ronin were determined to pillage the home until their search for the boy ended . . . Hiding in the trees, his sister was taken.

Ken witnessed his older sister break down, but not give away Ken's position. They gouged her eyes out and then impaled her on several pikes right before his own home. The Ronin searched long into the night. The blue sky became completely enveloped in a blanket of total darkness as a fierce inferno engulfs the trees, his home, burning the surrounding down to the ground. Ken was unable to do anything, but listen to the shrill cries of his father and anyone that came to help, desperately trying to defend themselves against the masked men.

The terrified young Orochi returned to his home after the fires had stopped, but not a soul can be found- only destruction. He wanders to his home, and is heart-broken to find the corpse of his father, and begins to cry. That was the beginning of Harada Orochi, or rather, the path to the shinobi he would become.

A little late to have graduated, but he had stalled for a long time, training his body and mind into a perfect state of harmony, having given up his emotions to the way of life he had adopted. Given away his ability to feel any form of pain to the power he wished to obtain. Nonetheless, Harada Orochi had been born. A little late to the graduation . . . 17 years old, five years older than the average genin upon graduation, but he was almost four times as smart as one.

All those years training his life away, never giving a second thought to those that ridiculed him because of his unappealing snake-like visage, those slanted eyes and slashed irises, surrounded by a yellow and green glow. . . . His eyes were practically painted purple, if you would call his natural skin color around his eyes 'paint'. He stood at 6'0" sporting a rather lanky build, his clothing was uncommon for citizens of Konaha, and his appearance was already intimidating as it is now.

To set the scene, the buildings were in rather great shape, two story buildings all around designed in the oriental way that most of the world was like. Ken himself had lived in the second story apartment that he was given by the Jounin that found him, a safe house of sorts that they used to check up on his progress as a shinobi in training until graduation, or rather, until they all died. Ken stood at the exit of Konaha, staring up at the massive gate walls with malice in his eyes . . .sort of standing there like a dead bug really.

2Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Tue May 12, 2015 1:28 am



It had been a long journey, but she was finally at Konoha. The looming walls were a sight to see from even three hundred meters away. The closer she got, the more accomplished she felt in her journey. She would make her presence known at once, and see what was up in the Hidden Leaf. Things were going to be very interesting from here on out. No more cluttering of field reports on her desk to look over. No, this time she was the one figuring out the intel and bringing it back for the village.

Not that this was a trip of reconnaissance, it was a diplomatic trip to be sure. Back in the day, she used to do some not-so-diplomatic missions. Nothing to cause a fuss about if she got caught. But her visits and time spent 'travelling the world' was more about gathering intel sprinkled with some relaxing vacation time. Sure, there were days when she spent more time relaxing than working, but she still gathered some information about the villages she visited. Was that so wrong of her? It was well known, or rather well assumed, by all the villages that there was intel being gathered even during peaceful times. There were no alliances yet to be made, at least none that Suzume was aware of. So what she did back in her Special Jonin times didn't cause for great alarm. Sure, if she got caught it would degrade the integrity of the Hidden Sand, but definitely not all out war.

She approached the gates casually, their doors wide open. There was still the checkpoint booth of guards she would have to talk with before getting through. However, as she came up to the guard booth, she noticed a boy standing in the center of the gate's entrance. A silvery-purple haired boy that stood taller than her, his clean baby face a sign of his younger age. But the real oddity was his pale white skin, like literally white, and his eyes. They were a peculiar yellow shade and the pupils were slanted like a cat's, only thinner. The way he stood made Suzume interested in the boy. He seemed out of place, standing as if waiting for someone to approach him or be bothered by the guards.

Seeing her opportunity to be the one to snap the zoned out boy back to reality, she approached him. "Hey, boy," she called out as she came to stand before him. the guards in the booth nearby starting to make their way over. "What are you up to? Not the welcoming party for me, I hope."

She knew there wouldn't be a welcoming party for her, she had traveled without alerting anyone in Konoha of her travels. Or at least, she hoped none were aware of her trip. If so, that would peg questions about personal allegiances back home. But still, even if Konoha somehow did learn of her arrival, she doubted they'd send only one person to greet her, much less a kid. She'd soon find out the truth, though, as the guards were quick to approach her and the boy.

Post: 533

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Sat May 16, 2015 5:45 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Coincidentally at the same time, the raven-haired man was just returning from a relaxing stroll which he took in the forest beyond the walls. While casually walking back towards the gates, something  or someone that was a bit distended managed to steal away the Uchiha’s attention, forcing him to pick up the pace just so that he may hear the question which assaulted those ears of his as well. Those dull and ebony eyes started to narrow against the woman which, inspecting all that she had from behind while the figure continued moving closer and closer. Those footsteps had started getting slower, not at a speed which actually allowed him to move silently and sneak up on her, but a one that was more casual than those alerting ones before, which she probably heard if those ears were sharp enough.

“Even if you are an outstanding beauty, is that truly enough for a welcoming party?” Tenzō asked on a playful tone while halting just a few feet away from the woman. A sleeveless jet-black shirt was covering that well-toned chest of his, while a pair of a similar color were tucked inside those grey sandals, and wrapped with a white piece of clothing around the ankles. A kunai that was carefully hidden behind his back, tucked half-way inside that silky red sash; besides that, there were no other weapons present on him. That dark hair of his cascaded nicely along the man’s vessel, reaching all the way down towards his waist, touching the sash slightly with the tips as the wind gently tussled it.

While scouring the woman with those lustful eyes, the young man noticed another person standing around the gates, a male with a golden glitter in those orbs, similar to the ones which Lady Risu has. Perhaps, the boy was meant to escort the lady back towards the compound, or they might not know each other at all. Nonetheless, this whole situation had given birth to an eerie vibe that was quite unpleasant at a first glance; it was too soon to draw up a conclusion. As such, Tenzō moved no further and awaited for the response while keeping a statuesque posture, rigid with no defensive or offensive signs; never letting the silver-haired woman out that strong gaze that was just laid upon her, not even for a single second.

~ 400/400 of Total Words ~

4Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Wed May 20, 2015 11:50 am



Her eyes turned to the other boy, arriving just in time for a clever remark. The pale boy standing by her seemed to be spaced out, not reacting to her words. Seeing better luck with this second child of the Leaf, Suzume decided that maybe he was here for her. He had walked up upon her arrival, whereas the pale kid appeared to have only been daydreaming in the middle of the gate. Interesting people living in this town, that was for certain.

"Do you always try flattery with every woman you come across?" she asked. Keeping her face calm and emotionless was her task now. Having been trained within the Kōga clan and now being next in line to take the head leadership, she knew perfection was always required. Not to say that she would slip-up. It had been a long time since her emotions broke her carefully constructed mask. "Tell me, boy. Do you know who I am?"

Knowledge was indeed power. It was time to find out how well Konoha knew of their neighbors in the Wind Country. The last time she had seen a Hidden Leaf ninja herself was the last Chuunin Exams, and the last time she talked with one being years ago when she, herself, had been in the Chuunin Exams. However, it had been a long time since the last Exams, and throughout that time, communication with the outside world had ceased almost entirely. It wouldn't be far from assumption that these Hidden Leaf shinobi didn't know who was in power of the Hidden Sand, or if there even still was a Hidden Sand. Such was the lack of their village's activities.

Then she would watch and listen to the raven haired boy's response, if he had one. His ebony eyes seemed a bit amused by his own joke, but she would watch his young, clean-shaven face closely. An interesting fact of the boy's appearance was his long hair, that seemed to be about the same length as her own. Metrosexual, maybe? she wondered to herself. He only stood a bit taller than herself, most likely an inch, maybe two, but more likely just the one. He seemed to wear a rather interesting, casual attire which contrasted to her own outfit that was more suited to the athletics and combat. Her white bandeau top a much more breathable choice in the warm weather. The cape of her clan fell to the ground behind her, the hood pulled back as she had no need of it and while it would be quite apparent that her pants had several pouches undoubtedly full of weapons, there appeared to be none present on the long dark haired boy.

Things were ramping up in the village hidden in the leaves.

Post: 470
Thread: 1003

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

5Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Wed May 20, 2015 4:51 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Catching a better glimpse upon the woman that stood beneath those ebony eyes, allowed the young man to realize that she was practically armed to the teeth if compared to the likes of him. And those weapons were not the only things that stood out from her; actually, that face of hers did not seem to hint any kind of emotions towards that question of his, she was cold as steel, unlike Tenzō who usually radiated with them. Perhaps, she was just fragile as a flower; hiding, inside an armor, behind a mask. Even from the beginning there were not that many gestures to betray her emotions, and there were only a few things that could be concluded from this, besides the obvious fact that she was quite composed. Nonetheless, without making it that obvious, the raven-haired continued talking due to that amount of curiosity which slowly began to take shape inside of him.

“Flattery? No... or maybe, yes. Every woman is beautiful, in her own way.” were the words which came out pouring between those pale lips; however, that tone of his fluctuated a bit, starting off as a rather plane one before ending up with a playful twist. Pushing on was probably not the best way to deal with this, although that itch was just too unbearable to be ignored. With her second question in mind, the Uchiha began to contemplate that identity of hers, even thought there were no chances for him to recognize her. Known as a slacker for most of his childhood, and as a boy who preferred playing instead of learning the history and culture of the other villages. There was probably no interest regarding the events that occurred outside village walls, or perhaps he was nothing more than a foolish young man.

For the last and final time the man attempted to take a better look in order to recall that recognizable face, searching her thoroughly, from those two noticeable scars on her right cheek, all the way down towards her toes. While gazing at the silver-haired woman, the Uchiha slowly rose both arms before crossing them in front of his own chiseled chest, pressing those scrawny fingers deep inside those biceps while frowning as those lips slightly began departing from each other. In just a couple of seconds, those ebony eyes came to a rest as they were no longer feasting upon her body, stopping against that pair of scarlet orbs that seemed quite empty.

“I’m truly sorry, but I don’t know who you are. However, I have a feeling that your ego is going to burst out and let me know.” were the words which came next from the raven-haired man, words spoken on a nonchalant tone which did not showed any kind of harshness within. Those were the last words that he uttered before a pause invaded the surrounding grounds, leaving behind a bit of space for the woman to add her own thoughts towards them, only if she desired. If Tenzō actually knew that she was the Kazekage, maybe those words would have been formulated differently. Ignorant was probably the best way to describe the man’s approach, even though that feature isn’t something which describes the man correctly.

~ 546/946 of Total Words ~

6Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Wed May 20, 2015 10:50 pm



The boy acted as if he was a seducer with his flirting words. It amused her how he picked his words. He wasn’t so much as flirting directly with her, but more just showing his personality. Seducers and loverboys like himself couldn’t help themselves but act in such a way. She wouldn’t hold it against him. Instead, she decided to let him continue in his ignorance of her identity. This would be some fun.

“Don’t think too highly of yourself, boy,” she retorted. “That’s something I have to remind myself every now and again. However I’m nobody special in particular, just was shocked that anybody would be at the front gates waiting for me. Guess I thought of myself a bit too highly then, too.”

She gave a glance back to the checkpoint guardhouse. The shinobi that had been looking to approach her had turned away. Did they trust these two to check her over? Neither of the two had the look of customs officers, nor border patrol. One of them hadn’t done anything but stare at the clouds since she arrived. The other seemed to have more of a fancy to cozying up to her than anything. However, she had noticed his gaze. It was more than a simple ‘gander at the goods’. The seducer had seen her various pouches. Any shinobi with a few pouches of their own would understand what her’s were used for and she was sure this boy understood what they were.

Something that struck her as funny was how the boy tried to show of his body. He was very muscular and he sure did know it. Folding his arms together, she could see why he adorned himself with a sleeveless shirt. It was quite interesting to see someone who was so dedicated in refining themselves. Suzume could at least admire another that focused on refining oneself. So there was some commonality between them.

“Now seeing as I don’t actually have a welcoming party,” she made a nod to the road leading into the village. “I think I’ll just see myself to the nearest hot springs. Been a long journey. Nice seeing the genin here.”

She’d have to see about an inn at some point, but really she could use a nice bath to relax in. Maybe the next day she would talk with the Hokage. Give the village plenty of time to take in news of her arrival. Surely someone would notice who she was, no matter how much she tried to hide it. Still, she could use the advantage of not being well known in the area to get a good lack at Konoha’s strength. Maybe the hot springs would have to wait.

Post: 463
Thread: 1466

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Wed May 20, 2015 11:06 pm



"Going to the gate today~ Like I do everyday~!" A young newly made Konoha Genin skipped her way to the front gates of town. She was dressed in casual clothes, her violet dress just going past her thighs with black tights and sandals on her legs. Though she wore her Konoha headband on her head, the rookie ninja still walked with the light naive touch of inexperience. The small girl's green haired braids trailed behind her as she sang an improvised melody to no tune in par ticular.

"Hello!" Tsu waved to the guardsmen per her usual routine greeting. As  the girl reached the gate she found it busy as ever, three adults stood around each other. By adults, Tsu saw them as older than her 12 year old self. There was lady and a raven-haired man conversing with each other, the woman seemed to be a visitor with the raven-haired man a shinobi of leaf, perhaps a lady and her escort and/or welcome party? Tsu didn't want to bother them. The third man at the gate interested the girl with his odd yellow eyes with slanted pupils. She tilted her head at his pale skin and lanky appearance, he almost looked unhealthy but the small girl only wondered if he ever ate anything at all. Maybe he was hungry, Tsu herself hadn't eaten anything for a while and the thought of food made the green haired child's stomach grumble rather loudly, almost to the point that the others could her hear. "Don't worry stomach, I'll get you food after we're done here." The girl thought aloud, oblivious as to whether or not anyone could make out what she said.

Tsuru walked just as little further, just outside the gates. The girl put her cupped her hands around her eyes as if they were a makeshift pair of binoculars, her head flicked back and forth across the horizon. She was searching for something, or rather someone in particular. After a moment, her scanning ended and she sighed in apparent failure of not finding what she was looking for. "Not here again..." Her shoulders sloped down in disappointment, but by her casualness of the action, it seemed that she had been expecting failure all along. Dad... I wish you'd come home soon...

Tsuru looked up to find the lady and the raven haired boy still talking with one another. Glancing longingly back at the road, the green haired girl turned herself back in the direction of the village. The curious man with yellow, Tsu now determined to be "Snake eyes" was still also just standing there. Tsu figured it to impolite if she didn't say anything to the people, especially the traveling woman, because one must always be nice to visitors. The green haired girl simply walked a little closer than average to the group of three with a happy welcoming smile of her face, she didn't want to interrupt the conversation either so she just gave a little wave of "Hello!"

8Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Thu May 21, 2015 3:11 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

One might think this would be quite odd, but the Uchiha actually enjoyed playing the Kazekage’s game, since it was quite entertaining and relaxing even if she did not seem to view the man highly. “I never really considered myself anything beyond what I am, woman. However, that is a good advice, and apparently, beauty might not be your only quality, since wit shortly follows after.” the man said on a benevolent tone, bombarding the woman once more with compliments. Determination was something that recently began to dwell deep inside the man; finding more things about this silver-haired fox was the main goal for now, and the man was actually more interested about that personality of hers that she did not wish to show, title and names were really not that important to him.

Once those scarlet eyes began to move back towards the checkpoint, the Uchiha quickly scoured with his own in the same direction while wondering what kind of thoughts were passing through the woman’s head. At least for now, the most interesting part of her was give by that capability which allowed her to keep herself calm even under circumstances such as these. Even though she had what seemed to be a fairly large ego, the amount of control that was placed upon it was nothing more than outstanding. Nothing was probably capable of even scratching this woman’s shell, and just that alone made the Uchiha even more interested in her.

“Also, isn’t it a bit too late to say that you’re nobody? Judging by the looks, and that cape... which has a particular crest upon it, a design that is similar to those used mostly by clans. Perhaps, you’re the leader of a clan if I’m not wrong; however, titles are not really that important to me.” were the words which left from the man, while those hands of his slowly began to depart from each other, resuming their normal state around that thin waist. That was nothing more than a bold assumption, since that cape could not even be hers to begin with, or probably, it was nothing more than fancy design which she sewed herself.

“Even though I don’t really count as a welcome party... I dislike the idea of leaving you alone for now. Actually, the hot springs are not really a bad idea, and I heard that they usually serve good beverages there. What do you say, will a fine lady such as you allow me to treat her with a drink?” was the inquiry asked by the Uchiha before those pale lips curled up within a sly smirk. The man was simply too caught up the in the discussion to notice all the things which happened around him, as such, the man responded towards the green-haired child with a nod of his own before moving those eyes back towards the Kazekage.

~ 490/1436 of Total Words ~

9Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Sun May 24, 2015 4:47 pm



At first it seemed that she had struck a nerve in the boy as he addressed her as ‘woman’. There wasn’t so much of endearing titles given anymore, although he tried to cover that up by another string of compliments to her beauty and wits. Cheeky young man as he was, he still thought he could be enticing enough to keep her within his sights. Judging by the possibly struck nerve of a little while ago, Suzume believed the boy to want to find out more about her. Not in the romantic sense, as his flattery sounded more akin to his benevolent personality, but in a manner of intrigue as if he was using his words to hold her close and not to stray. Yes, this boy was actually planning on keeping an eye on her. Which was more than the other pale-faced Leaf ninja was doing as he continued to be spaced out next to them.

He had mentioned her cape, and the clan’s symbol laid upon it in embroidered black silk. His deduction skills were quite well, as it was her family’s cape and was passed down to her from her father as she was the firstborn. Soon to be head of her clan, she was to always wear the cape into battle and be sure to always bring honor to her clan. Such a heavy symbol it was, her father had even told her that whenever she left on a mission that she must always have the cape with her, and if she could not come back with it, then it was better she not come back at all. That being said, her father did love her, but the clan came first before oneself, that was how the Kōga taught their children. Suzume understood this very well, but she wouldn’t just spill all this out to this Hidden Leaf boy. Instead she pushed back those thoughts to the back of her mind, they weren’t needed here.

Before she was to respond to his offer of drinks at the hot springs, a young girl trodded up to them to say hello. It was a welcome surprise, yet Suzume could only think of how many ninja she’d seen already and she hadn’t even gotten past the gate. This place was a lot different than her home. Still, at least they all seemed to be rather polite folk. “Why, hello there,” Suzume greeted the girl with a friendly grin. “What lovely green hair you have! I’m rather jealous, mine is just a dull white.”

The green haired girl was so young, and yet she wore the Hidden Leaf’s forehead protector proudly. Much too young to be serving, but that was how most shinobi families allowed whereas her own made sure that the clan was well versed in their own teachings before being allowed entrance into the Ninja Academy. Suzume had been eighteen years old when she became a genin herself. She wondered how long such a young girl might last in this world. If peace held up, it would be quite long indeed, however that peace would be decided on very soon.

Seeing the young girl had reminded Suzume of the importance of her upcoming meeting with the Hokage. The smile once upon her face dwindled back into her emotionless mask. Whatever happened between them could decide the fate of so young ninja, and so many families. This was an ever-present weight upon any Kage, but Suzume often found herself trying not to think about it at times. She looked back towards Tenzo to finally answer him. “I think a drink would be nice, refreshing for a journey.” And then to the girl, “How about you join us, I’m sure you’re a bit thirsty, yes?”

With that, Suzume would beckon the raven haired boy to lead the way. Quite obviously she couldn’t as she didn’t remember where the hot springs were. In fact, it had been so long since she had visited Konoha that she was sure that she would get lost if left to her own devices.

Post: 694
Thread: 2160

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

10Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Sun May 24, 2015 11:08 pm



The raven haired man seemed to be too engrossed in his conversation with the woman to give Tsu nothing more than a nod in greeting. The woman on the other hand paid more attention to the her. For a moment Tsu toyed with the idea that maybe the raven haired man like the woman, but it seemed like the two acted as if they had just let rather than known each other a long time. Tsu still blushed at the funny idea of the improbable romance.

The white haired woman smiled kindly to the small green haired girl and even completemented her hairstyle. "Why, hello there. What lovely green hair you have! I’m rather jealous, mine is just a dull white.” Tsu's cheeks reddened even more so at the woman's words, but Tsu thought that the lady's own white hair was very pretty. It appeared soft and snow white, and to someone who was thoughtful enough to keep it nice looking for the time. The woman saw Tsu's Konoha forehead protector on her head and Tsu felt like blushing even more when she saw how impressed the woman was to see someone as young as her be a Konoha shinobi. Tsu wondered where the woman had come from, she only noticed the cape with probably the crest of a clan. It seemed as if the raven haired man also had noticed the woman's certain clothing, but he was more inclined as to how it meant for the woman's standing in the world. The small green haired girl only seemed to notice that it matched her white hair very well.

The light haired traveler turned back tot he raven haired Konoha shinobi, perhaps answering him from a previous question. “I think a drink would be nice, refreshing for a journey." She turned back to Tsuru. "How about you join us, I’m sure you’re a bit thirsty, yes?”

Before Tsu could answer, the girl's ever hungry stomach answered for her with a grumble. She didn't wish to intrude on the the two adults' er... Whatever they had happened to be doing, but there was no doubt that the small girl still had the appetite of a child. "Ah...Yes please if you don't mind Miss Traveler!" Tsu suddenly realized how impolite it must have been not to even know what the woman's name was and simply refer to her as Miss Traveler out of lack of anything to call her by. Perhaps it was also better to introduce herself so the Miss Traveler wouldn't go and call Tsu something strange like "Little Green Haired Girl." Though a name like that also seemed like something the raven haired man would come up with, his presence at this point making Tsu wonder if was indeed welcoming the woman or interrogating her.

"Oh, excuse me!" The young genin gave a short bow of respect. "I'm Tsuru Shokubutsusou! And uh... Welcome to Konohagakure, Miss Traveler!"

11Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Tue May 26, 2015 12:21 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Without a doubt the Uchiha was a bit surprised once witnessing the Kazekage smiling for the first time, and those charcoal eyebrows arched even further upwards at the sight of that beauty; however, deep down the raven-haired man questioned the authenticity behind it. The young man answered the child’s bow with one of his own before taking a few steps ahead, preparing himself to guide them further inside the village. “I know the perfect place that we can go, and it has good food as well. It’s more of a resort than a simple hot spring with private rooms as well, and don’t worry about the expenses, this one is on me.” Tenzō spoke on a calm tone before throwing a sly smirk towards Suzume, on the pause just before mentioning about the expenses.

The man was not particularly wealthy, but with that title of his the payment was decent enough and affording to spent a few days at a place such as this was not really that impossible. Tenzō and his sister, Shiro, worked hard these passing years in order to cover up the family debts, and with those gone in the past, they were finally capable of enjoying life a bit more than they used to. Spoiling yourself in such places from time to time was not a bad idea, considering that the life expectancy of a shinobi was not really that high to begin with. Missions could always go wrong and many young people died before even having the chance of starting a family, although the rates were not in particular that high due to the fact that these were somehow peaceful times.

As such, the Uchiha began walking towards the village with heavy footsteps while beckoning the rest of the group over. Once they were passed the towering gates, the man started going through a shortcut that will take them at least five or ten minutes to reach that place. The resort which was about to stand beneath their eyes was almost as big a your average clan district, playing a couple of roles, such as having room in which someone could sleep, a built-in hot spring in which they gave their customers the choice of renting it if they so desired. Two wooden and majestic doors were now standing before the group, doors which opened on their arrival by two outstandingly beautiful women that were both dressed in a fiery haori.

“Welcome to The Rising Sun, enjoy your stay.” both of them said in unison while holding the dragon-shaped handles which were attached against the doors. The lavender scent that was present inside the building was strong enough to pierce the Uchiha’s nose, while he walked down the crimson hallway in order to guide the group inside the dining room. A circle shaped and luxurious table was already waiting for them, and the raven-haired man pulled the chairs back in order to let the ladies sit down first if they would allow him and would have not done so before. The waiter was already there lingering inside the room, and the man only came at their table to drop by the menu before taking a few steps backwards, in order to let the group decided upon their order.

One of three menus was hoisted by the Uchiha and brought beneath those ebony eyes so that they can catch a glimpse of what this place had to offer, since this was practically the first time the man was visiting this place as well. “It seems that they have a good choice of wines, you really have to drink one with me. Is there a particular one that you enjoy?” the man inquired while raising those eyes from the menu, shifting them slowly at the silver-haired lady before stopping against those scarlet orbs. In just a couple of minutes, the waiter returned at the table before spewing out a few words “Have you decided on your order?” on a gentle one as he kept ticking with a pen against a small notebook.

~ 684/2120 of Total Words ~

12Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Thu May 28, 2015 2:37 pm



The little girl was as cute as could be. It took a lot to hide the warmth rising within her while looking and listening to the girl. She even showed more manners than either her or the raven haired boy had. The very thing that she was hiding from the other boy was her identity as he had no recognition of who she was, yet this little girl didn't care for such games and went instead on the politeness and etiquette required when meeting someone. Such a thoughtful girl, and already a shinobi of the Leaf.

"Oh, thank you for the warm welcome! I'm glad to meet you," Suzume only showed a softer smile this time. It looked like this little girl had become the best welcoming party she had received. "My name is Lady Suzume, but you can just call me Suzume."

Suzume turned and watched the boy turn to walk, talking about a certain resort more than just hot springs of which he would take them to. However, the more curious of things was what was stamped upon his back. Just as he had noticed about her symbol and it belonging possibly to her clan, she could see that he was of the Uchiha clan. Such a symbol she hadn't seen in quite some time. The last Uchiha she had known had been a careless boy, one too caught up in trying to prove his worth to her and ended up losing an eye. She wondered what fate might befall this one walking before her. Would he be a giver or taker of eyes, for that was all an Uchiha could ever be in such a world. Despicable, really, but such was the state of things. His eyes were more valuable than his life to certain people. Hopefully, for this one's sake, he had found others who valued him more than his eyes.

It took quite a few turns and small roads to get to the place that the Uchiha was taking her and Tsuru to. Suzume could only guess that the resort was farther off from the center of the village by all their cuts across main roads leading towards the wall opposite of where she had come through. She tried to take in what all shops and restaurants were around, her eyes trying to find a suitable place for her to take up lodgings, but there was only so much one could see when going through back streets and alleys.

When they did arrive to the aforementioned resort, two astoundingly dolled up women approached them, welcoming them to the establishment. They opened the door for them and ushered to step through. The Uchiha seemed to be taking it all in as well, so Suzume wasn't sure if this was his first time here as well, or if the place had been renovated since his last visit.

The dining room of the area was well lit, the lights and furniture being rather refined for a resort. All of it screamed expensive, yet the boy had said he would cover things so she wouldn't budge on the issue. Instead she took the offered chair by the boy and sat down with Tsuru Shokubutsusou. When sitting, the menus were distributed by the ever present waiter, who seemed it appropriate to linger just on the edge of Suzume's peripheral as they all picked something to order. The Uchiha asked if Suzume would like a wine, but after a journey it was best to actually refresh oneself, as alcohol wouldn't satisfy any of her thirst.

"Forgive me, but I'll have to pass on the wine," she said to the Uchiha boy before making eye contact with the waiter. "Instead, a simple cider if you have any. If not, water will do."

Then, Suzume would wait for the rest to order before continuing with business. "You were right, you know," she spoke again to the Uchiha. "About the symbol on my cape. It belongs to my clan, just as much as the symbol on your back belongs to yours, Uchiha. However that still doesn't make me anyone of importance, just as I could assume you aren't any leader of your clan just because you wear your clan on your shirt."

Tsuru was also with them during such a discussion, and while Suzume wanted to keep her talking, things were a bit different in forms of communication between her and the Uchiha. "Also, you could take a lesson from this girl in etiquette and introduce yourself to us. Unless the two of you already know each other."

Post: 775
Thread: 2935

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

13Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Thu May 28, 2015 4:28 pm



At Tsu's bow, the fair haired woman couldn't seem to hold in her delight at the smaller girl's introduction. "Oh, thank you for the warm welcome! I'm glad to meet you." She smiled, softly and kindly, like someone who simply enjoyed meeting new people. Tsu liked the Miss Traveler's smile, the way it warmed the mood reminded Tsu of her mother... But Tsu couldn't let herself think about bad things like that at the moment! Showing off a depressing aura around a visitor could also be bad manners. The Miss Traveler went on to introduce herself, also realizing the etiquette required when meeting new people. "My name is Lady Suzume, but you can just call me Suzume."

Suzume. . . What a pretty name! Tsu thought, though when the lady asked to be called by simply that name, the girl felt slightly awkward. It wasn't that she disliked just casually calling the Miss Traveler by her name as she desired, but Tsu had never really called adults by their first name without a title like sensei. Sure she did call of few of friends with the affectionate '-chan' or '-kun' but adults always seemed the people who needed a 'Miss' or 'Mister' still added in order to keep things less awkward between an age gap. Tsu didn't believe that the lady was the old, probably just in her twenties, and the raven haired man also appeared as old, if not maybe younger.

In response to Tsu's bow, the raven haired man gave a respectful one in return. He then went on to lead them through the village to a restaurant of his treat. “I know the perfect place that we can go, and it has good food as well. It’s more of a resort than a simple hot spring with private rooms as well, and don’t worry about the expenses, this one is on me.”

As Tsu followed the older two, she felt curious as to where the dark haired man was taking them. The group was taking a shortcut through a part of the Village that the girl had never visited before. At the mentioning of a resort, and a hot spring with private rooms Tsu had begun to worry that it really was fancy place, but the raven haired man seemed insistent on paying.

When they reached the resort, Tsu had a hard time believing that he had led them to a small complex as big as a clan compound with giant looming wooden doors. Those big doors opened revealing two very pretty almost identical looking women, who welcomed the group. “Welcome to The Rising Sun, enjoy your stay.” As they entered through, Tsu saw the intricately carved dragon handles and immediately was hit with the scent of fresh lavender. It was a nice smell, and though the place was very luxurious and a too opulent a resort that the girl would probably only ever visit just this one time, it comforted her to have the aroma of flowers.

They entered a just as grandeur dining room, at which the raven haired man was polite enough to offer seats to both Tsuru and Suzume. Tsu only nodded in thanks as she sat down, still gawking at the ritziness that surrounded her. A waiter came and gave them menus, as if he had been expecting the group all along. Tsu scanned through the selections, glancing at the prices as well. Ah... Dad would never expect me to be eating at a place like this... And neither would Ruto.. or myself. As the girl thought of how her father and younger brother would react to see her in such a fancy place, the raven haired man looked to Suzume.  “It seems that they have a good choice of wines, you really have to drink one with me. Is there a particular one that you enjoy?”

The way it was worded sounded as if the raven haired man had never seen the selection before, so perehaps both he and Suzume were feeling just as overwhelmed as Tsu herself.

"Forgive me, but I'll have to pass on the wine. Instead, a simple cider if you have any. If not, water will do." Suzume had turned to the waiter that materialized and asked them for their orders. Tsuru, hadn't had the time to really think about much besides being amazed at the fact that she was sitting there in the first place. So when the waiter turned to her, she simply stuttered before requesting something she hadn't even seen on the menu.

"I.. er, um... Would like to have some Lemonade. If you have any, I mean!" The waiter didn't seem phased by the girl's awkward phrasing of words and simply nodded as he had to other guests.

Suzume spoke back to the raven haired man after the waiter was done. "You were right, you know, About the symbol on my cape. It belongs to my clan, just as much as the symbol on your back belongs to yours, Uchiha. However that still doesn't make me anyone of importance, just as I could assume you aren't any leader of your clan just because you wear your clan on your shirt."

Uchiha..? Tsu tried not to appear flustered. She was sure that she had heard of that clan name before, and they sounded relatively prestigious as even Suzume, a traveler, seemed familiar with the term. Tsu remembered as she walked before the raven haired man earlier about seeing a red and white circular symbol on the back of the man's shirt, similar to how Suzume had her clan symbol on the her cape. Tsuru herself didn't wear a senju clan symbol on her apparel, as her familhy did belong to a lesser known branch of the Senju clan. She did, however, have a small white leaf brooch on her violet top. It had previously belonged to her mother, and as her mother actually had married into the clan, it was an engagement gift to her from Tsuru's father.  Now that her mother was gone, Tsuru's father gave Tsu the little white leaf to wear. The small girl had always placed it just above her heart, sort of as to keeping her mother with her even when she wasn't really there anymore.

"Also, you could take a lesson from this girl in etiquette and introduce yourself to us. Unless the two of you already know each other."

As Suzume mentioned the fact that the raven haired man hadn't said his name yet and further involved Tsu in the topic, the small girl tried to keep from blushing once more. She gave a friendly smile to the man that Suzume had deducted as part of the Uchiha clan. "Ah, Mister Uchiha, I'm sorry I didn't ask for your name."

14Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Fri May 29, 2015 3:35 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

“I understand, Lady Suzume. I’ll just have a bottle on my own then, and I’ll ask for two glasses if you do decide to change up your mind.” the Uchiha replied while ordering a bottle of sweet red wine, slowly raising those ebony and lustful eyes before fixating them against the woman’s own pair of scarlet orbs. “I’m not sure if wine can clench my thirst as well.” the man said on playful tone before letting those numb lips curl towards the side within a sly smirk. The women was quite charming and her wit never ceased to amaze the man, since she seemed to be quite good at reading people. After that cheeky smile, the raven-haired man redirect those eyes back against the menu in order to concentrate a bit on his next answer.

“Yes... you’ve guessed that correctly. I’m not an important person as well; however, my dream is to restore my own clan, and help all of those that suffered from the past... incident. So you could say that I am aiming for that spot.” Tenzō spoke on a rather serious tone, but not so aggravating that it changed the flirting mood that he displayed earlier. “I don’t really have anything to hide, and I don’t feel bothered by your gesture, young child.” the man added before throwing a gentle smile towards the Senju. The waiter took everyone’s order and nodded before Tenzō added that the man should bring both water and cider at the table, as well as the two glasses for that bottle of wine. He respected her choice and did not wish to push further, although maybe the same thirst which drove him was probably going to show its presence at a certain point during the discussion.

“Alright... where were we? You’ve managed to guess half of my name, so yes. My name is Uchiha Tenzō, and I’m a Tokubetsu Jōnin from the Hidden Leaf Village. I’m sorry, but I didn’t tried keeping that a secret from your ears. I was simply just too charmed... and I forgot to introduce myself.” were the words that gushed out between those lips while those ebony eyes kept switching between the green-haired girl and the silver-haired women. In just a minute or two, a couple of waiters arrived with the order that was just issued just a few moments ago; the service in this place was truly remarkable. The bottle of wine was opened shortly after by the one of the waiters, with a quick jerk that made that popping sound burst out ferociously as it echoed throughout the room; the wine was then poured in both of the glasses which the Uchiha asked for.

“Like I said, only if you change your mind.” the Uchiha said while pushing one of the two glasses slighty closer towards the Kazekage, slithering himself as well closer with that wooden chair against that marble and cold floor. Once he found himself a bit closer towards the woman, the man picked up his own glass of wine before swirling it couple of times to let the flavors blend nicely within that see-through glass. A second or two had passed and the man already hoisted that glass a bit upwards, pressing it gently against his own bottom lip while cocking that head of his slightly backwards. As soon as those lips were apart, the liquid began pouring inside the man’s throat; however, he only took a few sips from it before placing the glass back down.

“So... how come I haven’t seen your beautiful face around here, Lady Suzume? I doubt that a young and unique snowflake such as you can go unnoticed.” Tenzō asked while slowly raising up that right arm of his in order to move those silver bags around the woman’s face with just a single and playful gesture; the man wouldn’t push further if she were to retract that head of hers. As he talked, those ebony eyes narrowed quickly and search for her own; gazing intensely without moving them, nor blinking as he awaited for the woman’s answer. Curiosity was one of the thirsts the man could not keep at bay, and without a doubt was also one of the man’s weakness if someone were to exploit this particular part of his.

~ 739/2859 of Total Words ~
Techniques Used:

15Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:45 pm



“I won’t change my mind,” she stated simply. She never did.

Beer was more her taste but what kind of woman could she be if she drank so in front of Tsuru? Being who she was, she couldn’t allow herself to drown herself in liquor and expose the young one to what adults can truly be like. The green haired girl was too nice, too innocent still. Suzume understood it was not her place to be the one who would teach her the dark truth of the world. As nice as this one might seem to be, such more brutality lurked within the dark corners. And just how nice can one world be when surrounded by shady corners?

The boy’s words were kind, and soft. Hearing of his rank and name within the Leaf confirmed her suspicions that he was strong and capable. Earlier her words on being genin had meant to rile something up with the boys that had been at the front gate, yet he hadn’t flinched too much. Although there was a small moment of venom when he had retorted back then.

Suzume brushed back her hair, combing around her ear as she turned to address the boy. “Ah, well you wouldn’t be the first to forget such a thing around me. Though I was beginning to wonder.”

The boy spoke again, now on his having only now noticed her visit Hidden Leaf.

“Konoha doesn’t usually get snow, and just as one snowflake is nothing without it’s fellow flakes, I merely go unnoticed by most of the people here. Besides, it has been a long time since last it snowed here.”

“You say you don’t have anything to hide, Tenzō Uchiha,” Suzume spoke with renewed interest, now. Her voice a bit more energetic. “Perhaps you’d be charming enough yourself to tell me about your family here? Have you one? I daresay, the last time I visited this place was rather low on Uchiha blood. Hopefully such things have changed.”

“Family is important,” especially for you, she almost said but kept to herself. She knew too well the value and role of the boy’s eyes. She had no need for them, but soon he would need another pair if that was his path as a shinobi. Such was the common way for all who bore his bloodline.

And then there was the young girl. What was her bloodline? Did she have anything special or was she only as unique as she made herself out to be with no help from blood or kin? Curiosity was the only thing keeping Suzume from enjoying a relaxing warm bath in the hot springs.

Much curiosity. Such interest.

-Exit Thread-

Post: 456
Thread: 3391

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

16Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:49 pm



The raven haired man gave a gentle smile to th girl, saying that apology was unnecessary. He then introduced himself, finally given the name of Uchiha Tenzō, along with his rank of a special jonin.  The waiters then came and served the trio their drinks, of which Tsuru promptly began sipping her lemonade through a straw. 

The two adults began an exchange, the Uchiha called Tenzō making the first move, offering the lady a drink of wine. And as Tsuru was slightly unsure, a move of romantic interest? The young girl almost couldn't believe her own predications actually coming true. Suzume just simply declined the offer once more. The raven haired man only continued with a compliment, his voice smooth like the wine, even taking his hand to brush some silver bangs away from the lady's face. 

The lady's interest seemed peaked in the Uchiha, “You say you don’t have anything to hide, Tenzō Uchiha. Perhaps you’d be charming enough yourself to tell me about your family here? Have you one? I daresay, the last time I visited this place was rather low on Uchiha blood. Hopefully such things have changed.”

Oh so Miss Suzume has been here before? Tsuru wondered as she had stayed silent during their conversation. Maybe she has family here! She tried to think of a reason for someone to visit the Hidden Leaf more than just once. Or maybe she's an important business woman. The family idea seemed better, though earlier the silver haired lady had said she just wasn't as noticeable as the Uchiha thought. That was strange by Tsuru's own standards, the silver haired woman was actually very pretty and very unique, but it might've been that she was just playigt down the compliment. Or maybe she was just really good at stealth. 

The traveler also mentioned in her last visit, there hadnt been many Uchiha there and hinting that Tenzō's own family might be small as well, if he had any. Maybe that's why I can't remember them very well...I mean, if they're so small. The green haired girl tried to sort things out for herself as she sipped her lemonade. 

“Family is important,” Suzume added. It reminded Tsunof something her mother would have said. She smiled at the thought, this Miss Suzume had a lot of qualities the young shinobi liked. Hopefully if the traveler ever decided to visit Konoha again, then they'd see each other onxe more. Or perhaps, Tsu herself could go to Miss Suzume's home. 

"Miss Suzume, that's very true!" Tsuru decided to speak up. "My Mom would used to say that family has to take care of each other and protect each other, always. My family's really small, just my Daddy and my little brother. My clan is really big though! Sort of... I have a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles, and even the Hokage is my... Uh, cousin I think. I dunno what you call it, like distant uncle maybe? I've never met him before but since he's Hokage I'm sure he must be really nice and really strong." The green haired girl suddenly became very talkative, as this was a subject she could slightly realate to. "Anyway I guess I just wanted to say that family protecting each other is very important. Cause um... My mom died protecting me...." Her green eyes suddenly turned downwards, the girl hadn't meant to mention something like that. The words just seemed to slip out as she was talking. Usually she was okay about thinking or talking about her mother, but when the subject or her being gone or being... Dead... Came up, it just wasn't something the girl liked to talk about. 

"Ah... You don't have to say sorry!" She added. Her right hand went to the leaf on her shirt, the momento of her mother. Though it usually remained covered, her sleeves went down her arm slightly, revealing a small part of a burn scar she had received so many years ago. Noticing this, she quickly pulled her sleeve back up to her wrist. "Lots of people say sorry whenever I tell them she's dead. So it's okay. It doesn't really make sense when people say that, I mean they didn't know her so... I don't get why they say sorry like they did know her." There wasn't any spite in her voice, it was matter of fact. To the green haired girl, sometimes it was hard to describe or even know how she felt about her mother being gone.

As for beginning to think about parents, it was getting very late and the time the trio had spent together was drawing to a close.  Very soon they would all say a simple " Goodbye" and all of along their usual ways of whatever their lives happened to take them.


OOC Tragic back story time people! XD 

~Exit Thread~

-Also Exiting Thread due to Inactivity, as well as currently being in Kumo-


Last edited by Tsu-chan on Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

17Depressing Serpent (Open) Empty Re: Depressing Serpent (Open) Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:49 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Saying that this particular snowflake was feisty would have been an insult, since the woman was actually composed and capable of restraining herself whenever it was needed; however, the Uchiha was more of a carefree person who wished to enjoy life and not act seriously all the time, it was short after all. The raven-haired man let out another sly smirk once the woman started combing her own hair, revealing a bit more of that porcelain face towards those ebony eyes that were practically feasting on her beauty. Without adding anything, the man reached for his glass of wine in order to sip a bit more from it while paying a generous amount of attention towards that energetic tone that she never used before with him; maybe that was her way of obtaining information, and the man wasn’t really bothered by her ways.

Without a doubt, this woman could be classified dangerous; however, not because of those weapons which she carried with her. The true reason behind that conclusion was given by her wit, and that was probably a small word compared to what the woman was actually capable of doing. A few seconds were given in that question, since the man knew already what to answer due to the amount of love that he shared for his own family and clan. In spite of that, as much as he might have wanted to respond in that moment, the man’s attempt was denied by the young Senju which started throwing out those assaulting words, bombarding them both with her own tale.

As she spoke, the raven-haired man let out a deep sigh while retracting those dull and ebony eyes against the table; it wasn’t a pleasant story to hear, quite tragic at the end and full of drama, especially for a time like this. Although, hearing stories such as these as a shinobi was quite frequent and normal due to their agitated and dangerous way of living, and probably everyone at the table were hurt, one way or another. While the Senju was speaking, the Uchiha’s smirk slowly started fading away just so that pair of luscious lips might have the chance of turning upside down. “That is quite a tragic story, and... I don’t really have anything to say anymore, I’m sorry.” the man spoke while excusing himself at the end before sliding back any kind of loose hair strings that were cascading upon that manly face of his, chiseled and not metrosexual, much.

“As for me... both of my parents are safe and sound, and as a sibling, I have a beloved sister which is a bit older than me, and much more capable and whose name is Shiro. My father is a bit... rigid and my mother is gentle, just like my sister.” the man on a calm tone while directing those ebony eyes against the silver-haired woman; however, the tone started to change a bit, getting heavier once the man began mentioning about his clan. “The clan is still not restored, and most of the members are still scattered after that... incident. However, I’ll do anything that's within my possibilities to help them and make sure that they’ll receive a warm welcoming if they chose to return back towards the village, and hopefully I’ll go strong enough to protect those in need.” were the last words that came out between those lips before he reached out for that glass, finishing it thoroughly with a single chug, it was sweet compared to the bitter taste that was present earlier. “What about you, Lady Suzume? What can you share with us?” the man asked before letting a pause go through, so that the woman may add her own words. Once she would finish sharing her own story if she wished, then the Uchiha would start speaking again, after dedicating his full attention to her words.

“Seems like it’s getting a bit late, and your father might be worrying about you, young girl .” the man said while looking towards the windows that were located on his right, indeed, the night had started to show its presence while the trio enjoyed the comforts which this place had to offer.  With a swift and quick motion the raven-haired man called one of the waiters at the table, and before the man came the man redirect those eyes against the Kazekage once more. “Lady Suzume, you’ve mentioned the hot springs earlier. Should I ask them to prepare a private room? I must admit that I enjoyed our talk, and I might wish to discuss things a bit further.” the man inquired while awaiting for the woman’s decision; knowing that she had a strong determination, the man preferred to ask before actually talking with the waiter.

~ 810/3669 of Total Words ~

~ Training [A-Rank] Genjutsu: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique | 3669 - 2000 = 1669 Remaining Words ~

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~ Exit Thread ~

~ (I need to travel soon, and I really waited for more than a month, really sorry) ~

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