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1I Blame the Rabbit [D Rank Mission] Empty I Blame the Rabbit [D Rank Mission] Fri May 01, 2015 12:33 am



Mission Details :

Over the past couple of days, Gin had started blaming the Moon Rabbit for everything. All kinds of chaos - minor or large - being caused around town, Gin just assumed that that little shit was behind it. It made sense, really. Every time it was captured, no matter the circumstances, it just ran away again. Since her stay in this colorful little village, Gin had heard of several people that had undertaken similar missions to the ones she had gone on only a few days ago. Apparently, the village officials had no idea as to how to restrain the white little fluff ball. It just kept slipping past security, no matter how many guards were placed in the entrance of its holding cell. One second it was there and the next, it wasn't. If Gin didn't know any better, she would have thought that the animal knew some kind of space/time manipulation technique. For all she knew, maybe it was using just that to move throughout the place and its outskirts unnoticed.

It was probably because of the fact that Gin held a grudge against the stupid thing that she had decided to take it upon herself to undo all of the pranks and other chaos that she thought could be attributed to that Moon Rabbit. So here she was, in an open field, trying to find some little prank eggs and remove them from the rest of the stock. Apparently, they had permanent dye in them and a tendency to explode, which was why Gin was currently wearing an old pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun as well, just to get it out of the way and at a safe distance from the colored eggs. They weren't the best kids of clothes for fighting, but that wasn't a requirement for this mission. Sure, she had to apprehend the prankster, but that didn't require more than a little bit of running, most likely.

It was the middle of the day, meaning that she didn't really need any of her supplementary equipment to see properly in this bright light. It was actually quite a nice day out. Gin smiled, covering her face with the palm of her hand as she looked around to try and spot one of the prank eggs. It would be easier, however, if she used her basic sensory technique. Like she had done many times before, Gin spread her chakra to the tendrils and streams of wind around her, turning them into an extension of her senses. There. Now her range of feeling had been expanded and she would be able to tell where the prankster was and where the eggs were.

She closed her eyes for a moment. The prankster - surely an envoy of that white little devil - was likely around here, waiting to see the results of his little game. It was probably also a kid, likely inexperienced. He or she would be looking from in between the bushes or something. Well, Gin would take care of 'em as soon as she got rid of the eggs. Luckily for her, they were in the vicinity of the area. She found one in the base of a tree. Instead of picking it up, she used a simple scroll and a basic sealing technique to store it away and keep it from causing any harm. She repeated the process with the egg that was in between the bushes and the other that was sitting out in the opened, nestled in between blades of grass. She let the last one explode in a cloud of rainbow colors just so that she could get her clothes dyed. She purposely avoided getting any on her skin and hair.

Smiling to herself, she could feel the frustrated movements of someone who's plans had just been thwarted. It was easy to tell where the kid was and even easier to pop up behind the young girl and grab the back of her collar. She questioned her about the rabbit and its involvement along the way back to the Administrative Building. It appears that a mysterious package filled with the eggs had appeared on her doorstep along with careful instructions as to what to do with them. It was consistent with everything else that she had heard about the widespread prank.


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