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The day was bright and sunny as the wind whistled through the forest. It was a rather windy day with the possibility of getting worse. A young man with long blonde hair having finished his morning routine quickly prepares, donning all of his equipment. A longsword and shield hanging from his back. Not one, not two, but four gladius style swords at his hips, two on each side. A supply bag strapped behind him at the waist held all of his thrown weapons. A set of three puppets finished his arsenal, two of which he wore over his arms all the way up to the shoulder. The third puppet was a quad style ball puppet named Kappa.

The young Myugan was rather excited today, he had heard of a strong swordsman from Kiri that was staying in Konoha. Multiple aspects of such a person excited him. The idea that he might be able to test himself against the man to see how he held up. Also being from Kiri, there was the possibility of finding out how his brother was doing. Bunshichi's first ever teacher was his brother Kaguza Myugan, a strong and rather excessive man who at the time was traveling and just enjoying life. Known as not just a skilled swordsman but a weapon master, and after parting ways and returning home sent a letter to Bunshichi telling him of his return. Upon returning to Kiri he had challenged the newly appointed Mizukage to a fight and lost, but earning both a promotion and position as Captain of Kiri's legendary Seven Swordsman. The though seemed hilarious at the time as his brother's main weapon was not a blade at all but a blunt force weapon, a warhammer named Temper. A sense of pride towards his brother drove him to train hard hoping to one day beat and surpass him.

Bunshichi had sent the Kiri swordsman a challenge a few days prior, and today was the day of the challenge. While there was no reason for the swordsman to show up, he was still excited by the possibility. He wasn't an aggressive person, demanding that a fight occur, rather he tried to be respectful in making his intentions clear. He wanted to spar with this person, ultimately that was it, no desire to take a life.

Post Word Count - 387
Unused Word Count - 387
Used Word Count - 0
Thread Word Count - 387

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

A few days ago

He was a bit tired as he laid down in his bed, he was in no hurry to get up when he looked at all the mail he had lying around. He noticed that he got something he had not received in a long time, as he held up the strange letter it was a letter of challenge. Who would want to challenge him, he had defeated some of the strongest shinobi in Konoha and now he was getting a challenge. Although to be honest not many know of his victory since Takigakure did not really give out any information after they closed  their borders at the end of their celebration so to speak.

He noticed that this challenge intended for him to face this unknown shinobi in the dense forest. This could possibly be a trap, but there were not really many people strong enough to leave a trap for him that he could not simply just cut his way through. He also wondered how the forest had healed since the last time he had a fight there, as he decided to enjoy himself and just show up on the day and check what's up.

Present day

He was sleeping and hoping to get a few more minutes, but it was not to be as the light shot in through his window right on his face as he covered his face with the blanket. The wind picked up and it kept bothering him, but he resisted until the wind blew hard and his blanket flew off. He got up slowly before grabbing the nearest shirt, since he only had his shorts on today. He decided he might need to put on a cloak incase it got worse as he grabbed some of his weapons as they all rested on his back. He was used to the weight and it did not matter that he was now carrying what was close to four, five or more like six swords and a scythe as he made his way to the challenge. He thought it might be a serious challenge so he did not want to leave anything behind.

This young teenage boy made his way through the forest as dense as it was and it was then that he reached the intended point for them to meet up. What he saw was not a strong man or an epic show off of a swordsman challenging him out of cockiness, but he saw a young man with hair that was really long. His blonde hair was a lot paler in comparison but his blonde hair himself was more blonde then the blondeness of this man who chose to challenge him.

He observed the young man's attire and noticed he had a long sword unlike the style of swords he used, as well as a strange shield on his back. A bunch of other weird swords were at the guys hips and so he took it upon himself to one day learn the difference. He noticed two weird things on the man's arms and some really weird ball puppet or weapon. He was not sure what was going on, but he decided to speak out and see if he had arrived to the right place.

"Hi, I am here for a challenge, would you happen to be the challenger?" as the little boy who was not only short but young. He was already a teenager but his growth was stunted due to the continuous time his body had to spend recovering rather than growing. How would this go and would this be a spar, some kind of training or is this going to be some kind of massacre of sorts. He did not really care, he had nothing else to do today and he was starting to get rusty as well as he would just drop his gear to the ground behind him waiting for a response.

Words = 655



Bunshichi simply listened to the wind as he waited as a voice broke the white noise. Turning his head, he noticed a child talk about a challenger. It was a short bright blonde haired child, first thought was that he received the letter by mistake. No way he'd find such a small and young individual, some parent would likely be very upset. Looking at the things he had with him though, served to argue against his initial reactions. A series of swords and a scythe, and not shoddily made ones either. At a distance Bunshichi could see the quality of what the boy had with him. A confusion though was still their, it was a child with weapons after all.

   A confused look on his face. "You're the swordsman from Kiri? I pictured you taller . . . and older." It sounded rude, though he didn't mean to be. "I am the challenger." Getting up from his seat, he stepped closer to the young boy. "Bunshichi Myugan. Wandering . . . " He never really gave himself any kind of title, nor did anyone he ever met. "Well my name is Bunshichi, I'm just a wanderer looking for a good fight. Not out for blood though, purely for self improvement." It was strange, he pictured someone more like his brother to show up. While he didn't really think about the fight, other then he'd probably lose, he couldn't quite pick out how this bout might go. A small person like this, he seemed nice, though he didn't know him at all. Would it be a quick skirmish, or a rather violent and excessive war like his brother often put him through?

Post Word Count - 274
Unused Word Count - 661
Used Word Count - 0
Thread Word Count - 661

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The Test

He watched as the confused blonde guy seemed shocked for some reason. The man carefully asked if
he was the swordman from Kiri and that he pictured him as taller and older. He just nodded in reply to the part about him being the swordsman from Kiri as he was slightly offended by the taller comment. Not as much the older one as he was used to being the youngest in most situations.

The strange man that stood up and said he was the challenger and made his way towards the young prodigy Yuzu. His name sounded familiar, he just could not quite put his finger on it yet, as the name Myugan resounded in his head for a moment before he settled for Bunshihi since he was getting a headache.

He began thinking for a bit then finally spoke up when he found the guy was done talking, as he opened his mouth his voice just did not help making him sound extremely young and extremely harmless. "I am Ren, but you can call me Yuzu. If you did some decent research you would know I am the youngest of the Seven, but just cause I am the youngest does not make me the weakest you got that?"

As he dug around in his stuff he took out a sword which while good did not seem that impressive. He was holding in his hands the first sword he ever had Tsubakiri. "I will be using this, come at me when you ready."

He was waiting to test out and guage the level of his opponent as he was not sure whether he was dealing with some brand new Jounin or some Genin who just got drunk with power and thinks they can take on anyone. He had to know who he was facing and the best way was to give him a good test or beating. Just in case he still had his trumped card so any stupid invaders would die a swift painful death. In that the death would be swiftly painful but the death might be delayed. Either way the challenge had now begun.

Words = 655 + 357
Chakra = 340/340



The young boy only cemented his age as he spoke. His declaration as one of the seven swordsman rang out in his mind. The boys skill couldn't possibly anything less then deserving if he spoke the truth. "Youngest of the Seven? You'll have to tell me how the captain is doing then." It seemed though that the young swordsman was here more for the challenge then to talk with a stranger. His heart began to race, he hadn't sparred with anyone since his brother and as far as he knew this boy was now a member of the same group as his brother.

Taking a deep breath, it was easy to tell that he was either nervous or excited, truth be told he was both. A one on one fight against a skilled swordsman, he had to focus. "One on one fight, small opponent, using a sword, skill level high, variables plenty, advantage his. Strategy, full offense, this is merely a challenge after all." Breaking the fight down to simple facts he knew how to begin. It was a shame that his brother wouldn't be the first to see his techniques since they went their separate ways, but he'd get better for the future.

Stretching out his fingers, Bunshichi grabbed the handle of one of his gladius. The other three seemed to respond in turn. With his left arm now behind his back he pulled out the gladius and took a fencing style stance. The other three gladius were pulled out of their sheaths as well and floated above Bunshichi as if they had a mind of their own. Ever since parting ways with his brother, this was what he had created, this was his style. The Puppeteer's Blade Dance, rather then just using a sword, he'd dance with them. Each weapon had a soul to him, they were his team, and together they would move in sync. Taking steps towards his opponent he moved with his feet inline, two of the three swords moving behind his back and almost out of sight. Holding his own blade in hand pointed towards Yuzu, while the third blade floated just above the ground parallel to Bunshichi's blade in it's shadow mimicking every movement the puppeteer made with his own sword. Once close enough he started out with a simple thrust to gauge his opponent's moves.

Post Word Count - 393
Unused Word Count - 1054
Used Word Count - 0
Thread Word Count - 1054

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was not sure whether this guy was being sarcastic since he was still confused with sarcasm, not to mention he already said his the youngest, why ask it again and he just had to be interested in the Captain of the Seven Swords. This began to put him in a bad mood as he thought of that conceited guy who waited back in Kiri. He really did not like the captain since he thought he was a show off, being one of the current Sannin as well, he was not about to take this lying down. Why ask for a spar with one of the Seven and only care about the Captain is what he thought to himself. All of the Seven were strong, except for that old guy who was not that strong anymore.

He watched as his opponent gripped his weapon and as he observed the movement of the weapons as well. It looked troublesome and he did not want to use Kukan, Sozo or Masamune since those weapons were way too powerful. He had his first sword he ever got in his hand but to defend against what might end up being four swords he might need an extra weapon. He watched the strange stance as he wondered if his opponent was keeping some explosive behind his back, though a swordsman normally does not need those. He watched carefully as he kicked his one foot back to knock up one of his weapons behind him which spun a bit before he caught it with his right hand as he left his sword in his left hand.

His opponent made a thrust with the sword and he would deflect downwards, that and any of the other swords with a strike from his scythe which had a strong body and a large area making it easier to deflect with while he would follow up with his left hand performing a stab between the gap beneath his right arm that if his opponent did not notice would stab him slightly. This sword could only pierce one inch into flesh so it could at best leave minor wounds but nothing needing hospital attention any time soon.

Whether his opponent dodged, blocked or got stabbed he would reply with the words. "He is only the captain because he has not faced me yet, do not think that the captain is the only strong one or you going to get yourself killed."

Words = 655 + 357 + 410 = 1422
Chakra = 340/340



It seemed a single weapon wouldn't suffice against the older blonde man, as the younger of the two swordsman equipped himself with a scythe in addition to his sword. It served as a moral boost since the boy had claimed to use just the one blade. The scythe though proved to be more for defensive reasons as the broad blade head knocked aside both Bunshichi's blade and it's shadowed counterpart. Jumping to the side in an attempt to avoid his opponent's counter thrust, he still had the two floating blades behind his back, as they flew out for their own offensive strike. One blade flew high into the air, while the second shot straight for the younger of the two blonde gentlemen.

The boy spoke as if the captain was simply given his position, no way Kaguza just walked into such a title. His brother had more honor then to just simply accept such a prestigious position. "The captain and I are family members, I spent a few years training under him. He's the reason I began my adventure, and I don't believe for an instant that he'd allow anyone less then skilled into the Swordsmen." The high flying gladius now coming down aimed for which ever direction the young blonde would choose to take, as Bunshichi himself dashed for the young man. Throwing a horizontal slash, as the third gladius shot between Bunshichi's legs at his opponent. "The man is family, thats all."

Post Word Count - 244
Unused Word Count - 1298
Used Word Count - 0
Thread Word Count - 1298

Chakra Remaining 140/150:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He watched as the blonde who appeared to not be all that dumb managed to jump to the side, he began to wonder if he should have thrust at his full speed. Then he remembered if he went all out someone might end up dying, he noticed a blade flew straight towards him as he then pulled his scythe back to knock away that blade by hooking the blade with the curved blade of the scythe, as he flung it to his right side. He noticed the other blade that had appeared at that time had gone up so he looked with a slant so his one eye caught the air a bit and his other eye more or less had the blonde in his vision.  

He heard the boy mention that he was related to the captain as he kept his focus listening to this man speak like some desperate teenager looking up to his mentor. Not that he did not have mentors like Ayakashi, Sanosuke, Mitsuhide, Gin amongst the Kage Elite. He heard the outburst then felt the air shift as he looked up at the sword that was now flying straight down at him. He did a quick back step to avoid the blade as it looked to be aimed between his legs, was this guy trying to remove the only proof that he was still a boy. He then stopped his movements by planting his scythe into the ground as the horizontal slash would be stopped by the shaft of the scythe, the young swordsman propelled himself upwards and sat with two feet carefully on the base of the blade of his scythe as he dodged the extra sword the boy sent flying through his legs.

"You fight like some kind of monkey",
though he was not one who should speak since his size forced him to also use some irregular movements in fights. He then sighed as he then replied, "Nice attack for a genin maybe, though when I was a genin I was super strong so maybe you stronger than that."

The boy was still holding his sword in his hand, showing that he defended against this combo using only his right hand. Whether his opponent would even notice this was hard to tell. He then pointed the sword at him and said.

"If you going to come at me, you better come at me with all you have. At least make me have to use my sword again or I might fall asleep." He did not like taunting, but he was a bit bored and he realised he had gotten so strong it was hard to have any serious spars anymore. Anyone strong enough is too dangerous to spar with, anyone short of that is too weak for a serious spar. Either way he was now judging the guy's potential as he felt the attack was more variety then what he used to use but he was always straight forward. So he waited for the next barrage from the swordsman of the many blades.

Words = 1422 + 512 = 1934
Chakra = 340/340



"This coming from the one currently standing on his scythe. I am being slightly cautious though I guess, not getting me anywhere." It was true, basic swordplay against a highly ranked swordsman wasn't working. It seemed to be the perfect time to take a note straight from his brother and switching from a sword to a more aggressive style weapon.

Calling back his swords returning only two of the four to their sheaths at his sides, the steel ball from his campsite began rolling towards it's master. "Let's see if I can keep you awake with a weapon my brother taught me. Makes a bit more of an impact." The ball puppet stopping next to Bunshichi. To those who didn't know the puppet it appeared to just be a large steel ball, it's hidden mechanisms giving it a sense of potency. Extending a long metal handle for it's master to grasp, which he happily took. The puppet now served as a war hammer or mace. With Kappa in hand he needed more to make himself a threat in this fight. He currently had two blades under his chakra strings and Kappa in hammer mode.

Using his free hand, the older of the two grabbed one of his floating swords only to charge it with raiton chakra. Visible sparks jumping from the blade in hand as he finished. "Stay awake now." Bunshichi hurls the charged sword towards the younger of the two, and quickly builds another charge of raiton chakra. This time though the raiton would be charging his body. His contact shock jutsu was his favorite technique that his brother had taught him, shocking his opponent should they make contact with him. Following his thrown sword he dashed towards Yuzu aiming to jump at him with a downward swing of his hammer after either blocking the sword or dodging. His Contact Shock Jutsu being a surprise should the young blonde boy block his hammer. A second surprise set in motion for the future.

Word Count 131/1631
Training Onojutsu - 1500 words

Chakra Remaining 105/150:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He watched as two of the swords were called back to his sides, he looked down lowering his vision to help limit the levels of his perception. It was near impossible to surprise him especially if most of your jutsu happened to be from the library, however he did not know much about this flying weapons style and now what appeared to be a puppet or maybe it was a weapon or he just figured it was just a weapuppet as he began inventing words in his head out of pure boredom.

He watched the shadow of the ball like steel ball which had grown what appeared to be a handle. He considered closing his eyes but that would be an insult so he just kept them open enough to show he was still watching the blonde and paying attention.

He watched the guy charge one of his blades with what seemed to be lightning chakra to which he decided he might have to do something similar later. He watches as the charged blade is simply tossed towards This time though the raiton would be charging his body. He decided he would go on the defensive for a bit since he could not think of any offense that would not do serious harm at the time. He stood there as four clones apparently left from his body. The one charged straight at the sword as it passed through leaving a small spark effect as the blade splashed through. He then kick the sword down as he came down from the top of his scythe  as he thought to himself that this might be interesting, as he watched the water like image seeming to dissipate slowly before running straight into the opponent which caused the clone to explode in a splash of water that did no damage other than to show that the clone had been defeated. Though the clones were strange as they seemed to be moving towards the blondes weapons but stopped within a five meter radius of the original.

He blocked the hammer with his scythe as he drew it in a somewhat powerful defensive swing. He then watched as his images which still seemed to be clones but not as they just stood around him.

"Those are some pretty impressive jutsu, too bad they only C-Rank..." as he sighs slightly he then looks towards Bunshishi more coldly with a serious glare. "If you going to surprise me do not try to take me head on, I just got these out to show you something. I have not used any jutsu higher then that of any genin so if you can not surpass this you may have to give up on being a shinobi. Though I just did this technique so you can show me what skill you have with weapons, I see jutsu everyday show me something only a true weaponsmaster can do and stop just relying on jutsu to make up for your weakness."

He was scolding the older opponent in a way he scolded most of his students who failed tests given by him, he had once been assigned to watch over genin and after severe beatings and hard teaching methods nearly all of them quit with those who stayed on becoming a lot stronger in the future. This was a test of skill over technique, how would Bunshichi handle this new challenge.

Words = 1934 + 569 = 2503
Training Ninjutsu S - SS = 3838(Previous Thread) + 2503 = 6341/9000
Chakra = 305/340

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