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1Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Empty Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:31 am




Binsu felt the cool, numerous hairs of the haltingly slow-growing grass brush beneath his feet. It bared the colossal weight of his body, bowing down towards the ground as he waltzed across its back before gradually rising up. His feet left indescribable, transient foot marks behind as he made his way through the lonely meadow, lifting water droplets from the blanket of morning dew that sprayed over the scene. A cool breeze raced by the essentially naked swordsman, robbing the heat from his body as he walked. This re-confirmed the man’s earlier suspicions about what the weather would be like, forcing a great wave of regret to wash over his thoughts as he now wished he had worn something warmer than the clothes he had on.

He had chosen to dress himself in nothing more than a traditional purple silk kimono with a small, silhouette-black swan printed on the back’s center. A perpetual gradient tessellation of black acacia flowers sprouting out from the shadows of their stems textured the kimono near the bottom of the garment’s design, fading upwards only to disappear completely around the waist up. Strapped against his left-side hip were a pair of his swords: Daken and Seitteki Eji, both tucked firmly in their stiff scabbards. His hands and feet were completely exposed and his face had nothing shielding it, however a thin layer of dirty cream-coloured, stained cloth was wrapped around his right eye and over his head hiding the borrowed eye that was the Byakugan itself. His hair hung loosely around the back of his head and a blank expression was evident on his face. He wasn’t dressed for combat or any form of physical exertion at that. That much was true.

The swordsman had come to the empty fields to train. He had left his companion Hades back at the apartment they had rented for the month and had made sure to clear the day’s schedule of any tasks to make time for a training session alone. He even woke up two hours earlier than usual just to start his training early. The place he had picked to train at was located near the village’s main water supply, where a small meadow grew willingly a few meters away from the large, rocky waterfall the village was most famous for. There was a lot of space for him to practice using any of his jutsu should he have chosen to, and since it was so far away from the village itself Binsu wouldn’t need to worry about making too much noise for the locals as they slept.

Upon arriving at the field Binsu picked a small dent in the ground to meditate in, before taking a seat on the wet grass and slowly but eventually relaxing his muscles in a seated position. He was ready to train. The noble man slowly forced his eyes shut, blocking away the external light that illuminated the nature and shape of the scenery around him. He concentrated on the calming rustle of the grass as the wind flew over it and knocked it back and forth and blocked away the unwanted noise of birds weeping in the trees a full twenty meters behind him, high above the forest’s canopies..The soothing sounds of nature singing its own celestial white noise tune were the only sounds accepted by the swordsman’s conscious mind, all other sounds were betrayed by his ears and immediately dismissed as annoyances. Whilst most people chose to train in a very active and tiresome dance of exaggerated body actions and movement, Binsu fancied or rather prefered the idea of training without moving a muscle. Mental spiritual training he titled it, which involved him sitting alone in a quiet, isolated place and leaving it to his wild and vivid imagination to replicate a seemingly active environment that he’d test his skills and limits against, before transforming the mental training experience into real credible results.

[Dream State ~

“You can keep your soul, if you can take a hundred of my men’s” the voice called out to Binsu through the dark shadows of the clouds above. Binsu had once again found himself in another life or death situation, only this time the irony was that in order to keep his life he had to take that of another. He saw himself standing in the middle of a blood-stained battle ground that took the shape of a large ring. Lightning bolts shot down from the sky and carved cracks into the ground below, displaying to Binsu what they could potentially do to him should he meet their aim.

The man looked at me with a faint smile on his face, captivated by the look  of the expression he was shot by the latter. He contemplated death, before taking a leap off the building and falling 20 ft  into the river below. His legs flung about as he fell, effectively adding onto the drag force as he fell through the air.He hit the water with a  loud slap and soon after the pain from the initial impact with the water began to slowly intensify a ten fold, crippling the man instantly with unimaginable pain that restricted

Sheathed by his left hip was...nothing. He had no sword, no weapon, nothing to defend himself with. The swordsman looked around desperately for any one of his swords hoping he had accidentally dropped one, but when his eyes stopped to look at a cage in the distance he saw his sword resting in the hands of a hooded figure. Without thinking the swordsman broke into a chase towards the figure. As he ran a few cracks began to form on the ground beneath him. Within seconds he was racing the cracks towards the figure, but they seemed to reach him first. The cracks gathered around the figure’s feet and widened as Binsu got closer and closer. The swordsman stopped in his tracks and examined the cracks, and the figure that stood above them.

Black mist spouted out from the cracks, and what followed them would be the figures of the one hundred men Binsu was offered to kill in exchange for his soul. Whatever that meant. The men squeezed out from the misty cracks and surfaced to meet the gaze of the noble swordsman. Their skin was patterned with gruesome scars that separated their skin and their bones. They looked dead They were the walking dead. Each of the zombies pulled their weight out from beneath the earth and stood atop the surface, before suddenly breaking into a surprisingly fast chase towards Binsu. The swordsman weaved together a sequence of hand signs, but when he expected the activation of his desired technique to commence, nothing happened. Not only did he not have his swords with him, but he also couldn’t use his chakra. He was a swordless swordsman and a shinobi without ninjutsu. This alternate reality he was enslaved in had managed to reduce him to nothing more than a useless, mortal human being.

The zombies closed in towards Binsu, each looking hungrier and more fierce than the last. Binsu had to think quick. The front of the swarm of zombies was nearing his location. They would eventually reach him within the next few seconds unless he decided to move away. He shot one last quick glance towards the figure that held his sword, before clenching his fists and running towards the swarm of zombies.

The leader of the swarm stopped only inches in front of Binsu before leaping on top of him. The swordsman stopped in his tracks and judged the position the zombie would land on. He took two steps back away from where he thought the zombie would land, then as it fell he sent a roundhouse kick to greet the zombie by the head. The kick sent the zombie staggering 5 meter to the right, but dealt no significant damage to it. ‘I’m too weak to fight one of these zombies alone, 10 alone would be enough to kill me…but this god-like voice has sent 100 for me to fight,’ Binsu thought to himself, as he soon saw himself struggling to block every hit that soon came after as more and more of the zombies reached his location and began striking at his body.

It took a miracle to save Binsu’s life, but it seemed as though fate was on the swordsman’s side. Beneath his feet was a wooden door, that seemed to have appeared almost out of nowhere. The swordsman tried his best to open the door whilst taking hits from at least 20 of the zombies that had gathered around him. He managed to pull it far enough for him to fit through. After jumping through the hole it guarded, Binsu quickly pulled the door shut and slid the lock shut that kept the door from opening. He had banging on the door and every second he wasted on listening to the banging, the zombies managed to force a crack onto the door. Binsu decided to run through the passageway the door had led him to, not turning back to see if he was being followed.

~ Dream State close]

Binsu’s meditation was rudely interrupted by the irritating sounds of the crying chirps of a flock of birds nearby. His left eyelid battered open and let in the external light from the scene. A quick glance towards the direction of the noise revealed the ‘thing’ that had triggered the cry of the birds: a man and a woman came riding through the field on horses. They appeared to be travelling north, towards the village. What struck the noble swordsman most about the appearance of the travellers was their attire; each was completely covered from head to toe in bandages, an odd type of clothing to wear in a climate like that of Konoha’s. Perhaps they were simply passing through, or perhaps they weren’t aware of the tropical weather of Konoha. Slung over the man’s back was a sword.

Binsu slowly rose from his seating position, eyes fixed on the pair as they slowly made their way towards the village gate. ‘It’s none of my business to question why they are here, so why am i nervous?’ Binsu thought to himself, as he felt his hand reach for one of the swords slung by his hip. Neither of the two travellers had been even slightly intimidated into avoiding Binsu as they rode past, not that he was aiming to intimidate them. The two strangers rode past Binsu as if they couldn’t see him, which didn’t bother the swordsman at all. The jounin decided to return to his meditation shortly after he had seen the two strangers leave the grass fields.  Convinced he was alone, he returned to his seated position and slowly forced his left eye shut, before drifting off into another deep thought-session…

Post WC 1846

Last edited by Binsu on Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:19 am; edited 3 times in total

2Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Empty Re: Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:54 am




[ Dream state ~

The swordsman ran as fast as he could, which oddly enough surprised him; he had covered a greater distance in a shorter amount of time than he thought he ever could. He was faster, much faster, he could feel it. Somehow entering this dream world, this nightmare had improved his speed dramatically and in turn, his agility. He could also run for extended periods of time. Within minutes he had reached the first corridor with doors, without a trace of a zombie close behind him. The long hallway had exactly six doors, three on each wall and all standing at least half a meter above Binsu’s own height and each three times as wide as he was. Most were wooden with silver hinges, except two that appeared to have no hinges at all. The odd pair of doors that looked different from the rest were also splattered with blood and other unidentifiable , smelly solutions. They reeked with the stench of death and surely looked the part too. Before the swordsman could set his mind on which door he would choose to enter first, his thoughts were rudely interrupted by the disturbing sounds of a hundred trampling footsteps marching towards him, at a rather fast pace, getting louder and louder as the zombies got closer and closer. He didn’t have time to decide on a door, he had to walk through one quickly or he’d regret spending his last few minutes alive deciding on which door he wanted to die against. With little thought Binsu kicked open one of the bloody doors he had approached first, before breaking into a chase inside it.

The room he had entered didn’t look like a room at all. A thick sea of fog carpeted the earthy floor, a blanket of stars hung over the entire ‘room’ and there were no walls to be seen. In their place, there was a field of different-shaped tombstones and graves of all lengths and widths: that treacherous door had led him to a graveyard, and if it were the scariest graveyard of all. ‘What is this place?’ the noble patron asked himself, as he found himself waltzing through the gaps that separate each grave site from the next. Marks were carved into the tombstones of each grave, but they made no sense to the desperate swordsman. He couldn’t decipher whatever messages they were trying to advertise, not that the man had high hopes regarding their usefulness to him in his current situation. Following close behind the zombies followed the Jounin into the sorrowful, eerie scene, all with one objective in their minds, had they any: kill the mortal. Only moments before he turned to meet the sight of his stalkers, Binsu caught a glimpse of one of his swords. It was Daken, sheathed halfway into one of the graves hat lay a few paces ahead of him. The swordsman bolted towards his weapon and once he had arrived at its location, he took hold of the sword’s hilt and hauled it out of the earth. He took a quick glimpse at the tomb stone that lay on the head of the grave and was able to make out the words ‘Beast Claw’. The swordsman didn’t think much of the words, as the only thoughts that occupied his mind at the time were that of great prosperity. He had retrieved one of his cherished swords. Now he could kick some butt, as his younger students would always say.

The swordsman turned to face the incoming swarm of the zombies that now stood only meters away from him, all halted at the sight of the jounin’s sword with extreme fear reflecting in each one of their eyes. They knew what would happen next. Their reign of terror had come to an end and they knew it. But they didn’t give up then. One by one they began charging after the armed swordsman with nothing more than dead arms and crooked teeth to use against the fearsome Jounin. Binsu waited. He watched as the leader of the pack came within slicing distance, before taking a prolonged swing against the side of his neck, bringing his sword from the zombie’s left side and cleaving his blade through its spine with little effort. The swordsman didn’t wait to see the creature’s head fall down to the ground in confirmation of his kill, he dashed forward and around the zombie to deliver the same amount of damage to the rest of the undead army, his sword held tightly within the grip of his right hand, pointed towards the incoming bodies as the man freely marched towards them with a welcoming gift.

‘Today you die here my friends, your bodies will decompose along with the others’  Binsu thought, as he danced around each of the frail bodies that stood around him, driving the edge of his sword through each’s soul and claiming it seconds before its body dropped to the ground. It was an effortless display of his sharpened skills with wielding a sword: there was no real challenge to motivate his drive. He didn’t feel like any of his energy was needed for the task of killing the many zombie that came before him. What seemed almost an impossible task a few minutes ago now proved to be an overly simple chore he had to finish before he could get his second sword back. Within minutes, no seconds, he had cleaved through the entire body of the undead army with nothing more than his bloody sword to prove it. Lying beneath his feet were piles after piles of decapitated heads and their bodies not too far beside them. Binsu had effectively doubled, maybe tripled the amount of dead bodies at the graveyard, or he had at least added a significant amount to the count. He slowly brought his sword down below knee height, as he fought against the putrid stench of the decomposing corpses with his free hand held against his nose. He surveyed the area once more before locking eyes with the figure he had once scene at the battlegrounds he first arrived at. The figure still held the last of his two swords, only this time it came charging towards him, wielding his own sword against him.

"I shall teach you why you should never use a swordsman's own sword against them," Binsu whispered aloud, as he tightened the grip on his Daken sword. His fingers hugged the sword's hilt like a group of children hugging their long-lost father. The swordsman knew every one of his swords' weaknesses; there were no surprises in his Seitteki Eji sword, at least not in the hands of the careless being that carried it. The figure advanced towards the man, his bony hand holding the stolen sword a few meters away from its chest. It held the blade like a pro, a professional thief that knew a little too much about weapons. It moved with lightning fast speed, but the gutsy shinobi matched his every movement with his own blinding speed. The two could not out run each other, their speed was close to the same. As they met at the centre of the graveyard it was Binsu who made the first attack against his foe, throwing a sideways swing of his blade that was aimed towards the figure's formless head. The swing came from the figure's left and soared towards Binsu's left. Before the sword could make a connection with the being's head, it sent its stolen sword to meet the attempt, stopping it only inches away from connecting with its neck before pushing it away in the direction it had come. 'He's fast,' Binsu thought to himself, as he saw the after-image of how the figure had retaliated to his attack whilst it made its first offensive move towards the swordsman. The figure quickly brought its sword away from the man's sword, the one it had deflected away. It now made an attempt at slashing against the mortal's neck, but Binsu had already planned how he'd manage it.

The figure's sword came soaring towards his face promising to shear through his confidence, did he choose to permit its success, but the thought of letting that attack go un-challenged never crossed his mind. The swordsman was too focused on avoiding it, that he never dared tread on the idea of taking the hit. No. Binsu wasn't a man of allowing his foes' attacks to go by as they would have hoped them to. He had to block it, evade it or disrupt it somehow, he couldn't let his opponent gain the upper hand. 'Your victory shall come, but not today,' the swordsman thought to himself, as he quickly forced his right knee into a bend, causing his body to rapidly lean towards the right: in the exact direction the attack was coming from, however he went too low to have stayed in the sword swing's path. He shifted his stance, sliding his left leg forward towards the cloaked figure and then shifting his left leg back, all whilst keeping his weight resting on the ball of his right leg. The swing soared over his leaning body, before suddenly stopping a few inches away to Binsu's left. The figure then decided to send the swing back, this time in a downwards slash towards Binsu's torso from the top right down to the bottom left. It came as fast as the last swing had, which meant that Binsu could avoid it in the same he had for the first swing: but he didn't.

The swordsman bent both his knees down to quickly fall into a slightly crouching position. At the same time he brought his Daken blade across from the right in front of him to attempt to deliver a light slice against the figure's left shoulder. The attempt was more of a diversion than an attack: Binsu aimed to direct the figure's attention towards his half-attempt of an attack towards its shoulder. As the figure's sword came across towards Binsu's front, Binsu slid his left leg around the outside of the figure's feet, before sliding inwards towards him to deliver a sweeping motion against his right leg. The man was unaware of the leg swing. As his sword swing passed right past the mortal's head, the figure found himself flipping up a meter into the air before falling flat on his back. Binsu's attempted slash at the man's left shoulder passed through the part of air the figure's body had once occupied only a few seconds before. The swordsman was disappointed: the figure had done nothing to scare Binsu into unleashing all of his strength, or at least what he was able to use in this dark and demented world. This was the beginning of a rather quick battle, that would end before it really began.

Total Thread WC: 3703

(- 3625 for training strength E-0 >> C-2)

Left over: 78

3Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Empty Re: Hollow thoughts [Training/Private] Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:38 am




Much to his surprise, the figure quickly and swiftly managed to pounce back onto its feet, swinging its legs back towards its head before kicking them rapidly forward and up to flip the rest of its body up into a crouching position. It'd quickly re-establish its height, before fixin it's battle stance once more to announce its defensive position. Binsu wasn't as impressed with the quick recovery, but it managed to kill a fraction of his disappointment. With his Daken sword held tightly in his right hand pointed downwards, the swordsman decided to break into a chase towards the readied figure, but before the thought escaped his mind the figure had threaded together a few odd hand signs and a few seconds later, two identical copies of itself appeared a meter away from either of its side. He knew ninjutsu, and what was worse was Binsu didn't. Not in this realm at least. Before his attention left the newly-formed copy, Binsu saw the two figures suddenly approach him, both sprinting towards the swordsman from either sides of him. 'I could really use so ninjutsu right about now,' Binsu thought to himself, as he anticipated the two figure's arrival.

As they reached him the two figures both threw powerful punches and kicks aimed at various parts of Binsu's body. The swordsman decided to let the hits connect, thinking he still had his armour on, but that hope escaped him mind when he suddenly began to feel the extruciating pain the hits caused him. He felt as though with every hit that landed he lost a bone and snapped a muscle. The pain forced his arm to swing his sword in retaliation towards the figure to the right, but it dodged the attempt effortlessly, simply side-stepping the swing before contuing with its barrage of fists and kicks. The swordsman found himself lying in a pool of blood, his own blood, with black shadows continuously striking his body from every direction. Binsu struggled to maintain consciousness, but after a few more paralysing seconds of brutal attacks, he saw his vision go in a pin-prick hole of white light. His mind fell into darkness and his body was nowhere to seen. He had died.

~ Close Dream State]

Binsu opened his eyes worryingly, only to imediately force them shut to avoid the brutal sunlight that greeted him as he awoke. After a few more seconds went by, the rogue decided to slowly allow the light into his eyes, first squinting towards the light before opening his eyes completely once he was comfortable with the light. He was still sitting in the meadow he had decided to meditate in, in the same position as he started in. His shadow had shortened in length, it now portrayed him as a shorter man than he truly was. This told him that the sun had obviously moved, and that his hours of sunlight would very soon transforming into hours of moonlight. He remembered how his dream or nightmare had ended, but just to make sure he wouldn't forget it he took out a small scroll, a small tub of ink and a think paint brush and began to dip it into the ink before marking the blank spaces on the scroll with specific details about his short subconscious trance. He frowned towards his defeat, but reassured himself that it was only in his head. He could've dreamt his own death a million times and his victory only once.

Binsu decided to lift himself up from his sitting position and stretch his legs a bit. He couldn't his training was complete unless moved even a little bit in the real world. He imagined a path around the meadow for him to follow, in the quickest time his improved speed could manage. To decrease the amount of weight he had on he took off his two sword and their sheaths and threw both on the ground besides his shoes. He took a deep breath in before slowly exhaling and setting up a timer in his mind. The count down was delivered by a drifting leaf, which has recently just fallen off of a nearby oak tree. Binsu planned to start his race once he saw he leaf kiss the ground. 7, 3,2..go! Binsu dashed forwards and began chasing the path he had organised for himself, pushing against the grass as quickly as he could without loosing his grip on it. It took the swordsman 34 seconds to return to his starting point, after which he tried running the same distance again and again, until he had managed to beat his record 3 times.

- Exit Thread -

WC - 867 (- 700 training Strength C-3 > B-0)

Left over WC: 167

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