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1Drinking away your worries (Private) Empty Drinking away your worries (Private) Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:44 pm

Haru Soseiji

Haru Soseiji

Walking down the dimly lit street were Haru and Hai. Two girls that where about as unlikely to be dealt with as any other. The pair wore the same blue newsboy hat that had a blue purple and silver striped band going about it. Each wore the same black slacks and brown loafers, but what was different, was that each wore a different overcoat, one, wearing a long white lab coat, while the other wore a blue cardigan style coat. Beneath these coats, they wore a light blue button down shirts, and yellow ties, however, Hai wore her shirt with one less button buttoned, and the tie was significantly loosened in comparison to Haru.

Haru and Hai, each also took slightly different walking stances, Haru walking upright with a confident smile and gleaming sapphire eyes, as this was one of their nights where they got to have a little fun. While Hai had a slight crouch and bent her arms up a bit and forward, the white sleeves drooping over her hands with a slightly mischievous look in her own sun colored eyes as she smiled with her pearly teeth showing.

The two of them walked down the brightly lit street of Iwagakure in one of the sketchier parts of the city, where typically, most good students stayed away from, but they simply waved at the various vendors and people wandering the street as the held hands, Hai using her right and Haru using her left as they walked down the left side of the area towards a bar. Now usually, many bars would deny people of their age, but these two frequented this one, "The Rabbit's Delight" as some called it. It was run by an older gentleman, and was frequented by shinobi of all types, but especially by Haru and Hai, as they always purchased a little sake to bring home .

Now, they walked into the bar with it's bright lighting, people sitting all about the bar, waved at the pair as they walked in, and Haru spoke with cheer in her voice as she went to the counter*"Ohaiyo! Nice to see everyone is well, stayin out of trouble Jain?"* Haru said as she looked to the counter at a dark green haired shinobi who frequented this place with them, and the woman laughed and nodded before returning to her drink. Haru and Hai didn't ask her about her missions, so they weren't sure what all that Jain did, they just knew she was a shinobi by the Iwagakure headband the woman wore on her arm. Haru and Hai kept their headbands off unless they where about to do an out of the village mission. After all, wearing the same clothing for it was certainly not something they wanted, but they also had no reason to wear the shinobi clothing in the village most of the time.

For Now, Haru and Hai would sit at the counter of the bar and stare at the various drinks in the back, and the bartender looked to them, and Hai help up two fingers to him and gave a cheesy looking smile. The older gentleman nodded and smiled. He knew the two well enough to know that Hai simply never spoke, and that she was signaling for two large cups of a rice alcohol that he usually saved for older shinobi, but the two of them chugged down like it was water. If it wasn't for the fact that they cleaned the whole bar for him afterwards without even breaking a single glass in the months since they had been coming, he would have been more dubious about it.

To The onlooker, Haru and Hai currently sat on the far right end of the counter making motions at each other as though they were talking, but never once opened their mouths.

2Drinking away your worries (Private) Empty Re: Drinking away your worries (Private) Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:42 pm


A tiring sigh escaped Nanashi's lips, hands massaged his temples as he looked over the documents spread out on the dark mahogany brown desk. He could barely suppressed scoffing at the added personal incentives carefully hidden behind elaborated jargon. Did they really believed the man was that stupid to actually sign something without reading it, not once, not twice, but three times along with an additional glance over to make sure nothing were amidst? He isn't like other individuals who are overly trusting of their fellow peers, believing that, if giving the chance, they would never screw them over. No, Nanashi knows better to put blind fate into others, and he understands that every man, woman, and child, no matter how 'good' they might seem, are always looking out for themselves and will take any opportunity to make sure that they come out good in the end. Of course not every person is like that but the majority of are, and it's something he has come to expect within the Elemental Nations.

Does he have any hard feelings towards those who would try to take advantage of others? No, for he himself does it a lot. It only comes a problem when the perpetrator does so in such an open fashion - like now.

Grabbing a pen and some paper, Nanashi, without missing a beat, began to rewrite the documents on his desk, removing all personal incentives and  excessive jargon and making everything more comprehensible to read for everyone, even the none medical practitioners. What's the point in having documents that are over saturated with excessive, meaningless words who's only purpose is to bog it down and take away from the true meaning behind them. The documents should be clear and direct to the point without causing any confusing for those who read them, and that exactly Nanashi was doing when began rewriting them.

Three hours passed by before Nanashi finished writing the last of the documents, proofreading it to make sure everything was in order before signing it out and placing it in a stock that will be sorted later. Taking a breather and massaging his right hand, Nanashi looked outside of the window, noticing the darken skies, before turning and seeing the time on the clock.  Late. He haven't realized, till now, how late it was, and that he had worked passed his shift. Granted Nanashi's work hours are whatever he makes them, him being the current head of the hospital, and therefore, could make them to whatever he likes. Still, the silver haired male didn't planned on working this late; he had plans. With his mind made up, Nanashi left the hospital, waving good-bye to the staff, mentioning to message him if anything needs his immediate attention and wishing them a good - night. He didn't bother telling them that he would return sometime later tonight to check up on them: He wanted it to be a surprise of sorts.

The night is young. The streets of Iwagakure only beginning to fill up with people getting off of work or spending time with their significant other or friends. Nanashi himself were walking through the streets. His attire consist of a white kosode, back divided hakama pants with a white obi tied around the waist, a dark blue almost black haori with the Guanyin clan symbol in gold on the back, with stereotypical geta cladded on his feet. He didn't bother in wearing his head band, allowing his silver hair to cover the black eye-patch over his right eye. His traditional attire being something not common nowadays, people having adopted to more modern wear, and it caused a few people to look at him with a few, who appreciate the traditional style, to nod in approval.

Opening the doors to 'The Rabbit's Delight", cool air greeted Nanashi, licking his exposed flesh in an affection manner, as the man stepped into the bar. A lone yellow eye looked across the crowd of people, many being shinobi, with a few he knew, all enjoying themselves in a vice: drinking. Acknowledging only those who did the same, Nanashi made his way to the bar, sitting on a stool in the far right hand corner, beside two twins who appear to be talking with each other through sign language, although he wasn't for certain, due to the rest of the seats being taking.

"Never seen you in here, Nanashi. How's running the hospital going?" The bartender said, having made his way down towards the Guanyin member was sitting " What will it be?"

"Decided to change the scenery a bit. Fine, just bigots trying to get one over me. Nothing new." he stated, Nanashi having  known the bartender due to some circumstance revolving around his family "Give me something strong."

Watching the bartender leave to fix his drink, Nanashi turned his attention to the twins "How has your day been?" he inquired, a simple question that would hopefully lead to conversation. Why? Because he want to forget about the crap at the hospital.


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