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1Helpless Farmer [Rippa, Private, No Kill] Empty Helpless Farmer [Rippa, Private, No Kill] Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:57 am

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Somewhere around midday, when the sun was bestowing its celestial light over the horizon and everything which stood beneath its majestic presence. Overall, the weather was fair and calm and the wind blew slightly, enough to grant a small breeze which offered the inhabitants of these lands a cool and refreshing sensation. Somewhere within this small parcel of land there was a farm which was located just a couple of meters away from one of the preferred locations in which Tenzō choose to train and practice the abilities which he learned as a shinobi. However, unlike your usual day, this one was marked by a commotion which started a few minutes ago; the farmer was outside his house and surrounded by a couple of three middle-aged men. This eerie group was consisted by a bunch of bandits which were clearly not shinobi, although they were armed to the teeth with the same equipment which mislead the normal eye.

The occurrence was getting out of a hand, escalating rather quickly when one of the three bandits, the chubby one, decided to head over towards the old farmer and shove a fist against his abdomen, forcing the man to bend his knees. Those caps kissed the ground and the man who was around his sixties let out a worrying cry for help, however his words were immediately obstructed, as the bandit performed a swaying motion with his hands; blood gushed out from his mouth. “Protection isn’t free at all, old man.” the second bandit spoke on a jesting tone; that hair of his was incredibly slick and brown, also he had a katana which was hoisted by the pointy belt that kept his pants from falling down. “Yes... so where is our money? You either give us now those 400 ryo, or we’re going to kill your family and burn this whole place down to ashes.” said the chubby one, while grabbing his belly with both of his hands before letting out a mocking chuckle. Disgusting was the most appropriate word to describe this particular man, and not because of his appearance, but because of his behavior and lack of respect for someone who was much older than him.

Without any more time wasted, the young Uchiha dropped his training and waltzed towards the farm; carelessly, as the only thing which he had in mind was to protect the old man’s pride and life. “Leave him alone, there is no need for this. I’ll give you the money if that is what you wish, but there is no reason to continue beating up that person.” were the words spoken by Tenzō; words which came out as nails, piercing the ears of those who stood in the vicinity. This little knight in shining armor was capable of giving these three bandits a hell of a ride, although there was something which he overlooked. At the hearing of his words, four other bandits had arose from the barn. Apparently, they were inside the building and searching for any kind of valuable objects that were in the possession of this farmer. A terrible mistake, which may cost him his life; as the young lad was now surrounded by small army of bandits. They weren’t really that strong, although they could easily overwhelm the Uchiha and pin his frail body against the ground. In the blink of an eye, the brutes began charging towards him, while being armed with sickles, swords and large metal pipes; shurikens and kunai were also present on them.

Negotiations have failed.

596 Words



Rippa had heard of several rumors of bandits out by the farming communities demanding outrageous amounts of money for what they called protection. Such a tax was beginning to make the citizens more and more irritated with the village. If they were going to be taxed by both Konoha and these bandits at least one of them should protect them. Since they had already payed their dues to konoha they had demanded action be taken. However these bandits only typically showed themselves when it was obvious that shinobi patrols were busy elsewhere. Catching them was difficult since they didn't have any sufficient way to track them. However that was why it had arrived at the sword saints compound as an issue. Rippa looked over the map with his blue eyed gaze as he marked each spot on the map that farmers had reported being harassed. It was a puzzle but the individuals responsible were not careful about avoiding patterns. It took him less then an hour to note the pattern and ascertain where they would be next. With that in mind he noted four possible locations. Four farms all in the general area. Moving to the door to his room he slid open the paper door. With only a few whispers he sent orders to send one man to each of the three farms. He himself would be patrolling the fourth.

As much of a nightmare publicly as these bandits were causing on the political side Rippa too was frustrated that this information had taken the public speaking up to reach him. ANBU of course had first rights on anything of the sort but sword saints didn't need to just sit on their thumbs. He looked to the sky as the weather was nice enough for a trip at least. Still he grabbed Cain and Abel along with his ammo belt and slipped out of the large dojo base. The belt easily slid around his waist before he clicked it into place. On each hip he placed his swords with the eight bolts lined up on the front of his belt between them. Six bolts were already loaded into the swords. That aside he was wearing traditional shinobi pants and sandals. A black tank top was his shirt of choice with a silver necklace of angel wings hanging from his neck. On the small of his back clipped to his belt was a scroll with something already sealed into it. What really set him out of the norm though was his coat. A crimson long coat with a konoha symbol stitched into each shoulder and the symbols for Sword saint and Captain on the back. Either way he made quick time traveling out to the farm.

He had barely arrived within sight of it when he noticed them. He could sense their hostility from where he stood. With a sigh he reached into his pockets and slipped on his black fingerless gloves. They were useful for grip when blood made everything slippery. Still he paused as an individual stepped up to help. A young man he didn't recognize. It was certainly a brave thing to do. He hopped up onto a branch for a better view as he rubbed his stubble covered chin with his right hand. Blue eyes staring through white bangs as he watched. It was rare to see the good in people. Someone willing to stand up for others even with their own safety on the line. lot of people talked the talk but not many walked very far down that path. Those that did usually ended up dead or seeing life as a dark place. Rippa though was too stubborn. He wasn't willing to bow to the harsh reality and maybe this kid could be the same. Still he watched as four more individuals emerged from the barns, each as devious looking as the last. With a whistle he jumped off the branch. It sure looked like they had the kid cornered. Maybe just this once he could step in. For a moment it looked like the kid against seven of them. All charging with assorted weapons. However the moment they were all just a couple of meters away a red blur shot around the kid. Something crimson moved so fast it was almost like a flowing river. However from the blur two flashes of silver reflected the light before Rippa stood behind the kid. Cain and Abel drawn and aimed. He tilted his head as two bandits suddenly spurted blood from their legs and toppled mid step. He had cut them so fast he had time to move before the wounds appeared. It was obvious those two weren't going anywhere. He was holding his swords differently though. One hand on each angled down with the tips pointed at the knees of two more. It was then that it would be audible. Fwip Fwip---- Thunk Thunk! was audible as two bolts slammed one per bandit knee so hard it blew out their knee cap spraying blood out the back. All this was done before his coat even settled from the movement. With that he lowered his weapons and cracked his neck before blue eyes looked down to the kid before he gave off a smile.

"Well I think you were having a conversation with those three on behalf of the old man. Why don't you go express your feelings on their response in his honor aye kiddo?"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Using his specialty, ninjutsu, was out of the question since it may burn down the fertile land which stood beneath his feet, and in the end, it wouldn’t  really count as protection from Konohagakure; staining the reputation of his own village was not what he had in mind. Just before he could reach inside that pouch which was strapped along his sash in order to extract a kunai, something red and blurry managed to partially steal his attention. In that moment, when blood began to freely cascade down against the ground, the young Uchiha had realized that he was not alone, thus his eyes turned for a mere second in order to take a glimpse of the person which stood behind him. The Konoha symbol which was firmly stitched upon his shoulder, hinted Tenzō that he was not alone on this fight, and his luck wasn’t really gone since there as an ally in the nearby vicinity.

Meeting those two blue eyes and seeing that calm smile, further ensured the young lad on his beliefs that were formed just a moment ago. In the meanwhile, all of those five fingers had entangled around the kunai’s handle, while a firm nod was given before a more proper response to the captain’s words had made its way. “Thank you... I will do that. I’ll make sure that these three won’t dare to harass this man again.” the Uchiha said on a benevolent tone before blocking the katana’s diagonal slash which threatened to end his life. The slick-haired guy released a mischievous grin before tightening his grip around the handle in order to have a good hold of the blade, so that he may apply more pressure against the genin with a slight downward push. A small pirouette quickly followed up, allowing Tenzō to relocate himself in a much better position while getting just a flesh wound on his right bicep in the process.

With the gap between them being almost nonexistent, the Uchiha threw a swift blow with his elbow right against the man’s neck, forcing him to release his sword and fall upon the ground. The other two immediately came after, although one of them was halted rather quickly by the kunai that was hurled against his shoulder, piercing it deeply and causing the man to back down from his attack. A short scuffle followed after between the Uchiha and the chubby man; taijutsu was not really his field, and fighting with his basic techniques alone was a bit hard against this bag of flesh. Intense, but after a few blows exchanged between themselves, the Uchiha managed to take him down with a swift uppercut against the man’s chin.

Once the three bandits were pinned against the ground, Tenzō immediately turned against Rippā in order to check out his progression and hopefully land out a hand. His intentions might have been good, but the captain had probably finished up the job before the Uchiha even had a chance to start on his. The fiery kimono which covered the young lad’s body was a bit deranged due to the sudden moves that he had to perform on the course of this fight. However, he rearranged it quickly before also pulling back both of his sleeves just an inch away from his elbow, getting himself ready in case the bandits did not properly understood the message. If Rippā had already finished up his work, then Tenzō would retrieve his kunai from the bandit’s shoulder before checking up on that defenseless old man.

He was still with his knees against the ground, although there was something different at him, as in just a couple of moments, the tears which dripped along his wrinkled cheeks became visible; the man was crying. It wasn’t really a pleasant sight, considering that he was quite old in age. Only monsters could harass such a defenseless person, the Uchiha’s mind was quite boggled by the even which kept unfolding beneath his eyes. The amount of anger that he had to keep at bay was just about to breach through his armor, although a couple of breaths were taken in order to calm his own vessel down. Becoming a monster like them was not the solution, and the chain of hatred could never be cured if he would apply the same methods of those who did before him.

742 Words

Total Words ~ 1338



Rippa watched for a moment where he stood. The ones he had wiped out at the legs hardly tried to move more then to hold their wounds. It wasn't surprising that with their legs no longer usable after Rippa had hit them dead on. Still his blue eyes watched them as he moved in a steady walking speed back and forth. He was pacing as he watched the boy fight. It was some skill to be honest but it was still unrefined. For the moment he wondered what kind of specialties the kid held. Either way soon enough the other sword saints would converge on this location assuming they hadn't found scenario's of their own. After which the round up would be considerably easier. More bodies to move the train of prisoners along. The issue with taking down such a large group and sparing their lives was mostly prisoner transportation. He was sure that the prisons didn't like him for funneling in so many survivors from his missions. Few understood the captain of the sword saints reluctance to kill. Many thought he was just all talk and questioned if he was even a skilled swordsman. After all were swordsman not trained to take a life in one stroke?

Still Rippa was not know for failing at anything. Regardless of the odds they set against him Rippa's skill could not be questioned. Still he stopped moving as he felt something was off. The boy had finished his fight and was returning to him and yet he felt like the fight had only just begun. His blue eyes shifted among the enemies and counted them quickly. All of them were present and accounted for. But he couldn't shake the feeling of danger out there. What he didn't know was that he was filling the killing intent from over by the barn. Even as Rippa studied the area two cloaked figures shifted on top of the barn roof. Masked as they were they were also adept at concealing their positions. Any good puppeteer was. Still they stretched out their hidden strings to attach to six of the men. At first it was subtle, the men stopped moaning and nursing their wounds. Rippa felt the change happen a mere moment before everything erupted. These were assassins that had lured Rippa out for the purpose of ending him. There were two posted at each location but these ones had gotten lucky enough to locate their target.

It was only a moment but Rippa spotted the rapid shift of movement in all six forms and gripped his swords. He suddenly moved forward and in a second had cleared the distance between the genin, himself and the old man. Without stopping he yelled at the genin "Get the old man out of here! Move him to safety and then seek high ground. I need you to locate them!" he knew puppeteering when he saw it. He also knew its limits. There had to be at least two of them hidden somewhere. However he had no time to consider it now. Suddenly six forms wielding weapons from the men he had taken down and the ones the genin had taken down had re-gripped weapons and now appeared to be flying at much higher speeds straight at Rippa. Each of them dragged by a hidden chakra string that Rippa could not see. As each flew at him he moved from side to side. Weapons slicing the air where his shoulder or his arm had been a moment ago. The last two went at him at the same time while the other four circled around. Their swords cross to try and cut him with an X shape. If Rippa moved they might hit the old man behind him. Gritting his teeth Rippa slammed both swords straight up in front of him as a dual guard. The two puppet controlled men slammed into Rippa's guard and slid him back a meter as his heel slid back in the dirt.

With that holding him Rippa saw the other four splitting both to the left and right. He needed room to move, which meant moving away from the old man. He felt it rising in him. His blood was boiling. Raging through his veins as the adrenaline started to kick in. It wanted out but he couldn't give in to it. Not with innocents around. The issue was if he was wounded with it like that, he wouldn't be given much of a choice in the matter. Either way he had no time to make up a plan. He needed to get the two human puppets off of him. Rippa took in a deep breath and focused his chakra into his mouth. As he did so he glared along the blades that sparked back and forth trying to cut him passed his guard and push him back further. The it happened. The blood jutsu he was famed for. With no warning Rippa opened his mouth and a monstrous roaring sound deafened the space between him and the puppets from the sheer volume of blood erupting from his mouth.Like a wave of blood soaking the area in front of him the sheer force of it threw the two puppets back nine meters. Now as he spat out the last of it blood dripped from his chin. Yet Rippa didn't seem injured. Instead he grinned. His blood jutsu putting him in the mood for a fight. With that he rushed forward as the other four puppets gave chase. Each time they dove down to attack he would step to the side and narrowly miss being hit or one of his swords would connect with their blade and throw them to the side. He was obviously not escaping though. Just running in a circle giving the genin a chance to do as he said. Blood splashing up from the ground from his jutsu at ever step. He was used to being the target.

Wild blood wave used -15 chakra

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Even though they weren’t lifeless in the first place, those bandits managed to get up too quickly, as if they weren’t injured at all. Something wasn’t right in, the whole situation seemed a bit odd; however, the genin didn’t had much time to invest in thinking, thus he immediately followed the captains words and grabbed a hold of the old man before escorting him safely away from the fight. In the process of this act, Tenzō’s ebony eyes were being taken over by a crimson color which had a tomoe upon the iris, a necessary act since he was supposed to locate any nearby person, and hopefully seeing their charka would have helped if they were somewhere nearby. Things didn’t really go as expected, and the Uchiha realized that those bandits were being controlled by a couple of chakra strings that became visible once his eyes were awoken. Locating their precise location was a bit hard for him, since the eyes were not even close to their full potential; however, he was at least capable of spotting their direction.

“These bandits are being controlled by chakra strings, and they’re located somewhere towards the bar.” were the words spoken by the young lad on a almost shouting tone, although silent enough just so that Rippā can hear, and not those mischievous puppeteers. Without further ado, the Uchiha continued on with his given assignment and managed to safely escort the older man, due to him being protected by the captain’s prowess with swords. A few words were gushed out between Tenzō’s lips that were meant to instruct the old man to remain beneath that haystack during the whole chaotically battle which was now occurring around them. With his eagle-eye vision, those crimson eyes were once more darted towards Rippā’s direction, and in that moment the genin was capable of seeing the two puppeteers which were located on the top of that old barn. Once their position was betrayed, not even a single second was wasted, thus theUhciha shouted “On the top!” on a desperate and harsh tone.

Excruciating, like the roar of an lion. All of those around, including the Uchiha heard and acknowledged Rippā’s shout, fear just began feasting on that whole parcel of land. Luckily for Tenzō that this man was on his side and not his enemy, as the whole act up until not wouldn’t had happened at all. Even though he wasn’t that useful, the genin did not gave up at all and rushed forward to assist the other shinobi that was from his own village. While rushing forward, the Uchiha performed a couple of hand seals before tilting that head of his a slightly backward in order to inhale a considerable amount. Once the seals were over, the Uchiha let a few words out “Katon, Hōsenka no Jutsu”, before a couple of small balls of fire were being erected between the Uchiha’s lips.

Due to the small range of this particular jutsu, the balls of flame were destined to not reach the puppeteers. However, the jutsu was also shot towards the air without being directly aimed towards them, its purpose being to act like nothing more than a distraction and hinder their plans while also creating a significant opening for the sword captain. It’s not like he even needed one, although the genin was all about helping. At least for now, the burning will of fire that was within Konohagakure was present on him, and he still had that determination to help those who were around him. Due to him being born and living even up until now within a poor family, the young land understood quite well the pain of others; this understanding was the thing which drove him like a an engine towards his next destination. His feelings were acting like the fuel while that weak vessel of his was nothing more than an engine.

667 Words

Total Words ~ 2005

150 Chakra - 5 One Tomoe Sharingan = 145 Chakra Left

145 Chakra - 15 Phoenix Flower = 130 Chakra Left



Rippa had continued to engage the puppets as he was careful not to actually cut them. He was against killing if he had too and somehow the men in front of him were being used as puppets but were not dead. He figured they had simply lost consciousness as none of them had open eyes. Still he was on the defensive with the puppets moving at considerably higher speeds. Almost at jutsu speeds. Luckily it wasn't a high level technique based on the speed and accuracy. Slow enough for him to keep up with but also dull enough that they were more like cannon shells then fighters. No skill behind them beyond face diving him with weapons drawn. Had he been a less compassionate individual he might have just cut the controlled thugs apart in order to break the siege on his person. Still his blue eyes slid back and forth as he continued to evade and block. Two coming in from the left made him shift his footing to lean back at an almost ninety degree angel as the two swords passed over him mere inches away. Another two from above were going to try and dive straight down and skewer him. In his current position if he pushed off his balance would be sacrificed, so instead he lifted both his swords and took aim before firing off two bolts. Each bolt slamming into a sword and knocking it off course before Rippa straightened himself and spun using the back of the blades to smack both across the side of the head and send them flying away to the side.

The last one was coming in from behind him when he heard a shout. The young man had gotten the old man to safety it seemed. Still he spun and with both back sides of the twin blades he deflected the blade coming from behind like a counter and sent the puppet flying passed him. A counter move but he didn't bother following it up with a second strike. With all the puppets but one sent off to turn for another pass Rippa cocked his bolts into place with a spin of each sword before bending at the knee's and taking off at a full sprint as the last puppet cut a path through the blood soaked grass where he had been a moment before. Close but lucky. The puppets seemed to be picking up speed and battle patterns now. Likely his assailants were getting impatient. They must be aware of reinforcements inbound on his position. Still he knew they were up top now. He just needed to be able to cross the distance when they were distracted some how. It was then that several balls of fire slammed through the air between him and the barn. Could the boy be targeting the puppet strings? If so the boy was more gifted then he thought. Not many could see such strings. Rippa couldn't see them after all. Still it confirmed his suspicions when the puppets suddenly split in random directions. The puppeteers were defending their strings from the fire by evading it.

Rippa grinned as now they were distracted. He focused his chakra as he continued to run forward. His blood chakra pulling the blood in dozens of tiny streams to his back. It felt like a bit of a pinch as the blood slammed into his back but within six steps it took form. Crimson feathered wings spread on his back like that of an angel. As they spread they flapped once and he lifted off the ground hard. The grass flattening as he soared almost straight up at blurring speeds. He was even faster then before now. He felt the exhilaration as he took flight soaring well above the barn as little more then a crimson streak. Had he not been in the middle of a fight he might of shouted out at the pure joy and wonder of flying. He had wanted to fly, pictured himself flying with his chakra and had achieved it. Now though he saw the battle field spread out before him. The two puppeteers and his ally all near the barn. Even as he saw them they saw him and all six puppets went shooting up after him like dull blurs of their own. Sensing the urgency he grinned. Let them try and keep up he thought to himself as he shot forward with another flap of his great wings. Almost diving the roof as he called out to his ally "Go for the opening!" It was then that he flapped his wings once more. Two crimson feathers shot forth from his wings and flew straight at the puppeteers. Each of them split as the feathers hit the barn roof slamming through the metal like it wasn't even there, punching two holes with a wrenching sound. Rippa soared low and with a burst of his wings diverted from his dive, his chest skipping inches above the barn as he gave chase to one Puppeteer while the other went the other way, so busy evading Rippa he had his back towards Tenzo as if he didn't realize the Uchiha was only a couple of meters behind him and the puppeteer was mid air.

Wings of the blood god trained 2000/2000
813 words left over

-25 chakra for wing activation
-10 chakra for 2 feather shots
200/250 chakra

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Baffled might be the best word to describe his state, since this was literally the first person which he saw flying. It was not that he wished to fly in particular, although this ability opened up a lot of opportunities when it came to combat. However, it was not the best idea to remain in his spot in order to admire these majestic abilities of the captain, thus he pushed forward in order to catch up with him. In just a few seconds he was already at Rippā’s side, when he saw an opening created by the captain for him. Without a second thought given, the Uchiha apprehended this opportunity and performed a couple of consecutive hand seals. Once the seals were finished, Tenzō jumped after the puppeteer before  shouting out a few words “Katon, Gōkakyū no Jutsu” on a menacing tone with those crimson eyes darted against his target.

At an almost point-blank range, the Uchiha formed his hand within the shape of a claw before placing it against his mouth. Without further ado, the Uchiha puckered up his lips before a considerable amount of fire had began gushing between them; those flames did not even had the chance to form themselves within a ball, since the puppeteer was already being consumed by them. There was no fight left within the puppeteer, and due to the surprise attack which was performed by the young genin, he felt against the ground before giving a couple of more breaths that determined and showed that his time was almost done. Never before had the Uchiha killed someone, although this was not a human being, since only animals could toy with other people’s lives in order to achieve their own personal goal. As soon as the puppeteer was attacked, three of the controlled bandits were no longer into his possession, making the captain’s job much easier than it was before. Not that they were a problem for him to being with.

To top of their current luck, two of those three bandits that were no longer being controlled, where the ones that were injured at their kneecap, thus they we’re being pinned against the ground due to their sustained injuries. A few shattering screams escaped between their lips, as their injuries were severe and caused them to lose quite a substantial amount of blood, which may lead towards them losing their conscious soon enough. It was quite logical since these bandits were untrained people, they were nothing like a shinobi from Konohagakure, since they weren’t even able to use any kind of ninjutsu.

The Uchiha was also cunning enough with his technique, making sure that he would not set the barn on fire, as he did not wish to pay for it from his own pocket; however, it’s a shame that the captain did not seem to feel that way. This particular Uchiha lived with a poor family that inherited all of the debts that were left behind by their ancestors, as such the majority of Tenzō’s paychecks were given towards this direction.

519 Words

Total Words ~ 2524

130 Chakra - 5 One Tomoe Sharingan = 125 Chakra Left

125 Chakra - 15 Fireball Jutsu = 110 Chakra Left



Rippa could feel his heart beat surging ever faster as the adrenaline poured into his system. The thrill of the fight rippled through him as it would anyone that enjoyed it. Yet that was odd for Rippa, after all he was usually calm and gentle. He had dreamed and studied since a very young age to be a doctor and help people, even ran a free clinic as a genin and chunnin. Up until the last few months he had been a very peaceful healer with a bed side manner that calmed even the most pained patients. However that dark day had changed everything for him. Just a few months ago his father had died of supposed natural causes. However Rippa had learned otherwise or at least suspected as much. Having discovered he was next on the chopping block he had fled to the wilderness to train and prepare. Putting down his bandages he had picked up a sword and since then had delved deeper and deeper into the mind set of a warrior. However once he had been confronted by his fathers murderer and the man laughed in his face, even confirmed his suspicions about his uncles involvement, at first he had felt only fear. Since then it had grown into a rage burning like an ember within him. However as more mercenaries showed up in his life, hired to kill him, his rage had grown more and more. His uncle was paying bad people to try and kill him and aside from a couple he had refrained from killing them. His code preventing him from taking that final stroke. However such willpower had been taking it's mental toll on him. His anger towards these attempts on his life causing him to cut deeper and deeper each time. This last one involving innocents was the one to drive him over the edge.

Now he skimmed over the edge of the roof with his wings stretched out as he pursued the final puppeteer. His blue eyes locked onto the man as he sped after him at blurring speeds. Swords drawn and clasped one in each hand as he was gaining ground. The puppeteer was fast but it would prove to be too slow to escape Rippa. Yet a flicker of motion out of the corner of his eyes made Rippa flap his crimson wing span and shoot straight up in the air as three puppet controlled men suddenly shot through where he had been a moment like arrows with their swords pointed forward ahead of them. Had Rippa not moved they would of impaled him three times and carried him off the side of the barn. However the puppets changed direction at startling speeds as if yanked hard by strings and were now chasing Rippa. Rising into the air Rippa was a little slower then he had been before but still he saw them coming clearly. With a shift of his wings he turned and dived down straight at the puppets. His teeth grit as he was tired of playing this game. The puppets raced up to meet him in a triangle formation with blades held point first ahead of them. But Rippa wasn't toying around and sparing them anymore. He was done risking life and limb for some criminal bastards to survive his wrath. With a sudden flap of his wings two blood feathers suddenly shot out of his wings at rapid speeds. Each feather slamming into a puppet so hard it sent two of them slamming back towards the roof so hard each of them dented the roof with the impact. The last one he pointed his swords at and took aim. Pulling both triggers his swords fired off two bolts between them both slamming center mass into the puppet with enough force to send him down towards the puppeteer.

The puppeteer saw the puppet flying at him and reacted quickly to avoid him. He didn't care that they were dead. As soon as the force of the blows had worn off he would regain control of them and start again. Smirking the puppeteer jumped into the air with his gaze taking in the battle field. His partner fell with burns all over his body to the ground as did his puppets. For the first time the puppeteer realized he needed to flee and regroup, but now it was too late. As his gaze returned to the sky he noted Rippa was a lot closer then he had been before. Merely four meters away. But something else drew his attention as his eyes filled with terror. Rippa's sword rippled with pure red energy. The crimson lightning lighting up one of his swords like lightning had struck. The puppeteer raised his arms up to cross in front of his chest and try to guard against the jutsu. But it was in vain. Rippa brought the sword down with a roar and sent a blade of crimson lightning shooting forward at speeds well above anything before. The crimson blade shot over the four meters at fourty five meters a second. In less then a blink of an eye the slash slammed into the puppeteer, cutting 3 inches deep into the mans arms, right shoulder and left waist as it cut across him. Where it struck it shattered bones and left black , charred flesh from third degree burns. But with the impact the puppeteer went slamming out of the air down to the field below and his body hit the ground so hard it slammed down and skidded two meters before he settled. His eyes rolled back from the shock as the smell of flesh burned to ash filled the air and streams of smoke lifted into him. The burns so intense he couldn't feel the pain from them. His arms flopped to the ground like ground meat burned beyond recognition as flesh. Still attached by a thin blackened layer of muscle with blackened bone fragments sticking out. However Rippa wasn't done. He had followed after and to finish off he slammed down into the mans chest with both swords driving the Katanas into both lungs causing the puppeteer to spurt out blood, gurgling as he gasped for air unable to lift his own arms or move he stared in terror and pain before his eyes faded out and he stopped making noises. Whether he died from shock or his injuries was debatable but Rippa didn't seem to care. The puppeteer and all three of his puppets were dead and littered the barn roof and the ground. With that done Rippa turned and his blue gaze fell upon Tenzo. Something about those sky blue eyes seemed more frozen now then before, yet as Rippa drew his blades from the mangled corpse he wiped them off on the puppeteers pants and sheathed them. When he rose to his feet his smile returned with those kind blue eyes as he waved Tenzo over to him. Since they were on opposite ends of the field now. Obviously he wanted a word with him. For the moment Rippa didn't seem threatening at all as he let the blood wings on his back fall away to end up as little more then blood on the ground. Yet the evidence of otherwise was evident.

2000/2000 Crimson sword of the blood god trained.

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Even though, Rippā was located much further than the Uchiha, the young lad still had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of that majestic slash which ripped through the puppeteer, as if he was made out of butter.  His sign was also caught as soon as she finished up with that dreadful assassin, therefore the Uchiha acknowledged it before giving out a hefty shout from the top of his lungs “I will be right there in just a second! I need to check up on the old man before that.” on a rather screeching tone. Without further ado the young lad rushed towards the spot in which he left the old man in order to make sure that he was alright. Leaving him might have not been the best option, however, there Tenzō wasn’t yet that strong to protect himself and those around him.

He still had quite a few things to learn, although meeting this captain, he was reminded that there still are people in this world who wish the well-being of those around them; to be honest, the majority of the people that he met were only self-centered people who only thought about their own life. “Are you feeling alright, mister?” the young Uchiha asked on a gentle once he found himself against him. The man nodded a few times to not worry the young lad, although it was quite obvious that deep inside he was probably in a state of shock. A few other words were exchanged between them, and ones in which Tenzō informed him that everything was not alright at his farm, and that those who were harassing him will no longer return to this place.

After Tenzō managed to assure himself that the man was feeling alright, he quickly lunged towards the Sword Saint’s Captain in order to speak with him about this occurring. Despite their surroundings, Rippā still managed to have an aura of trust around him, maybe it was because of that pair of blue sapphire eyes, which were capable of placing even the celestial sky to a shame. Due to this, the Uchiha spoke a few words before fully arriving to him, whilst reverting his eyes back to that eerie and ebony color which they had before. “My name is Tenzō, and I’m really grateful for your help... mister?” were the words which gushed between those numb lips of his, on a gentle and friendly tone. Approaching strangers wasn’t really a problem for the young land, since he had this friendly personality which allowed him to interact with all kinds of people.

Deep inside, the Uchiha was curious why those two puppeteers decided to attack them, since those bandits didn’t really seem like the type of people to have connections such as these. Maybe, the captain was coming from a mission or something along those lines, and those assassins followed him all the way here. The whole subject was peculiar, although he would refrain himself from speaking about this act; however, if the captain wished to divulge such information, he would have Tenzō’s attention.

The sky was starting to become overtaken by a reddish color that was supposed to announce that the night was about to bestow upon them very soon. However, the Uchiha remained behind to exchange a few words with Rippā, and hear what he had to say before excusing himself and leaving back towards Konohagakure. Both of his parents were probably worried since he promised them that he will arrive at home before lunchtime.


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Learning [B-Rank] Fire Style: Giant Flame Bullet | 3118 Words - 1500 = 1618 Words Left

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