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1D-Rank Mission: Supply Run [Mission] Empty D-Rank Mission: Supply Run [Mission] Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:41 am

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura awoke early that morning, slowly opening his eyes, yawning and stretching his arms as he slowly sat up while the morning sun shining on his face, the warm light breaking through the curtains. It took a while for him to realize what day it was, a single thought ran through his mind, his quite low voice speaking two words, "Oh crap." He placed a hand on his forehead, "Mission Day." He spoke with a tone of annoyance in his voice, knowing it would be something boring and easy. Asura moved his legs to the side, hanging off of the bed as the slowly and lightly touched the pine surface of the wood. He held is arms out, stretching, performing several types of stretches before finally getting dressed in his normal light blue T-shirt with a white trim, covering up his tattoo of the Senju Clan's symbol. He put on his jeans and his boots, before he finally decided to wear his normal grey shirt. Asura took his head band and placed it around his waist before heading out.

Asura opened his front door, ready to wander out into the world with a light smile on his face. Asura closed the door behind him, a gentle breeze flowing by, gently moving his short silver hair and his gray shirt. He slowly closed his bright purple eyes and took a breath of the cool air in, feeling the thrill of a new day course through his blood. Asura's eyes slowly opened again, his eyes almost glittering in the sun, "Let's just get this over and done with." He spoke to himself as his legs began to move, making him walk forward into the street, taking him on the path that would lead to his destination. Asura knew that he was supposed to meet someone at the administration building, so he knew exactly where to go to collect this package.

Asura walked through the street along the side walk, watching people go by as he made his way past his brother's shop, passing all those different shops and shaped houses, thinking about his time in the Village, he knew he hadn't really done many missions but he knew that it was his duty to. It was finally time that he decided to help out more, even with the more mundane tasks, they still needed to be done. He slowly made his way to the administration building, walking up to the front where a man was waiting with a box in his hands. Asura approached him, "I'm Asura Senju, here to take that off your hands." He told the man while speaking in his low, calm voice. The tall skinny man handed Asura the box, still having to reach up as he did so. "Thank you." Asura replied as he turned around.

Asura began walking, holding the package carefully in his hands, wondering what it could be but then he remembered the mission entirely. It was Ice Cream that he had to deliver, Asura sighed with annoyance, picking up speed as he ran through the chilly morning. He passed by his brother again, waving as he ran by, a few moments later he had found himself at the Army's Training Camp. Asura looked around for any sign of an officer, keeping an ear out in case he would be called, and he was. "Hey, is that package for me?" A rather average height Shinobi shouted for him. Asura turned and walked over to him, "Are you the officer known as Kirby?" He asked in his serious tone of voice. The Officer nodded, taking the package from Asura and putting it on a desk. Asura gave him a bow before disappearing.

Word Count: 625
Mission Complete with 25 Words More than Required

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