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1Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:52 pm

Zhuge Shin

Zhuge Shin

It was nearing dawn. The sky was still dark, for the most part, but small fragments of light were starting to break through the sky, painting it with streaks of purple and orange. The stars were barely visible at that point. It was rather... Quaint? No, that wasn't it. Typical, maybe? No, that didn't fit either. Zhuge Shin Amida - the young raven haired boy standing below the archway that led to the arena - had trouble finding the exact word that he was looking for.

With hands slipped into his pockets, he walked onto the makeshift arena. Truth be told, he didn't look like much of a threat. He looked thin, seeing as his large overcoat hung loosely over his body. His pale skin made him look a little sickly, like maybe he was queazy or nervous. It was his eyes, however that said otherwise. The rest of his face was hidden under the collar of his coat, but his eyes... They were cold, calm, collected and maybe even a little condescending.

He didn't know who he was up against. This seemed to be a sort of preliminary match set up at the last minute in the middle of the labyrinth. Fortunately, a couple of medics had tended to his minor injuries while everything else was being set up. As far as Zhuge was concerned, he was good as new. In his right hand he held a kunai, ready to use it as either a means for substitution or a weapon, depending on how the battle progressed. Reacting quickly would likely be the only thing that kept him in the game. That, and a quick use of genjutsu. Either way, he had to think on his feet.

The referee stood in the middle of the arena, in between both opponents. The man was unremarkable and didn't hold Zhuge's attention for more than a couple of seconds. His opponent however...

Whether the girl was already there or came out after Zhuge, the raven haired boy would lock eyes with her. The only sign that would let his opponent know that he was smiling would be the coy look in his eyes. The girl's hair was pale, white with a hint of blue to it. Her body wasn't something too impressive - rather average, but fit as one could expect from a shinobi. Her face was quite beautiful however. She was rather short, meaning that she was likely a few years younger than Zhuge.

Lastly, Zhuge looked at her eyes. Finally, he frowned. He wasn't a Hyuuga, that was for sure. A shame, really. By the looks of it, his Kekkei Genkai - if he had one - didn't modify his appearance in the slightest. "No doujutsu? Such a waste," the Amida said with a loud sigh. "Oh well, at least you're not bad looking. This might even end up being fun anyways, eh?"  He took his left hand out of his pocket, discretely preparing himself in case the referee gave the signal soon. If Zhuge wanted to properly scout the genin in the exams, he would have to make it at least to the next fight.

"The match between Zhuge Shin Amida and Suteki Yaku will now begin in...3,"

Zhuge readied himself, sending chackra to his left hand.


He charged it with lightning, at this point invisible to the naked eye.


Just like that, a thin stream of lightning would head directly towards the girl, aiming straight at her torso. It was barely perceptible, more so in the darkened environment that surrounded them both. The referee was now out of the way, letting both genin carry out their fight. Zhuge's genjutsu was now cast and would send Suteki into an illusion that had enough power to cripple her perception, reaction time and sense of balance.

If the jutsu hit, he would proceed to charge at the girl with his kunai in hand, aiming to slice the tendons in her shoulders. If not, he would be ready to use the weapon as a substitution method. Either way, he would keep his guard up.

Jutsu Used:

2Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:04 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

Before suns first light, the young Iwagakure girl was already enjoying the sites and beauty that the Great Tree Labyrinth had offered all the contests.  Meals were provided just after sunrise, but until than, she wanted to watch the sunrise in this foreign land for the 13th time.  An ominous number, perhaps a foretelling of what was to come?  Though, bad luck always managed to burn itself out eventually when Suteki was involved.  The day, the events to come, all unimportant to the youngest genin within the labyrinth at that moment.  To quiver over such events to come, was pointless.  She hadn't the foggiest of what was to come that day.  The sun set last night, and it rose this morning, that was all that mattered at the moment to the girl, and what a sunrise it was.  The sun cascaded it's burning light over the sea of green, causing several glimmering streams of color to flood the sky as it shown through the mists of the waterfalls surrounding Takigakure.  

Suteki was somewhere at the top of the great tree that stood in the center, joined by a few others cloaked by the sunlight ahead.  This is why she became a shinobi.  At least, it was one of the reasons.  After about an hour of soaking in the energy of the rising sun, the young girl left the tree top, to get ready for the day ahead.  She wasn't sure if today was the day of the next round of events, or if they had another day of waiting ahead.  Breakfast though, the news broke.  The genins were called to the center fountain, where they were told of the events to come.  Her name was at the top of the list.  A slightly unpleasant sight.  The young girl would have preferred some form of an introduction to the battlefield, watching how others would have used it to their advantage.  No luck.  

She entered into the battlefield crossing over a bridge that rose up behind her upon crossing.  Her enemy, dead ahead.  Another stood in the center, a proctor of some sorts most likely.  She stuck to the outside, circling the field to see what was around.  Water surrounded the arena, dropping down 2 meters from a 50 meter open swath of grass for the most part was their battle field.  A few trees, 6, stuck out around the field, with a few bushes and boulders littering the field.  The young girl was taking the field into mind, speaking softly to herself, "Two?  Maybe three meters deep.  And this ledge huh.." She kept her side to her opponent, looking over to him in the distance a few times.  The dark haired boy wasn't much to look at for her.  Black hair, black robed older male.  Gothy almost in appearance.  His face covered, so she wouldn't have to worry to much about fire jutsu most likely.  And his skinny appearance, not a taijutsu based frame most certainly.  If things got to close combat, she might manage against him, but she would avoid such a confrontation if at all possible.    

A few minuets passed, and the referee becoming impatient.  The intention of the referee might have been to gather them in the center of this field, but Suteki would have no part of that.  It might have been distasteful, rude and possibly cowardly, but she wasn't beyond such traits.  She had no intention of passing such ideas off to her opponent, but she knew that distance was her friend, and this was a fight, in her mind, to the death.  She wanted the enemy to come to her, into the water if possible.  Most of her offensive skills revolved around it, so the closer he was to it, the better.

Time ran out for the referee, as it was now or never.  "The match between Zhuge Shin Amida and Suteki Yaku will now begin in...3,"

She looked over the edge of the field again, looking at the drop and the water below.


It was her best bet.

She didn't even wait for him to finish his count as she leaned over the ledge.


Landing onto the water just shortly after he finished saying one. she stood a top of it, now running along the outside of the field for a few seconds, changing her position.  She thought quickly, 'Less than 30 meters separated the two of us from each other, if he was still in the center.'  She unlatched the gourd in the two spots, allowing access to her sand.

The girl was certainly up to no good, going all out in this fight.  Several seconds into her run, she weaved several handsigns and the waters surface started to ripple.  Water rose from seven locations out from it and began to take the girls form.  Now their were 7 of her.  The Water Clone Jutsu would give her the advantage here.  She had 3 clones slow down greatly, two running ahead of her as she slowed down a little as well.  The last clone she had stick with her.  If this wasn't enough, she continued weaving signs for yet another jutsu.  A thick fog rose from the water around her and bubbled to the top of the arena.  It foamed over and spelt onto the field, rising higher and higher each second.  The clone jumped back up to the top of the ring, looking around for the boy.  If she saw him, she would smirk and wave at him as the fog would continue to form, eventually covering her up.

While this plan was going into action, she was already pulling sand out from her gourd around herself.  She stepped onto the earth of the field, going towards the surface a little.  The sand would creep up towards her clone, as she took steps towards it.  She was about 2 feet from the top of the ledge, her sand swarming her clone that was now in an attack position, holding a kunai in hand, and 4 senbon between it's fingers.  The other clones followed to the extent of what Suteki was doing, eventually going onto the field as well once under the mask of the mist.  Three clones to the left, 3, 4, and 5 meters away each, position half the distance in towards the field.  The two clones on the right in similar manner. (3, 4, meters and 1.5 meter, 2 meters respectively.)  All holding kunia and senbon, ready for an attack if they heard the center clone yell for help or puff into nothing.  

She wanted the boy to attack the clone, and she would then pincer him in and toss senbon and kunai like mad towards the location of the sound.  If he didn't attack, the clone would speak to lure him in, slowly going forward towards the edge of the mist that was ahead, the clones and herself following suit, keeping a relative distance away from the center clone, avoiding exiting the mist, moving inwards if needed.    


Chakra 105/130:

Speed: C rank
Perception: C-1
Reaction: C

Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:04 am

Zhuge Shin

Zhuge Shin

Zhuge Shin kept his eyes locked on the girl as she jumped off of the ledge and onto the small body of water beneath her. She moved quickly, he had to give her that. She stood twenty meters away from him the second she landed. She was within the range of his attack. Apparently, she didn't notice it. Perfect. The thin bolt of lightning hit her right where he had aimed it. The damage was done.

Suteki would now feel a shock run through her body. Whether she stopped or kept running was up to her. Truth of the matter was that slowly but surely, she would begin to lose her sense of balance. Her energy would feel depleted - something that she could more than likely assume was the effect of having burnt through so much chakra so quickly. The jutsu would seem as if it were medical in nature, as if her nervous system had been attacked directly. In part, that was true. However, the technique was a genjutsu at heart.

Even so, it would take a few seconds to discretely reach its peak. It was enough for her to create six copies of herself, all molded from water. Like the original, they ran in his direction. It was at this point that the first bolt of lightning would hit Suteki directly. Her entire body would be riddled with pain equal to being covered entirely by second degree electrical burns. At this point, the jutsu reached its full potential. Suteki would feel as if she had no energy at all. Her sight would be completely distorted, as would her balance. While she was dealing with that, he needed to take care of the clones.

Time to get busy.

He had a few seconds to get a clear vision of his surroundings before the mist started to roll in. What he would have done to have a powerful air jutsu at that point to disperse it. Oh well, there were other things he could do. After all, his priority was the girl, not the clones. He needed to get a better look at what was around him. He needed to get away from the mist.

He only caught a glimpse of the first clone - in her current state, the girl wouldn't have been able to hold a steady run - before he leaped backwards, onto the wall that was only half a meter behind him. He stood atop it now, away from the bulk of the mist. It only covered a 15 meter radius, so on top of the wall, it only reached to his waist. He could have a better view now, more so if the clones emerged to attack him.

The thing about the mist was that it clouded not only his vision, but that of the clones and the girl as well. The one that had leaped onto the wall as well was in view now, ten meters away from him. He quickly pulled out a metsubishi from his weapons' pouch and threw it at the clone, directly aiming for its face. It would explode on contact and blind her eyes with its irritable mixture of iron shavings and chili powder.

As he did so, Zhuge coated his hands with chakra. This jutsu would help him rid himself of the clones. All the while, he would try to find the original Suteki.

If the clone was blinded, he would run towards it. He would strike twice: Once aimed at its left shoulder and the next aimed at its right knee. Being exposed to two D Rank Jutsu strikes would disperse the clone entirely. If the powder didn't blind her, Zhuge would remain on the defensive, waiting for the clones and Suteki herself to come to him.

Chakra Remaining: 125/150

Jutsu/Items Used:

OOC: You didn't mention dodging in your post, so by conventional RP rules, the genjutsu hit. Also, your chakra count should be adjusted:

1 D Rank: -10
1 C Rank: -15
Clones: -13 each = - 78
KKG Drawback: -20 to overall chakra pool
Water Walk: -5 (also note that each clone has -5 to their chakra pool because of this too)

Total: 22/130

4Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:54 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

pm sent.

5Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:50 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

eh ok…so after careful deliberation and looking at the arguments of both sides, here's the verdict:

Despite Suteki Yaku's valid arguments on the use of the surroundings, Zhuge's argument about a genjutsu not being properly responded to had preference because this occured before Yaku's argument.

Since this fight hasn't been progressing that much yet…I'd like to say this: Yaku, I want you to implement a response to Zhuge's genjutsu in your first reply to her, so that Zhuge can edit her post as well according to your request regarding the terrain and the edits you will make as requested by me.

I hope this is clear enough and sorry if this gives you additional work. Good luck to both of you and have fun.

6Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:55 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

Before suns first light, the young Iwagakure girl was already enjoying the sites and beauty that the Great Tree Labyrinth had offered all the contests.  Meals were provided just after sunrise, but until than, she wanted to watch the sunrise in this foreign land for the 13th time.  An ominous number, perhaps a foretelling of what was to come?  Though, bad luck always managed to burn itself out eventually when Suteki was involved.  The day, the events to come, all unimportant to the youngest genin within the labyrinth at that moment.  To quiver over such events to come, was pointless.  She hadn't the foggiest of what was to come that day.  The sun set last night, and it rose this morning, that was all that mattered at the moment to the girl, and what a sunrise it was.  The sun cascaded it's burning light over the sea of green, causing several glimmering streams of color to flood the sky as it shown through the mists of the waterfalls surrounding Takigakure.  

Suteki was somewhere at the top of the great tree that stood in the center, joined by a few others cloaked by the sunlight ahead.  This is why she became a shinobi.  At least, it was one of the reasons.  After about an hour of soaking in the energy of the rising sun, the young girl left the tree top, to get ready for the day ahead.  She wasn't sure if today was the day of the next round of events, or if they had another day of waiting ahead.  Breakfast though, the news broke.  The genins were called to the center fountain, where they were told of the events to come.  Her name was at the top of the list.  A slightly unpleasant sight.  The young girl would have preferred some form of an introduction to the battlefield, watching how others would have used it to their advantage.  No luck.  

She entered into the battlefield crossing over a bridge that rose up behind her upon crossing.  Her enemy, dead ahead.  Another stood in the center, a proctor of some sorts most likely.  She stuck to the outside, circling the field to see what was around.  Water surrounded the arena, dropping down 2 meters from a 50 meter open swath of grass for the most part was their battle field.  A few trees, 6, stuck out around the field, with a few bushes and boulders littering the field.  The young girl was taking the field into mind, speaking softly to herself, "Two?  Maybe three meters deep.  And this ledge huh.." She kept her side to her opponent, looking over to him in the distance a few times.  The dark haired boy wasn't much to look at for her.  Black hair, black robed older male.  Gothy almost in appearance.  His face covered, so she wouldn't have to worry to much about fire jutsu most likely.  And his skinny appearance, not a taijutsu based frame most certainly.  If things got to close combat, she might manage against him, but she would avoid such a confrontation if at all possible.    

A few minuets passed, and the referee becoming impatient.  The intention of the referee might have been to gather them in the center of this field, but Suteki would have no part of that.  It might have been distasteful, rude and possibly cowardly, but she wasn't beyond such traits.  She had no intention of passing such ideas off to her opponent, but she knew that distance was her friend, and this was a fight, in her mind, to the death.  She wanted the enemy to come to her, into the water if possible.  Most of her offensive skills revolved around it, so the closer he was to it, the better.

Time ran out for the referee, as it was now or never.  "The match between Zhuge Shin Amida and Suteki Yaku will now begin in...3,"

She looked over the edge of the field again, looking at the drop and the water below.


An attack was in the making by the opponent Zhuge Shin, perhaps having originally expected for the young girl to have had joined her in the center.  The attack might have still been in the motion of charging, perhaps the thought that it could effect the Iwagakure shinobi.  If it was launched, it would have fizzled out just before reaching her, a distance mistake any genin, and even experienced shinobi of greater ranks could have made easily.  To the young girl though, she wouldn't have had the slightest idea that something had happened, as her attention was on other things.  A mistake on her part, this lack of attention.  If the attack had been able to travel just a bit further, or if she hadn't chosen to do what she had planned next, the battle could have taken a different turn entirely. 

To Suteki, her next action seemed like it was her best bet. She hadn't even wait for him to finish his count as she leaned over the ledge.


Landing onto the water just shortly after he finished saying one. she stood a top of it, now running along the outside of the field for a few seconds, changing her position.  She thought quickly, 'Less than 30 meters separated the two of us from each other, if he was still in the center.'  She unlatched the gourd in the two spots, allowing access to her sand.

The girl was certainly up to no good, going all out in this fight.  Several seconds into her run, she weaved several handsigns and the waters surface started to ripple.  Water rose from seven locations out from it and began to take the girls form.  Now their were 7 of her.  The Water Clone Jutsu would give her the advantage here.  She had 3 clones slow down greatly, two running ahead of her as she slowed down a little as well.  The last clone she had stick with her.  If this wasn't enough, she continued weaving signs for yet another jutsu.  A thick fog rose from the water around her and bubbled to the top of the arena.  It foamed over and spelt onto the field, rising higher and higher each second.  The clone jumped back up to the top of the ring, looking around for the boy.  If she saw him, she would smirk and wave at him as the fog would continue to form, eventually covering her up.

While this plan was going into action, she was already pulling sand out from her gourd around herself.  She stepped onto the earth of the field, going towards the surface a little.  The sand would creep up towards her clone, as she took steps towards it.  She was about 2 feet from the top of the ledge, her sand swarming her clone that was now in an attack position, holding a kunai in hand, and 4 senbon between it's fingers.  The other clones followed to the extent of what Suteki was doing, eventually going onto the field as well once under the mask of the mist.  Three clones to the left, 3, 4, and 5 meters away each, position half the distance in towards the field.  The two clones on the right in similar manner. (3, 4, meters and 1.5 meter, 2 meters respectively.)  All holding kunia and senbon, ready for an attack if they heard the center clone yell for help or puff into nothing.  

She wanted the boy to attack the clone, and she would then pincer him in and toss senbon and kunai like mad towards the location of the sound.  If he didn't attack, the clone would speak to lure him in, slowly going forward towards the edge of the mist that was ahead, the clones and herself following suit, keeping a relative distance away from the center clone, avoiding exiting the mist, moving inwards if needed.    


Chakra 34/130:

Speed: C rank
Perception: C-1
Reaction: C
Endurance: E-2

Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wc)

7Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Empty Re: Of Nightmares and Sand [CE-2] Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:39 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

The young man watched on as the mist enveloped a portion of the ring before him.  The clone had grabbed his attention as the mist swallowed her, watching him with a cold stair.  He stood, looking on wondering what he could do.  Should he sit and wait, or attack.  To him, the young girl Suteki would be in a similar predicament, unable to see within the mist just as him, but something at the back of his mind told him it was to dangerous.  Suteki and her 6 clones stood on waiting, hoping, expecting him to attack.  For when he had, they would finish him from every direction in an instant.  Chances of injury would be high, death, to the young girl, was most definite.  She wasn't going to hold back at all this time.  Her enemies were equal to her in rank for once, but she had learned her lessons to many times to allow chance to take this match away from her.

A sense of dread overtook Zhuge Shin as he pondered his choices.  The cold stair from the girl, the murderous intent she released seeping into him through some manner of 6th sense.  If he took her on, she would certainly end his life.  He could feel it, the proctor could feel it as a small cold sweat ran down his cheek.  The proctor wondered if he could jump in to save the boy if he needed to in time.  Even he hoped the boy would not enter the mist foolishly.

The audience watching the match from a far away location were growing inpatient, screaming for the boy to act.  The ignorance from the overwhelming amount of nonshinobi based public was weighing down on those who knew better.  Though, even a few of those people thought the boy should go for it. 

Suteki had presented a perfect target before the mist took the clone over.  Location was known, and the field would be even for all he knew.  Zhuge Shin still had the uneasiness from that glare from before though.  She was here for blood, and he wouldn't be a senseless victim.  He turned to the proctor and spoke loudly.  "I think I will let this one slide for today.  She can have this match.  I forfeit."

On the screens where the audience watched, screaming for him to move as the speakers rang for a moment from the announcer held his hand over the microphone, double checking.  The words flashed on all the large screens projecting the first match of the Preliminary Round, 'Winner Suteki Yaku!'  The announcer jumped in, "It seems we have a winner for our first round match ladies and gentleman!  Zhuge Shin has given up!  Suteki Yaku is our first round winner!"  The audience hissed and booed, those with slips picking Zhuge Shin to win the match tossing them.  Even those that bet on Suteki were a little upset by this turn of events.  Except for a solemn few cheering, easily drowned out by the rest. 

The proctor looked at the boy, wiping the bead of sweat off.  He turned towards the girl who was still waiting to attack.  He stepped towards the mist and spoke loudly, not wanting to venture to close himself.  "Suteki Yaku, the match has been decided by forfeit!  You are the winner of the first round!"

Suteki's stayed frozen for a moment, perhaps thinking that this was some joke, a ruse, a ploy from her enemy.  She didn't move, still ready to attack, though relax ever so slightly.  A few moments passed and the proctor spoke again.  "Suteki Yaku, you are the winner.  Please release any jutsu and come out."

The audience was still upset at this turn of events but now the next round was going to begin in a few minuets.  For the most part they had settled down.  Many had left the stands, going to the betting pools to bet on the next fight, or to get their winnings for placing their hopes on the young Iwagakure girl.  On the screen, the mist was still shown, and the girl was still missing from view.  All they could see was the proctor standing before the mist.

Suteki Yaku stood straight up, putting her weapons away as the proctor continued yelling at her from beyond the blanketed white air.  She put her weapons away and walked forward towards the edge of her jutsu.  She breathed in deeply and entered into the open, staring at the proctor who was in front of her.  It had taken a lot of coaxing to get the small girl to come out, telling him of her intentions plainly.  If he had to stop the fight by entering, he would have had to taken her as a threat.  She was truly in this for blood, he could tell. The proctor let out a loud sigh of relief after she exited.  "Congratulations."  She looked at him slightly dumbfounded.  "You can exit the arena over there.  We have to prepare for the next round."  She looked around, for her opponent but he was nowhere to be seen, than back to the proctor.  "Um...thank you sir?"  She had a confused look.  She turned to the mist and concentrated for a moment.  Several popping sounds could have been heard perhaps to the proctor but no one else.  The mist would subside soon enough, as she started to walk towards the entrance from which she came.


Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wc)

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