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"Got to be kidding me.", he murmured, lone eye scanning over the scroll clutched in his hand. A local farm had filed a mission form for someone of an able body to find a prized mountain goat that had escaped through a hole in the fence. The goat was last seen heading towards the mountain valleys on the outskirt of Tsuchi no Kuni. It being the ideal place due to a large population of wild mountain goats in that area. What made the area even more perfect was the fair amount of female goats that were often seen in nearby vicinity. And being a goat born to breed, the prospect of mating with other females were something that goat couldn't ignore. Of course, the farmer didn't like the idea of his prized animal fornicating with a wild one, therefore, had raise the payout to the highest possible given the mission rank.  The man wanted his goat back, and no amount of money would stop him from getting it. Also, the reception of this mission was suppose to not only bring the animal back, but doing so in a way that it wasn't harmed.

"Why did I take this mission, again?" Nanashi thought, remembering how Iwa had a genin shortage, and needed some of the higher-ups to take a few of the more mundane tasks that had piled up over time. While the thought of having to find and successfully bring back an animal uninjured, wasn't the most exciting mission ever, at least he getting paid and helping out the village economy in a roundabout way. And besides it's not like any of the other higher-ups are complaining 'bout doing these boring tasks. It's easy money, and a reprieve from risking their lives in some of the higher up missions. There was also the fact, as stated earlier, that they were helping in sustaining Iwa's economy by helping the working force, civilians, with these boring tasks. If you asked a genin about, what rank is the majority of all missions are; they would likely say A-rank or higher, this is wrong for the majority of missions are, on average, C-rank and below. Higher missions, that being anything B-rank and higher, are few and far between, and those who do them knows this truth. And it's 'cause of that many didn't mind during such tasks like these. . .

A light breeze signaled Nanashis arrival to entrance of the mountain's valley, and to the place where the goat would most likely be. Unfolding a map of the valley's layout, Nanashi marked his current locations before traveling further within the land. Nanashi would be lying if he said that he had been through this path before, for while he did had some knowledge regarding the Mountain Valley as a whole, there being a small town hidden within the deeper portions, he did not have the luxury of exploring every branching path.


His head swirled at the sound of the noise, eye zoning in the direction that it came from and spotting the thing that caused it; a mountain goat with a leash on. The animal seem to have sense Nanashi too, for it took off up the side of the mountain, no sooner it realized that it wasn't alone. The world around him became a blur, colors all blending together, as he rocketed towards the goat, feet barely registering touching the ground nor the small application of charka as they propel him up the side of the mountain with ease. It didn't take long before Nanashi manage to catch up with the goat, running besides it to throw a single senbon that knocked it unconscious. Picking up the down goat, Nanashi began trekking back to the owner's farm.

A mission completed.

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