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Yoko Senju

Yoko Senju

Before the sun made a rim on the horizon of the tree line, Yoko was up. The slightly crisp air with a gentle breeze was enough to awaken him completely. As he wondered through the Giant Forrest he came across a peculiar sight: A old beaten up compound that was attached to a small shrine.

'Well if its empty I could train here without worry from prying eyes..' Yoko thought approaching a gated entrance. His mind wondered. Too many things could go wrong, even the best laid plans are worth nothing if you cant survive long enough to see them come to fruition. Yoko stepped to one side as soon as he was through the gate hoping to avoid any traps if any had been set.  The Area seemed Abandoned enough, it was old and falling apart. 'Perfect, Now I can train to my hearts content.' Yoko thought setting down his bag.

A shiver went down his spine as if someone was behind him. 'I was followed! He yelled internally Spinning to face behind him. "Come out whoever you are, I know your there!" He called out loudly. A Clapping sound could be heard from the main entrance to the shrine.
"The child finally noticed I was watching, about time!" A females voice sounded from within.
Yoko watched as the woman made her appearance, half her face was covered by a weird looking cloth with a glass piece over her right eye. She was taller then Yoko by perhaps a few inches, still, her body looked like it had seen its fair share of battles.

unknown woman:

"Do you have a death wish lady?" He asked her in a cold voice. He wanted to know why she was here.
"Don't make me slap you upside the head child!" Was her response as she walked closer to him.
"Tell me who you are before I decide to rip your throat out!" Yoko Demanded sternly.

The woman threw her head back laughing. "You rip MY throat out? Does a death wish cause you to talk to me that way? " She asked before laughing again.

Yoko was seething with anger, his previous good mood was shattered by a unknown woman who had apparently for some time now had been watching him. 'If I kill her now I will blow my chances for eliminating the Senju, I think for once I need to lay low.' He thought slowly walking to the gate he came in. He was a few feet away when a blast of chakra went right past his head, his eyes widened in fear for the first time in many years. It seemed all the excitement was getting to him though as he coughed a few times.  'Why is it always at the worst possible times?' He thought slowly turning around to see the woman who nearly blew his head off.

"This is the world you've stuck yourself into, if you aren't strong enough , then you lose the privilege of getting what you want." The woman explained before pointing her finger in his face in point blank range.
"If I were you I would start being polite and begging me not to make your head explode." She said calmly as she gathered enough chakra in her finger to show a bright light.

'If I don't do something now im dead, I need a plan! Maybe a smoke screen would suffice? No, that wont work all she has to do is let the chakra leave her finger and im dead. If I  die then those bastards get away with everything.'

"Kill me" He said hardening his eyes at her as he looked at her glowing finger.
"No" Was her reply.
"But why?" He asked after a sigh of relive.
"You don't have the privilege of getting what you want, I told you that already. To me you are a ten year old child who doesn't even know when he is in over his head! In fact, that gives me a wonderful idea. Since you are such a brat im going to treat you like one. From now on you will address me as Nabiki Sama. You will tell the truth at all times and if not I will beat you to a inch of your life, heal you and do it again till you do! You will do whatever I tell you until I see you improve! Do you understand?!" She said in a loud voice finger still pointed at his face.

"Yes what?"
"Yes Nabiki Sama"
"Good, now get up, I have a few questions for you and I don't think it would be wise to discus outside, follow me.


Yoko Senju

Yoko Senju

Yoko followed Nabiki inside to the living quarters of the shrine. He had expected it to be run down on the inside but, to his surprise It was immaculate. The light wood furniture seemed a little spartan but, it was livable. Yoko looked around noting anyways out he could find. 'My only chance is to sneak out when she is not looking, however, if I fail im as good as dead.' He thought as they went down a hallway leading to a room.

"I have no doubt you are thinking of trying to escape, go ahead run I dare you." Nabiki said as they came to what looked to be a living room with a more home like feel then the rest of the house. Yoko went to say something only to have her put her finger up.

"You shouldn't talk, it makes you sound stupid." She said before he could even get any words out.

"I have been watching you for some time now, I will know if what you are about to tell me is a lie or not so think before you speak brat." She said taking a seat on one of the mats lining the floor.

"What do you want to know then?" He asked intent on getting it over with.

"Your life story, and remember no lying."

Yoko did not know where to begin, all of his life seemed to be one chaotic moment to the next. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"I was born may seventeenth eighteen years ago a bastard of the Senju clan. For the first ten years of my life it was fine, we seemed to be one big happy family. I had not a care in the world." Yoko coughed a little before continuing. "Then my world was turned upside down when one night I was cast out of the clan like a sack of garbage! Those who I thought loved me betrayed me and I hate-" Yoko was sent sprawling on the hard wood floor before he could finish was he was saying.

"I said no lying, try again." Nabiki said withdrawing her fist from where she had punched him.

"Im not Lying, I hate them! Im going to get revenge for everything they did! Because of them I broke into that house and got arrested! " Yoko yelled from where he had landed on the floor only to get kicked in the face for his trouble.

"You stupid fool! Stop blaming others for your actions! They did not force you to break into a house! YOU made that decision. Part of growing up is learning to take responsibility for your actions!" She yelled grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him to his feet.

Her voice softened. "Listen Yoko, Nothing can be accomplished by revenge. Hatred will only result in bringing more hatred. If one makes a decision with a cool head, he wont find himself regretting that decision later on. Every decision you make will effect the people who care about you." She said her features seeming to become more gentle as she let his shirt go.

Yoko clenched his fists. "AND WHO CARES ABOUT ME? I have nothing, I am nothing, my life is surrounded by a miasma of despair! All I can do is fight its the only thing I know how to do!"

Sad theme :

"Shut up brat, you know nothing. Im going to tell you a story and you are going to listen. Sit down and pay attention, im only saying this once." A sorrowful look appeared in her eye as she took a seat across from him. Yoko coughed a little and sat down as well.

"Once upon a time their was a family, a father, a mother and a small child. Everything went smooth and they were happy together, always smiling and laughing. I remember seeing this kid, so full of life and carefree. Everyday I watched this little boy grow as I was visiting my sister quite often. I began to feel attached to him every passing day. It was not to last however. The mother and the father were planning to betray the village and the Hokage found out. You see the Father and Mother where not married, that didn't matter so much until that time. Knowing their time in this world was drawing to a conclusion they hardened their hearts and kicked the little boy out so he would not have to witness their untimely demise. They used the excuse of the child not being a full blooded clan member as a reason to kick him out so he would not be harmed. They knew that if the child was with them he would be in danger of being killed as well."

She let the information soak in for a minute so Yoko could think before she continued. "I watched that little boy harden his heart and go down the wrong path, to make one bad choice after another. Then one day the child happened to walk through my front door."

The realization hit Yoko like a ton of bricks as he figured out who the child in the story was. It was him. His whole world had been turned inside out, a emptiness he could not describe flooded his mind.

"Why? If you knew all of these things, why did you not help me?!" He yelled at her. She got up and looked out of the window. A rain storm had started as the raindrops ran down the window her thoughts went back.

"I could not help you. At the time I was thought to be conspiring with your mom and dad. I was not however, so I took to faking my death and watching from afar. You are the one who happened to be the most lucky boy alive. Originally you were to be captured and possibly killed as well, but, since you broke into that house and they had you under constant surveillance they determined by watching you that you had nothing to do with it and decided not to execute you. They normally don't tattoo those rings in child cases as yourself, however, this was a fail safe to make sure everyone had there eyes on you to prevent any future crimes that you may have committed. Haven't you wondered why the Police force is always watching you?"

The look of shock on Yoko's face soon faded. 'My whole life is a lie.' He thought a grim expression lining his face. "I've been lost ever since the day I was born. I feel so empty now.." The rain stopped and for the first time in many years he cried. He punched the floor. "Dammit what do I do?! Everything I thought I knew is gone! Im so empty." He said between sobs. Nabiki gently went up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Ill be in the next room. Don't worry about how long it takes. End your search, the real one and find yourself. Some choose to seek greatness, while others are forced to it. It is always better to choose than to be forced.
A man who is forced is never completely his own master. He must dance on the strings of those who forced him. If you want to leave you may do so. If you want me to train you to become more then cannon fodder meet me in the next room. " She said before leaving to the other room leaving Yoko to decide his fate.

'I have a choice.... im not alone. I have something I was wanting for so long, why am I so empty? Why do I care anymore?' He thought, his tears slowly stopping 'Who am I really? How do I find out?' The questions kept piling on in his head. Does he leave and continue his path of vengeance or does he stay and learn?

His answer had been made.

'This is truly the path of no return.' He thought as he walked through to the room Nabiki was sitting in. He coughed. "Please, I don't know the answers, but, please train me." He all but begged on his knees. A evil look appeared on her face. "Very well, you have made your decision. You will not like me, you will hate me. I will make your life a living hell. Regular shinobi cannot prepare you for the viciousness of the fights. Your weakness and their guidelines make them go easy on you. I will not. If you survive training then you will be stronger then you could have ever imagined. We will begin tomorrow get some rest." She said turning and walking out.


Yoko Senju

Yoko Senju

It was quiet at the shrine, not much to disturb or distract. Yoko slept, his dreams filled with memories of a screwed up past that even now he didn't know much about.  Why did his parents attempt to betray the village? What was so important they would go to such lengths? What was his place in this mess? Hi dreams would soon be interrupted as his aunt stormed in to wake him up.

"GET UP RIGHT NOW! OR DO I HAVE TO DRAG YOUR LAZY ASS OUT BY THE TOES?!" She yelled, her voice booming. Yoko shot out of bed groggy and not really knowing what was going on for a few seconds while he remembered where he was. He was miserable waking up so early, his whole life he was used to sleeping in and taking his time to wake up.

"You Have five minutes to get ready and meet me out front, dont be late or you will regret it." Nabiki commented before leaving the room slamming the door as she left.  He knew she was not one for idol threats so he rushed as fast as he could to get his morning business done. 'What have I gotten myself into?' He thought as he quickly pulled his shirt over his head and ran out the door.

"Your late." Was all she said her hands on her hips.
"You only gave me-"
"Shut up I wont accept excuses. You were late and that's that." She had cut him off before he could even give a reason as to why he didn't make it.

A Evil grin appeared on her face. Yoko was fully awake now and seeing the smile gave him a feeling of dread.

"I understand five minutes may not be the right amount of time for you to be ready." Nabiki said, Yoko sighed a breath of relief. 'Maybe she will give me more time.' Yoko thought, but it was not to be.

"Three minutes should be a more sufficient time for you." Her eyes in clear delight as she told him his new time limit.

Indignation filled him as he spoke up againced the unfairness of it all. "IF I CANT MAKE IT IN FIVE MINUTES WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I CAN MAKE IT IN THREE?!"

She smirked. "OH I know you will be able to make it in three minutes.... with the proper motivation." She paused for a minute. "Run now do not stop until I say so." She barked out. Yoko took a few steps back then turned to run in a full sprint. Damn this sucks...It better be worth it!' He thought after a few minutes of him running went by. He had ran to the woods surrounding the compound where he was sure he was out of sight. The running had aggravated his condition and he dropped to one knee coughing violently.

"Normally a regular sensei would stop and call it quits for the day if their student coughed like you. Lucky for you though, im not normal." Nabiki said appearing behind him not even sweating.

'Not normal? How does that make me lucky?' He asked himself before getting the wind knocked out of him by a side kick to the stomach. He tried to breath, the kick had hit him in the solar plexus. He looked up at her and silently mouthed the question why. She seemed to be able to read his lips as she slowly walked towards him.

"I see your wondering why I kicked you even though you were already coughing. Its simple. Do you think a enemy will hesitate just because you are weakened? No. If I were a enemy you would have a kunai impaling your heart right now." It made alot of since, why would anyone not take advantage of his weakness. She was right and it bothered him to no end. His lungs where starting to work and he drew in a few breaths working the soreness out from the kick. He hoped he would get stronger soon.


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