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Shibirin woke up with a start, earlier that day. It was the nightmare, he had dreamt about that woke him up from his slumber. He had seen his father dying, for the second time, only this time it happened in a different way than how he truly died. Cats were the only things he could make out of the vivid sight. They were attacking him, clawring out his body parts like wild animals. He lay there, dead, eyes still open. Then at the sound of a loud shriek, Shibirin woke up with a start. At least, that's all he could remember from the dream, a shriek. Now that he thought about it, 'were those cats, or ninjas?'

It didn't matter any more, it had happened in the morning, now it was nearly sun down. With a fish cake in his hand, he was just making his way home after visiting the market place. 'three ryo for a fish cake, what a rip off,' he thought to himself. He hadn't done any missions in the village yet, to say he had the money for it. His mother had given him money to buy a packet of fish cakes, green tea leaves and some bread, and he somehow had to pay for all that with just ten ryo. Nevertheless, somehow he could afford it all. He now walked along the streets of Sunagakure, taking small bites of the fish cake hoping it would last him the whole way home, but he was three quaters done by the time he reached the Sand box, a popular club that over eighteens attended almost every night. He remembered his brother Binsu saying something about sneaking in, though it looked heavily guarded by a man in a hat. Shibirin stopped, half finished chewing the fish cake and stared at the man, he was sleeping on the job. 'Should i sneak in the club? I mean, under eighteens cannot enter the place, but could i?' he thought to himself, slowly taking a few steps towards the entrance. The man was fast asleep, on a small, wooden chair whilst leaning on the wall of the building. Shibirin managed to creep past the man and stood outside the door, as he took a gaze around the inside. He could see ravers everywhere, lights of every colour known to man, or was he exaggerating a little bit? Loud music was playing, loud enough to be heard half way down the block.

"Whoah, so many colors," said Shibirin. He had completely forgoten about the man sleeping by the side of the door. Shibirin heard a small grunt, then a snoul. 'Please don't be awake, please don't be awake,' he thought to himself, as he slowly turned his head around, only to see a face equiped with flared nostrils that seemed to have steem coming out of them. Shibirin's eyes went from the usual small, grey-ish purple eyes with a black rounded cross for the pupil, to large, white, pupil-less circles staring blankly in shock at the guard. Should he run? Even if he did, the man would catch him straight away. Shibirin was only 17, though his unusually tall height could have him mistaken for an eighteen, maybe 20 year-old. "Hi there, guess you're wondering what i am doing here ey?", he began asking the man. "I, ahh...i mean we, me and my ahh, friend, fishy are in a two-man band and we're, ahh, surpposed to be playing tonight here in the sandbox," he struggled to lie. He wan't the best liar around, in fact, he was the worste. If this man actually believed his made up story it'd be a miracle. "You're one of the flying noodles duet?" the man asked, now looking calmer than before and with a smirk on his intimidating face. 'He actaully fell for it?' Shibirin thought to himself before answering the man's question. "Ahh, yup...that's us, the steaming noodles. I mean flying noodles" he said, again making it obvious that he was no good at telling a fib. It wasn't his fault the guy believed him, but he decided to roll with it.

After Shibirin had agreed to the guy's question, he kidly led him inside the place and took him around the dance floor and into a small room in the back of the building. He could see a dressing room: a large mirror covered the entire back wall of the room and there were three round tables, each with 4 chairs around them, scattered around the room. He saw a poster that read; 'The fying noodles live!' on one of the side walls of the room. On it were two guys, one with blonde hair the other with white hair on the poster just under the head title. They both were wearing nothing but black, samurai pants and each carried two small fans, one in each hand. Makeup covered the guys' true identinties, perhaps this is why the guard had believed his improvised lie. "Ahh, i take it this is our dressing room?" Shibirin asked the man. "It's nice in here. Ahh, my partner will be ariving shortly, can i take a look around the place till he comes?". The man looked at him strangely for a second, before leading Shibirin out of the room and back to the main dance room. Shibirin could see women, lots of women and a few other men. He had to go home before eight pm, but it was only 6 pm, he had two hours to party, depending on how long these, 'fyling noodles' guys were surposed to play for. He didn't want to be late, his mother would freak.

Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:52 am; edited 2 times in total



Nora woke from sleep with a smile he had another nightmare, beautiful sweet death washing over him… he loved nightmares. Nightmares had meaning they told you something, or thought you something good dreams just made people feel good. He stood up and packed up his tea set. He went to grab shin then remembered shin was being equipped with new toys.
He was going to investigate the disappearance of a rock band named the flying noodles. He decided that he would start in the club they would be performing live tonight. He walked through the door bored and some big monkey decided to stop him from entering the club. He turned around and gave him a stare that literally made the man wet himself. 13 rearranged his clothes and thought to himself ‘how great it would be if the band was dead I hate pop.’
He listened and heard that they were supposedly here so he took a seat at a table waiting for their performance to see for himself what was going on. He had heard their horrible songs and would wait to see what happened. Suddenly another monkey touched his shoulder and said to him, “you must be the other flying noodle”.
“What???” thirteen replied with wide eyes as the man dragged him into what he assumed was their dressing room. He looked around; these guys were weirder than he thought. they wore a ton of make-up he the touched his eyeliner and said aloud, “Oh… right.”
The monkey said to him,” your hair is over there” Nora looked and saw a blond wig on a mannequin face. The monkey interrupted his moment of surprise to say that his brother was in another room.
13 smiled at the man charmingly then said, “I’ll find him don’t you worry.”


Shibirin took off his shirt, on the poster, the guy he was surposebly impersonating didn't wear a shirt like the other guy next to him. He only wore a large amount of make up on his face and long, baggy black samurai pants. Next to one of the three tables, rested a white guitar. It had a cord socket, so it must've been an electric guitar. 'So these guys play rock and roll hey? Guess i better get changed,' he thought to himself. Quickly changing from his usual cream coloured shirts, he'd put on a pair of long, baggy black samurai pants that had been left unattended next to the shiny white guitar. He took off his blue shirt and smeared the white makeup all over his face. 'Here goes nothing,' he thought to himself. He was just about to head on out, when he remembered something, there were supposed to be two people in the band, him and some other guy who wore a blonde wig. He could tell it was a wig on the poste because loose black curls stuck out and over the guy's foreline, it was too obvious. Shibirin had managed to fool everyone that he's on of the flying mokeys, but if he didn't show up with a second person to play the other guy he was toast. He was far from toast, he'd become a real flying monkey if the guard was as tough as everyone said he was.

"Oh great, now i'm seriously screwd. When they see that i was impersonating a famous band member in an adult club, they'll surely send me to jail, well. Maybe not that harsh, but my mother is gonna freak." he quietly said to himself. Now taking hold of the guitar, he made his way out the door and into the small, narrow corridor. All the suspense made Shibirin more nervous. He slammed the door behind him by accident, it was loud enough to be heard all the way down the corridor in all the rooms. A quiet, "Oops," soon followed, along with foot steps heading down the corridor and around the left side of the back stage. He was hoping this,'Ryuki' guy ould show up, at least he'd only need to confese to him after the show rather than in front of everyone on the stage. "Ok, focus Shibirin. Your name is Kioko and your band mate's name is Ryuki. You are the lead guitarist of the flying monkeys, just hope you can fake being able to play a guitar as good as you can fake your age, well, fake your age to that dumb gaurd", Shibirin said as he now went up the stairs from stage left, pulling open the curtains and just about to step on the stage.

Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:53 am; edited 2 times in total



XIII threw on the makeup and the wig with the speed of a professional he was not opposed to doing this sort of thing if the mission called for it. Then he left to find the other member if this person was the true other member he would notice that he was not Ryuki. However, even then he would have to ask him questions he walked into what he assumed was the other room that the other member would be in. But, right before he would open it he was grabbed again by the monkey who dragged him to the stage by his collar, “wait what?” he said loudly.
The man said simply, “show time!” Instantly XIII cringed he couldn’t mean…
“NO!” Nora shouted trying to get away the man grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and lifted him off the ground. Nora tried to resist but this guy was stronger than most jonin ninja what the hell was going on. He was at right center stage about to enter the area thinking on running, but his feet wouldn’t move. There was a crowd of people outside waiting for him, or rather the person he was impersonating. What was he going to do?


Shibirin could hear the crowd chearing from back stage. He couldn't help thinking, 'Wow, these guys must be that famous,' as he now made his way slowly up the side stairs and opened the curtains. At that moment, his heart beat rate lowered, everything went quiet in his head. He could hear his heart beating, other noises of cheers and applause blocked out by it. He closed his eyes for those three, long seconds, before re-opening them soon after to see the lit up stage, calling his name, or the name of the guy he was impersonating. "Fly-ing, noodles. Fly-ing, noodles. Fly-ing, noodles!! Yeahh!!" the crowd roared, but the chants weren't just for Shibirin, no, he shared them with this other person he saw that came out from the other side of the stage exit.

He looked like one of the guys on the Flying Noodles poster in his dressing room, the one he was supposed to be partnered with in the two-men band. Shibirin stared blankly at him for a sec, 'Oh no, i hope he doesn't find out that i'm impersonating his buddy,' Shibirin thought to himself, slowly walking towards the man til they met on the center of the stage. Shibirin took hold of the white guitar he had took from the dressing room and quickly plugged it in a nearby amplifier. He played one cord and the crowd went wild. He gave the other guy a slight jerk of the head, trying to tell him, 'Go on, play something aswell, this is a duet after all,' as he gave him the chance to play something on his instrument.

Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total



Nora looked at the crowd in obvious fear then he took a deep breath he had a job to do. Nora stepped forward and pretended that the crowd was full of people in their underwear then sang. He wasn’t bad in fact he was a great singer he sung the words well and hoped the man next to him could keep up. He looked at the crowd and began to toy with them; making them cheer like a professional.



Debauchery in all of its forms was Gin's guilty pleasure. Well, maybe "guilty" wasn't the right word for it, since the young Kazekage could hardly ever be compelled to feel guilty for her actions. She often argued - and was argued with - what she deserved to relax and go out drinking to ease the tensions that her job brought on. But again, many argued that Gin didn't even do her job. She had to bring herself to forgive those who could say such things to her face, they were few and brave. However, they more often than not recieved a thorough ass kicking on behalf of the rash young woman known as Kuroka, Gin. Nevertheless, that was not what she was dealing with at the moment.

The young woman laughed loudly, enjoying the free drinks that the men around her bought for her, the pulsing music and the flashing lights. Yes, this was definately the life. Gin had just been dancing for the past hour or so and had finally decided to sit down and enjoy the upcoming show. The Flying Noodles were playing tonight and the crowd cheered and called their names, baging for the two men to come on stage. Gin and the drooling men around her were a part of that crowd, of course. "Bring the Flying Noodles on stage!" She cried, pounding her fist on the table in front of her, making the glasses jump slightly. She took one of the shot glasses that was on it and chugged it without a second thought. "Or else I'll rip everybody in here to fucking shreads!" She added. Whether or not she meant it was another story. The Kazekage was getting impatient.

After several minutes of waiting, the two men came up on the stage. She clapped for them and smiled. Even though the duet wasn't her favorite, she enjoyed their music. "Woohoo!" She cried, getting up from er chair and flipping the table over in the process. [color=silver]"Come on, let's head towards the stage!"[/color] She said to the men around her who were still quite shocked at the fact that she had just tipped the table onto the ground. Gin just shrugged. She headed towards the duet on her own, she didn't need their company. As the music started, Gin started cheering for the duet. She didn't recognize the song they were playing, though, but maybe that was because of the alcohol in er system. She moved towards the stage and people let her through easily, recognizing who she was. As the other man in the duet, started to sing, she cocked her head to the side. She didn't recognize his voice either. Nevertheless, she kept on dancing, her silver hair swaying with her from side to side.


Anyone who knew the REAL flying noodles' songs that well could easily pick up that these two guys were fakes. Shibirin, went on and on, strumming whatever notes he thought fit music the other guy was playing, though he couldn't help but notice that he didn't look like he knew what he was doing either. Could he be another 17 year old, looking for some fun and needing to go home quickly before his mother started to go looking for him? Whether he was or not made no difference to how Shibirin viewed him, though he couldn't help but ask himself, 'Hang on, if he is one of the real flying noodles members, where's his real partner, the one í am surposed to be?'. This question soon left his head as he saw some drunk-sounding lady making her way up towards the stage. Everyone else aound her made way as she came through, was she that popular in town?

Shibirin continued to play on the guitar as if he knew what he was doing, but when first three songs were over, he stared at the guy, hinting him to come back stage and talk. He looked back at the lady, and decided to draw attention to her whilst he tries to pull the other guy off stage. He didn't just move next to him and say, "Hey you, come back stage cause i think we should close early", no. Instead, he shouted out to the crowd through the microphone that had been mounted on its stand in front of the two the whole time, "Let's give it up for our biggest fan!!" pointing towards the drunk lady who had earlier flipped over her table. Whilst they all cheered and clapped for her, he eased his way towards the other guy and whispered to him, "Quick, i have to be somewhere right now bro, let's finish this song and bail, ok?" as he naturally continue strummign the guitar.

Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total



Nora smiles at the man, 'I got you now you impostor' he thinks, together they finish the song and get a standing ovation. XIII went backstage to the dressing room intent on asking this impostor some questions he wouldn't be able to hide from him. Once in the dressing room Nora remembered that Shin was in the shop and he was at a disadvantage.

"Dude, you were great out there tonight that girl was totally in love with you man." He says this in the smoothest surfer voice imaginable, and to him it was like scraping a chalk board," So what are you up to after this, man?"



As she got closer, Gin could see it clearly. Neither of the two men were actually members of the Flying Noodles. "Might as well have some fun with this,"She thought. And she would therefore proceed to do what any responsible, wise and just Kazekage would do: proceed to extort and blackmail the two men. Life couln't really get much better, could it? As one of the two impostors called her, Gin rose to the stage. Smiling widely and still acting aloof, she danced to the final pieces of the song, distracting the crowd and earning several cat calls from the audience. She didn't mind the attention. In fact, in her srunk stupor, Gin enjoyed it more than she knew she should. "The perks of being Kazekage," she thought. She pretended not to notice that the two men had left. in fact, she just kept on dancing on the stage. After all, no one who knew who she was would dare try to kick her off of it. She danced for a few minutes as the usual music came back on.

Afterwards, she wold leave the stage and head towards the dressing rooms. She searched for the one labeled Flying Noodles and found it soon enough. She passed several security guards along the way, but none really bothered to say anything. She smiled gleefully. Having power and authority was nice. Without even knocking, she stepped into the room where the two were meantto be. "Hello boys!" She greeted, taking a seat on the sofa that was propped near the entrance. "Enjoyed the show?" She asked casually. Everything about her posture spelled one thing: slyness.

Last edited by Gin on Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


Shibirin was making his way towards the dressing room, a couple of steps behind him his partner followed. He wondered to himself, how he was going to confess to the guy. He had just arrived at the door that read, 'Flying Noodles' and was just about to open the door, which, after some struggling with door henge, finally went in. He chucked his guitar over on the carpeted floor, looked back at the other guy and said, "Yeah, you did well out there," before noticing the same lady he had called up stage enter the room. He thought to himself, 'Great, looks like i'm gonna have to wear this disguise for a bit longer than expected, just hope mother doesn't freak out about this'. He waved towards her, looked back to the other guy and attempted to ask his question without blowing his cover.

"Ahh, i'm not really sure. Heard Sunagakure has many wonderful spots to tour, know any yourself?" he asked, before turning back to the lady and striking her a smile and a, "Hello there, came for an autograph? ".

Last edited by Shibirin on Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total



Nora looks at his fellow impostor and wonder why he is impersonating the band. He personally hoped it was a reason worthy of death ; he hadn't killed anyone in a while and he was starting to get the itch. He replies to the other man with a smile," I know a few places, I can give you some brochures later, if you want."

When the woman walked into the room Nora looked at her immediately, he notes on her coy smile. He notes on the way she sit, then he remembered what happened on stage. 'A groupie' he thinks in his head, having never met the new kazekage, 'damn this isn't good, I have to wait until he's alone to interrogate him' He thinks. He then says still using his fake accent, "You sly dog, you invited her backstage!" he chuckles heartily then states, "I'll get out of your hair, have fun." He proceeds to leave the room, 'I can look around for the actual band while he's busy,' he thinks.


Shibirin breathed a sigh of relief, in his mind ofcourse, he wouldn't dare do it out loud, it'd blow his cover if no one had noticed yet. he waved at the man as he saw him leaving, knowing that all he had to do was get rid of this crazed fan and he'd be on his way home in no time, but how was he going to do this?

He looked towards her direction and said to her, "Sorry lady, but you need a backstage pass to be here, do you have one?" he asked, hoping her answer would be no and he'd have her kicked out of here. As he awaited for her answer, he noted the back window just in the corner of his eye, he was going to use this exit instead of the usual, to avoid havign the gaurd ask him any unwanted questions.



Gin settled herself on the couch, thinking that she might as well get comfortable. Just as Norahike was about to leave the room, she called out to him. "I wouldn't leave so soon if I were you, Norahike," She said with a knowing smile on her face. She was the Kazekage, after all. She had to know who she had at her disposal. Having read the Jounin's file several times, she could easily recognize the puppeteer. And as for the other impostor, she would have her fun with him as well. "I think my title counts for a backstage pass anywhere in Suna, and possibly in other countries as well," She said. The youn Kazekage stretched her arms and torso while she sat up straight to address the two men. "And I know perfectly well who you both are," She said. Her smile was chilling.


When Shibirin heard that 'her title counted for a backstage pass anywhere in Suna, he knew instantly who this person was, but was shicked that she, of all people, would come here. "Oh fuck," was all that Shibirin could say. He also heard her say the name Norahike, he had heard that name around Suna before. Shibirin decided to do as the lady says, he wasn't feeling so cheeky anymore now that the Kazekage had not only cought him in an adult place, but also impersonatiing a famous singer.

"So, looks like i'm not the only one who was faking my identinty, Nora", he'd say, now realising that Norahike was a jounin puppeteer.



Nora's surfer voice dropped immediately as he said to the kazekage pouting," How did you know? Either way Norahike Chikamatsu at your service Miss... " He was on his best behavior especially around the kage, not because he was scared but simply because he needed a job being a private detective was not fun and as of a few weeks ago he was no longer a ninja(he was fired before Gin be came kage). "Have you come to kill me or have you ome to humiliate me because I will not tolerate either."

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