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Zaiaku only rubbed the back of his bald head, embarrassed as he thought as to what he was going to do. "Well....I gotta go home to can stay there if you like." Zaiaku said awkwardly yet genuinely kindly. He was sure Yorokubi would give him a room to sleep in and, given how she is, would probably treat him as one of her own. Zaiaku looked at Aiden, almost pleading him to say yes. He was interested in the boy to say the least and, knowing how he himself started out, most likely didn't have a place to stay. "W-well!?" Zaiaku presisted forward, almost annoyed as he wanted to know right there and then, blushing even more as he crossed his arms, his much more childish side exposing itself.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden watched as Zaiaku rubbed the back of his head, stating that he has to go home to his mom, but Aiden can stay there if he liked to. The tone of voice and the way this was spoken gave off an awkward ring to it, though also one of genuine kindness. It made the navy-haired boy smile a bit, nearly chuckling. He wondered if Zaiaku's mom was a giant as well, and whether or not she was taller than Zaiaku himself is, which would be crazy.  How could Aiden not turn down this offer though, as he was interested in Zaiaku and was also curious of his origins, plus, His mother's home sounds more cozy than some abandoned apartment room too.

As Aiden was about to make his decision, Zaiaku suddenly spoke up with a "W-well!?". It was obvious that the giant wished for Aiden to come over anyways, especially if body language meant anything as his had him blushing and crossing his arms, obvious signs that he wished for Aiden to come over. Body language or not though, the boy would've accepted on the spot.

"It's a da- I mean.. I'd be happy to come over and stay for a while or so. It beats an old and abandoned apartment room anyways."

He said cheerily as he went over to the ledge of the spring, though stopped in his tracks as he realized something while blushing.

"Uh, are there any towels nearby?"

He asked, knowing full well that his own disappeared and Zaiaku's sink to the bottom of the spring, most likely pushed around and away from the two.

twc 5041

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:32 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku, hearing the reply, couldn't help but smile genuinely, a calm, almost relieved look appearing on his face when he said he would come with him. He was dreadfully alone after all, and Zaiaku know his house did have a bunch of extra rooms. Besides, Zaiaku did just agree to train him, and it was obvious that the training grounds we're not the best place to do it. Might as well just do it in his own home, his turf, his territory. Then he heard about the towels. Zaiaku looked directly into Aiden's eyes, blushing. "I have no fucking clue." He said honestly. "But...lets just go...they have spare ones in the room with our clothes." He said, using it as a excuse just see dat ass again.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

After Aiden gave his reply he noticed that Zaiaku smiled, looking directly into his eyes while he continued his blushing. "I have no fucking clue" was what Zaiaku replied with, continuing his statement by saying that they should just go, as they have spare ones in the room where their clothes are located. 'Great.... Just great..' Aiden thought to himself as he silently hoped that no one was wandering about, specifically Eita or Sozo as he would be embarrassed to death by seeing the first two people he met before while he remained in the way he was. Placing the palms of his hands upon the ledge of the spring his began pulling himself out of the water.

"Then we better hurry so no one sees us.."

The navy-blue haired boy stated as he quickly got to his feet, moving with haste towards where their clothes were kept while the water dripping from his naked body left a small trail behind.

twc 5203

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:33 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku held back a smile of triumph as he watched Aiden get out, quickly having another nosebleed. He quickly followed Aiden, walking right next to the kid. However, he made no attempt to cover himself. In-fact, he walked almost flauntingly, seeming to be rather comfortable with his body as a whole, as given by the fact he stretched, almost tiredly. "We'll head to my house next. Then you'll meet moms...." He said bluntly as he entered the area and began putting on his clothes.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden, oblivious to the nosebleed Zaiaku was having, noticed that the giant was walking beside him almost flauntingly, almost as if nothing embarrassing was going on and that he was just showing off what he has. It made the boy grow a slightly confused expression on his face as he knew there was plenty of reasons to be embarrassed, the most obvious one being naked in public, though he didn't speak out on it. Instead he just continued on, trying not to look along the way. While walking  Zaiaku stretched, speaking about  how they'll go to his house next and that he'll meet his mom.

"Sounds good, though I gotta ask... Your mom..."

Aiden began as he was putting back on his clothes, beginning with his dark pants, which he finished via placing his tail through a hole in the back that he cut. Next, he was slipping on his pink t shirt.

"Is she uh... tall like you? Sorry if I'm being offensive here, I'm just really curious."

twc 5377

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:33 pm; edited 2 times in total



"Taller." Zaiaku said simply as they entered the area. Zaiaku yawned and scratched his back once more. The hotspring did relieve some stress, but now he felt as sleepy as he had earlier in the day. Zaiaku went to where he put his clothes and took them out, lazily putting on his vest and headband first. He was secretly waiting for Aiden, for the perfect opportunity, to get one last glimpse at his cute rear. After all, he was about to live with him, and he was pretty sure that any further attempts would make things very awkward.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

'Taller? How taller could she be than Zaiaku?' Aiden wondered to himself as he was becoming a bit nervous. He was about to be living in a home with two giants, which made him wonder just how big exactly is the furniture and other such things going to be as well. As Aiden finished putting his clothes back on, he nonchalantly moved closer to where Zaiaku was, bending over once more to get his water bottle that he had placed upon the ground earlier while he was getting dressed. The hotspring was exactly what he needed in order to be more relaxed and happy for the remainder of the day, and so he was overall glad to have come to it.

twc 5498

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:35 pm; edited 2 times in total



Blood shot out of the Sultan's nose as he watched him bend over once more, giving a perfect view of his rear and his 'package'. Unable to control his actions, Zaiaku reached out, his giant hands cupping Aiden's soft rump, careful not to let his claws cut the boy. 'Sweet love of kerbal....' Zaiaku thought as he pretty massaged Aiden's rear, his much more primal instincts kicking in.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

As Aiden clasped his hand over the cool plastic container of water, he felt something cupping his butt. Jumping from sudden surprise, Aiden would turn around in mid-air and land on his feet, both hands slightly hovering over the ground in front of him as his body was hunched over. The pupils of his intense blue eyes seemed to grow smaller as he bared his teeth slightly, though this sudden and wild appearance of his lasted for merely a second before he realized who it was that was behind him.

Standing back up, he would blush lightly at what he had just done. Embarrassed due to it not being the first time he did it, Aiden would give an apologetic look at Zaiaku.

"Sorry about that.. I thought it was someone else..."

He said in a slightly quiet and softer tone than before. Walking over to where his water bottle was tossed in the midst of his jumping, he would pick it back up once more and hold it in his left hand while his right would be kept within the pocket of his pants.

"I can't wait to meet your family!"

He said once more, any sign of his being disturbed from before having been swept away as he spoke with sudden enthusiasm. This wasn't exactly due to his forgetting that Zaiaku touched him though, but moreso that because it was from Zaiaku, it strangely felt good..

twc 5739

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:37 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku quickly tensed at the sudden movement and, out of reflex, quickly moved back in a instant, quickly getting into a defensive stance, only for it to slowly die away as Aiden explained himself. Zaiaku could help but feel slight guilt in what he just did. He literally had JUST met the kid, and now he probably thinks he's a creep. Oh...oh it'll pass, right...? He'll probably just train alone, bored. Zaiaku sighed and merely nodded at when he mentioned meeting his family. "I also have a cousin and my uncle living with us." Zaiaku said as he became fully dressed, tightening his headband on his forehead before putting his hands in his pockets. Oh, what he give to make Aiden his..... wait a ding dong damn moment. HIS!? Since when was the boy ownable. ......Maybe since Zaiaku pretty much molested him... and seemed completely ok with the fact that at 8'9 foot gray monster was just fondling his ass.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

'A cousin and an uncle, probably giants too. This is going to be a fun time...' Aiden thought to himself with a small snicker as he also began to wonder if they have peculiar appearances like Zaiaku's as well, ones which other Shinobi would view them as Oni as well. That would be so cool in his eyes though, like a freak joining a family of freaks. This is going to be a most enjoyable time for Aiden. Walking over to the exitway, he stood there, waiting for Zaiaku to come along and lead him to where he lived.

"So what are they like?"

He'd simply ask while waiting in an attempt to pass the time.

twc 5857

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:38 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku hummed, thinking of them. "Well...moms loves me.....and every living thing to be specific." He said with a shrug. "Gigi is...fucking Gigi.." Growled the giant, hinting some anger at this "Gigi". "Uncle Dako is cool, is but a grumpy old sack of teeth." He finished, shrugging once more, showing that he wasn't the best at explain or describing anything. "Also.....sorry...about know...ass grab." Indeed, Zaiaku did feel some guilt for that, but he also felt attracted still. He just couldn't help himself. "If you want me to do it again though...." He trailed off as he blushed, looking away in mild embarrassment and half-especting a slap to the face.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden listened to Zaiaku hum before the giant answered his question, stating that his mom loves him and every living being to be specific, and that Gigi is... well fucking Gigi. He went on by stating that uncle Dako is cool but also a grumpy old sack of teeth. After giving short descriptions of them he shrugged, apologizing about the grabbing of Aiden's ass. Aiden looked away from Zaiaku for a few seconds, blushing as he began to have his voice trail off after his offering to do it again. Was he seriously considering this, especially with someone he just met on the same exact day? Sure, so far Aiden felt something more with Zaiaku than he did with other people, but was it really enough to leet this happen again. Letting out a small sigh, Aiden relaxed himself a little.

"One more time, and then we should be getting to your home."

He mumbled, disappointed in himself for getting attracted to someone so easily.

twc 6023

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:38 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku's jaw dropped in utter surprise. Did....did he just gave him permission to do it one more time? Zaiaku merely blinked and blushes as he walked to Aiden, wrapping his large arms around him in a gentle embrace. He...he wasn't going to make this one so abrupt. He was, atleast, make it seem slightly roman-........romantic? Seriously? What is wrong with him? Why did he like this kid all of a sudden. Was it him just being overly caring, or did he seriously like him? Zaiaku pushed back those thoughts, having work to do. He slowly rubbed the younger boy's sides and back, his hands going lower and lower, until they slowly entered his pants and trousers. Zaiaku gently rubbed the portion of his tail that remained his pants, slightly curious to see how he would react when treated carefully. He then moved lower, and cupped his prize. He gently squeeze the supple mounds as he slowly rocked them, massaging them the best he could without bruising Aiden. He moved closer, his abdomen now slightly pressing against Aiden's face, the mush of the Chunin vest acting almost like a pillow.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden noticed Zaiaku's jaw dropping, most likely from surprise that he actually liked what had happened and is allowing it to continue to happen. No matter though, as he simply waited as the giant walked towards him, his face blushing a brighter shade of red than before as the large arms of Zaiaku's wrapped around him, gently embracing him. In response the navy-haired boy wrapped his own arms around Zaiaku, embracing him as well as the giant rubbed his sides and his back, soon slipping under his trousers where the part of Aiden's tail that remained in his pants was beginning to be gently rubbed. Aiden simply tightened his own embrace as he closed his eyes, burying his face into the Chuunin vest of Zaiaku's while he ignored the stench of smoke and tobacco that was on the clothing.

It wouldn't be long after that Zaiaku began gently squeezing his rear, rocking and massaging it. Remaining in a right embrace with his eyes remaining shut still Aiden felt he had to ask, that he needed to in order to know if he was just being used, or if what he felt was real.

"So... Does this mean that we're going to be "together", Zaiaku?"

He asked, assuming that the giant knew what he meant by "together". Never before had he been in a relationship that he was a willing partner of, and so far, even though it didn't even begin, he liked it, a lot.

twc 6276

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:39 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku took a step back, his hands leaving the plump mounds of flesh and now resting at his hips. Did it? They literally just met a hour ago, yet...........yet Zaiaku still felt something with him. And given how Aiden was acting, he seemed to return the feeling. Blushing, Zaiaku bent down, and gave Aiden a quick kiss on the lips, Zaiau's, and possibly Aiden's, first kiss ever. He looked at the boy, his eyes soft and gentle, a direct contradiction of his being. "Does that answer you question?"

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden noticed Zaiaku take a step back as he finished his little session with him. It seemed as though he was a surprised by the question, but who wouldn't? Especially someone that just met Aiden less than a few hours ago. It was a perfectly logical reaction really, though logic and attraction just don't mix together. Aiden felt something as he was with the giant. A sense of security and also a sense that he was with someone that he cared about and was cared about in response. It was a feeling that he never had before and he couldn't describe it now that he has it. Zaiaku then bent down and kissed Aiden on the lips, giving the navy-haired boy a soft and gentle look as the both of them blushed some more, asking him if it answered his question. Grinning widely while his eyes were closed, Aiden hugged Zaiaku tightly for a few seconds before letting go.

"It does.."

He said as he looked away from Zaiaku and back to where they were originally walking to.

"So, we should really get back to your home."

He spoke in a slightly awkward way as he continued looking away. He would wait for Zaiaku to begin walking before he himself would, since it only seemed logical for him to follow his boyfriend to his boyfriend's home.

twc 6507

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:40 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku merely nodded, but, instead of leading the way, he picked up Aiden bridal-style and began walking. "I'm gonna treat you like a" He said as he walked out Osen and began his way down the road, earning either stares or quiet "Awwwww" s from the strangers as they passed by them. He was sure he could also hear someone still yelling demon in the distance, but ignored it. Easily becoming bored, he allowed his hand to wander to Aiden's stomach, rubbing it gently in a almost motherly fashion.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Instead of seeing Zaiaku begin to move like he originally thought he was going to do, Aiden instead was taken by surprise by the giant suddenly picking him up and carrying him as if he was a bride of some sort. After picking him up, Zaiaku would then begin to walk, stating that he is going to treat him like a king. While the two made their way down the road, Aiden noticed some onlookers gave out quiet "awwww"s while others just stared, most likely due to the fact that this is probably the weirdest couple they've seen so far. While this free ride continued, Aiden felt the giant's hand wander to his stomach, rubbing it gently.

"I can get used to this..."

He said as he was easily becoming comfortable in Zaiaku's arms. He never thought things would turn out like this. Sure, maybe someone Aiden was together with or sure, maybe someone that he walked around with but never did he think about ever being carried to somewhere else before! Honestly, he couldn't complain at all regarding it too. It felt nice. He would adjust himself a little bit more until his tail broke free, hanging off of Aiden and towards the ground, though it wouldn't touch it before curling a little bit, swaying from left to right and back while he just huddled himself closer to Zaiaku's chest.

twc 6745

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:40 pm; edited 2 times in total



Slowly but steadily, Zaiaku walked about the the village, eventually arriving at the Slums. He walked inside, the neightborhood eventually getting worse and worse visually. Broke down homes were very common, as well as people, men, women, and children, outside in there yards usually doing nothing. However, despite the entire dirtiness, they came to a Cule De Sac, the very end of it being Zaiaku's home. It looked like a regular house, and was much, much taken cared off then the others they have seen. With a slightly hesitant sigh, he walked to the doorway and opened it, quickly getting inside and locking it once more, Aiden still in his arms. They were in the Living Room. It was...rather empty to say the least. Simple couch, few chairs, and a table, big enough for people of Zaiaku's size. Walking to it, he abruptly dumped Aiden on the couch with a chuckle. "I...I..I'll get her..." He said simply, a light blush appearing as he disappeared into another room.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden simply relaxed and looked up at the sky while he huddled up as close to he can to Zaiaku while the giant carried him, wishing to be as close as he can be and to enjoy this time with his new and first boyfriend. He ignored his surroundings, which seemed to be the slums or whatever people called the areas filled with broken down homes and sometimes entire families that would just sit outside and do nothing. Soon enough after walking through the slums Aiden and Zaiaku would reach a cul de sac and soon after, a regular looking house at the very end, the only difference between itself and others being that it looked better compared to the others, as if the residents actually took care of it. Gazing away from the sky to the home, Aiden assumed that this must be Zaiaku's home from the fact that he was walking right towards it.

He would be right in that assumption as the giant opened the entryway into it and entered the home. After locking the door, Zaiaku would enter what could be assumed was a living room next. The insides of the room basically consisted of a simple couch, a few chairs, and a very large table, each large enough for those Zaiaku's size and larger. With a chuckle, Zaiaku would drop Aiden right on the couch, causing him to bounce off the cushions and back into the air a short distance above before actually landing on it. Right after Zaiaku did this he would blush lightly and mention that he will get his mom and disappeared into another room. Now left alone within the living room for a few seconds, Aiden scrambled to a sitting position on the couch where his legs were folded inwards and his arms were wrapped around them, his head resting on his knees as he patiently waited. 'I wonder what she's like...' he pondered silently as he looked at his surroundings.

twc 7078

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:41 pm; edited 2 times in total



Zaiaku, by instinct, went to the kitchen, as Yorokubi was normally there preparing some sort of new dish. When Zaiaku looked, he gawked, seeing that she was not there. She was almost always in the kitchen or dinning room, but was not today. His previous shock slowly disappearing, he checked the next place as to where she might be. Her bed room. He called out to her as he entered, the lush carpet feeling slightly good on his feet. There she was, laying on her side, reading one of her numerous romance novels. She looked up, smiling brightly at him. "Hey, my little Zai!" She said sweetly. Zaiaku merely gulped as he walked to her, nervous. She quietly noticed his body-language, and became serious, her smile falling. Motioning her to come close to him, Zaiaku whispered something into her ear, to which, she gasp. Zaiaku, with a sigh, merely gestured her to follow him. It wasn't long until both arrived and stood in the living, Yorokubi looking at Aiden.

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

It would be a few minutes of silence before Zaiaku re-entered the room, bringing a large woman in with him. If Zaiaku was a giant then she was a Titan in comparison, as she looked nearly ten feet tall from Aiden's perspective, and obviously she towered far over him as even if he was standing he'd still reach merely close to her height. He felt like he was shrinking in comparison to this large lady, so to speak. She also had purple hair tied up into a bun and blue eyes and in the end looked like she was an actual human, making Aiden wonder a little if she was even Zaiaku's biological mother or not. Aiden though in the end decided to no longer wonder about it, as it mattered little and having a biologically related parent or not wouldn't matter as well.

Jumping to his feet, the 5'3" boy's tail would wag slightly as he offered her a friendly smile.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you."

He said as he had to raise his head high enough to look at her in the eyes. He didn't know what to make of this situation since it seemed that all she was doing at the moment is stare at him, causing him to be a bit nervous.

twc 7304

Last edited by Otter Aiden on Sun May 24, 2015 10:42 pm; edited 2 times in total



Yorokubi remained silent. Her keen, jonin-leveled eyes observed the otter-like boy. Her gigantic arms crossed, letting out a very judging 'Hmmmmm...' She then turned to Zaiaku. "So, this is him." She said, more so stateing it rather than asking. Nonetheless, Zaiaku nodded, and grew particularly uneasy. Right when the air was thick of tension, she immediately reached out, and brought both boys into a literally breathtaking bear hug. "He's SOOO cute, Zaia-Kun!! He's so small and sweet!" She said gleefully, almost like a school girl. Zaiaku attempted to respond, but couldn't as he could only wheeze due to air lose. Catching the hint, Yorokubi set both of them down, but still patted and rubbed their heads in a very loving fashion. "And you thought you'd be single forever!" She said triumphantly before standing straight. "I'll make something for you two love birds." The cheerful woman chimmed as she left the room, leaving Zaiaku jaw dropped.

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