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1Train the Academy [D-rank] Empty Train the Academy [D-rank] Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:29 am

Kouri Hyouga

Kouri Hyouga

Mission name: Train the Academy! (Repeatable)
Mission rank: D
Objective: Teach the academy students a skill they need to learn
Location: Kirigakure
Reward: 80 ryo
Mission description: One of the classes at the Kiri ninja academy, training 8 year olds needs a ninja to teach the class academy level skills.
Mission details: The ninja takes a class of Acadamy students and teaches them the principles, ins and outs of academy jutsu or skills.

There were many ways one could be a ninja. It wasn’t set in stone.

You could go the traditional way, streaming into the ninja academy at the age of six or seven, and going the normal path of undertaking roughly six to seven years of ninja curriculum, where you were taught everything you would learn in civilian academies, all the way up to senior high, while also learning some self-defense maneuvers. Most of this was compacted into the first three or four years of ninja Academy, making it a very rigorous program indeed, both on the mind, and the body. Students were expected to ace their physical education examinations, though ‘ace’ in this term really did equate to barely passing said examinations with the bar always set to push students past their limits, and never to really be able to complete them within any ‘record time’ that had been put up. It was then in the next three years or so that they truly delved into the ninja curriculum, where they then learned about chakra, about Jutsu, about tactics and strategy, and it was normally here that most theoretical applications fell apart. After all, one did not need to understand how hard you threw a kunai so that it traveled a certain path to meet its target. In battle, one just threw.

And then, there were less traditional ninja - people who came from families of diverse backgrounds who didn’t attend the academy, bu then still got slated into the ninja forces anyway. Such people were often expected to fail as ninja, often sent to the administration buildings or a less physically difficult task, since it was believed that they wouldn’t be able to condition their minds to take on the rigours that normal ninja take on. After decades of experimenting with school programs, many found that often the mental conditioning they gave students to give it their best and to persevere were what helped them in later years, overcoming the difficulties that being an actual ninja proved, which was a large step from being just academy students, as well as in overcoming any trauma gained while on field duty, since it helped them focus on putting the village first and concentrating on nothing but that focus to overcome their personal limitations, which was also what many described as the true philosophy behind the many ideologies that pervaded the Elemental Continents.

The second way was more pronounced in the Elemental Continents and had a higher standard deviation of people who did well, and people who failed miserably. Overall, while it did provide many countries with the ninja they needed whose calibers exceeded normal expectations, it was ultimately not something that they could count on reliably, since the same number of people slated for glory could also just as likely lose their heads the next day, literally or figuratively, on a mission or on break.

“No, punch harder!” Hyouga ordered as the eight-year-old in front of him faltered at his loud voice.

In the boy’s defense, Hyouga himself was a teenager nearing the age of twenty, and this was just an eight-year-old crippled not only by a psychological fear of Hyouga’s abilities, but also of the eyes of all his classmates staring at him from the sidelines as he tried to overcome his shortcomings in this small but quick spar with Hyouga, who had offered to teach at the academy as a temporary staff member.

Fortunately it was just for a day, since he didn’t think he could keep up with holding back for eight-year-olds to actually be a permanent teacher.


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