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1Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:55 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

This is OOC but you must involve your character in the rap or other anyways time to begin starting with me waiting for challengers

"Waiting for a challenger, as i fill with anger"
"You were hoping for a stranger, and all you get is danger"
"I am an A-Rank shinobi, so do not mess with me"
"Even blind folded i am more bad ass than you can ever be"

"So take me if you think you got what it takes"
"You better move fast before all your bones breaks"

2Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:00 pm

Kurai Usagi

Kurai Usagi

Alright, Alright, here it goes *clears throat*

Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! SCGWis_zpsf16183c2

"Word goes out that you're lookin for a fight"
"Now, what's a little child doing outside at night?"
"You're not supposed to be here, you're supposed to be in bed"
"Now you're here so i'll give you a tour in the valley of death"

"I'll rip out your eyes and shove that A-rank up your ass"
"You will never see me coming cause i got too much class"
"I'll even avoid being charged for Child Abuse"
"Cause when they find you, they'll only see blood puddles as clues"

3Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:10 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"Tsk, are you kids trippin'?
Cuz when I'm done you'll both be flippin'.
No room for wusses with sticks
or idiots with kiddy tricks"

I'm rapping the white skin and the black hair,
using my snakes to give a scare.

So when you boys be playin',
I'll whoop both your asses, cuz the Slitherslut's stayin'!!"

4Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:54 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

"is this best i can expect from the white rabbit?"
"you need to go back to school i will beat you out of habit"
"Rip out eyes, get original you second hand Itachi"
"You're annoying like herpies, making everybody itchy"

"I hate to admit it, this girl might be good"
"But after just two lines, i will break her mood"
"Any girl with a snake would give me a scare"
"You the original trap, but lets not go there"

"Go get some training, before this battle begins to get tragic"
"I bring to you rap jutsu, you give me cheap ass magic"
"My words do not slither, and i am far from being a slut"
"But at least i do not have a sword stuck up my butt"

5Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:16 pm

Kurai Usagi

Kurai Usagi

Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! B8Jtjs_zps8d62a4cf
I'm a vicious fucking rabbit not your cute pet kind
I'm a bad bad omen that will ruin your mind
I bring death, pain and bad luck to you both with one bit
I guess im not the kind of rabbit that you'll be hunting for his feet.

Now you lil boy, thank you for the rap
But you're just another chibi who doesn't know how to wrap.
As for the bad bitch snake emerging from the ground
Imma give her only one move....    *USAGI USES POUND*   (We all know how rabbits do eet)

6Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:34 pm

Orochi Enaka

Orochi Enaka

"Let me get started where my niece's left hanging,
I've got some head's to be banging.
No force is greater than mine,
You're rhymes are as soft as the cheese that comes with my wine."

"A snotnosed kid and a hole-digging rabbit,
go play with dolls and carrots,
before breaking you becomes a habbit,
since beating me is like beating a one-armed jack at slots."

"You aint got what it takes to be having a bout,
cuz you'll both be knocked out.
I'll be rippin both your eyes out like overripe plums,
and give that worthless trash to the dogs in the slums."

7Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:57 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Kurai eats ass *Drops mic*

8Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Empty Re: Welcome to Saga Rap Battles!!!!! Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:20 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

You ain't no pet, you my tool for my replacement
You better hide now, and go back to the basement
You bring me so many things, that is a really good bish
But i feel hungry now, so get back on my dish

I want to finish you off, but things have just gone south
I need a real meal not stale rabbit in my mouth

Was i that good you had to go and call your dad
Seeing this mistake up close makes me feel real mad
You stole my lines twice and you even want my eyes
Do i look like Uchiha, or do you not realize

You show off your S, like it means something
I bring my S in swords, so respect my bling
I got a snot nose cause your rhymes make me sick
Bring your ass over here and accept your kick

You been around since before i was born and you still here
Come at me bro, so i can smell your fear
I am done with overcooked rabbit and deep fried snake
Welcome to my world, see you at the bottom of the lake

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