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Nozomi wasn't sure that she was fully recovered from the previous fight, but she was about as good as she was going to get. This soon after a bout of her illness, and Nozomi was sure to have another one if she had a serious fight again. Oh well, that was how the Chuunin Exams were. They were meant to test the mettle of the shinobi and kunoichi involved. And now it was down to four of them. There was Nozomi, obviously, Kaekio, Sero Osada, her team mate under Gin, and Kusono Kaguya, a Kiri-nin that she didn't know. Nozomi kept the bandaging around her midsection, and had put back on the clothes that she'd fought in last time, a hole torn in the stomach from the ball of air that had made so many miniscule cuts, weakening and tearing through the thin fabric.

Nozomi had gone back to the stands, to see the next matches and matchups. And what she saw nearly made her collapse right then and there. The match had been called. "Ryuzoji Kaekio and Himitsu Nozomi, approach the ring. Your match begins in 15 minutes." the voice rang out, as well as was displayed on the projector. Nozomi's body didn't move on her own. The Chuunin that had been tutoring Nozomi had his arm around her and was now guiding Nozomi to the stairs that descended into the hall that led to the arena. The girl was pretty much frozen. She'd have to fight....

Nozomi finally shook herself free of her stupor, seeing Kaekio in the hall ahead of her. She was much closer to the end of the hall, and Nozomi ran forward, leaving her tutor behind. "Kaekio!" she called out, reaching her hand forward and grabbing the back of her girlfriend's shirt, pulling her into a hug from behind. Nozomi had tears in her eyes. "I don't want to fight you, I can't fight you, this... I didn't think I'd have to fight you... I thought I'd be against Sero and lose... he's my teammate, so I'd have been fin with him winning, or even Kusono Kaguya, because he's a kiri-nin as well, but I wasn't supposed to make it to fight you. I can't hurt you, especially not intentionally!" she cried. Usually a shy girl, even when talking to Kaekio, Nozomi's emotions got the better of her.

The crowd outside had gone somewhat silent, whispering among themselves. Betting of course was always going on, but this time, things were different. They recognized the names, even having watched their fights. Especially after Nozomi's fight. Kaekio was the girl who had run onto the field after Nozomi collapsed. They knew each other. Seemed very familiar, very close. This match would be an interesting one.



 "Ryuzoji Kaekio and Himitsu Nozomi, approach the ring. Your match begins in 15 minutes." Kaekio heard the voice as she sat outside, at first she had been thinking over the time she had just spent with nozomi, when she heard the news, and went back outside before that proctor that had kicked her out, got back. her face froze... she would? no. no. there was no way. she couldn't hurt the innocent, cute, funny, little blond, Kaekio couldn't even lay a scratch on her if she tried. Kaekio wasn't even sure if she could draw her blade against her. Kaekio's heart beat loud in her chest, as that feeling of panic rose once more. surely Sano-Sensei would have her head if she lost to anyone. in fact she would probably be doing 3000 laps around the entire village just for thinking of losing. did the proctors set this up? had they seen Kaekio's leap into the arena and were now using that against her? or was this simply just a twist a fate. it's not that any of it mattered now. the proctor who had thrown her out had shown up and was opening the the door. "I trust that you can make it too the arena on your own without any troubles" Kaekio's face was still pale, but she nodded slowly as she stood up, and walked inside, and down the hallway.

Kaekio walked down the hallways slowly. she had full intentions to blow the 15 minutes she had to get to the arena... it just wasn't fair! she finally had found someone she could relate to, someone she could be intimate with, someone who certainly showed interest in her as well, and now she was expected to cut them down in front of an audience, for what? a title? Kaekio shook her head. it was more than that to her. it had never been about the title, but about the respect... the acceptance and approval of others. she thought that maybe if she could win this, someone may finally just give her a "You did awesome kaekio! i'm so proud of you!". she would die to hear those words, but she certainly wouldn't cut down this cute and innocent girl, whom she adored so much, in order to get it.

Kaekio's thoughts were interrupted as someone grabbed the back of her shirt. she had been so distracted and lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even sensed them comming up on her. however once they spoke, kaekio knew immediately who it was. "Kaekio!she felt herself being pulling into a hug by nozomi. kaekio smiled and blushed all at once. "I don't want to fight you, I can't fight you, this... I didn't think I'd have to fight you... I thought I'd be against Sero and lose... he's my teammate, so I'd have been fin with him winning, or even Kusono Kaguya, because he's a kiri-nin as well, but I wasn't supposed to make it to fight you. I can't hurt you, especially not intentionally!" kaekio tensed as she heard the sorrow in the girls face, it made tears threaten to escape her eyes as well. Kaekio brought her hands up and grabbed the girls hands that had wrapped around hers "I-.. i know... i can't do it either... as much as i have trained and practiced and wanted to win these exams... i can't even begin to think about drawing my sword against you.... there is just no drive in me to do it... i cringe every time i think that i could hurt you... it hurts me to even think about this fight... so i guess now is as good as time as any to tell you... Nozomi.... i... i think i love you... i don't know if you know this, but when you collapsed after you last fight... my heart stopped, and my body moved... before i even knew what i was doing, i was jumping down the stands and into the arena... i caught you when you fell... in front of everyone... and i gripped you tight, until the proctors finally dragged me off you, so the medical team could get to you... i didn't just feel infatuiated at that point... that wasn't the actions of someone who just likes someone... Nozomi your safety concerns me... and so that is why i hate this fight... i can't go through with it." as kaekio said all of this, tears streamed down her face, but when she was done, she turned around and kissed the little blond on the lips, and wrapped her arms around her as well. not even caring that nozomi's tutor was standing right there watching this all. he could go to hell for all kaekio cared. she just wanted these last few moments with nozomi before they had to duel it out, but there moment was cut short. "Ryuzoji Kaekio and Himitsu Nozomi, enter the ring immediately. Your match begins in 2 minutes, and you will both be disqualified if neither of you show.kaekio pulled away from the kiss, and looked into nozo's eyes, and slowly stroked her cheek with her and while using her other arm to maintain the embrace  "Come on... we better go before i get you disqualified" kaekio said as she grabbed nozomi hand and began to lead her into the arena, the tutor slowing following. then kaekio gave her one last kiss before she let go of her hand, and then parted with her to enter on the opposite side of the arena. her rushed to her gate and entered on the other side, walking to the center of the arena. the proctor had her stand roughly 10 meters in front of Nozomi. then he shouted "Let the match, Himitsu Nozomi vs Ryuzoji Kaekio, BEGIN!" then he signaled to start, and jumped back to avoid the potential fray. however kaekio simply stood there. her swords on her back still sheathed, her heart beat so fast in her chest, she couldn't even focus. the beautiful blonde standing before her. she couldn't possibly bring harm to her... it wasn't until this moment that kaekio had noticed. the crowd had been completely silent since the 5 minute announcement. no cheers, no whispers. nothing. they had all seen how close these two were, and were intend to see how this match was going to turn out, because it was certainly no normal match.


Chakra used: none



As it would turn out, Nozomi wasn't the only one being emotional, as Kaekio was also upset by the way that this match up had been made. She professed much the same that Nozomi had, that she couldn't possibly hurt the girl, regardless of whether or not she was required to. Neither of them could fight each other, or hurt the other. And then just like that, they were kissing again.

The moment wouldn't be allowed to last. The proctor's voice once again rang out. "Ryuzoji Kaekio and Himitsu Nozomi, enter the ring immediately. Your match begins in 2 minutes, and you will both be disqualified if neither of you show." Nozomi jumped a bit, startled. 13 minutes had already gone by, and she hadn't even noticed it. Kaekio then caressed her cheek and went to pull her towards the arena, before they were disqualified as no shows. Turning back to look at her tutor, she noticed him smiling wryly.

"Sorry Nozomi, I just think when two girls are together, its cute. Go before you're disqualified. Your dad paid me a lot to prepare you for the exams. He's already seen a lot of the benefits of your training, but you've got this. You can't hesitate. No holding back. Just you and a goal. Remember, you want this win to earn your clan's respect. But don't compromise your own beliefs just for someone else." the Chuunin said, turning and walking away. His words confused Nozomi. He seemed to be telling her to fight Kaekio as hard as possible, because that's what she wanted to do was win, but then he also told her to follow through with her own convictions.

And with that, the three of them separated. Nozomi was walking slowly, and reached her position around the time that Kaekio did, even though she had entered from a different gate and had to get there in the first place. "Let the match, Himitsu Nozomi vs Ryuzoji Kaekio, BEGIN!" said the proctor, who jumped back, used to Nozomi and Kaekio's usual aggressive style of fighting. But to his surprise, and even most of the crowds.... nothing happened.

Both girls stood still, neither willing to initiate the fight. Nozomi wasn't even looking at Kaekio, instead her head lowered and looking at the ground, not even in a defensive stance. Nozomi slowly looked up, and saw that, like her, Kaekio was completely still, hadn't drawn her blades, nor moved into any stance. And so, Nozomi would be the first to advance. walking forward, until she stood just in range to hit Kaekio, Nozomi proceeded to throw some basic strikes Kaekio's way. They weren't exactly half hearted, but they had no intent behind them what so ever. Any of them would be easy dodges.

Chakra: 150/150
Born Ill: 1/8
Strength: D-2 (-1, no clan jutsu used)
Perception: C Rank (+1, Ace Eye)
Reaction Time: C Rank (+1, Reflexes)
Speed: C Rank (+1, Taijutsu)
Endurance: D-3



Eletricitiy flurried through out nozomi's body. Kaekio locked onto to her as she sensed her moving forwards. now she could feel everything. every intention of the girl was clear to her before she made the move. the crowd still silent. Nozomi threw a punch which surprised kaekio. the punch landed directly in her stomach. Kaekio coughed and gasped for air as the punch hit her, her senses coming alive this time, and her fighting to prevent her guardian flames from activating on their own. the blue fire inside kaekio triyng to work it's way out to protect her, but she wouldn't let it. instead as she sensed the next punch coming she dropped onto her hands and knees. the punch went over her. Kaekio took one deep breathe before pushing off of her hands and managed to do a back hand spring on her knees. a testament to her flexibility for sure. then kaekio stood up, her eyes sad as she looked into nozomi's, a bruise beginning to form on Kaekio's stomach. subconsciously she placed her hand over it as if she believed that that would help the pain. she had seen nozomi fight before and how intense she could be with her taijustu so kaekio knew that this wasn't her full force, but still, it hurt...

Kaekio using her left hand reached down and grabbed two kunai, and placed a finger in the ring of each of them. then she took them out of her pocket and spun them around. giving nozomi enough time to know that they were there. then doing the best to ignore the pain she felt in her heart, she threw them at the girl. one aiming to leave a scratch on her cheek, the other aiming to leave a minor 0.25 inch cut on her bicep. these kunai were easy to see coming , but one was headed for the left cheek and the other headed for the right bicep, limiting nozomi's movement options. Kaekio couldn't bring herself to do more than that. she bit her lip as she looked away, not wanting to see if either of her kunai made a connection. however, her Kekei Genkai still give her very precise details as to the whereabouts of the girl. 

chakra: 140/150



So used to dodging Kunai from her training with the Chuunin tutor back in Kirigakure was Nozomi that it should have been a natural dodge for the girl, but so conflicted was her feelings over having struck Kaekio in the stomach that she didn't dodge both of the kunai, instead pulling out her own kunai to deflect the one aimed at her bicep. She felt the cold steel of the other kunai slash across her cheek, but it was neither deep nor life threatening. Merely an annoyance, one that Nozomi deserved for having hit Kaekio.

Moving her hands into signs for a jutsu almost instinctually, Nozomi had to stop herself from doing so when she realized that she was. Nozomi's eyes barely held back tears, not from having been hit by the kunai, but because she had to fight Kaekio like this. Running forward, Nozomi began to strike out at Kaekio once again, kunai still palmed, but backwards, so any punch that landed on Kaekio from her right hand would more than likely drive the blade into Nozomi's arm. As she struck forward, Nozomi was subconciously calling out shots, but out loud, as if an attempt to warn Kaekio. She had no way of knowing that Kaekio could see her movements before they were made. "Left shoulder, right hip, midsection, right shoulder, midsection, left hip..." and this continued, all her shots called out softly.

Chakra: 150/150
Born Ill: 2/8



Kaekio's senses had been awakened ever since nozomi had punched her in the gut, and now she was more focused on the battle. she still didn't want to harm nozomi, but she was much more keen on not getting hit this time. in fact it was almost as if she was back at that river with Ryusei, and to make it easier nozomi was subconsciously calling out her shots. "Left shoulder, right hip, midsection, right shoulder, midsection, left hip..." Kaekio dodged right to avoid the punch coming at her left shoulder but instead of dodge the next hit, she grappled her hand fist with her left hand. Sure it stung but it did it's job of stopping nozomi's combo right then and there. then Kae felt the raiton chakra building up inside of her, on the edge od release, but she wouldn't let it go. her lightning rod justu threatening to burn the hand of the girl, but kaekio held back. it was a war within herself, Kaekio's soft side vs her violent side. each trying to state it's ground here. however kaekio could feel that she was a bit stronger than nozomi, so as she kept a hold of her right hand she dodged her left once more, and then grabbed her bicept to prevent her from through any more punches. then she leaned in close right next to nozomi's ear and whispered. "Hey you.. just remember that i love you" then her soft side gave out, and she left go of both of her hands, and then wrapped the girl before her in a hug, and the raiton chakra surged throughout her body. burning the contact points between her and the girl, leaving burns all up her front and around her shoulders, and as an X on her back where her arms made contact. her guardian came on at the same time as well. the Flame guardian covering 3 meters around her in ever direction, mimicking her hug for the crowd to see. Kaekio had and will maintain this hug, squeezing as tightly as she could to make sure the girl was still within her grasp. however, one part of kaekio's soft side had remained in her, her eyes had tears streaming down them.... Her guardian would completely cover Nozomi in minor First degree burns, except for the points of contact from her Lightning rod justu, those would be Major first degree. Then after her lightning rod finished KAekio actived one more justu by the points of contact. Wave of inspiration. raiton chakra would make direct contact with her hands to nozomi's back, making the major 1st degrees, on her back minor 2nd degrees . these three justu would all be activated withing milliseconds after the hug. KAekio would have used her Kekkei Genkai to make sure she could grab the girl and would be recieving a minor external bruise in her left palm.  she would also use her Moment prediction abilities to make sure her hug with the girl connected.

WC: 512

Chakra 95/150
-10 for KKG
-10 for Lighting Rod
-10 for Wave of inspriation
-15 for guardian flames

Justu used:



As Kaekio caught Nozomi's hand, Nozomi's resolve started to buckle. The rest of her attacks weakened, and she simply had no force behind anything. Her girlfriend simply held her arm still, not retaliating, simply stopping the attacks from hitting her, even with how insignificant the force behind them was. Eventually, Kaekio just grabbed Nozomi and stopped her from attacking anymore. Pulling Nozomi in for a hug, Kaekio whispered in her ear, at which point Nozomi pocketed her kunai. The fight had drained from the young girl. She was about to open her mouth to call out to the proctor and quit the match, when all of a sudden there was pain coursing through her body.

Nozomi's face contorted into one of pain, and she let out a small squeal at first that grew into a piercing shriek as she felt like her body was on fire. And with that, Nozomi's fighting instincts kicked in. Her body held close to Kaekio's the only thing she could really do was struggle, her adrenaline keeping her mind going. Her own hands placed up against Kaekio, and she released her own lightning jutsu, the very same that Kaekio had just used on her back moments before. The wave of inspiration was placed right on Kaekio's right leg. That was followed by Nozomi's quick activation of her clan's technique, utilized in its taijutsu form. Slamming her other hand into the other leg of Kaekio, Nozomi then brought her head back and whipped it forward, slamming her forehead into the other girl. Nozomi's forehead protector would mitigate some of the backlash that would occur on Nozomi, but the metal plate would also hurt the other girl. If her headbutt missed, Nozomi would then continue downwards and bit Kaekio's neck/shoulder as hard as she could. Her entire goal was to get out of the death hug. If Kaekio still hadn't let go at that point, Nozomi would continue bashing her petal hand into Kaekio's leg or back, kicking and squirming and biting. If at any point Kaekio let go of Nozomi, the girl would jump back, weaving the signs for a water jutsu that would be aimed at Kaekio. The Rising slice wave was certainly Nozomi's most offensive water technique, and usually her go to technique.

Normally Nozomi wouldn't bother fighting Kaekio like this, but the pain she was in was overriding her thoughts, forcing her into instinct and forcing out her most emotionally fueled response. Tears were streaming down the young blonde's face, her body covered in burns and her back crying out to the rest of her body. She offered no response, except to stay low and ready to dodge out of the way of a counter attack. Her eyes, while in tears and displaying obvious emotional hurt, were also exhibiting something else. A sort of primal anger. Almost accusatory. As if she felt betrayed. The liquid chakra around her right hand simply swarmed and shimmered, occasionally petal-like forms were able to be made out until returning to the liquid-like chakra state they originated from.

WC: 511

Chakra: 110/150
-10 Wave of Inspiration
-15 Dance of the Misty Petals
-15 Rising Slice

Jutsu used:

Born Ill: 3/8

Strength: D-3
Speed: C rank
Perception: C rank
Reaction Time: C rank
Endurance: D-3



Electricity Began to build. Nozomi was building RAITON. Kaekio felt her hands placed on her hips, and she kae place her hands on nozomi's shoulders, and shoved, but it was too late. the burn on her leg coursed raiton throughout her body, scrambling her own electricity. Her second world went dark. the world that previously held Her nozomi was not completely dark. she was gone... This, this person before her had severed that connection. This person had made nozomi abandon her. At the same time as Kaekio Shoved Nozomi Her guardian took the chance to send a Fire pulse wave 5 meters around her in every direction, Her emotions wanting the Girl gone. this would effective make her burns worse. Her subconscious now basically controlling Kaekio's Actions, because the hollow and sad girl the had been sheltered inside was now visible. She was now broken and shattered. Kaekio's pain in her left leg wasn't even hardly noticeable from the petals digging in, compared to the pain in her chest. Kaekio gripped the skin tightly over where her heart should be. The pain she felt there was unmeasured, but the fear had also consumed her... Well fear and hatred. Hatred for the girl that was currently falling backwards from Kaekio's shove. Tears now came streaming down her face once more. She needed a wall, she needed to replace that persona that had just been shattered. Of course Kaekio's Subconscious couldn't construct a emotional wall, but a wall of Flame erupted 2 meters in front of Kaekio, and it happened at that moment that Nozomi had jumped back and fired her raising slice justu. The raising slice cutting through the wall, but not after crashing with the wall, and having to separate it. The Slice Simply Bypassed The Guardian Flames, And Hit her slashing all up her front, hitting slightly to the right of the middle. her entire waist and chest would have the gash through it. Anger Surged in Kaekio, More emotions controlling her actions. She weaved the hand signs, before she herself even knew what justu was going to do, but she inhaled and Out came a fireball, this fireball wold Cross the short gap between nozomi and Kaekio very quickly, and effectively blend in with the wall of Flames, and her Guardian flames, until it got past 3 meters at which point it would be nearly impossible to Dodge or counter, iven it's high speed. Nozomi with her Little jump was only about 8 meters away from kaekio. Meaning after the The Fireball Justu burst through her guardian flames, it would only be a quarter of a second until it hit nozomi, but she wasn't done there. Kaekio Drew her twin katana's and began to rush at nozomi, the slight pain in her leg made it harder to run, but she could still cross that 8 meter gap in less than a second. This person before would pay for Ripping her apart from her love. Once Kaekio would reach nozomi she would begin to slash and tear if her katana's, the first strike, one aimed at the left thigh, the other aimed for her Right shoulder tendon. Then the two slashes, One Aimed to Cut a crossed her stomach, the other aimed for her Right thigh. Then finally, The third strike. This would have one strike aimed for her left tendon, and the other aimed to stab directly in the girls throat, Right where the neck meets the shoulders. That very thin layer of skin. She was going to tear this person limb from limb. She had been abandoned because of the one standing in front of her.


Chakra: 45/150
-5 for Guardian
-15 for Flame Burst
-15 For Wall of Flames
-15 for Fireball Justu
KKG Canceled because of the Raiton Justu

Justu Used:



Nozomi hadn't ever seen Kaekio like this before. When the Wave of Inspiration slammed into Kaekio's leg, it seemed like Kaekio was worried, attempting to push her away before it had happened. As if she knew that it was coming. As if there was some reason to stop the attack, as weak as it was. But both of Nozomi's strikes collided with the girl, and then all of a sudden, hell broke lose. Both of them were angered, for one reason or another. Nozomi's body was covered in burn marks, some worse than others, but it was only getting worse as she was in the flames.

Her whole intent for jumping back was to get out, but even as she did so, another flame jutsu hit her, causing more severe burns to the young girl. And then Nozomi was out of the jutsu's range. She was panting heavily, watching her Rising Slice hit home on Kaekio. They'd both done quite a bit of damage. Then the wall of flames sealed back up. Nozomi's eyes narrowed. What was going on, why had the water simply been allowed to bypass the defenses. Nozomi's eyes widened as her mind realized what was happening. Much like Nozomi had used Suteki's wall to prepare for a blind side attack, so too was Kaekio using her blind spots.

Nozomi threw her hands up, just in time too. The fireball flew out from the wall, smashing into to liquid on Nozomi's hands. Petals burst out everywhere, halting the fireball, but then the liquid ran out, leaving Nozomi defenseless, as Kaekio's true attack came in. Suddenly, Nozomi was on fire again, the aura of the guardian all around her. And the Kaekio was right up on her. Her swords now swinging at Nozomi. There wasn't much she could do. Usually she'd dodge gracefully, but with the burns on her body like she had, it was everything she could do to even move right now.

The first strike, one aimed at the left thigh, the other aimed for her Right shoulder tendon. Nozomi's body protested, but she moved her arms, catching the blades on her arms rather than their intended targets. Then the next two slashes, one aimed to cut across her stomach, the other aimed for her right thigh. Nozomi couldn't move in time to dodge or try and block. Her knees buckled and she was on the ground, on her knees. Then finally, The third strike. This would have one strike aimed for her left arm, and the other aimed to stab directly in the girls throat, Right where the neck meets the shoulders. That very thin layer of skin. Both hit their marks.

Nozomi was injured, badly, but still went for one swing with her arms, petals gathering around them. All of a sudden, the world flipped around for her as she was suddenly face first in the dirt. She coudln't see anything, but she could hear slightly. "The match is over. Due to necessary interventions, Nozomi Himitsu is unable to continue the match. The winner is Kaekio Ryuzoji." she heard.

What had happened was interesting. Nozomi had gone for her own retaliation with the petal storm jutsu, but the proctors stepped in at that moment. The neck wound on Nozomi was rather serious, and would need to be treated. All of the cuts were deep. With the intense burns all over the girl, there was no way they could allow the fight to continue even further. One of the proctors had blocked Nozomi's petal storm jutsu, catching all the blades on the back of his vest. Another had used some sort of water jutsu to extinguish the flames of Kaekio's Guardian Flames, soaking the entire area. And the lead proctor who had announced the fight had thrown Kaekio back wards, away from Nozomi and the rest of them.

WC: 643
TWC: 2308

OOC: Kaekio wins.

Last edited by Nozomi on Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total



Her sword was thrust into the neck of the girl, good she should feel pain equal to that Kaekio felt for being Ripped apart from Nozomi, but the second her sword made contact, Kaekio felt a Her wave of water crash into and send her back, and as she was falling backwards she was shoved even backwards. this was Reality check for Kaekio as she hit the back of her. Her brain did something similar to a reset, and her emotions got back in order. She sat up holding the back of her head. the pain hurt, But then she noticed her legs and whole torso hurt as well. in fact she had been cut.. and she was bleeding. The perplexed look on Kaekio's face was enough to tell the crowd she had no recollection of the events that had just transpired. Kaekio looked up to see what was going on, and she saw her ABSOLUTE FAVORITE (sarcasm) Proctor standing before her, The one that had Thrown her out and yelled at her for nearly an hour. yeah that one. Kaekio guess that he had been the one to douse her and shove her away... away from what? Kaekio's Eyes wondered past to him t-... Was that nozomi? Why is she so burnt? Then Kaekio remembered. Her face went white as the blood drained out of it. She had done that. Kaekio then proceeded to faint. Both of the girls would be carried off to the medical ward unconscious.


OOC: Sorry for the crap post, but this can be continued later, as i somehow find a way to make this fight up to you V_V

Total WC:2875
Training Bukijustu to B-rank -2k
-600 for Body flickering technique

275 useless words

Last edited by Kaekio on Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Kaekio is victorious

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