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1Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Empty Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:36 pm



Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Katana_hilt
Name: Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu
Type Of Weapon: Katana
Rank: S
Elemental Alignment: Fuuton
Ability/Function: Setsudan-fu possesses an ability that can be both defensive and offensive, depending on how Gin uses it. The blade's main ability is to disperse and create a violent gust of wind that constantly injures whoever is caught within it. At the same time, it is able to push away incoming attacks and assailants, adding a defensive ability to the blade. Gin is able to manipulate the wind's direction to an extent. In other words, she is only able to push it away from herself enough so that she isn't caught within her own attack. The power of each of these abilities varies depending on the rank it is used at:

  • C-Rank: The gust of wind spreads in a two meter radius. Whoever is caught within it suffers from light, superficial cuts and large bruises. At this rank, it can deflect D-rank taijutsu and kenjutsu attacks by pushing the opponent away by 2 meters. Nevertheless, the sword can only stop one attack at a time. Drains 5 chakra per post.

  • B-Rank: Setsudan-fu spreads over a larger area, now spanning over a three meter radius. Just as it grows in size, it also grows in both defensive and offensive power. The cuts and bruises produced by the blade become more severe, becoming larger cuts and severe bruises. Again, the blade is able to push away taijutsu and kenjutsuattacks up to one rank below that of the technique itself. Once again, it can only stop one attack at a time. Drains 5 chakra per post.

  • A-Rank: Once again, the blade spreads accross a larger range, growing to a 4 meter radius. The attacks become more severe, cracking bones and cutting deeply into the victim's skin. The defensive powers of Setsudan-fu grow to the point where the user can push away not only taijutsu and kenjutsu attacks up to B-rank but also puppetry jutsu up to C-rank. However, it is still only able to stop one attack at a time. Drains 10 chakra per post.

  • S-Rank: The maximum expansion of Setsudan-fu. It now covers a five meter radius and grows harshly in power. The opponent caught within the small hurricane is repeatedly thrown against the ground or surrounding areas, adding to the attack's destructive power. Exposure to the gust of wind will cause broken bones and large gashes accross the opponent's body. At this point, Gin is able to deflect taijutsu, puppetry and kenjutsu attacks up to A-rank and ninjutsu up to B-rank by pushing them back, towards the user. At this point, it is able tostop a total of 2 attacks at a time. Drains 10 chakra per post.

Close/Long Range: Mid-ranged
Appearance: Setsudan-fu is a blade created by Gin Kuroka's chakra. It takes he form of a wooden hilt, carved in the shape of a dragon. The blade that stems from it is created purely out of wind. Dust, leaves and other light objects often gather around the blade's current, allowing others to get a view of the blade's actual shape and size.
History: Setsuda-fu is a blade created by the Kuroka Kekkei Genkai. Gin developed the idea for it while she was still a Chuunin. However, she was only able to create it when she achieved the rank of Jounin. She has been using it in battle ever since.

Last edited by Gin on Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:52 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Dial back the repulsive effect. It's too much to be able to block all weaponry, taijutsu, etc. Set a limit to how much can be blocked at once; and add in a chakra drain for the ability. Pretty much an S-rank weapon with a constant effect like this has some level of chakra drain.

3Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:03 pm




4Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Empty Re: Yami no Katana: Setsudan-fu Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:54 am

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

This works. Approved.~

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