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1Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:25 pm

Kaguya Leiko

Kaguya Leiko

I never really liked that white apron and I never understood why they were forcing me to wear it, but that job was really needed and I had to wrap it along my skinny waist. Just after the I finished wrapping myself in that hideous piece of clothing, the door hissed open and a couple of academy students headed inside the cafeteria.  It was barely 9:00 AM, and customers already started showing up here, although, it was quite obvious that they were skipping class. While I was cleaning one of the tables, a certain girl from the group waved towards me so that I may come at their table and pick up the order. She did not look familiar at all, so I had to waltz there fast enough to impress my new clients, maybe they were going to leave behind a significant tip. I was really low on cash on that week, perhaps, I should refrain myself from buying almost every elegant piece of clothing that I love.

“Good morning. What may I bring you?” I asked while taking out that small notebook and pen which I kept inside my apron. I was quite new in the domain, and noting everything mentally wasn’t something that I was really good at. Honestly, I tried that at the beginning, but I always messed up the orders in the end and had to pay from my own pocket in order to cover up for the things that were not written on the bills. Right after I have finished writing everything down, I rushed towards the refrigerator in order to pick up their asked drinks right after I have finished up with those that wished for coffee. They were really young and careless, since drinking coffee at a such young age will surely cause them heart problems once they grew older, but I didn’t really care honestly.

“Here is your order...” I spoke on a warm tone while placing the silver plated tray down. “Coffee for...” I asked before a young lad raised his arm, drawing my attention in order to place that cup beneath his eyes. It took me a couple of seconds, but once I have finished up, I rushed once more back at the bar in order to wait for new clients. With my half opened eyes I stared towards the see-through door while the sun slowly peeked inside the shop. “What happened with my life...” I asked myself while resting my chin against my own clenched fist.

~ 422/422 of Total Words ~

2Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Re: Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:45 pm



It was not as though the malady that has so vexed me since landing on the Eastern shores had let up. Indeed it was still there a blight digging deep into the marrow of my bones. Merely walking through the streets without groaning at the various aches and pains was proving to be training in fortitude. However upon seeing the brisk light of dawn something within my stomach rumbled and I knew that whether or not my innards desired it I would be in need of sustenance both solid and liquid. Kirigakure was not unpleasant to the eyes and as I walked through the streets and thoroughfares of the city I noted its aquatic charm. 

The architecture of the place lacked some of the severity found in my home in the West. Frequent earthquakes and dangerous tidal phenomenon had clearly given the locals a reason to build light. Heavy stone dwellings and sprawling manor houses were all very well in a land where cold was the fiercest deterrent to human habitation but this was a very different place and thus ran by its own set of rules. 

My hearing tuned into the words of the townsfolk as they went about their daily business. The language was not as clear or concise as that of the Mizukage - Ayakashi who I had spoken with the previous day. That was normal however, as commoners speaking among themselves didn't need the rules and forms of court language in their speech. I gleaned the general gist though , it seemed that just like in my homeland of Teuton the love-lives of others and various scandals that spawned in court held sway.

The vast majority of the passers by gave me uneasy looks with some moving out of the way to avoid being in my general vicinity. Though it seemed people here differed greatly when it came to things such as skin/hair color and features my height was enough to enough to mark me as an outsider. How much would this reaction have been magnified were I wearing plate and mail I wondered to myself? 

A rumble from my stomach and an ache in the back of my neck reminded my of my initial course of action - Breakfast. My understanding of what was referred to as Kanji was limited but outside one of the shops a sign bore what I read to be hot beverages. 

Ducking slightly as I entered through the glass door I took in the surroundings. A nice enough establishment tastefully furnished and bearing an warm atmosphere. The maiden serving seemed to be just on the cusp of womanhood at an age where her parents would be sorting out a potential marriage prospect were she of western descent.

Her hair was perhaps the girls most striking feature - almost as if she had received a partial touch of albinism though whatever force bestowed such things had stopped halfway leaving one side still dark blue. Her clothes if worn in the wrong district in my homeland could be considered scandalous as they displayed the newly formed but ample curves of her form though it seemed the custom to wear much less as seen with the Mizukage. 

Ignoring what could be the first step towards a social faux-par I did not remark about the girls manner of dress but rather inquired as to the contents of the menu. 

"A fair morning to you lass. I would be honored if you could explain to me what the people of this city prefer when it comes to a hearty breakfast. I have traveled a long way and my appetite is only just returning".

(608 Words)

3Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Re: Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:22 am

Kaguya Leiko

Kaguya Leiko

With dull and pale brown eyes,
The woman gazed upon the man.
Was he full of lies?
Or maybe, she needed another scan.

Those vital steps brought her close,
While her index finger poised against the man’s clothes.
Like a statue she had froze,
Before those thin eyebrows arose.

“You’re not from here?” Leiko asked on a curious tone,
Once the razor-sharp thing extended, and breached her skin.
That narrow and scrawny bone,
Aimed against his plate, left a small scratch within.

The bone retracted in her finger,
since it did not had to linger.
“To keep your appetite at bay,
how about I show you the display?”

On a nearby table there was an idle menu,
which she took into her venue.
“Everything can be found here.” Leiko said before extending her arm once more.
This place had enough to feed even a bore.

From sweet to sour,
Everything could be made under an hour.
The chefs were ready in the back,
All they needed was a whack.

~ 172/594 of Total Words ~

4Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Re: Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:40 pm



Sharp bone extends from maidens hand 

like scorpion emerging from beneath the sand.

The knight is shocked, is this a trick 

a twisted joke from minds so sick?

The pretty young waif a hidden beast 

such devilry lurks within the East.

But the emissary's role is to accept the strange

horizons broadened for a greater range.

He steels his will and presses on 

and awkward moment now is gone.

"Indeed fair lady my home is abroad

 your fine country I sailed toward.

 Seeking new vistas is the greatest thrill

 though many of my fellows feel quite ill.

 My grasp of your kanji is quite bad

 please don't allow my ignorance to make you sad.

 I shall order green tea and mochi cake 

 for my hunger and my thirst to slake." 

 From the knights pocket silver change 

 different from ryo to make the exchange.

 "I do hope my currency will be accepted here.

  These coins are all I have on me I fear."

(162 words 770 total)

5Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Re: Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:46 pm

Kaguya Leiko

Kaguya Leiko

After the menu was presented, the silver fox girl brought up her notebook and pen before writing the order down. Even though her pale orbs glittered against those silver coins, Leiko had no real usage for the man’s currency; exchanging them would probably cause a hassle which she considered not being worthy of her time. “Those coins won’t really help you at all here, at least not in this store.” the Kaguya spoke on a nonchalant tone whilst dropping the notebook inside her white apron’s pocket; shortly after, the pen followed as well. “However, since your order is not that demanding, and only this time, it will be on the house.” the fair lady spoke on a gentle tone before a few footsteps brought her along a nearby circular table. Twas a harmless lie, since in reality the owner of this place wouldn’t really offer up free meals towards strangers, although, the young girl was capable of making a hefty amount of ryo, on a daily basis with just the tips that were left behind.

“You may take a sit here. This one is free and has been cleaned recently, and you might have to wait a few minutes for your order.” were the words which spewed out between Leiko’s luscious and pasty lips. With a her fingers firmly clenched around a chair, the Kaguya slithered it just a few inches away from the table before making her way towards the bar. In just a couple of seconds, the young lady performed a few quick gesture before dropping out a note which informed the chefs about the orders, the knight wasn’t her only client. From a table to another, the Kaguya girl lunged against all her customers, delivering their orders while the minutes were ceaselessly passing by her. Even though it was still early, the local shop was getting fuller by the second, and not only shinobi visited it. Business man were also appearing with their sophisticated and expensive silk clothing, and most of them were just ordering coffee while discussing different kind of trading treaties.

After a good fifteen minutes, the silver fox girl arrived once more at the knight’s round table before placing a silver tray against the table. “Here is your order, stranger. A glass of warm green tea and a mochi cake, to clean your thirst and hunger.” Leiko spoke on a humble tone before placing them right beneath the man’s eyes. The tea was being hoisted by a small and fragile cup made out of porcelain, and it’s refreshing and warm aroma could pierce the noise of those who smelled it; not only that, but the small clouds of steam which arose from it, indicated that it was still quite hot. However, the mochi cake did not had a complex shape, it looked rather dull despite its exquisite taste.

Not even a single more second was wasted, and right after the young kunoichi had finished up her task, the small dust beneath her heels began to swirl once she immediately rushed back towards the bar in order to pick up and deliver the rest of the orders. Despite this medium-sized place which had the possibility of holding at least thirteen or fourteen clients, the woman was still the only waitress that was present at that given time. I wasn’t really that hard to tell that the owner of this place was indeed nothing more than greedy little man, or woman.

~ 586/1180 of Total Words ~

6Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Empty Re: Someone asked for Coffee? [Open] Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:26 am



Sero moved through the streets having turned in the herbs for the mission. The travel from the woods had led him well into the morning. He felt nothing as usual towards it. Not the warmth of the sun on his skin, not the chill left over from the night before. With the day the mist had faded to a mere thin blanket. Still he had made his way to his home and dropped off the bag of...trophies on the other side of the bridge. He had noticed some stares as the bag had dripped blood on his way through town with the herbs. It wasn't hard to guess what the round shapes within were. Someone had crossed his path again. Some criminals no longer drew breath. But that was his job as a shinobi. His cold grey eyes showed little remorse or life for that matter. His flat expression hinted nothing towards his thoughts yet his gaze seemed to absorb everything before him. He barely walked in the door of his home before discarding all but two of his weapons. The katana and the Wakizashi on his left hip. His grey robes tied tight around his form as his grey boots shifted and he exited once more. Dots of blood were scattered along his robe from his previous task. The bottom of the robes which started slightly above the ankles seemed to have been dipped in blood as did the edge of his sleeves. Dried in the last couple of hours since he caused the blood shed.

Still he decided to step away from his comfort zone for once. Move away from his island of solitude and step into public. It never ended well. He couldn't contain his aura. He never could. Even as a small child it had dominated him. As he moved back across the bridge he did so without bothering to look at those he passed. Anyone near him could feel it. Something nearby wasn't human. Something was stalking the frigid air around them, each shadow seemed to stretch and claw at them. Each moment near him was like a blade placed against the throat. They watched him knowing if he felt they were his enemy they would die. It wasn't a question of if he could. Unlike other shinobi no one felt safe near him. Children cried and mothers herded them away. A path seemed to clear for Sero as he walked. As if the people split for him. No one wanted to have the misfortune of being approached by this man. Still his Kiri headband around his neck marked him for what he was. A shinobi of the mist. Ayakashi had tried to mold him differently but it was his very nature.

Still the people in the coffee shop would feel it as he entered. It was as if the light was being sucked out of the room. As if pure darkness had entered. His pale hand closed the door behind him and even the bell on the door seemed dulled around him. His grey eyes seemed to have no life, like the eyes of the dead as he looked around. He was after a table it seemed. He wasn't sure if he would be asked to leave or if they would avoid him and let him eat. Not many had the inner strength to approach him despite his aura. He stepped forward away from the door. Each step like the toll of the church bell over a burial grounds. He seemed to see everything the moment he took that step. As if being under his gaze let him read the darkest parts of your soul. As if fighting would end in blood, and running would be pointless. When he was just here for tea it felt like he might consume them all.

OOC note I actually have Monstrous aura as a negative special characteristic. It can not be turned off.

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