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Shibirin Re-born: a lost legacy [Private: unless you want to die/Training] Training-ground_02

'Mother, Father, look at your son. Watch him walk for the first time, hear him talk for the first time, feel his warmth for the first time, indeed he has woken. Brother, Sister, look at your sibling now. Walk along side him, follow his gaze, look out for him. Protect him...

My friends, dead. My parents, dead. My siblings, dead. What is there left for me to live for? The power I sought for, the power I hoped to use to protect those I loved, cost me my friends' lives. It cost me my brothers' lives. It cost me my parents' life...

Sister, Brother, I strayed from your path and walked by myself. I abandoned your gaze and looked somewhere else. Mother, Father, I walked away from you and never spoke to you again. I will never speak to you again. What is left for me to love?

I have nothing, I have no one. I have no reason to live...'


Words couldn't begin to describe the overwhelming agony Shibirin could feel. The painful truth that was the past, the paralysing memories of the sight of his closest friends' death. The horror that took place in his mind was comparable to hell, if he'll knew such nightmares. The battle-spooked, shell-shocked scavenger had seen the darkest times of his life; he was sure of it. His mind was stained with ever-so-feint screams of his comrades and the after-math of their deaths. The rotting stench from their bodies, the same smell he had smelt the day he hurried the last of his brethren triggered headache attacks. They slipped through his subconscious mind and pierced his most recent thoughts. They were alarming, frightening, almost taboo to even think about. How they weakened him so. How they robbed him of all his strength, his spirit and above all, his will to survive.

The swordless swordsman was as good as dead: his strength was no better than a genin's, his speed far worse, his strength rather trivial to the matter and all other stats just as worse. He still had the reaction time of a fly; they couldn't rob him of that. Above all other attributes his reaction time was irreversible. They could've sped up time a tenfold and the man could still avoid a punch from destiny herself. However he knew all too well that he couldn't rely on his reaction time alone, he needed all his other stats back. He needed to be as strong as he was before they beat him, before they tortured him, before they stole his life away. The ANBU, those spineless serpents, those vile vermins, those bare-boned, brutal, barbarious beasts. They had his blood on their hands, and quite truly the blood of all his other friends on them too. They reeked with murder, subotage and conspiracy. But above all they were stained with justice. For all the men and women the Shichiouza had killed, the least they could do in the name of justice was kill the bloody convicts, and with the orders of one or more of the gokages, they did. Shibirin saw it coming; unlike his egotistic, self-seduced comrade Hao, he knew better than to ignore the warning signs of a storm. He didn't toss away the thought of defeat, instead he prepared for it. He knew after they had killed his partner Trilby it wouldn't take them very long to finish off the rest of the group's members. The others took him for a fool and continued to blindly follow the orders of their leader, their delusional conquerer. Hao, the so-called god they advocated would later on lead them blindly to their graves. And only a few months after the battle in the land of iron, the rest of the Shichiouza was hunted down and killed. All but one were dead. Shibirin survived by killing himself.


The swordsman woke up to the heavy light of day, his eyes fighting the urge to stay closed and a painful thump causing the inside of his head of ache. The man squinted his eyes as he slowly pushed himself into a seated position; every bone in his body aching as though it had a ten centimetre-thick screw drilled into it, right through to the bone marrow and out through the other side. Using just his left arm for support Shibirin managed to push him upper body up from the ground and against the soft wall that extruded upwards behind him. The rough texture of its surface forced sounds in his head as he moved his way against it. Shibirin slowly opened his eyes more and more as he felt the bright light getting softer and softer, his eyes obviously adjusting to its vibrant nature, seemingly dimming the light scourge enough for him to see the complicated details of his location. He was at the bottom of a pit, almost a well, but much wider. The walls around him had no definite origin, they just ran around him in circles, never stopping anywhere. The ground beneath him was damp and smelly, and as the feeling in his legs returned he could feel sharp objects piercing up into his legs from the ground. He was sitting in a muddy pit with a floor tiled with makibishi.

*Where is this place...? Why do I feel so weak, so out of breath? I can't feel my I can. Argh, there's cuts on my hands!* Shibirin thought, as he lifted his right hand up to see a grid-like pattern of cuts, each at least 2 inches deep. A stinging pain washed over his palm as he attempted to move his fingers up and down. At the same time blood began to drip along his arm and off his elbow, before disappearing into the mud. He could feel the could, wet touch of the mud against his bottom. The mud soaked through his pants and hugged his skin in an intruding manner. The man struggled to lift himself up onto his feet: but with the support of the wall behind him, and thought of escaping out of this prison Shibirin managed to pull himself up into a standing position, or rather a leaning position.

*What, what happened to me?* The rebel looked around for any way out of the hole. He looked for steps, a ledge and even a rope but found none of those things. He thought about climbing out of the hole, but his strength warned him not to. He wasn't in the shape to perform any tiring activities; heck he found it too much work to even think. *There's, there are gaps along the walls. Maybe if I use them as make-shift steps I can pull my way out of here,* Shibirin thought, as he stood on the spot starring at what seemed like his only way out of the hole.

• Flashback v

"This way, the master is waiting for you," insisted the man, his voice sounding more persuasive than trustworthy. Shibirin felt a strange urge to kill the guy whenever he was around him; always thought he was shifty, but then again so was he. There was something unsettling within the deal he was promised by he and his supposed master; they had offered to seal his memories of his Jutsus in a scroll, which they'd keep under their care until the villages stopped looking for him. Shibirin knew they couldn't be trusted, but he felt he had no other choice than to take their offer. They said they wouldn't charge him more than 200 ryo, but the rogue was fast to suspect they would get more out of the deal than just 200 ryo. In any case Shibirin had to erase parts of his memory somehow, and they just so happened to have the means of doing it.

The two of them marched down a few slippery stairs before entering a large corridor with narrow walls, a sunken roof and an overall claustrophobic vibe. It didn't take long for them to reach a large wooden door that had a crooked ring for a handle. The dark-toned man grabbed the ring and knocked it against the door three times, almost in a rhythmic pattern, before it opened inside by itself. He signalled Shibirin to walk in, and up to that point Shibirin's memories faded in a bright haze...

^ Flashback •

Shibirin opened his eyes to the same chilling sight, this time much faster than before. He took in the same gross puddle of mud that surrounded him, and the same putrid stench of dead animals and piss. The smell of shit soon joined the choir of vulgar scents, slowly weakening Shibirin's sense of smell as it desperately tried to block it out. His head stopped hurting, or rather didn't hurt so much as before: a light pounding was still bothering his head. He didn't know what had happened during his short daydream of the past, but he knew something had happened.

Loud footsteps filled the almost-silent air, getting louder and louder as someone or something got closer and closer to the hole. Shibirin wanted to run, he wanted to hide, but couldn't. Why would he? Before all that had happened Shibirin wouldn't have even thought about running or hiding from a threat, he wouldn't even have flinched at the idea of a superior visitor, although now he wasn't remotely as strong as he was back then. The rebel forced his back into the wall as if almost trying to sink into it. Had he still the knowledge of all his wonderful techniques Shibirin would have been able to sink into the wall. He would've been able to easily get out of the hole he was in and maybe even destroy the person or thing that had startled him just now, but the reality was he was exposed, he was vulnerable. For the first time in his life, Shibirin felt scared.

• Flashback v

Today was it: the day Shibirin was going to be titled as an official Special Jounin. The Tsuchikage had said that he was pretty much ready, though he wanted the guy 'tested' by one of Iwagakure's finest Jounin: a man named Higori. Shibirin had no idea what the guy looked like, he was just going to have to see him for himself. He had gone downstairs, like the Tsuchikage had instructed him, but didn't see Higori anywhere. Instead, he saw the secretary that always handed Shibirin missions below B rank, for him to do. She beackoned for him to come where she was sitting, and he did. "I have a letter for you, mr Shibirin. It is from a man named Higori, here you go" sad the secretary, as she now handed Shibirin a small letter in an envelope. He turned to her and said, "Thankyou" before making his way out of the building.

As he walked slowly into the village, he opened the envelope and inside was a small note, that read, 'Dear Shibirin Genko, make your way towards Cave Neverendless. Signed: Higori'. Shibirin had heard of that place before: cave neverendless. It was near the mountains, he recalled being told by one of the villagers. He decided to make his way towards the place, as this was where thei Higori guy was. He didn't know exactly what they guy wanted him to do. Maybe it was a short spar, between the two, or a race. He had been in a race before, back in Sunagakure. He had lost last time, but not by much. Shibirin couldn't wait to see what the guy looked like. He couldn't wait to see what test he had installed for him. He couldn't wait to become a Special Jounin.

After a few minutes of walking, Shibirin finally made it to Cave Neverendless. He had no idea why someone would give it such a name, but if he were to take a guess, he'd say it's a very large cave. Upon arrival, Shibirin saw a man, standing near the entrance of the cave. He had short, black hair and was wearing a jounin outfit that consisted of: a navy blue, long-sleeved shirt with a black flak jacket over it and black pants and sandals to match. As Shibirin got closer, he could see that the guy had dark, brown eyes. He walked up to him and said, "Hello there. You must be Higori?" before giving him time to answer.

"Yes, Higori is my name, and i suppose you must be Shibirin Genko?" the man replied, as he quickly scanned his eyes over Shibirin's appearance from head to toe. "Yes, Shibirin is my name. I was told by the kage, to come see you if i wanted to rank up to Special Jounin" spoke Shibirin, and not a moment too soon, Higori replied back saying, "Ahh yes, the test. Good, see, all you have to do, is go in the cave and bring back a white scroll that's located at the center of the cave. Think you're up for it?". The man wanted Shibirin to simply go in and bring him back a white scroll, what was the purpose of that? Shibirin repeated this task ove and over again in his head, trying to make sense of the somewhat simple task.

"That's all i have to do?" Shibirin asked, and again, not too soon after he got a response from the guy. "Yes, then i'll report to the Kage and you become a Special Jounin. So, you up for it?" said the guy, and at this moment Shibirin was convinced that there's a catch to it. There must be, otherwise any old genin can come to him, do this task and easily get the rank Special Jounin. Shibirin decided to do as the guy said, knowing well in his head that there's some strings attached to this task. Maybe there was a bear in there, just waiting to rip out his guts. Or maybe, they were dangerous spiders and snakes and other creepy crawlies. Shibirin didn't like bugs and serpents at all. "Alright then, here i go..i guess" he said, before making his way into the cave, feeling safer because he had remembered to bring all three of his katana with him that day...

^ Flashback •

Last edited by Shibirin on Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:38 pm; edited 3 times in total



"Know your place scumbag, you're in our turf now. You have no power here, you have nothing," a voice so boa gangly sinister called out from above and swordsman fought through a wave of pain just to look up. The sun's glare shone from the figure's back, all Shubirin saw was his silhouette, that odd shape of his was unsettling. His outline was interrupted by the shape of a sword, a very large sword. Large enough to be mistaken for a large war fan. It was a war fan, only it's edges were sharpened to extremes. Just the sight of it stung the swordsman's eyes, but no real harm was done. The figure soon disappeared, leaving Shibirin to spend the night all by himself. But in background he wasn't alone.

He woke up with a start, the natural howling of the werewolf he'd heard for the last two nights in a row had stopped, prematurely. They had been disturbed, but by what? By who and when? It was alarmingly perculiar to see himself waking up before dawn: usually he slept until he received the slap of the rising sun, but tonight was different. And after hearing a loud 'thump' sound in the air above ground, his suspicions would be amplified a tenfold.

"Wh-who is there?" Shibirin forced the words out of his mouth, but instead of the loud shout he had been hoping for all that came out was a loud whisper. He tried once more. "Who is there?!" This time his voice came out loud and harsh even a deaf person could've the roar. The ground shook once. Twice, then once more, shaking a chunk of rock and dirt off of the walls and onto Shibirin's foot. Why hadn't he moved his leg. The rock crushed his toes before rolling off of his legs, the dirt that failed it covered the foot up a second after.  Shibirin wanted to scream, oh how he was desperate to scream, but he couldn't. A shout alone stole what seemed like all of his strength, what could a scream do? Although arguably the former took more effort to conjure up, the latter would last longer. Instead of screaming he fell back into a slouch against the walls of the earth and let out a small grunt that lasted for 8 seconds exactly. A tear rolled down his cheek and splashed onto the ground, but wasn't soaked in by the dirt. Shibirin tilted his head to face the floating water droplet, before realising what this meant.

*My chakra is what's keeping it from sinking into the earth, my chakra must be slowly coming back,* Shibirin thought to himself, as he then rested his head back against the wall and forced his eyes shut. That night he slept with a smirk on his face, for he had witnessed the first sign of payback, and it looked beautiful. Tomorrow morning these men would regret the day they enslaved him.


The next day felt very much like the last, only Shibirin was strong enough to experience it. Whereas for the last few days he hadn't the strength to even lift himself up to stand, today he could walk, although he hadn't much space to move about in the small cramped hole he lived in. He had somehow woken up that day with the strength of the average man, which didn't sound all that impressive but for Shibirin it was a huge improvement from what he had before. The floor no longer held him captive; if he so wished to he could jump into the air and for the first time in what he could remember, escape the ground's hold. He move to one corner of the hole without pushing himself past his body's limits, he could stand up without instantly feeling the effects of fatigue: he was now the man he should've been without any training.

"C'mon, in you go!" a voice from above called out, interrupting the rebel' train of thought. Shibirin had managed to find a way to pass time in between the day: he'd spend the most part of the day slowly digging into the walls around, in hope that one day the small one inch thick hole he had created would somehow transform into an escape trench. He was in the middle of his afternoon digs when a body suddenly fell down from above and landed only a meter behind him. He had been lucky to not have had the body fall on him, but he was more concerned with the reason as to why this body had been dumped in the hole and whether it was alive or not. A few small head movements confirmed the man was still alive after the fall, but for how long? Shibirin turned and approached the body, glaring up towards the sky to see who had thrown it down here, but he'd see nothing but the empty clouds above. He'd turn back towards the now-motionless body, thinking to himself, *This explains why I couldn't walk for the first ten days after waking up.* Convincing himself the man was dead, Shibirin would return to his afternoon dig, the falling of the man still lingering in his thoughts insistingly, tormenting his mind with questions of who, why and how? Who was the man and who were the people that sent them down here, what was their intentions and why him? Why them? Shibirin dug for another half hour after the falling of the man, before taking a break, sitting but a meter away from the somewhat lifeless body.

'People used to fear me...these bastards stole my power, they stole my strength...they stole my life.'

• Flashback v

'Sand, sand and more sand,' were the only thoughts going through Shibirin's mind at the time, as he made his way towards Sunagakure, the village hidden in the sand, unheared and unspotted as of yet.

Not long ago, Shibirin had been forced to go one on one with the hidden's leaf's own Hokage, Takao, only to end the fight with an early retreat, taking away with him from the fight, first degree burns all over his skin. It had been the Kage's powerful katon jutsu, that had given Shibirin those burns, but luckily enough, they had healed. He looked as if no such damage had been delt on his skin, though remembered the incident well enough to reassure him that such a thing had happened. Such a traumatizing experience as the fight at the summit, would be kept in his memory for life. He had seen people die that day, had seen bodies laying on the ground, half alive yet surrounded by a pit of blood. He had whitnessed another man's hell, he had seen the fall of a great nation. Whether he regreted his actions or not was needless to say, for he couldn't undo what he had done, nor could he take backt he serious decision he had made that day. He knew his future, from that day on, was forever at the dark side, the evil side, the side most people ran away from in fear of. He didn't feel much different from when he was back in Iwagakure, though he did look different indeed.

Before pledging alligance to the Shichiouza, he had been wearing the forehead protecter of the hidden rock village, and had over his everyday outfit, a white cloak with his clan symbol stiched on the back of it. Today, he dressed himself differently. He wore a long, black cloak, with a hoodie attached to the back. Underneath this, his entire body up to his chin, including his neck, was covered in bandages. Before, they were there to help speed up the healing process of the burns he had receaved from fighting the Hokage, but after his wounds had healed, he still chose to wear them. They provided no extra protection of some sort to the young rebel, which would leave otehr clueless as to why he wore them. Shibirin chose to wear them becuase they concealed his skin, well, most of it. With the cloak on and the hood's shadow covering the young ninja's face, all people could see of him was his mouth and chin, though today he had chosen to wear the cloak without covering his head with the attached hood. Ine thing people missed about his appearance, was the stolen Byakugan that was implanted in his left eye, though the left nag of his hair covered up this eye, hiding the doujutsu entirely. Shibirin had slowly made his way towards the village, though had only passed through the border, before spotting a couple travelling away from the village. The couple stopped in their tracks and held their frightened gaze towards Shibirin. Shibirin's only reaction towards them, was a mere smirk, which he displayed just under the hood of his cloak. Not wanting any whitnesses to give away his location as of yet, he swiftly dashed towards the two and put one kunai through each's heart, though wasn't foolish enough to leave their dead bodies where they were, for others to find. Quickly ditching their bodies high up in the trees, he made his way back down to the ground and continued walking towards the hidden sand village, casually walking as if nothing had happened.

“Hold that thought, who is that?” was the first thing Shibirin heard when he arrived at his destination. The voice sounded young and very well frightened in some way. The second thing he heard, was, “Run boy! Run and inform the Kazekage of this intruder!” which sounded more alert and fully aware of the situation than the first. “Be ready Uchiha, this fight won’t be easy, we will have to work together to stall him,” was the next thing Shibirin heard, and at this point, he started seeing at least three bodily figures, one just leaving the area and the other two starring towards Shibirin, as if they'd seen a ghost. The last thing Shibirin heard, was, “Who is it?” “Shibirin.” At that moment, Shibirin knew they had spotted him, not that he had been trying to hide his appearance. He casually walked up to the two, but soon stopped at a distance not too far from the pair, yet close enough to see both of their faces in detail. "Greetings," Shibirin spoke, with a deeper voice than he had five years ago. On his head, were two headbands, one tied above the other. One had the Sunagakure village symbol on it, with a thick line carved across it, and the other had the Iwagakure village symbol, witht he same scratch across it. It symbolises how Shibirin, had betrayed not one, but two nations. Shibirin waited for the two shinobi's response, before acting accordingly...

• Flashback ^

Last edited by Shibirin on Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:37 pm; edited 2 times in total




Shibirin woke up to the painful, foul stench of seaweed, shit and potatos, none of which had been in his diet for the past few months or so. The smell couldn't have been his, and it wasn't. As if fortified with unsettling disturbance, the man stood alarmingly close to Shibirin, causally blowing his foul mouth's smell into the delicate caves of the rebel's nostrils. His blood-shot eyes pierced through Shibirin's stare and tickled the back of his brain, his face was too close to recognise. Without investing much thought into his actions, Shibirin quickly darted his head towards the man's, head butting him off of his body and into the wall behind him. As soon as he managed to get himself onto his feet Shibirin pounced on top of the man and attempted to force his weight onto him, hoping to pin him down, but the man was stronger. Much stronger. Without showing any signs of submission under the swordsman's weight, the stranger managed to force Shibirin off of his body, but had employed enough power into the push that it managed to send Shibirin flying fast into the wall behind him. The white-haired rebel felt his back slap the rocky wall, taking light muscle damage from the impact whilst protecting his spine from injury. The man didn't wait for Shibirin to recover before jumping to his feet and dashing towards him.

He drove a kick into Shibirin's chest, sending him back into the wall he had just dropped down from, before drilling a few dozen punches into the sides of the rebel's torso. More than two punches managed to impact his ribs, but the man hadn't generated enough force to break the bones there. His punches mainly damaged his muscles and blood vessels, each hit doing less damage that the last but he frequent attacks together dealing more damage as Shibirin took every hit. It was not until after the twenty-sixth hit that Shibirin decided to retaliate, forcing his body to endure the pain as simultaneously threw powerful punches towards the nan's jaw and neck. It took five blows to the jaw and two to the neck to force the man to stumble backwards away from Shibirin, before the latter switched into attack mode.

"You bloody asshole, you'll regret the day you fell in this hell hole!" Shibirin shouted in the nan's face, sending numerous kicks into the man's ribs as he lay on the ground in pain. Blood had long began to spill out of Shibirin's mouth, but the rebel gave not much recognition to it. "Stop, please stop!" the man pleaded, but Shibirin didn't stop. He sent a good seven more kicks into the man before he forced himself to stop. At that moment an arrow from above interrupted the short silence that almost came between the two and pierced into the man's chest. In front of his heart. He died within two seconds and Shibirin felt an arrow dig into his left shoulder. His body collapsed on top of the dead man's, but he wasn't dead. The arrow heads had some kind of paralysing poison, but they only proved fatal to the man below him because of the spot they had been fired into. Shibirin considered him lucky, but he slowly felt his mind drift into a dark sleep, with he thought of the man's last words still swimming around his subconscious mind.

'You would all perish under my foot, had I my sword with me...'

• Flashback v

Shibirin let out a smirk the slid his right foot back and allowed his body weight to fall on to it. He looed out to the side for a split second, tilting his head slightly to the left as he re-directed his attention towards the guy. Was he seriously trying to play mind games with Shibirin , or did he just assume he was that dumb? Obviously neither of the two were going to keep their promise. As soon as he got his blade, Shibirin would most like walk off to go tell others about this man and Shibirin was sure if Gike did give him his blade back, he'd later try and take something else of Shibirin, this time with more stelth than before. This was what any other human would do if they were in either situations.

True, Shibirin wanted his blade back, but he wasn't going to settel down to the man's terms just like that. What made him more annoyed about the matter was that it was a thief who was trying to negotiate him. What was that saying again? Never trust a thief, that's it. Shibirin had the money to buy another one, which he was planning on doing once he had got back to Sunagakure that is. He was willing to break a leg for this sword, however, since it had been specially made by his dead father Tatsyuaga. It was more than a weapon to him, it was his last and only connection to his dad.

He now quikly brought his arm towards the guy's chest and quickly attempted to push the guy away. Nothing too offensive, mroe a taunt than an attack really. "The only way this conversation will end with both of us alive, is if you give me that sword right now," he paused, to let this statement sink in to the low-life ninja's head. He'd then continue, not giving him a chance to reply to that. "honestly, i do not care about who you are, yet, but if you continue to hold that sword away from me, i will be forced to write you die on my hitlist, for life." Though he didn't want to get into a fight, the guy was pushing it. Shibirin was known to be cocky, back in Sunagakure. He never got along with anyone in the village, all because of one comment to the Kage that night. He had been hated by most ever since then, but in Konoha he was acting differently. He was being kind to the locals and wasn't asking too many stupid questions, but this guy was pushing it. He waited to hear what other clever stalling this guy had up his sleeve, but what would come out of his mouth next would determine whether or not Shibirin smashed his face into the ground and whether or not Shibirin forgot his face like he wanted. 'Juts one more move...' he thought to himself, as he waited for the golden words that would flip the pages on to a new chapter...

• Flashback ^

Last edited by Shibirin on Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total





The next day Shibirin woke up to the sounds of metal clashing with metal. The pings of the weapons he imagined the men above were forging provoked a strong longing  feeling towards his missing swords to suddenly wash over him, drenching him in the memories of their smooth and cool blades, albeit in contrast to their rough and organic handles. The solid smells of their metal overlapping with the dry smells of their hilts: oh how it kied him to think about their misplacement. Whoever had stolen his swords would rue the day he commited such a terrible deed, but the rebel first had to re-harvest the strength he lost in his deep sleep.

The idea of training in a hole sounded all too extreme to most, but Shibirin wasn't given any options. He knew he had to recover the power that had been wrongly taken from him by his enemies, and he couldn't wait for the day they let him walk above the ground to do it. He had to start training now and fast, his very life depended on it. With little room to perform any complicated routines, Shibirin designed his training program to cater exclusively to his strength, endurance and perception perks.


On the first day of his training program Shibirin began by drilling a few stiffened punches into the sides of the cylindrical room, forcing small piles of duck to slowly accumulate around his feet as he forced bits of the wall to gradually crumble and fall apart from the walls. Each punch was more painful than the last, but each punch increased in damage. He completed a set number of punches (50 reps, each rep containing 10 punches) before pulling away from the wall and examining his knuckles. 'Nothing too brutal,' Shibirin thought as he stared down his bruised knuckles, one in four bleeding and the rest shaking in pain. The sight wasn't too satisfying, but at least he had managed to generate enough power to deal notable damage to the walls around him.

After a half-hour rest Shibirin returned to his feet and continued striking the same spot on the wall as before, desperately punching through the dent he had made earlier in hopes of creating a hole in the wall. From the way each punch felt as he connected with the wall, there was no hollow room on the other side of the wall, at least not within a depth of four meters, however he wasn't planning on digging his way out. Instead Shibiring was purposefully creating ten inch deep holes in the walls to later use as steps when he finally decided to climb out of the hole. It was when he started on the second step, above the first, that Shibirin wasn't suddenly interrupted by the appearance of an unfamiliar figure from above.

"You there, hey, up here!" the voice called out. It sounded deep and masculine, but it failed to intimidate Shibirin as much as the last voice had. The imprisoned rebel was forced to look up, after which he saw the tall silhouette of a man with what looked like a large hammer sheathed on his back. The figure had long hair, which didn't surprise Shibirin the slightest bit: in all his time travelling around the shinobi villages he had never come across a man with a hammer whi didn't keep long hair. It must've been within their shared uniform to keep long hair. The figure threw down a rope on top of Shibirin, but the rebel managed to quickly jump his left and avoid the rope's end. "Hurry on and climb up the rope, the general doesn't have time to waste on you scumbag." The man sounded more insisting than intimidating, which painted a blurry attitude of the man in Shibirin's memory. The swordless swordsman took hold of the rope and started pulling his weight upwards, whilst pushing himself up the rope by wrapping his legs around the rope to create tension around his feet, use the tension to push himself against the tension and rise another fifty centimetres or less above the rope.

Total WC: 6095

Last edited by Shibirin on Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total




So this is the hell my brother has grown accustomed to? Binsu mused to himself as he gently lay his gaze across the rigid form of the scape, his eyes darting from building to fence to random equipment and to person and back. His attention danced curiously around the isolated camp, consciously mapping each detail of the scenery in his memory and devoting his suspicion towards the lonely pair of men that had large, yet blunt weapons slung loosely across their backs. The swordsman watched from within the cover of the lusciously green tree tops, his attire doing all it could to help hide its wearer and his awareness invested in his surroundings. A skillfully trained assassin such as himself was a master at the art of discretion, and an exceptionally skilled practitioner of stalking. His ego had managed to convince his wiser self that his abilities to prey on unsuspecting targets was far above the standard hunter prodigy. Often at times he felt as though he could count the individual hairs on the multiple legs of a hairy spider some kilometers away, albeit contrary to the facts. Today his skills in perception, deception and assassination would be tested once again as he made an attempt to break his younger brother out of the hell he had given himself up to.

Oh the irony.

His armor felt a tad heavy and his weapons added onto the feeling. He hadn't bothered to equip himself with all the armor he owned, but had remembered to bring his modified ANBU armor, which was hidden beneath his blood-red hooded cloak, and the mask that came with it was fitted loosely over his face. His swords Daken and Hada no ken were secured around his waist, dominating the left hip, and strapped behind his back and underneath the cover of his cape was his tagged Fuuma Shuriken, collapsed as always. The swordsman could distinctively feel the presence of his canine companion lurking closely behind him and over his head. The colossal bear had adopted its smaller, avian form for the sole purpose of discretion. It sat quietly on top of a twig that grew patiently from the web of branches that sprouted from the same tree its human companion was currently standing on. The pair had planned their infiltration scheme the day before; having gone to such details as forcing an unsuspecting man to give himself up to their targets in order to see where they kept their prisoners. Like a specified branch of a pack of wolves they stalked their prey from the cover of the trees, patiently waiting for the right moment to strike.

~ Present ~

An impulse coursed through the swordsman's body, connecting thought to muscle and muscle to his environment. His mind went blank for the shortest part of a second; any thoughts that surfaced to his conscience were prematurely disregarded and ignored. Hades felt it too; that urge to suddenly act took over his frail, feathered body and sent him soaring into the sky above the target site. Binsu pounced away from the branch he once stood on top and soon found himself in a chase towards the isolated compound, its' gates in his sight but not at the least close to his true destination. The trees felt the force of his kick and swayed swiftly in the direction of the force. Any onlooking guards within the cover of the compounds would have caught sight of the movement, but would have closely associated it with the bird that later took flight into the sky. The masked swordsman would dash past the location of the front gates and instead make his way quickly around the compound's fencing, tracing its perimeter towards a lookout tower that looked more isolated from the site than the rest.

A guard was on lookout duty, as expected. The swordsman swiftly reached for his Fuuma shuriken and quickly detached it from its rig. The tower was at least a couple feet off the ground. Binsu took a leap up towards the lookout booth and later sent his uncollapsed shuriken soaring after the man's neck. As he dropped back down over the ground he saw the dead man's head rolled over the booth and onto the ground below, painting a messy splotch of blood against the grunge-like texture of the earth. After a one-handed seal a cloud of smoke would deliver his giant shuriken back into the palms of his left hand, before the swordsman collapsed it and returned it to its rig across his waist. 'No doubt that might later attract some attention,' the masked man thought, before leaping once more towards the lookout booth and landing on the platform inside. After giving his avian friend a quick glance, satisfied it hadn't stopped circling the sky above the compound, he'd advance through the corridor leading towards the south end of the compound, his Daken sword drawn out and pointed outwards from his right leg, all the while keeping his body as low as possible.

Last edited by Binsu on Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:49 am; edited 1 time in total




"Heh, heard they were going to hang him today anyway, said he was far too weak to deem valuable anymore," Binsu heard a voice speak. The swordsman stopped in his tracks, with his knees bent and body slightly slouched forwards. A second voice, much louder than the first, spoke in response the latter's remark saying, "Yeah, they should be taking him to the leader as we speak." A pair of shadows crept towards Binsu from the bend of the halls. At least one was equiped with a sword, the other with a war hammer of some sorts slung loosely against its left hip. As the shadows appeared to grow larger and larger, and as the voices became louder and clearer Binsu knew the couple were making their way towards his location. The swordsman was fast to creep a few steps behind him, where he had earlier seen a half-opened door. He'd make his way inside and close it a bit more whilst leaving a gap large enough for his gaze to wander through. As the bodies of the pair were about to appear through the gap between the door Binsu forced the door open and sent a barrage of specifically choreographed slashes with his sword, all aimed towards the first of the pair (the one with the hammer). The man never saw it coming, and the only thing his partner managed to say was, "Hey!" before falling victim to the second part of the swordsman's dance. A few seconds after the initial attack the pair of men were lying dead, mouths filled with a pool of their own blood and their arms, legs and necks littered with a series of five inch-deep cuts.

The mess before him would otherwise have meant the failure of his stealthy attack on the compound, but today that didn't worry even his most sensitive conscience. His plan was to kill everyone that resided within the walls of the site, save for his brother and canine companion. After confirming that neither of the two were the owners of the compound Binsu would advance forward through the hallways once more, only to escape into a narrower corridor with a single door at the end of its stretch.

~ Outside ~

An obscure scenery of littered iron pottery and tools greeted the swordsman's gaze as he pushed his way through the small door and out of the building. Lurking across the view were a band of men standing unsuspectingly around, none without the possession or display of a bladed weapon of some sorts and few with a large war hammer, of similar appearance to the one Binsu had seen earlier on on of their comrades, slung loosely against their backs. Binsu's sudden appearance hadn't captured the attention of any of them, however as he tried to creep towards a nearby horse cart a member of their group quickly spotted the silver shine of his naked blade before boldly alerting his mates. Their stares all left each other and quickly shot towards the swordsman. His cover was blown, his element of surprise was robbed and his plan was close to ruined. Close to, but not quite.

Total WC: 1380 (- 1000 Training Fuinjutsu C -> B rank)

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