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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As he finally got back from his training in the forest the small boy had not grown much, but he had changed as he entered the reception for the Hot Springs. The lady greeted him as he just showed her his card as she directed him to his private spot which was in a secret room, that was hidden from the regular people from outside who visited the baths.

The boy stretched a bit before removing his clothing and then putting on a swimming shorts. He then dropped face first towards the water slowly as the water did not splash hard but merely moved around him slowly as he floated face first in the water for a while, as he opened his eyes to look down to the bottom as he could see the water moving slowly as he felt a tingling sensation from the heat of the water. He then spun around and went under the water for a while before popping his head up again as he took a deep breathe of fresh air as the dirt from his body floated away from him.

He then leaned back against the edge of the bath and looked up to the sky, he was all alone here and no one would enter to disturb him. He took this time to close his eyes for a moment as he began to think back to the time he first met his sensei. The time of the war on the sixth day before they would rush into battle to end this war, at that time would be the last time he would ever meet his sensei ever again.

He was about to doze off when he opened his eyes and began to concentrate on controlling his chakra as he just laid there in the bath. The water moving ever so slightly as he was training to master his techniques like no one else before him, he wished to master the great art of fuuinjutsu and was going to develop his technique as he kept focusing as he began to feel his chakra flow through his entire body, from his finger tips to his hands, from his toes to his feet, from his nose to his ears to his eyes to his mouth to everywhere he could think of, chakra was flowing all through out his body. It was then that he remembered his battle with a young girl, who was older than him and though much weaker was better than him in a sense. He knew this to be true and therefor he had to show much more growth and had to mature much faster than he had before.

He had too many openings, too many weak points and too little time to deal with them all. In the end only the weak will give up when dealing with the impossible and only a genius would laugh at impossibility. He was not just a simple prodigy, or some lazy genius but a talent that probably only came once in several generations. He had to become the strongest there is as he began to float letting the water raise the lower half of his body as he floated like this he leaned his head back slightly as the water splashed over his forehead slightly.

"Mitsuhide-sensei, I need the strength to protect my mom", as he closed his eyes the water began to be still as he just floated peacefully as he was now one with nature. The water moved around him, over him and beneath him as if he was one with the hot spring.

Words = 602

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The gentle splashing of water against his ears, the warmth of the water as it moved across his body. His hair floating in the waters before he suddenly dropped beneath the surface of the water. The sinking feeling of actually sinking as he opened his eyes looking up through the water, the heat stinging slightly as he held his breath. He began to wonder if his life would change and whether things would get better for him in the future, he did not even understand any of it as he felt like he could not contain the power he held deep inside of him.

He finally decided it was time to begin his training as the water was flowing over him he jumped up into the air as the water flew up, he then spun on the surface of the remaining water as he kicked up water in an arc that rose above him like a wall, before performing a roundhouse kick blasting a hole in the water as he kept on spinning he did a double roundhouse kick before stopping to drop back into the water as it all came raining down on him. He thought to himself he was too slow, he was too weak and that he was not strong enough as he stood there the water still hitting him hard as he stood. An attendant came in just to check up on the cutest little boy to ever come into her hot spring. Well at least the cutest boy who was a shinobi, as she wondered why he did not choose to train outside like everyone else until she saw the scars and scratches on his back that looked like they were still healing. What had happened to this little boy for him to end up like this.

That was when she saw it happen, as the water then began to rise up slowly, like crystals that were not ice, not even snow, just a gentle calm sparkling mist. She felt a slight chill as she noticed the air began to get thicker as the steam that was so warm before had began to turn into a dense mist. The only thing she could see was the boy in the center of this miracle.

His eyes glowing like the moon as they seemed to reflect an emotion that she did not quite understand, other than it being sad and empty while at the same time innocent and beautiful. He did not even notice her as she was not a threat at all, if she had been things may have turned from beautiful into a well done massacre. The air around him was full of misty waters as they flowed around and over him, his eyes covered in a gentle mist as he no longer had any idea of how to contain the feelings he had deep down inside. He was the infamous Yuzu Ren, one of the legendary Seven, who served the Mizukage Ayakashi in the Seven Bells War, where a young boy barely even a genin, grew to become the start of a legend.

It was then that he sang his song all by himself as the woman left as she went one side to cry.

"In the misty mist of the forgotten lake"
"Missing you as I feel my heart break"
"Everytime I thought you left me behind"
"I am lost just for you to find"

"There was a time that i felt love and"
"How long has it been since i held your hand"
"In my heart, i don't understand"

"I miss you so please just love me"
"I miss you so come back and set me free"
"Trapped all alone in my heart"
"I feel so torn apart"

Words = 602 + 627 = 1229

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The young boy was going to continue his song when he felt it rolling down his cheek, it was the sign of he had the potential to not only be strong, but also be weak. Deep within the coldest heart of even the most heartless of demons was just a young boy who longed to be with his family. This was something he would never get and could never ever have.

He thought back to the mother who gave life to him, a woman he knew nothing about and a father who remained nothing more than a mystery. His favourite and best teacher who fought him to the death and was never seen again. His grandmother, the most important person in his life who passed on leaving him with only two words, "Live On".

He had trained hard in the only thing he knew, his best friend Uchiha Tora who played with him and broke the kinks in his armor to become his closest friend. Eventually he broke his promise to always be there and was killed all just in order for people to take his eyes. His friend from the academy Emma who tried to become more than a friend to him, in the end became someone he had to kill.

To the woman whose scythe and cloak he carries, a woman he met during the Seven Bells War at the Fusa Prison Monument. It was a strange meeting but she too was entering his heart as she promoted having him become colder in order to be warmer. He never fully understood her actions, but she understood him better then even he would ever know. Things were looking good as she took him under her wing, however called away on a mission to protect civilians he ended up injured by a strange archer. When he woke up he heard that Kamikira had gone missing, as he searched for her everywhere the body was only found some time after the war.

This was not his only loss in the war, as he followed the Hokage under orders from his clan as well as an appeal from his village for better relations. In his failed attempt at following him without letting his presence be known the Hokage seemed to not have any hatred or contempt for the young little boy. He asked him what he wanted and when he asked to learn the legendary arts of Mitsuhide's fuuinjutsu the Hokage agreed, as if it was nothing to train a member of another village by the most powerful man alive. The strongest at the time to his knowledge being the Mizukage Ayakashi. After their training and the long battle to defeat Seven Bells, his sensei left and roughly a year later he would head to Konoha in order to find him. Instead he met with Senju Sousetsu who seemed like a weakling of a Hokage, but while he wished to challenge this man he felt did not deserve to become the Kage other events went into motion along with Sousetsu having too many duties as the freshly made new Hokage.

The war also took away a man he looked up to secretly, a man he saw pass him by during the Seven Bells War and who had never noticed him and passed him by so fast he never got to even call out to him. The man who he admired was the Captain of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist. Myugan Kaguza was no doubt the strong Swordsman Kirigakure had if you did not count the Mizukage who in her own right had the abilities to use every sword within the legendary blades. Not only that he was also one of the three Sannin of the village as he had hoped to join the Seven Swords under this captain. However the great Myugan was ill and soon died from heart failure it seems or some other mysterious cause. Deep down in his heart he could not believe this to be true and later when he applied to become one of the swordsmen he faced off against Ayakashi the Strongest. He managed to scratch her in order to win the title of being the youngest swordsmen in the history of Kirigakure.

Things did not go too well, when he learnt that the new Captain of the Seven Swords was Shikyo Dameon. They never spoke and they hardly paid attention to one another, but one thing was clear was that they did not like each other. The Captain probably thought the little boy was just some kind of prodigal brat who managed to rise up due to all the casualties of the war. Meanwhile he had secretly decided to one day challenge for the title of becoming the new Captain, but he felt he would need to become much stronger before he could ever dream of doing that.

He later was injured really badly and with his clan disowning him for unknown reasons he was left alone until one day a woman appeared. Shinobu was a strange woman who then revealed herself to be Gin one of the Seven Swordsman as well as being a former Kage from the Hidden Sand Village. He loved her and they had a family that included his sage sensei Sanosuke. However between Sanosuke's Kage duties and his mom's duty as the Strongest in Kirigakure he did not get too much family time with them. His brothers and sisters were much weaker then him and he felt a bit awkward around them but they were still family, something he always wanted but would never admit to needing.

He wishes to become even stronger, even giving in to the darkness in order to one day become strong enough to protect his mother. In his adventures and during his missions he met many failed prospects and he once was planning to bring an end to the ruthless Dunki from his own village, however someone else got to the shark first. Him and Wolfgang the Captain of the ANBU, did not really get along but they had some level of respect for one another. It was unclear though but rumors had spread that Wolfgang had sided with the clan in his banishment from it, all of this could just be rumors but it was hard to tell the difference anymore.

He opened his eyes as he stood in the waters of the hot spring as he noticed a large flame like aura of water was flowing around his body, like a suit of armor as he realised he had been in the water so long and that he instinctively placed a defence on himself. He then realised he needed to create techniques to remove the weakness he had, that when stuck between a rock and a hard place the only way to go is through the hardest of places rather than to simply break the rock that blocks his way. He had to change in order to become the strongest there is

Words = 1229 + 1175 = 2404
Chakra = 310/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The boy stood in the pool of water as he looked around him as they finally appeared. They stood surrounding him these four elite shinobi who were sent to bring him back to the fold. He did not need to say a word, he had betrayed them and there was nothing more to be said about it as they each prepared their techniques as he just stood there not having the slightest care in the world. However his weapons were not that near to him so he would have to be careful as he stood there paying attention to all four of them as they each formed seals.

To his right and left they both performed A-Rank suiton jutsu using the water of the hot springs while he did the same creating a shield from the very same waters blocking both attacks while the one jumped up casting an A-Rank flame jutsu which landed a direct hit exploding as the steam rose from the hot springs as the boy stood unharmed but without a general source of water other than his armor. It was then that the forth one performed an A-rank earth jutsu in the hopes of breaking the armor as a splash appeared on the armor, it might have been effective, but it was not enough to break the armor as the boy looked at the one who was still in the air and performed hand seals as he created a water dragon jutsu from the water in the air and his own chakra as the dragon went and seemed to eat the shinobi in mid air before he began directing it to the one on his right who dodged as it spun around him the other also jumping while the doton user blocked it with stoneskin armor, a high ranking defense skill which would have been good if he did not get wet. One down and three more to go, this little boy was not going to let them have their way anymore.

Words = 2404 + 339 = 2743

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The other two began working together as they performed a high level A-Rank Raiton Jutsu together as both techniques shot fast like lightning as steam rose from his body as the shinobi looked in awe as the guy with earth realised things were going to go bad real fast when he saw the look in the boy's face. He jumped back a bit realising that he should not rely on his stone skin too much.

The boy took a deep breath before water burst into the area as the two got taken out as the waves broke them apart. He then looked to the guy behind the stone skin and sighed before placing his hand on the ground. He used electricity as the guy became disarmed and his stoneskin armor broke on contact, he then began forming seals and used a giant mud dragon blast jutsu as the boy countered with his lightning barrier as he sat down on one knee. The shinobi watched as the dirt from his jutsu disappeared then all of a sudden he noticed the boy smile as he blast his fist into the ground, he looked and noticed the boy was down low before realising a lightning tree had formed as lightning shot out of his entire body like a Christmas tree. With that he died, as he suffered a violently painful death as the boy sighed. Were they really going to underestimate him for his appearance. When will the day come when they recognise his skill.

He finally got dressed and left as the bodies of the four he killed had turned into nothing as they had vaporised upon death. This was a sign that things had changed.

Words = 2743 + 286 = 3029
Training Fuuinjutsu A-S = 1017(Other Thread) + 3029 = 4048


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