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1Might and Height[open/Training/no kill] Empty Might and Height[open/Training/no kill] Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:21 pm



The swift breeze of the takigakure woke Draygglez up. He sat up and raised the sheets from his body. As he removed the sheets, they revealed his nakedness. He wondered what must have happened when he came into takigakure last night since they were having a sort of festival but as far as he was concerned, he had a pretty good time last night. He went into the bath tub and had the water running. He sub merged himself in the water and freed his head of all his thoughts. For once, there was no hokage to summon him as quickly as possible, there was no mission that required his attention, be it a D rank or C rank mission. There was no familiar sound of the birds in konoha. No sweet smell of ichiraku ramen and finally, no recognized chatter of the people around him back at konoha. At that particular moment, all that matters was that he was in a diffrent village, to meet diffrent people and see diffrent things. He re- surfaced from the water and washed himself clean. When he was about to put on his clothes, he looked at his usual attire. His everyday attire. Which was his white shirt and green trousers and he also looked at the overall green gown he had brought along with him for relaxation. He thought for some minutes and finally decided that a shinobi's life is never easy. He wore his regular white shirt and green trousers. And finally, he put on the over all green gown he had brought and he tried his best to look like a normal civilain. He was about leaving the house when he remembered his forehead protector. He put it on and brought out his black scarf. He tied the scarf on his head and allowed it to cover the forehead protector. He left home with his swords and ninja pouch covered by the overall gown. The first location that popped into his head was the raging waterfalls. He thought of it as a perfect place for a good meditation. Off he want, directing himself to his destination. He passed through the market and saw people in diffrent attire. More diffrent and weird from those in konoha and he said to himself...the world is really big indeed. after walking for about a mile and half, he got to his destination. At the entrance, he saw the waterfall from a different and exciting angle. He waved the thought from his mind and proceeded to sit at the edge of the waterfall so as to begin his medication.



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