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Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

Easter Delivery:

"Hey Kaitu!"
I looked behind me. A friend from the academy was running behind me, trying to catch up. I stopped and turned to face him
"Hey, Motu," I responded.
"Hey," he stopped to catch his breath, "Would you mind doing me a favor?"
I tilted my head in slight confusion.
"Sure," I responded, "What is it?"
"If you wouldn't mind, I need to get these things to the hospital through the Silverlight Forest, but I also need to meet my sensei. Could you possibly get take the mission in my place?" He held out a basket with a couple of eggs in it. I nodded in response.
"Thanks a bunch. I'll see ya later!" he said as he ran off. I looked down. The eggs looked as fragile as any other eggs, so I would need to be careful with them.
I began my journey through the woods. It was a nice day out today. I always enjoy the woods. It's so...serene sometimes. I looked up at the sunlight filtering through the trees above my head. A rabbit hopped across the path in front of me. I continued on for a while, just enjoying the scenery. This is going to be an incredibly easy mission, I thought to myself. I'm kinda glad Motu found me to take the mission.
After a couple of hours, it started to get dark. I enjoyed the night, so I decided that it would be best to continue with the mission rather than taking a rest. It was only a one-day journey after all. I would get there at just about sunrise. I smiled to myself. This would be a good time to organize my thoughts.
I continued along the path, and heard some leaves rustling to my right. I didn't really pay much mind to it though. It was the forest after all. I started to worry, however, when I heard it again. The rustling got louder, and I threw a kunai at it. I heard a whimper as whatever it was scampered off.
A whimper?
Thoughts of wolves and wild dogs began to chase through my mind. I didn't usually go into parts of the woods where wolves were really a problem, but I realized I was in one now. I quickened my pace. The faster I could get to the hospital, the better it would be. I knew I couldn't run or I'd break the eggs. I grimaced.
This is not good.
I stepped out into a clearing. I heard the wolf bark behind me. This wasn't good. It was preparing to attack. I heard two more wolves behind me. That's right, wolves run in packs. I was being surrounded. At least they weren't ninja hounds, or I'd be in real trouble. I put the egg basket down. This was going to be...interesting.

Wordcount: 491/1000

Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

I looked around me. The wolves were getting closer and closer. I had to protect the eggs. The wolf directly in front of me lunged at me. I grabbed the basket and sidestepped, dodging the attack. Another wolf used the opportunity to try to attack me. I jumped out of the way into the trees, but barely. It seemed the wolves didn't take me seriously. They were just warming up. I left the basket in a tree while I plotted my next move. I couldn't travel through the trees with the eggs. It was just too dangerous. Jumping up here was dangerous itself, but it seemed like the eggs were unharmed. The wolves were circling below me. I couldn't just stay up there the whole night, I had to do something about the wolves. I threw a kunai below me to clear some space and I jumped down. I picked up the kunai I had thrown. The wolf nearest to me ran towards me and I managed to block its mouth with the broadside of the kunai knife. I kicked away another wolf that was attacking my flank, and jumped away from the wolf I was blocking. The wolf that seemed to be the leader growled and started sprinting at me. The other two wolves were running to cut off my exits, so I didn't really have a good opportunity to dodge anymore.
"Earth Style: Earth Shore Return," I yelled as I plunged my hands into the ground. A wall of earth rose up in front of me. The wolf had too much momentum to stop, and it sounded like it hid the wall hard. Even if I blocked one temporarily, I still had two more to deal with.

Wordcount: 491+293=784/1000

Jutsu used:
Earth Shore Return:

Chakra: 135/150

Kaitu Burasu

Kaitu Burasu

I looked to my right. The wolf was snarling very menacingly at me. I decided to start with that one. I rushed towards it. It took a step back, surprised that I was the one taking the initiative. It unfortunately regained its composer quickly however. It jumped at me as I got closer. I managed to bat it away. Good, I thought. I went behind a tree and used the Doppleganger jutsu. The illusion ran out of the natural hiding spot the trees formed, and distracted the wolves. The illusion stood its ground while the wolf I was battling charged at it. When the wolf passed through it, it certainly was shocked. I stepped out and kicked it away while it was off its guard. It whimpered and ran away. I ran up to the final wolf, and it ran away now that the other wolves were gone. I was still on my guard however, as I looked around the earthen wall. I saw that the wolf...was actually unconscious. It had hit the wall harder than I thought. Well, that's good news for me.

I had finally done it. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had finally defeated the wolves. I climbed up the tree to get the basket with the eggs. They were all fine. I continued on my path. After only about an hour, I stepped out of the woods. The journey had been shorter than I expected, but it must have just been my imagination, because as I stepped out, I saw the sun start to rise. I winced, I wasn't really good with looking at the sun. I stepped inside the hospital. A nurse was there to greet me. I gave the eggs to him. He checked if the were intact, looked at me, and smiled.
"Thank you very much," he said. I smiled to myself as I walked out the door.

Wordcount: 784+322=1106/1000
Mission Complete!

Jutsu used:
Doppelganger Technique:

Chakra: 130/150

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