1 Naruto Saga! The Story of the Blue Flame, Suutei Kimura! Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:46 pm
This is the story of a boy known as Suutei Kimura, and his quest for Love, Power, and Fame. Along his way he will encounter many enemies, good friends, and annoying obstacles. Though his goal is to become the Hokage, he can't help but wish for more. Not much of a one track mind thinker I'll tell you that. Well I bet your wondering where is the rest of the story? Well don't you fret, Suutei and his story are far to grand to just give you one bundle. His journey and his progression are soon to come, so stay tuned for Naruto Saga: The Story of the Blue Flame, Suutei Kimura!
This is the story of a boy known as Suutei Kimura, and his quest for Love, Power, and Fame. Along his way he will encounter many enemies, good friends, and annoying obstacles. Though his goal is to become the Hokage, he can't help but wish for more. Not much of a one track mind thinker I'll tell you that. Well I bet your wondering where is the rest of the story? Well don't you fret, Suutei and his story are far to grand to just give you one bundle. His journey and his progression are soon to come, so stay tuned for Naruto Saga: The Story of the Blue Flame, Suutei Kimura!