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1Baby.. Sitting?[D-Rank Mission/Private] Empty Baby.. Sitting?[D-Rank Mission/Private] Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:32 am

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Mission name: Ninja-nanny
Mission rank: D
Objective: Act as a babysitter for triplets whilst their parents are out of town for the night.
Location: Iwagakure
Reward: 70 Ryo
Mission description: Wanted: Babysitter for three kids for the night. Please have previous experience, be nice with kids and not be a smoker. There will be payment for this, thanks.
Mission details: Minimum of 600 words, if you let the kids get hurt you’ll not get paid.

"Are you sure that you had previous experience babysitting?.."

A suspicious woman would say as she stood within her home, facing a navy-blue haired boy with pointed ears, elongated fangs, and a four foot long tail. Other than these features, he seemed pretty normal overall, with his white jacket and black hoodie on, black pants, and a pair of sandals. She would look at his grinning, friendly face, which would be forced, of course. Forced out of desperation for some money as he was running very low on the precious currency that dictates whether or not he eats at all tonight. Even to a commoner like this female figure standing before the boy that would be shorter by a few inches could tell that the friendly expression was forced, though it didn't both her in the slightest. She was used to working with those that simply needed the cash and frankly, as long as her kids were with someone that can keep them safe then she's happy.

"Oh yeah, I love kids! They're so.. uh... creative and energetic! I can never get enough of 'em!" He would respond happily, trying to sell his act to this woman. This is the last time he'd pick randomly from the mission board, he had promised himself. Then again, it would also be the first time as well but still, to get a babysitting job at of any of the other ones is just plain bad luck, especially since it's only a seventy ryo reward to boot. It's almost as though people these days enjoy being stingy, but Aiden himself could understand a little of why, he guessed. Reflecting upon his talk with Fukai, he could see why people these days would like to save a little, as the upper class most definitely live better off than the lower, but still it's just plain frustrating to be the one getting ripped off in this situation.

"Hmm, all right. I'll be back in a while. As long as my babies aren't hurt when i get return, you'll get your money as promised. They're triplets. Chances are you'll find them playing in their bedroom just up the stairs." The female would simply tell Aiden before rushing past him and leaving the home itself, slamming the door behind her. Now that Aiden was by himself, he looked around, taking in the details of the decent-quality home before he began to venture forwards into what seemed to be a living room of sorts. Within it he would make his way to the nearby couch, only to hear a collection of footsteps behind him rampaging down the stairway, through the entry hall, and into the living room itself before they all ceased one at a time. Turning around, Aiden could see three small kids looking up towards him. Two boys and one girl, it seems, staring into his very soul. Whatever had emerged and possessed these children Aiden would have no idea, but they all three stood there, staring intently. He wondered what they needed what they desired, how he could get out of this alive, even thanks to the horrifying stares he would be receiving. Then, it happened..

"Taaaaiiiiiil!" One of the three would scream out before they swarmed the supposed babysitter, overwhelming him through superior numbers and dragging him to the ground with a hard thud being created from the impact of body against surface. His hair, tail, and limbs were pulled and beaten as each of the children jumped and rough housed atop his back area. His hope dwindled to nothingness when one of the three, the little girl, would sit upon his back and kick him in his sides with her heels, screaming at him to "giddyup horsey". He would do no such thing though, which infuriated her, causing her little fists to repeatedly hit him in the head. This, followed by the occasional kick or fall by the two roughhousing boys, would cause Aiden's eyesight to blur out into darkness, his consciousness following shortly after.

When he had woken up the woman would be standing above him, a slightly impressed look upon her face for some strange reason. Why would she, the parent, be impressed with he, the babysitter that fell asleep? To his surprise though his thought would be answered as he looked around his battered form, seeing each child having fallen asleep, their heads resting upon his back. "I don't know how you've done it, but you actually bought me an afternoon to myself for once in a long time." She would tell Aiden before she got to work on moving each child to the bedroom upstairs once more, where he assumed she had put them within their own beds. After this would be done, Aiden himself would stand back up, dusting himself off as the woman returned with the payment. "Here, you deserve it." She would simply tell the boy as he took the money and left the home, vowing to never return to such a chaotic place again. In the Shinobi world, the true enemy isn't some extremely strong Shinobi, but hyperactive children.

wc: 871

[Mission complete]

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