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Magna shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked down the streets of Sunagakure. People began to actually aknowledge his existance based on the fact that he was a shinobi from the village. People would come up to him, mostly children, and ask of his tales thus far. He did not have much to say but what he did say was nothing more than lies. Magna would tell them of how he faced hundreds of enemies without a chance to escape scrapping with them until the end. The kid's eyes would light up like it was their birthday or something as he spoke. Even though he never actually did any of these things meant little to Magna so long as the kids got a good story out of it.

During his time of walking however something caught his eyes. In the distance he could see a woman on the ground with her face down as a man stood over her all defiant screaming something that Magna could not make out. Without a another notice he ran towards the two, screaming "Stop, STOP RIGHT THERE!" The man looked up as though he had been caught sleeping with another man's woman and began to run. Magna saw this as a challenge and chased after the man. He was fast but Magna was smarter. Grabbing a rock from the ground while running, Magna took aim towards the man's head. With a loud thud, the man hit the ground groaning in pain. Magna ran over and picked the guy up by the hair and looked him in the eyes before saying

"What the fuck do you think you are doing you little shit. Causing trouble in my village are ya?"

The man looked up but it was not fear of being beaten up that was on his face but rather the look of a cat that just caught a mouse. Looking past his shoulder he just simple smiled before saying, "You are such a fool."
As the man spoke that Magna heard something behind him, turning around to face a woman with a rather large bat. Magna remembered that it was the same woman who was on the ground moments ago, but she had no evidence of being abused. It was at that moment that he realized what the man was speaking about. In a second later his head met the bat, literally making a sound like someone just made a home run. Magna's body went limp and he soon passed out.



"Well.....this is bullshit." Said Zaiaku as he looked down on the Sunagakure streets. Recently, the giant had been assigned "City Watcher" duty. Basically, he had to make sure nothing bad happens while the common folk go about their normal lives in the village. Basically, he was given one of the most boring jobs in the entire village. Then again, he could've been assigned as the Ninja Plumber, what ever the hell that is. Plus, though it was fucking boring, it wasn't so bad. He actually managed to get peace and quiet for once without anybody bothering him, shinobi or citizen alike. Thus, it allowed him to actually train in peace. Speaking of training, the giant had been attempting to try out his new "Hakai" jutsu he had recently invented.... sorta. Zaiaku held out his large, grey, clawed hand and looked at it. Slowly, he closed it, balling it up. Closing his eyes, he concentrated his chakra into his fist, the hypocenter. Slowly, a whitish, clear bubble began to fade in and out around it, struggling to form and solidfy. Suddenly, it bursted, sending Zaiaku straight on his back with a slightly sore hand. "Motherfuck!" He yelled in pure frustration, trying to get his jutsu to work. Sighing in anger got back up, rubbing his hurt hand.

He resumed looking down on the city, only to find a man being knocked the fuck out with a baseball bat. Seems it won't be as boring as he thought, he mused. Zaiaku quickly jumped down, focusing chakra to his bones so he won't hurt them from the fall. The chunin head band, jacket, and pants practically shined in the desert sun as the 8'9 grey monster known as Zaiaku stood behind the two, his hand automatically reaching out and holding the woman up by the throat.

Training Jutsu:
Hakai: 309/1500

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