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1Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:43 pm



There was this one particular patron - if he could even be called that, really, he had just been there three times - of the Siren's Den that annoyed the hell put of Gin. The first time he came around and starting sexually harassing pretty much everyone, Gin had let him have his fun assuming that, well, like most people, he was drunk as all hell. The second night, Gin started to get rather annoyed, but brushed it off because the man was spending good money.

The third night, however, was the last straw. The man had demanded that he be allowed to meet the owners of the club. Under normal circumstances, Gin wouldn't have minded being requested for a meeting with a wealthy patron. But this... She had barely told the man her name and he was already groping her inappropriately and asking how much she charged for the night. Specifically, he had said that he would pay her twice that to suck him off.

Consequently, she had asked Dameon to escort him from the premises with a swift kick to the behind. And that was that, the problem had been solved and everything had returned to normal for the past few days. That morning, Gin had gone to the office early in the morning to help Dameon sort out some administrative stuff and fix the lighting and sound after a small incident with last night's entertainment involving a group of erotic clowns, a wild bear and industrial amounts of beer. Gin was good at handy work, after all.

And so, there she was, with a wrench in hand, finishing the last bit of the set up, when someone arrived with a package from the aforementioned man. It turned out to be a box of chocolates for her and Dameon. She wasn't planning on letting the man back in, but the chocolates seemed nice. In fact, they were delicious. "Try some!" she said, grabbing a handful of chocolates and pretty much shoving them into his mouth.


2Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:12 pm



Dameon had finally finished the majority of the paperwork that he was constantly bombarded with just so the club could even stay afloat for another week. It was annoying that he was the only one capable of such tasks and yet even though their cash was literally stacked higher than he could imagine he couldn’t pocket any of it for his own uses because it all ended up mostly going back to Kiri. He sighed wishing he could have some custom made armor or weapons made for him with this money and could nearly shed a tear at the fact that he couldn’t. He sighed throwing the wad of money on the table as he looked out into the club. He would eventually meet Gin downstairs as she prepared for the following night and making sure all the electronics and everything worked. He was in the middle of setting up the electricity again when the basket of chocolates was delivered.

“No thanks I don’t like choc-“ he said getting cut off by the handful of chocolates being jammed into his mouth. He was actually forced to swallow a good amount of it but the few left he just spit onto the ground about ready to beat Gin upside the head with his bokken until she couldn’t breathe. It was then he felt something strange. His hair was growing longer, a lot longer. He felt some other things change as well and his breasts grew out as well though a not a whole lot. His eyes widened as he patted himself down trying to figure out what was going on before he realized exactly what was going on. He touched his crotch and his face grew red with rage as he swore up and down. He covered his mouth as well realizing the tone and pitch had changed. The bastard had spiked the chocolate and had caused him to change into a woman.

“Son of a bitch! I am going to kill him!,” he said angrily but in his new tone that didn’t seem nearly serious enough for how much rage he felt if anything his tone sounded…cute.

”Dammit Gin! This is why I don’t eat food that mysteriously shows up out of nowhere by someone that hates our guts!” he said again “angrily” as he stomped his foot down trying to talk some sense into her.


3Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:00 am



Gin witnessed the transformation Dameon went through and was initially un-phased by it. No, not that. It was more like she was in shock for a moment. What the hell had just happened? Right where Dameon was standing only seconds ago was now a slim looking girl that looked very much like him. Except she was, well, that - a girl. His - or was it her now? - clothes had even shifted to fit the newly curvy body. After a few seconds of remaining in silence, Gin collapsed in laughter. She gripped her sides as she now knelt on the ground. "You're a... you're a...!" she couldn't finish that sentence, so she just went on to the next. "Oh God, just wait until you get your first period!"

She couldn't stop laughing. Wait... her laughter.... it was deeper. Several octaves deeper. She went to run a hand through her hair - an old habit and something she often did to calm down - and found that it was now short. Much too short. Of course. The chocolates probably worked both ways. That definitely cut her - or his? - laughter short. Gin definitely felt... different. For one, her chest felt much lighter, seeing as it was no longer weighed down by her large breasts. Her... pelvic area felt... odd, however. This was going to be awkward to get used to. She wondered how Sanosuke would react to this...

Gin shrugged when Dameon yelled at him/her. "The apology letter seemed genuine," her voice sounded weird. It was lower, slightly gruff and... damn, it was pretty sexy. She wanted to just talk and say random words just to listen to herself. In fact, that was what she started doing. "Horse... Tears... Monochrome... Sweet... Swag... Alphabet..." she could have kept going for a while. In the meantime, with a pen in hand, she was writing a letter to the current Raikage.

Dear Sano,

After a strange series of circumstances I have been turned into a guy. It's probably temporary, I think. I dunno, I'll fix it at some point. Point is, can I bang someone? Just to see what it's like from your side?

Love you lots,


The letter disappeared after Gin placed a seal on it. She was sure that Sanosuke would read it instantly and probably reply in a little bit. This was how they maintained regular contact with each other, seeing as regular mail was quite slow. Now Gin finally looked at Dameon. "What now?" he asked. She would refer to herself as a "he" for now. "I mean, should I still call you Dameon or should I call you something else? I'd make up a name for myself but Gin's already a gender ambiguous type of name... How about I call you Dai? I like Dai."


4Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:57 pm



”You are entirely too gullible. I am sure if an enemy told you stabbing yourself in the neck would make you stronger you would do it,” she groaned as she looked around and grabbed the remaining chocolate and put them in her pouch. The last thing they needed was more people walking in and getting their genders changed accidentally. He watched as she transformed as well and into a guy as expected. There was no real shock on her face, after all Dameon had just transformed from eating the same chocolate so logic meant that Gin was bound to change as well. Dameon looked down at the note he was now writing apparently to Sano. He read it and toward the end he looked a little worried. As he glanced over the words indicating that Gin and the first thought she had after transforming into a male was to have sex. He looked at the note again and back up to the now male Gin. He backed off taking as many steps between them as possible. He knew Gin and the reputation she had when she was a woman. The last thing Dameon needed was to see that same reputation when Gin was now a man.

”Eh?! No you will not call me that! Just call me an abbreviation of my actual name…Dame works. People will just think you are being an ass hole….Also don’t even think about trying to get into my pants. Even if I do look this damn good,” she said using the mirror in the club to check herself out as she patted her self-down again to see what her dimensions actually were without the clothes. She would stop shortly after as she grabbed the apology letter that actually ended with a semi colon and a rounded bracket making a  “ ;) “ face, She would once again face palm herself over Gin’s recklessness. She turned to Gin and tossed the letter aside.

”We should probably go find this guy and force him to turn us back. I don’t exactly plan on staying a woman longer than I have to,” she said resting her hands on her hips and scratching the back of her neck that was now blocked by her long hair. Even when he peeked outside men stopped to stare. She sighed.

“This is going to be a long day,” she said with despair.


5Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:57 pm



Gin kept munching on a couple of stray chocolates that Dame(on) had missed, chewing loudly on purpose to annoy the man turned recently woman. The damage was already done, so no harm in eating a couple more, right? What could happen now? Would she grow a second pair of balls? Doubtful. "Tried that once. Turns out that most regular katanas can't get through my skin," he said in between bites. The way he said it made it very difficult to tell whether or not he was joking or being completely serious. He was still waiting with slight impatience for Sanosuke's reply. She was tapping her fingers incessantly on the granite counter atop the bar. He was probably balls deep in paperwork and too busy the answer. Gin sighed. He looked at Dame's face for a moment as she freaked out. The former Kazekage rolled his eyes.

He yawned and stretched, sitting down on one of the bar stools. "You're way too flat for my taste. Besides, I don't want to get branded a pedophile. You look what? Sixteen now?" he said, feigning disinterest by looking at his nails. He wanted to see just how much turning into a woman would rub off on Dameon - would she now be insecure about her body image, for instance? She was whining and nagging, so she had that down, at least. She was now insisting that they track this guy down and get him to turn them back.

Gin now shot Dameon an amused gaze, smirking at her. "What's the rush? Don't you want to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity to the fullest? Don't tell me you've never been curious. Hell, you haven't even seen yourself naked yet," he said. There was a challenging edge to his voice, something that said something along the lines of "I bet you can't handle it." He wondered how Dameon would react. Knowing her, she would likely drag Gin off and he'd be forced to half-heartedly pretend that he was interested in the search.

He looked at himself in one of the reflections of a nearby wall coated in a mirror's glass. His white hair had gained a slight tint of purple similar to the color it had been about ten or so years ago. He looked lean, bit toned and muscular. His features were sly but handsome and by no means childish. He liked it. It was an unconventional sort of attractive, but it was an attractive look nonetheless. Gin approved of it. In fact, the more he looked at himself, the more he liked it. Maybe being a guy wouldn't be so bad. After all, Gin had always been attracted to both men and women, so a change in gender didn't really affect his sexuality. As for his gender identity, he had never been that attached to being a woman, so he could more than likely get used to this.

After all, he had already experienced motherhood, pregnancies, childbirth, breast feeding, period cramps and all that. The only thing left for her that was exclusive to women was the menopause - not much to look forward to.


6Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:50 pm



”Experience this? You must think I am seriously desperate if you think I plan on seeing myself naked just for the sake of seeing myself naked as a female,” she stated as she reached up and grabbed the now male Gin by the ear and started to drag him out of the club and into the open streets. It wasn’t until she was now in the middle of the street that she realized they had no actual clues on where to start their search. A bunch of people were also now looking their way a few cat calls could be heard over the awkward silence. It was awkward but she couldn’t help but feel flattered, he had never received this much attention as a guy. He thought about this for a moment and released Gin’s ear as he looked around some more.

”Hmm I wonder if….Henge!” she said forming the hand seal and picturing himself as a male. Though she just stood there as nothing happened. Now everyone around them was looking at her like she had a disability or something. ”Eh? Henge! Henge! Gin it’s not working at all. Which means it has to be some sort of poison,” she said wrapping her index finger around her chin as she thought.

“How cute! She thinks she in a shinobi!” said someone in the crowd. This caused an unintentional twitch in the corner of her eye. Steaming mad and red face he charged after the person who had said that at her blistering Shikyo speed, at least that still worked. She had managed to pin the man against the wall and was now continuously punching him in the face. Now everyone around her was looking at her in fear with their eyes wide wondering what they were seeing and if it was real or not. She let go of the mans collar and he slid to the floor and curled up crying. She felt kind of embarrassed as she was caught up in the moment. ”Oh, Sorry! He said something mean,” she said scratching the back of her neck and feeling embarrassed.

”Did anyone happen to see a gentleman drop off a package to the club?” she asked trying to sound as cute and tempting as possible. If he was going to be a woman for a while he could at least use the benefits that came along with it. She clasped her hands together and smiled cutely. One man came flying out from the back of the crowd and slid so he was kneeling and bowing in front of her.

“I did miss! He went that way. Don’t hurt us please,” the man said sounding panicky.

”Thank you so much sir! I will remember this.” she said again and turned to walk back to Gin her hand a bit red and spotted with blood from the man she had beaten to a pulp in front of the crowd.

”So I guess we are going this way then. Do I need to drag you by the ear again?” she asked going from her fake cutely state into a serious tone as she glared back at Gin.

[1347: Toward Genjutsu training]

Last edited by Dameon Shikyo on Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total

7Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:27 am



Cat calls. He was getting cat calls. Gin winked at the women who he saw were now fawning over him. He could really get used to this. He ran a hand through his now short hair - and old habit of his that now made him look like he was some sort of godly male model. He saw one of the girls fainting from the corner of his eye. The streets were crowded at this time of day and most eyes were on the odd pair. That only made it worse when Dame tried to transform back into a man. It was, of course, a futile attempt. Honestly, what kind of devious mastermind would go through the trouble of poisoning their chocolate to switch their gender only to have it reverted by an academy level jutsu? Gin chuckled under his breath.

"That was obvious from the start, Dame-chan," he said, placing a hand on top of her head and ruffling her hair. The way he spoke somehow made it seem like he intended all of this to happen from the get-go. He looked at the people around them, still staring, and smiled with an air of irresistible charm. Two more women fainted. "Don't mind my little sister, she likes to pretend she's a shinobi every once in a while," he explained nonchalantly, confirming what someone had yelled in the crowd. He knew that this would likely provoke Dame's rage. He braced himself for a slap across the face - which would likely do very little, considering his endurance and her strength level. But she was off to pummel someone else and dent their face in with her bare fists. Lovely.

Gin sighed. How was he supposed to use Dame's cute and innocent features to his advantage now? People would now assume he was just as bat shit insane as she was. He slipped his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "I'm never gonna get properly laid now," he lamented under his breath. Turning himself back to a woman was the least of her concerns now. He was pretty much moping in a corner, an aura of dark clouds surrounding him. "You ruin everything," he mumbled as Dame approached. He kicked the ground dejectedly.

He sighed once again. "Yeah, yeah, calm your tits. I'll be back in a bit," he said, walking away into the nearest public bathroom. He dragged a very confused girl with him.

Ten minutes later...

"THIS IS BULLSHIT! he yelled out for everyone to hear. The girl let the bathroom smiling widely and looking blissful. Gin, on the other hand, was not happy at all. He grabbed Dame by the arm and would start to drag her towards the general direction that that one guy had pointed towards, all the while cursing under his breath. "Seriously?! Is that it?! How the fuck do men stand it?!"

Gin was now more determined than ever to revert this change.

[Training Perception A-3 to S: 1818/1750]

Last edited by Gin on Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

8Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Empty Re: Gender Blender [Private/No Kill] Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:08 am



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