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1Emer's Stats Empty Emer's Stats Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:58 pm



Current Stats:

Endurance: E
Perception: E
Speed: E
Reaction Time: E


Requesting stats:
A long Day Training.

Word Count: 2542

Stats trained for.


Strength:E-D 2542-750= 1792

Endurance: E-D 1792-750= 1042

Perception: E-D 1042-750= 292

Speed: E-E2 292-225= 67

New Stats upon Approval:

Strength: D
Endurance: D
Perception: D
Speed: E2
Reaction Time: E

2Emer's Stats Empty Re: Emer's Stats Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:11 pm



Zilo wrote:Current Stats:

Endurance: E
Perception: E
Speed: E
Reaction Time: E


Requesting stats:
A long Day Training.

Word Count: 2542

Stats trained for.


Strength:E-D 2542-750= 1792

Endurance: E-D 1792-750= 1042

Perception: E-D 1042-750= 292

Speed: E-E2 292-225= 67

New Stats upon Approval:

Strength: D
Endurance: D
Perception: D
Speed: E2
Reaction Time: E

Emer's Stats Approval_zpsd37c5620

Please only turn in training for threads you are finished posting in.

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