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1Pirate Den (Private) Empty Pirate Den (Private) Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:30 am



Wolfgang walked into the port of the village, the area was filled with people selling fish and other items, with shipwrights who were building ships and mariners who were chatting happily, Wolfgang was dressed in dirty rags that covered his entire body for at the moment he was incognito as a street urchin to find and kill a target, he looked down at the scroll he had, it had the face of a notorious pirate...One eyed Flint, he was in this harbor right now restocking, no one dared try and tried to arrest him, but Wolfgang wasnt the normal person, he felt no fear of this man or any of the crew that he had, together the crew had murdered hundreds of people and he was ordered to take the man out.

he placed the scroll back into his pouch, he had his anbu vest on underneath his rags to protect him, he also had his hood up in case any one recognized him, for among pirates he had a bounty as well, somewhere around 5000 ryo for his death and more if alive, he had that since he had killed the last full  ship of pirates, it made him smile since he knew that they thought he was dangerous, as he walked he knew what the ship he was looking for, when in ports the flag was two crossed kunai and a fish behind it, though when at sea they changed to a jolly roger.
As he walked he looked left and right for his ship, asking people for spare change to keep up his guise, though he cared not if any one actually gave him anything, since no one did anyway, when he finally found his ship he inspected the guards; on the gangplank stood two drunk looking men with cutlasses on their hips and flintlocks on their chest, they looked at every passerby and missed no one, which meant a sneaking mission was out of the question, he would have to go and do a full frontal assault, but he wanted to be closer before starting, so he hobbled towards the men...

as he got close the one of the left said to him in a scurvy dog voice,
Get out of ere you fuckin Urchin, or ill kill ya He nodded and bent over slightly, while he did this he reached down and out 8 senbon, four in each hand, he then said in a pained voice, though acting,
Oh...Sorry Sir, umm i have a message, its just...Hi...From The Beast Hidden in the Mist as he said that he heard them gasp and reach for their weapons, but before they could he stood up and at the same time launching the senbon into their throat,face,gut and right knee cap, sending them to the ground without a single sound, he had hit them in two pressure points each, not to kill them, but to paralyze them then cause them extreme pain, as they fell he kicked them off the side of the gangplank, making them sink into the water without a sound, no one noticed yet, but he didnt have much time before they saw that their guards were dead, so Wolfgang continued down the plank and looked on the deck, there were people loading cargo, though on there jackets was the symbol of the crew of the pirate crew, so it seemed that every one was fair game, Wolfgang went unnoticed so far, so he place his hands together and made the tiger symbol, then the horse symbol, then the Tiger again, suddenly he felt a small ball form in his left palm, the thing was a small ball of sunburst acid, it was condensed to the point that it would explode on contact, and looking at the size of the ship deck, every single person would be hit, it was perfect, so Wolfgang jumped high into the air and threw the ball into the center of the deck, and e heard the boom as the spray of acid flew past him, when he landed every single person on the deck was covered in the yellow goo, they were melting and screaming, they would be dead in a moment, so he had no need to finish them, and there was no more hiding now either, so Wolfgang ripped of his shawl and hood, revealing his tank top and his vest, he then placed his anbu mask on his face and continued across the deck, the beast of the mist was not done yet...but his name preceded him as well.

Wolfgang walked into the door at the back of the deck, blocking out the cries of agony from the deck, as he walked threw the door he saw that the stairs went downwards and attached to another hallway, he walked at a slow pace down this hallway, he heard talking and yelling and sounds of people getting armed, Wolfgang crunched his knuckles together as he saw the first wave of pirates come towards him, he knew that he couldnt use any jutsu, due to the fact that he wanted to save his chakra and his jutsu for the Pirate Captain, he didnt know what made him the leader here so he was saving it up, so he would use the basic skill he had trained for so long...his fists, his strengh would get him through this.

The first pirate came at him with his cutlass, the blade flashed at his face, Wolfgang dodged to the left and smiled to himself, it would not really matter if the attack hit, his mask would block most of the damage but he wasnt going to gamble on his armor, so after he dodged he swung his leg up and caught the man in the ribs, he heard and saw the rib cage cave inwards, breaking multiple ribs and making blood spray out of his mouth, the force sent the pirate hurdling towards the ship wall, the wall caved in and exploded outwards, sending a large stream of water into the ship, the floor was now being filled up with sea water, the boat was going to be filled up in eons at the speed that it was filling up, though he didnt have time right now to think of that, since there were 3 more elite looking pirates, they came at him with daggers in each hand slashing, Wolfgang brought out his Katar, he parried 4 of the blows and dodged the others, the men were more skilled then the guards, they were more aware and precise, they knew where they were attacking and they knew how to , he couldnt take them all on at the same time, they were all the same skill level that he was, but they didnt have something that he had...Jutsu...

Wolfgang jumped backwards and made a flurry of handsigns, he breathed deeply and felt the water from the hole in the hull rush in, and suddenly a large dragon made out of the water fly in to the ship, the dragon was the entire hallway wide, its head was snapping and biting, Wolfgang moved his hands forward and sent the dragon hurdling down the hallway at intense speeds, Wolfgang heard the screams of the pirates in front of him, but he cared not, because in a moment he heard the crash of water and the sounds of bones breaking, the sounds curdled in the sound of waves and crashing, though to his chagrin the boat was pouring in water at extreme rates, he didnt have long before this sector of the boat was consumed, he didnt care now, he threw his hands forwards and made the water dragon fly down the hallway, he had got 6 more unaware, they were sitting at a table dicing and drinking when his dragon shot into the room, and destroyed the entire room, breaking the bones of the pirates and smashing them against the wall, they were dead within minutes, and against the floor twitching and groaning, Wolfgang imagined that there was only a few left, he had killed many people in the boat already his only real problem now was the Captain and the Elite Lieutennants of the captian.

As he ended his jutsu he walked into the Captains quarters and looked at the man, he was a nicely built man with an eye patch on one eye, he held two flint lock pistols in his hands, on his chest were an array of knives, beside him were two men who were nearly the same height as Wolfgang, and they held huge maces that were the same height as they were, the man didnt even speak he snarled and shot twice at the same time, one bullet slamming into his anbu vest and driving the wind from his breath, the second hit him in the right shoulder, ripping the flesh and making a wound in his arm, he could barley move that limb at all, he didnt feel any pain so he knew not how bad it actually was, he didnt care, these men werent getting away, he wasnt going to run away, he launched his katar at the guard at the right like a dart, spiking the weapon into the throat of the man, sending him to the ground, he then drew forth his Serrated Kunai and launched it at the left side of the other guards chest, it thudded in and he grabbed the knife and pulled it out, ripping more flesh out and sending the man to the ground in a spray of blood, the man then threw every dagger on his chest piece, since his two guards were now dead he wanted to kill this man in front of him, Wolfgang the Scourge of the Pirates was directly in front of him, the daggers were sent at him at blinding speed, Wolfgang didnt even try to dodge the attacks, 2 daggrers thudded into his vest and  2 more went into his thigh, another went into his left arm, though Wolfgang just ran through them, he charged the man and performed a doubled handed uppercut directly to the jaw of the man, breaking his jaw and sending him into the air, he then pulled his hands back and flew them forward, catching the man in the chest with a thud, sending him flying into wall, and then into the ocean, water pouring threw the hole, the water in the boat was now up to his knees, and he  had to get out, he felt the boat start to sink and sway, he pulled the knives out of his body and knew that he would have to rush to the hospital, either that or he could possibly bleed to death, though after a mission he always went to the hospital just to make sure that he wasnt going to die of bleeding, his numbness had a major flaw in that way, but either way he knew that if he felt any of the wounds he would be in intense pain, pretty much all over his body...

Wolfgang entered the hospital and was already taking off his vest, the nurses screamed to others and forced his onto a stretcher, the blood was all over his torso, and he was growing faint, he was very very tired, two doctors were sewing him up as he was being pulled into a operation room, suddenly a Medical ninja was in the room with them, healing his thigh and his arm, the pain would have been nice, since he knew not how bad he was, though he heard from the doctors and nurses that he was very very damaged and close to being irreparable, but they were at the moment grabbing a Iv and stabbing it into his arm, then grabbing a blood pack and stabbing that into him as well, he groaned as he knew that someone elses blood was entering his body, he didnt feel that damaged.

2000 WORDS

2Pirate Den (Private) Empty Re: Pirate Den (Private) Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:44 pm




Last edited by Wolfgang on Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Pirate Den (Private) Empty Re: Pirate Den (Private) Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:32 pm



As Wolfgang woke up in the hospital bed, he heard a sound to his left, as he opened his eyes he brought his hands up and caught the hand that was in the middle of bearing down on him,as his eyes focused and he could see properly, he saw that his assassin was masked and robed, though in his hand he wielded a kunai knife, which marked him as a ninja, the moment that Wolfgang caught his hand the mans eyes widened and there was a moment of fear in his eyes, he manned up and his gaze became focused again, but Wolfgang knew that he had him, if there was any possible fear, he would use it.

Wolfgang squeezed the wrist that he held, hearing the wrist give way and dislocate, the man gasped and dropped the kunai as he fell back a meter, Wolfgang let the weapon drop, he was going to take on this man one of one, though he knew that he was injured in spots across his body from One eyed Flint, the man had good aim, and he knew his trade, which was unfourtunate for Wolfgang, due to the fact that it turned out that the man had sliced two tendons and two arteres were nicked, and he was bleeding from the chest from multiple daggers, the wounds were healed and shut but his limbs were still haggred, and if he werent numb he would feel terrible, but now he was just slower...but not by much.

Wolfgang lauched himself out of his bed, smashing out of his leg cast, the man went into a taijutsu stance and he knew that the man was trained, but it mattered not, even though he was not officially trained in taijutsu and he lacked a fighting style, he made up for it in power and ferocity. Wolfgang to play the part that his enemies thought of him, he started to cackle madly to himself and shiver, his entire body shaking slightly in odd convulsions...though all manual, he then said to the man in a higher pitched shaky crazy voice,
You? you is who they send, you were so loud you awoke me from my slumber, ahaaaaahahaha, this is good, come on show me the fight, show me the thrilling sense of battle, or am i just going to kill you? i wonder i wonder, come on SHOW ME!!! he then lauched himself at the enemy, swinging a massive fist at his chest, the man hurriedly sidestepped, and he sent forth a punch...but hesitated, which was exactly what Wolfgang wanted, As he hesitated, which only a second, Wolfgang sent his own fist forwards, knuckle bumping with the guy...but with all of his strengh behind it, Wolfgang heard the Knuckle crack and break, he felt the hand and wrist dislocate, he laughed to himself loudly as he started swinging wildly...or so the enemy though, every attack was planned, with the skill of a special jounin, but under the guise of a madman, the attacks were dodged or parried sideways, the kid had two hands disabled, and was now using his feet to retaliate, sending forth kicks and punches at an alarming rate, Wolfgang let the ones aimed for his body hit, he giggled as they contacted, the others aimed for his limbs and head he dodged around with skill, then whenever he got a chance he sent a massive uppercut to the attackers ribs, heavily bruising and starting to damage the rib cage, the onslaught went on and on, Wolfgang being nailed by only a few torso shots, and the assassin taking more and more damage, at one point Wolfgang screamed in fake anger so loud that there were nurses coming to the door, and they ad almost called the local police to come, but with a order and a stare from Wolfgang they stood there and watched, looking away at each hit that Wolf scored, and at this point WOlfgang had gotten the cowl off of the man and he relized that it was his own man...Zabuza, a chuunin from the Osada compound, he started talking them at the same time as fighting,
then the kid made the horse handsign with his hands just barely, Wolfgang knew the jutsu and wasnt letting it happen, he axehandled the hands with his fist and heard every single finger snap,
YOU ARENT WORTHY TO USE THE OSADA JUTSU, he then sidestepped the kid, feeling bored at the fight, and rather pissed off due to the betrayal of trust of his men, so he went around to the back of the kid, knowing that he was on the 4th floor of the hospital, he drop kicked the chuunins back with all of his force, fracturing the shoulder blades with his feets and sending him flying forwards, and out the window, crashing to the ground, but the fall would not kill a ninja...but Wolfgang would.

Wolfgang ran full force at the window, launching out of it as the nurses screamed, he was near the same height as the kid, who was looking at him with fear in his eyes, Wolfgang put his boot on the chest of the kid, who was too weak to move it, and the moment they landed the boot crunched the sternum of the boy, and breaking every single rib that the kid had to his name, blood came from the mouth as well, WOlfgang fell beside him with a broken ankle and a fractured knee, he didnt feel the pain but he could stand, he then hit the ground and passed out, being taken in by the nurses again, it seemed he couldnt even rest in his bed for a day without needing to fight...he didnt mind, he loved the fight, he loved the kill or be kill mind set, there was nothing wrong with the life of a shinobi...
3000 all together

1400-Speed- C-2 to B
1375-Endurance- D-2 to C

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