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OOC: Due to the arbitration noting the glitched page, I'm continuing here.

Nozomi was fairly certain that at least one of her attacks had hit her opponent. Because she was on the move, she had already passed by the shot to the side, and honestly didn't realize he'd counter attacked at all. However, she did notice that he was nowhere to be seen, meaning that the tree boy had managed to get away somewhat protected. She hadn't defeated him. The fact of the matter was that she couldn't see him, which meant he also had no sight on what she was doing.

Due to her close proximity to the destroyed prison, Nozomi formulated a quick plan. Lowering herself to some shattered pieces of wood blocks, Nozomi placed her hands quickly on one of them, marking it for use of substitution if she needed to utilize that technique, and quickly tossed the wood block away from her, the block landing some 10 feet away in another pile of broken wood. After doing that, and still no sign of her opponent, Nozomi created a clone using the basic technique and then transformed herself into a block of broken wood herself. It wasn't perfect, as her wood was a little lighter than that of the prison's, but she was in a shadow, so it would be difficult to tell.

After that, her clone simply waited. It was just to get a fix on her opponent's location. From what she knew, he was hurting. She'd scored the opening hit on him for sure, knocking him to a knee, so his kneecap couldn't feel too good. Then her petal blades had certainly scratched him. As well as there wasn't a chance that he'd escaped entirely unscathed. At the very least he was hurting. Losing blood perhaps, and that would be the difference between them. Nozomi hadn't been hit yet. She sent her clone prowling forward to maintain the image that she was being cautious.

WC: 317
Chakra: 100/150

Jutsu Used:



OOC: Per Boku's instruction.[48 hour rule] I can end the fight.

Nozomi, just before transforming had noticed that her substitution jutsu marked wood block had landed right next to where a hole was now forming, grinning internally, Nozomi maintained her transformation jutsu and swapped places with it, now looking like the block of wood she had thrown, but next to the hole that Yokochima had made for scouting purposes. As he peered out to check and see where Nozomi was, Nozomi took the advantage of surprise. Quickly releasing the transformation jutsu, Nozomi's aura surrounded her hands as she activated the technique of her clan, Dance of the Misty Petals. Shoving her fist down into the hole, she could feel her hand make contact with Yokochima's face.

Admittedly, it was overkill, but she wanted to make sure he was down, so she didn't let up. Due to the quick draw chracteristic of her jutsu Shock Bullets, Nozomi didn't need to worry about forming hand signs. With her hand already point blank at Yokochima's face, she simply formed her fingers into a gun shape, gathering raiton chakra into it. She knew she had 15 rounds to use it, and completely unloaded right on him. She knew it wasn't lethal, but he would have many first degree burns and deep scratches on his face and torso after this.

After completing that, figuring that he wouldn't have much time to react, she crouched near the entrance of the gap and formed a quick couple of hand signs. She had to end this fight quickly, she knew that her illness was going to be catching up with her soon. She had to finish it all now, and couldn't let up. "Water Style, Water Trumpet!" she said, and then proceeded to blast the shot directly into Yokochima's hideaway.

Still not at her limit yet, Nozomi formed one last batch of handsigns, and then, with the chamber flooded, placed her hand right near the water. "Lightning Style, Wave of Inspiration." she called out, blood starting to trickle from the corners of her mouth. She hadn't been hurt through the fight, but her illness was going to take its toll soon. Her body couldn't handle the sstress of long drawn out fights very well. Her eyes, usually bright and vibrant had taken on a dull, if not glassy look, draining its color more and more as she stringer her jutsu combinations.

The combination of the attacks had been brutal. Her first attack had hit him head on, one of her clan's most powerful melee techniques. The petals were sharp enough to cut into skin very well. When adding in the fact that he had then been hit by 15 electric bullets, followed by a blast of water with the power of a fire hose, and then finished with an electrical wave, in addition to the damage he had already sustained, it had been an end all of the fight. Nozomi noticed she'd made the ground around her that had been weakened by the layers of stripped away earth into a small crater filled with water. Her opponent was floating in it, unmoving.

The proctor walked over and waded into the small pool of water, checking on the Senju. After a few seconds, he nodded to himself and looked over to the spectators. "Yokochima Senju is unable to continue the battle. Nozomi Himitsu advances through the preliminary rounds!" he called out.

Nozomi was shocked. Not like her opponent had been, but she was simply in awe of her ability to beat him. She'd never been able to beat anybody before. Of course, she was exhausted. That string of jutsu had used up a lot of her chakra supply, and her eyes could reflect it. She wasn't near fainting level, but it was certainly enough that she would need some rest. Her clone had dispersed quite some time ago, not necessary anymore.

WC: 641
Chakra: 50/150
Born Ill Effects: 4/8

Fight total WC [from both threads, only split due to broken page]: 2516 WC

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