I suppose I should have been more clear. I'm looking for a teacher to refine rather then teach which Lamya can do. Beyond that I don't need anyone to teach me Buki or Kugutsu, I can learn all I'll ever need on my own. Rippa/Sero/Akira can attest to my ability to make a fairly strong character, along with Aya. And while we do share Suiton, we don't share specs so you can't actually teach me any jutsu till I hit B/S rank. Simply put my favorite way to train is fighting against another ninja, doesn't have to be to the death. Jutsus I'll come up with, I just need battle experience with this character to better come up with practical jutsu to use. I hope to spar against you even with the ranking differences.
I'd like to spar against anyone who is currently in konoha.