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★~The International Ninja Academy!~★

Hello to all new first years! A big welcome back to all returning second and third years and staff! And just another big hello to transfers and those new to the Shiawasena family! (^o^)

As you should know, this is Shiawasena High School, or better know as the International Ninja Academy. This prestigious academy, located in a neutral territory, trains young shinobi in not only the ways of the ninja but your regular old school subjects from Calculus to Literature. In a vouch for peace between nations, Shiawasena High School was transformed into a school for the Great Ninja Villages to send their young ninjas to learn together in a safe and fun educational environment. Our campus covers the Shiawasena mountain, with wonderful seasonal weather and beautiful mountain scenery all year long. Our teachers include some of the best across the ninja villages. And the extra curricular activities are Drama Club, Astronomy club, Music club, basketball, baseball, swimming and so many more! We, the Shiawasena family, again welcome you for another great year! :D

School Uniforms:

This is how your rank affects your year in the Ninja Academy. (0w0)

Genin D-Rank=First Year
Chunin C-Rank=Second Year
Special Jonin B-Rank = Third Year
Jonin A-Rank = Teacher/Third Year
S-Rank = Teacher/Vice Principal/Counselor
Kage = Principal

Shiawasena ID Card

To make things easier for all students and staff, please put a Shiawasena ID Card at the beginning of each post!

[spoiler=Shiawasena ID]
[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Year:[/b] Only if student, skip if teacher. Please tell us if you're a first, second or third year!
[b]Shiawasena Staff:[/b] Only if teacher, counselor, vice principal, principal, skip if student. Please tell us what you  teach or what you do in Shiawasena![/spoiler]

~Some Things You Should Know~

⋆This isn't meant to be a serious RP. It's comedy so don't get all angsty and serious, unless of course you plan to have your character be that way all the time⋆
⋆Nothing here will affect the "real" rp world of Saga, imagine it as a dream AU where you aren't limited by chakra amounts or jutsu ranks. You can't really use this for training stats or jutsus though. ⋆
⋆No Killing. Or at least no Permadeath, if you die here don't worry you aren't really dead. And if you're going to kill someone at least let them know beforehand, that's just manners. ⋆
⋆I am now aware there is something similar to this is Iwa, Diamond Heights University, but let's say you're a genin in Kiri and no one will let you go to Iwa, well you can come here with no supervision and have a grand ole time. ⋆
⋆Walk ins are always welcome. Come and go as you please! Just don't start conversation and then don't finish it nicely. You know that's always awkward when conversation just ends because someone never answered your question, and you already waited indefinitely for that reply that  never came. ⋆
⋆Just have fun! Make yourself an OP Mary Su or act out all your dark desires or just do something completely ridiculous and radical. Try to stay within a reasonable level of a anime school background, which really is not reasonable at all... ⋆

Last edited by Tsu-chan on Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:15 am; edited 2 times in total



Is this for another site? Because We already have Diamond Heights University in Iwa for this.



Sero wrote:Is this for another site? Because We already have Diamond Heights University in Iwa for this.

Oh no not at all! D:

I didn't even realize there was a school like that in Iwa (I'm a konoha nin so I never even looked there sorry) It's more like a OOC AU that doesn't take in saga guidelines/chakra limits/ jutsu restrictions. Or like a side story thing that doesn't effect a character's plot or story at all. Plus it's i imagined it like a comedy/slice of life school AU on a ninja academy, and anyone can join so it's not supposed to be all that realistic too.

Ah.... I was just kinda bored and since I've been waiting forever to get my chara approved and my friend already has his chara approved I felt guilty/impatient... and really wanted to Rp something

Hope that clears things up! :)



it does indeed. Consider joining Iwa sometime. I play the Kage there.



Shiawasena ID:
It was a bright blue and sunny morning, cotton candy clouds covered the spring sky. A gentle breeze shook off some flower petals of the trees, colorful pink confetti danced around in the air. One such petal jumped its way right onto the nose of an unsuspecting green haired girl, tickling the tip of her nose ever so slightly.  
“Oh… Achooo! Tsu sneezed in surprise, her sneeze easily throwing the petal off her nose. “Hehe, sorry little petal.” The girl added as she watched it float away with the others. She was standing on the mountain path that led to her school, Shiawasena High, better known as the International Ninja Academy. The dorms were separate from the main building, what connected them was this nice little trail through a grove of now blooming trees. As of now Tsuru was the only student she could see, which wasn’t unusual, as she usually woke up very late when most had already left, but today was an unusual day in which she had woken up very early. Now, she was probably the first student to take steps down the small grove this morning.
“Hanebasa-sensei will be so surprised to see me!” Tsuru thought out loud to herself. Hanabasa-sensei was her homeroom sensei, and Tsuru was sure that she was not expecting her at this time. “I wonder if anyone else comes earlier than this.” She looked back behind her and tried to see a little ahead, but she still was the only student she could see. She shrugged her shoulders to no one in particular and continued walking her way.

Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

Shiawasena ID:

I looked outside. The sun still hadn't risen yet. I still had a bit before I needed to leave for school. I was a first-year at Shiawasena High, and I knew that leaving a good impression on my teachers by being early was important. I was one of those types slept during the day and enjoyed the night to himself. It was better to travel while the moon was out rather than the sun for me, as I had a genetic predisposition to light sensitivity. Of course, that came with the kekkei genkai of being able to see a broader range of electromagnetic waves, but it put me on a weird schedule. The annoying thing was that school was during the daytime, so my internal clock was constantly being thrown off. I tried not to take naps during class, but sometimes it was really testing the limits of my fortitude.

I sighed. I decided I might as well get to school a little early, and sleep while the other students were arriving. My first-period and homeroom teacher, Hanebasa-sensei, was pretty nice about these things. "Why can't they just have school at night?" I groaned. I slowly got up and got prepared for school. I was living in one of the school's dorms, so everything I needed was nicely concentrated in my room. I looked over at my roommate,  Itazura Sarutobi. He was still sound asleep. I considered waking him up, but decided it would be better to head out alone.

I left my dorm room at headed down the stairs, thinking of nothing in particular. I was just having that stream of unrelated thoughts that you sometimes can get when you're tired or your mind can't concentrate. Before long, I had reached the school doors.

"Well, time for another day," I said to myself.

Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

Shiawasena ID:

When I heard the door close, I popped open one sleepy brown eye. The sun was just beginning to come up as those little beams of sunlight shot through the window. “Looks like Burasu went and left without me.” I muttered to myself with mock hurt and a little chuckle at my loneliness. But who was I to complain, Kaitu was a-okay kid, worked hard and did what he was supposed to do. That quiet little personality of his could’ve used some changing. I smiled again at that thought, knowing that I would be the one doing the changing.

I did the usual morning routine and once again had trouble tried to tie my stupid tie. Why do we have to wear the color coordinated ties anyway? Oh right to tell others what village we’re from and immediately start forming village cliques with our wonderful matching ties.

I halfway gave up with the green thing when the knot was halfway down my chest and for some reason the tie part was really short. I breathed a “Whatever.”  I ran my hand through my hair, getting rid of bedhead and just messing it up more.

Walking down that nature trail to the school was a lonely affair, I must’ve been up early. Those cherry blossoms were blooming again, the trees looked like a sea of pink. The wind was blowing and the petals were flying annoyingly everywhere. I was brushing a few off my shoulders and trying to get the rest out of my hair when I noticed a green haired girl with long braids ahead of me and then good old Burasu next to her. They were both already at the school gates. Oh, is that why Burasu left without a word. I knew it wasn’t true at all, but it was just fun to imagine that stick in the mud having a little fun. The girl looked cute enough, green eyes, green hair, green bow (so she’s from Konoha), but hardly a chest. I’d probably seen her around before, maybe she was in homeroom with Burasu and me. Thinking of homeroom got me thinking about Hanebasa-sensei, now that woman had a chest. And nice legs with that short skirt of hers.

I hardly realized it but some blood began dripping down my nose. “Crap! I really gotta fix that one of these days.” I cursed under my breath at my own perverted thoughts. I didn’t even see anything this time and it started! Damn me and my high blood pressure.  Act casual neither of them will notice! I covered my nose with my hands and tried to think up some excuse. All these stupid flower petals! Geez, you know I’m allergic to the flowers guys? And it’s allergy season and I’m sniffling and sneezing like a dying horse. Haha! That was a great excuse if either of them asked.

I just need to get past them to get the bathroom in the main building, take some toilet paper and clog up my nostrils. Before I knew it I was already at the school gates. “Hey guys!” I waved with one hand keeping the other over my nosebleed. “Terrible weather we’re having! Especially since I’m allergic to all these flowers and they are everywhere it’s so terrible!”



Shiawasena ID:
"Oh so there are other students this early!" Tsu smiled in excitement as she came up to the school gates. There was a boy, about her age probably a first year too, with messy black hair and strange looking red eyes. Well, not that they were looking strange at her, but Tsu had never seen someone with such oddly colored eyes before. She noticed he had a green tie. He's from Konoha! She thought, nicely surprised to find another ninja in training from the same village. Perhaps it was a good start just to say hello to him. Tsu tried to think if she'd ever seen him before, but concluded that even if she did she must've just forgotten. She never had had the greatest memory, yet maybe this boy knew her though she didn't know him. She had just reached the steps and was about to say "He—"

"Hey guys!" The sudden voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. Abruptly interrupted she turned to see another boy, this one with spiked two tone blonde and brown hair and dark brown sparkling eyes. He and a mischievous look about him and he seemed really excited for no particular reason. For some odd reason he had his hand over his nose. “Terrible weather we’re having! Especially since I’m allergic to all these flowers and they are everywhere it’s so terrible!”

Tsu blinked wide eyed in surprise and concern. Being allergic to flowers?! What a terrible tragedy! She felt so sorry for the blonde (even he seemed to be a complete stranger) to have to suffer through such beautiful weather and never truly enjoy the flowers. "Oh, I'm so sorry! That has to be such an aw—Oh my gosh!!" As Tsuru was feeling so down about the blonde's allergy, she happened to look down to his green tie. The fact that he was from Konoha barely registered as his green tie was  dotted with red.... Drops of blood?! "You're bleeding! Oh my gosh those allergies must be really terrible if they make you bleed!!! I know some medical Ninjutsu, here let me help!"

The girl immedialty brought her hands up and a small aura of medical chakra surrounded her palms. She quickly stepped forward reaching out to he blondes face, but was only successful in tripping over her own feet and falling flat on the ground. "Ah! Oh... It looks like I have a bloody nose too! The green haired girl quickly sat up on her knees, mainly unscathed save for the fact a little red stream came out from her nostrils.

Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

Shiawasena ID:

I reached the gates relatively quickly, however they were locked when I tried them. I forgot that they locked them over the weekend. I must be really tired today, I thought to myself, to forget such a basic thing. I sat down and decided to meditate until someone came to open up school for the day. It was very peaceful, and I could tell the sun was rising from the sudden heat I felt on the back of my neck. I grimaced, longing to be inside when the sun came up.
I heard a voice ask, "I wonder if anyone else comes earlier than this?” so I stood up. As she came closer, I could see that it was a singular girl with two long braids and the school uniform. I looked for another person, but she was either talking to herself or a person who for some reason decided to cut their conversation off early and vacate the premises. I guessed it was the former, but I did not want to draw an incorrect conclusion.
As she saw me, she exclaimed, "Oh so there are other students this early!" At this point, I knew she had to be talking to herself. I knew her name was Tsuru, though I forgot her family's name. She was in my homeroom class.
Just as she was opening her mouth again, to talk to me or herself I wasn't quite sure, she was interrupted by an all-too-familiar face running up the steps behind her.
“Terrible weather we’re having! Especially since I’m allergic to all these flowers and they are everywhere it’s so terrible!” Itazura exclaimed. I closed my eyes and sighed. I've known him long enough to know that he gets nosebleeds every time he thinks of something...indecent. Even besides that though, it was one of the most poorly delivered lies I'd heard in a while. Something the girl said had taken me out of my thoughts though. She claimed she knew some medical ninjutsu. I always had a high respect for those who practiced that art. Maybe the talking-to-herself thing is just a strange quirk. However, the girl didn't do much to bolster my respect for her after she tripped over her own feet. When she got up, I noticed something, probably blood, trickling down from her nose. I didn't have any medical ninjutsu myself, but I had a pack of tissues handy. With the amount of times Itazura has bled from his nose, I needed to always be ready to stop him from bleeding all over our dorm room floor.
"Good morning, Sarutobi-san," I said as I walked over to the two. I handed the girl a tissue before extending my hand to her. She smiled and took it, so I helped her up.
"Here," I begrudgingly stated as I turned around and tossed the pack to Itazura. When I turned back around, the girl was dabbing at her nose with the tissue. The blood flow seemed to be subsiding, which was good. The injury didn't look serious at all.
When she finished cleaning up the blood, she looked up at me. I decide to introduce myself.
"Hello. I'm Kaitu Burasu, and I'm sorry about..."
"Itazura Sarutobi" interrupted Itazura as he held out his hand. I looked at him, slightly annoyed that I had been interrupted. A teacher, our homeroom teacher in fact, came out of the schools main entrance and unlocked the gates.
"Come on guys! It's almost time for class! Ita, you ok?" exclaimed Hanebasa-sensei.
Tsuru had turned excitedly towards the gates and Itazura's nose had started bleeding again, though he was trying to hide it. He mumbled an apology about allergies, but I don't think Hanebasa-sensei noticed. As evidenced by the fact that we were still the only three around, very unusual for Itazura to be one of the first to school, we actually still had a while to go before the first bell rang. Even so, we decided to follow Hanebasa-sensei to our common homeroom.

Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

As soon as I finished my dumb excuse, I could hardly believe as green haired girl was actually naive enough to fall for it.  "Oh, I'm so sorry! That has to be such an aw—Oh my gosh!!" The girl exclaimed in a state of panic, she was looking down at my tie, which had a few brops of red that I had had happened to miss. "You're bleeding! Oh my gosh those allergies must be really terrible if they make you bleed!!! I know some medical Ninjutsu, here let me help!" She immediately put up her hands and stepped close to me in an attempt to heal my nosebleed. I gasped in surprise at her suddenness and tried to step away, but it turns out I didn't need to do anything as the girl tripped over her own two feet and fell face first onto the ground.

" Uh you okay?" I asked, probably more embarrassed for her than she was for herself. She quickly sat up on her knees, a little red trickle of blood coming down her nose. Well, at least now we match. I thought to myself.

"Ah! Oh... It looks like I have a bloody nose too!" Ever the gentleman Burasu offered her some tissue that he always had with him along with a begrudging nod/sigh to myself.  "Good morning, Sarutobi-san," Well technically the tissue was usually for me since I had just a little bit of a nosebleed problem. "Here." Sure enough Kaitu threw me a package as well. I tore open the thing and dabbed a few tissue on my nostrils, it was always nice to be prepared. Or at least have someone else always be prepared for you.

Burasu went on to introduce himself to the girl. So... I guess they really didn't know each other after all? Green hair seemed clueless enough as she also dabbed tissues on her nose. "Hello. I'm Kaitu Burasu, and I'm sorry about..."

Aw, c'mon! I couldn't let this guy apologize for me! Flat chest or not, she was still a lady and a man still needs to make a half good impression. Granted, I sort of lost that when I came up to her with a damn nosebleed but thankfully she was dumb enough to believe the allergy story. That probably also pointed at her own misgivings, but what can a guy do? Beggars can't be choosers.

"Itazura Sarutobi!" I interuppted and held it out to the girl with the most charming smile I could muster under the circumstances. Burasu obviously looked at me with an annoyed glare, but it was all a guy like that could do. Such a stick in the mud, why did I even toy with the idea of him having fun?

A teacher came out by the main gates before any of us could say anything more and before I could finally learn green haired girl's name.
"Come on guys! It's almost time for class! Ita, you ok?"Hanebasa-sensei exclaimed and of.course immediately noticed my nosebleed.

"Ah, nothing! Just allergies.. " I answered though quieted down at the end, Burasu's red eyed glare could get intimidating after awhile. Even then, Hanebasa-sensei didn't seem to notice nor that much care, considering she did probably know me by now. She did in fact notice green-hair with tissue still on her nose. As we walked to homeroom oddly together, sensei asked the girl if she need to go to the nurse's office.

" Tsuru, are you alright? Do you need to see the nurse again?" Hanebasa-sensei turned to her like a mom sighing at her clumsy child.

Again? What was this a reoccurring thing? I guess it'd be no surprise considering the way she just faceplanted the ground in front me just a few moments ago. And also, Tsuru. Must've been her given name, I wondered what the rest of it was.




Shiawasena ID:

The ravenette boy sighed with a greeting to the blonde. "Good morning Sarutobi-san."The girl looked up to find the boy with black hair holding out a small package of tissues for her. Oh! How nice he's so prepared for a situation just like this! She accepted them graciously and began dabbing her nose. The ravenette was also nice to throw over a package of tissues to the blonde, though with a gruff "Here."  The blonde caught them with a smile of thanks, though it seemed for both of them that this was no uncommon occurrence. His allergies must be really bad if he has to have tissues all the time! Tsuru thought to herself.

She stood up, tissue on nose as the black haired boy finally went about introducing himself and apparently apologizing for his friend. "Hello. I'm Kaitu Burasu, and I'm sorry about..."

"Itazura Sarutobi." The blonde with a dash of brown held out his hand, along with a beaming smile that probably would have been more charming if there hadn't been tissue on his nose.

Tsuru cocked her head, staring wide eyed at the outstretched hand as if she'd never seen someone just outwardly stretch their hand to someone else in form of greeting. She hadn't the time to respond to either of the boys' introductions as she heard the clanging of the school gates open behind them.

"Come on guys, it's almost time for class! Ita you okay?" Hanebasa-sensei, their homeroom reacher, appeared at the gates, opening them as the school day was about to begin. The sensei expressed immediate concern toward her two nose bleeding students, though the way it was phrased appeared as if the blonde boy's nosebleeds were a common occurrence.

The blonde called Itazura responded with a mumbled "Ah, nothing! Just allergies." And he covered his nose with his tissue again. Tsu once more coked her head at the sight, still amazed and feeling rather sorry for her classmate that had such a terrible allergy to flowers.

The girl followed her sensei back to the main school building, also accompanied by Kaitu and Itazura. Hanebasa-sensei did a double take as she saw the small green-haired girl also holding tissue to her nose, but with the way she raised an eyebrow it seemed that this was nothing but a common occurrence.

"Tsuru are you alright? Do you need to see the nurse again?"
Hanebasa-sensei seemed to sigh in defeat as she spoke, taking an almost pitying motherly tone toward her young student.

"Oh no, Hanebasa-sensei!" Tsuru replied with complete obliviousness to her teacher's concern. "Kai-kun gave me and Ita-kun tissues! Though, I wouldn't mind going to the nurse's office because she'll give me a lollipop." She added the last part in remembering her last visit to the nurses office for a scraped knee that had come from her falling down the last two steps on the school staircase. She still had the bandage under her socks, but the nurse had given her a lollipop. A reason why Tsu didn't understand, but she also remembered that the nurse had given another lollipop when she had fallen from getting out of her chair, resulting in a bandage on her head for about a week.  The nurse must really like giving out lollipops! Tsu silently concluded with a silly grin on her face.

Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

After Tsuru had left  for the clinic, we proceeded on to the class room. When we entered, there was a nice peaceful atmosphere that would quickly disappear. I saw a shogi board laying on one of the desks. I knew that yesterday was shogi club after school, and I guess they just forgot to put it away. Evidently Itazura saw it too, because he walked quickly over to it.
“Hey Kaitu, care for a game?” he said in a taunting tone.
I nodded and walked over to him, taking my place opposite him on the board. I was still tired, but a nap would have to wait. Class was starting relatively soon now anyways, so it just wouldn’t be worth it. We set up the pieces, and decided who would go first with a coin flip. I won, so I moved the pawn diagonally right from my bishop, and the game was started. After a couple of rounds of playing, Itazura decided to try and engage me in some friendly banter.
“Hey Kai! What’s the difference between you and a ninja dog?”
He didn’t wait for a response.
“There’s a chance that even a dog could beat me at shogi!”
I was almost tempted to laugh, not at the humor of the joke itself, but at the laughably poor construction of it. My face remained a clean slate whilst I finished my turn, placing a bishop down and putting his king in check. He countered by placing a silver general down, blocking my bishop’s threat while at the same time threatening the piece itself. I had to retreat. I moved my bishop back a couple of spaces. He moved an advanced golden general diagonally to where my bishop was. The placement threatened my knight, so I used my own golden general to protect it. He moved his rook forward. Damn! I didn’t see that move. The purpose of those moves wasn’t to threaten my pieces to take them, he wanted to get them out of the way for a fork! My king and bishop were being simultaneously threatened, and I didn’t have a piece protecting either one! I was already behind in positioning, I could NOT be behind in pieces as well or it was game over. I had no choice I moved my king up one, sighed, and waited for him to take my bishop. He smiled. He picked up his rook and...took my golden general with it? I didn’t understand, and looked at him questioningly. My moved king was protecting that piece, and no piece of his could protect him. I quickly scanned the board. Nothing else was being threatened.
“Why didn’t you take my bishop?”
“Oh, your bishop! Yeah, probably should’ve seen that one,” he laughed as he smiled sheepishly.
I knew he saw it. There’s no way he couldn’t have. I looked at him slightly angrily. It just wasn’t fun when he let me off the hook for a stupid mistake. I begrudgingly took it, and continued going on with the game. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him trying to hide a smile.

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