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1Konoha skirmish Empty Konoha skirmish Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:49 pm



Just looking to train with someone in Konoha where I currently am. Also looking for some kind of a teacher. I don't plan to travel for awhile.

Either put up a thread or message me, I hope to hear from someone.

2Konoha skirmish Empty Re: Konoha skirmish Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:42 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Bunshichi, here are some excellent things:

-Lamya can provide you with Bukijutsu training thanks to contacts with Rippa and Tenzo

as for kugujutsu...sadly you're one of only three people using it and two of those three are inactive.

Though, I haz suiton xD

3Konoha skirmish Empty Re: Konoha skirmish Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:38 pm



I suppose I should have been more clear. I'm looking for a teacher to refine rather then teach which Lamya can do. Beyond that I don't need anyone to teach me Buki or Kugutsu, I can learn all I'll ever need on my own. Rippa/Sero/Akira can attest to my ability to make a fairly strong character, along with Aya. And while we do share Suiton, we don't share specs so you can't actually teach me any jutsu till I hit B/S rank. Simply put my favorite way to train is fighting against another ninja, doesn't have to be to the death. Jutsus I'll come up with, I just need battle experience with this character to better come up with practical jutsu to use. I hope to spar against you even with the ranking differences.

I'd like to spar against anyone who is currently in konoha.

4Konoha skirmish Empty Re: Konoha skirmish Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:20 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

I am currently in Konoha, but the spar might be a bit one-sided if we do not set up a handicap of sorts...

5Konoha skirmish Empty Re: Konoha skirmish Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:04 am



Well, idk what kind of relationship your character has with Lamya, but if it's good in any way she might be able to send him to Kyohei for practical training. God knows this character has been out of commission for so long that I need to rediscover him anyway.

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