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1Spring is here! Let's train! (team 3) Empty Spring is here! Let's train! (team 3) Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:25 am



Bara looked around the corner, she smelt the air.Spring is upon us all! she thought as her blue eyes met the sun's glare of morning light through the rain stricken storm clouds. Her rose colored hair felt the first few of cold rain and it flattened slightly against her light colored cheeks. Bara ran back into the forest to find her special training ground were she practiced her water techniques. She knew that she had to train harder, she was to weak to fight anyone, or protect her team.
She focused her chakra to her feet, a wonderful blue glow, that matched her eyes. She stepped out onto the water and stood there, while the nature around her made the peaceful sounds it always does. She waited for Chisaki sensei to come about with Sarutobi as well.

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